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2 1- CLASSIF Sorting By the end of the Communicat Realia 1.Observati

5 ICATIO & sub-strand, the 1. Which objects ion and Responsibility Learners look at Charts on
N grouping learner should be look alike? collaboration
and talk about 2.Oral
able to: 2. Which objects objects with questions
a) identify Critical
have same colour, different colours, Written
thinking and
similarities among shape or size? sizes and shapes.
problem questions
objects in the 3. Which two solving
environment for objects are demonstrates
distinguishing one different? Self efficacy sorting and
object from the 4. Why have you grouping objects by
other grouped these Digital one attribute up to
b) identify objects together? literacy two groups (colour,
differences among 5. Why store size and shape).
objects in the materials after Imaginative
environment to use? and creative demonstrate
appreciate their sorting, grouping
similarities and and comparing
differences objects by one
c) enjoy sorting attribute (colour,
and grouping size and shape).
objects in the
environment . groups, pairs or
individually, sort
and group objects
according to one

specific attributes
to other objects in
the environment.

songs related to
sorting and
grouping objects.

collect and store

materials in their
respective corners.

and group objects

according to one
attribute using ICT

3 1- Sorting By the end of the Communicat Realia .Observati

5 & sub-strand, the Which objects ion and Responsibility Learners collect on
grouping learner should be look alike? collaboration
and talk about 2.Oral
Matchin able to: 2. What makes similar different questions
g and Critical
them look alike? objects from the Written
a) group objects thinking and
Pairing 3. How do we use environment
problem questions
according to a these objects? solving
specific attribute to 4. How can we demonstrates
create sets of care for these Self efficacy matching and
similar objects objects? pairing objects
b) appreciate the according to one
materials in the Imaginative attribute (sameness,
environment for and creative
likeness or use)
their uniqueness
and diversity
c) identify
matching and
similarities among
pairing according
objects in the
to one attribute
(sameness, likeness
d) identify
or use)
differences among
objects in the
environment pairs, individual
learners match and
pair objects
according to
likeness, sameness
or use

objects to their use

in the environment.
songs or recite
poems on
relationship or use
of objects from the

match and pair

objects according
to one attribute
using ICT devices

4 1- Matchin By the end of the Communicat Love Realia .Observati

5 g and sub-strand, the Which objects ion and Learners collect charts on
Pairing learner should be collaboration
look alike? and talk about 2.Oral
able to: Responsibility
2. What makes similar different questions
a) identify them look alike? objects from the Written
thinking and
similarities among 3. How do we use environment
problem questions
objects in the these objects? solving
environment 4. How can we demonstrates
b) identify care for these Self-efficacy matching and
differences among objects? pairing objects
objects in the according to one
environment Imaginative attribute (sameness,
c) match similar and creative
likeness or use)
objects in the
d) pair objects demonstrate
according to matching and
specific criteria pairing according
e) appreciate the to one attribute
use of different (sameness, likeness
objects in the or use)
pairs, individual
learners match and
pair objects
according to
likeness, sameness
or use

objects to their use

in the environment.
songs or recite
poems on
relationship or use
of objects from the

match and pair

objects according
to one attribute
using ICT devices

5 1- Orderin By the end of the Communicat Realia Observation

5 g sub-strand, the 1. Which objects ion and Patience Learners talk charts Written
learner should be collaboration question
are (shorter, taller, about different
able to: Responsibility
smaller, bigger)? Critical
objects in the
a) collect and 2. Which among environment.
identify different thinking and
these two objects problem
objects in their is longer? demonstrate
environment for 3. Which among ordering objects
exploration and these two objects Self efficacy according to size or
enjoyment is shorter height up to 3
b) differentiate objects.
objects of different Imaginative
sizes in the and creative
c) use appropriate ordering objects
vocabulary related according to size or
to ordering for height.
communication groups/pairs,
arrange objects
d) arrange objects
according to size or
according to size in
height up to 3.
ascending order up
to 3 objects for learners compare
making objects of different
comparison of
sizes up to three.
objects of different
s to draw
big and small
e) arrange objects
objects using ICT
according to size in
descending order
up to 3 objects for

6 1- Orderin By the end of the Realia .Observati

5 g sub-strand, the Which of these Critical Patience Learners collect charts on
learner should be objects look thinking and and talk about 2.Oral
problem Responsibility
able to: alike? different shapes in questions
2. Which objects the environment.
a) organize comes next in the Communicat
different objects in series? ion and demonstrate
patterns the environment 3. How can you collaboration arranging objects to
b) appreciate arrange these make a pattern.
different objects or objects to form a
materials in the pattern? Imaginative demonstrate
environment 4. How else can and creative arranging objects to
you make a make a pattern
pattern? Self efficacy ll
c) observe objects
5. Which part of groups/pairs,
in the environment
the pattern repeats individually,
and identify
itself learners arrange
existing patterns
d) identify objects to make a
similarities in pattern
patterns in the
environmen objects in an
alternating manner
to make a pattern

the missing objects

in a series to make
a pattern

about patterns and

shapes on their
clothes, foot prints,
buildings, flower
gardens etc

patterns made of
same shape with
two different
or pairs make
patterns with
objects of same
type with two
different colours.

