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Academic year: 2020-21


collect relevant information of
different techniques of demolition
of existing structure and submit
report on it

Program: Civil Engineering Program code: CE3I (R)

Course: Building construction Course code: 22304

Name of Guide:- M. D. Muddassir

This is to certify that Roll Nos. of 707,714,725 of third Semester of Diploma in
Mechanical Engineering of Institute, GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC has
completed the Micro Project satisfactorily in Subject – building construction
(22304)for the academic year 2021 - 2022 as prescribed in the curriculum.