different shapes
using ICT devices
to make patterns

patterns using ICT


7 1- By the end of the Communicat Realia .Observati

5 Patterns sub-strand, the ion and Responsibility Learners collect charts on
learner should be collaboration and talk about 2.Oral
able to: different shapes in questions
a) observe objects Critical
the environment.
thinking and
in the environment
and identify solving demonstrate
existing patterns arranging objects to
b) identify Self efficacy make a pattern.
similarities in
Patterns patterns in the Digital demonstrate
environment literacy arranging objects to
c) identify different make a pattern
patterns in the Imaginative
environment and creative groups/pairs,
d) identify the individually,
repeated shapes learners arrange
which form a objects to make a
pattern pattern
e) arrange similar
objects to make a objects in an
f) arrange 2 alternating manner
different objects in to make a pattern
an alternating
manner to make the missing objects
patterns in a series to make
g) appreciate the a pattern
different types of
objects in the about patterns and
environment shapes on their
h) enjoy making clothes, foot prints,
different patterns buildings, flower
with objects found gardens etc
in the environment
patterns made of
same shape with
two different

or pairs make
patterns with
objects of same
type with two
different colours.

different shapes
using ICT devices
to make patterns

patterns using ICT


8 1- NUMBE By the end of the Love Realia .Observati

5 RS Rote sub-strand, the How can you Critical Guide learners to on
learner should be count as you thinking and Respect rote count numbers
counting 2.Oral
able to: problem 1-10
jump, walk, clap, questions
a) rote count solving Patience
nod, tap, hop or
numbers 1-10 for stamp recite different
Imaginative Responsibility
developing numbers
and creative
numeracy skills
b) rote count songs as they rote
numbers 1-10 ion and count
using actions for collaboration
development of Self efficacy pairs Learners
numeracy skills perform singing
c) enjoy rote games or rhymes
counting in daily related to rote
life counting.

to radio and
programmes on
rote counting.

watch video clips

on rote counting
with actions -
walk, clap, nod,
tap, hop or stamp.

9 1- Number By the end of the Communicat Realia .Observati

5 recogniti sub-strand, the 1. Which number ion and Respect Learners to talk counters on
on learner should be collaboration
is shown on the about numbers on 2.Oral
able to: flashcard? number flash cards questions
a) identify Imaginative Responsibility
2. Which number and creative or number charts
numerals 1-9 for have you learners to
development of modelled? identify and talk
Self efficacy
numeracy skills 3. Who can show about numbers
and symbolic me two numbers found on objects in
representation of on the number their environment
number chart that look
b) appreciate use alike? identify numbers
of numbers in day on flash cards or
to day life charts
songs related to
numbers 1- 9

numbers 1- 9

groups learners to
play number
recognition games
(fishing game)

1 1- Number By the end of the Communicat Realia .Observati

0 5 recogniti sub-strand, the 1. Which number ion and Respect Learners to talk on
on learner should be collaboration
is shown on the about numbers on 2.Oral
able to: flashcard? number flash cards questions
a) identify Imaginative Responsibility
2. Which number and creative or number charts
numerals 1-9 for have you
development of modelled? Self efficacy identify and talk
numeracy skills 3. Who can show about numbers
and symbolic me two numbers found on objects in
representation of on the number their environment
number chart that look
b) appreciate use alike? identify numbers
of numbers in day on flash cards or
to day life charts
songs related to
numbers 1- 9

numbers 1- 9

groups learners to
play number
recognition games
(fishing game)


1 1- Countin By the end of the Communicat Love Realia .Observati

1 5 g sub-strand, the 1. How many ion and Learners on
concrete learner should be objects are these? collaboration Respect
demonstrate 2.Oral
object able to: 2. How many counting objects 1- questions
a) count concrete learners are in Unity
objects 1-9 for your group?
development of Peace
3. How many objects for numbers
numeracy skills boys or girls are 1-9 (body parts,
and associating a in your group? colours of the
group of objects national flag,
with a number different types of
symbol food, objects in the
b) demonstrate one class)
to one
correspondence counting games
while counting involving counting
concrete objects objects 1-9
c) enjoy counting
concrete objects numerals with
within their concrete objects for
environment numbers 1-9
d) appreciate the
use of one to one pairs, individually,
correspondence in learners count
real life situations people or objects in
their class up to 9.

concrete objects
from 1-20 using
ICT devices.

video games on

1 1- Countin By the end of the Communicat Love Realia .Observati

2 5 g sub-strand, the 1. How many ion and Learners on
concrete learner should be objects are these? collaboration Respect
demonstrate 2.Oral
object able to: 2. How many counting objects 1- questions
a) count concrete learners are in Unity
9 3.written
objects 1-9 for your group?
Peace questions
development of 3. How many objects for numbers
numeracy skills boys or girls are 1-9 (body parts,
and associating a in your group? colours of the
group of objects Responsibility national flag,
with a number different types of
symbol food, objects in the
b) demonstrate one class)
to one
correspondence counting games
while counting involving counting
concrete objects objects 1-9
c) enjoy counting
concrete objects numerals with
within their concrete objects for
environment numbers 1-9
d) appreciate the
use of one to one pairs, individually,
correspondence in learners count
real life situations people or objects in
their class up to 9.

concrete objects
from 1-20 using
ICT devices.

video games on


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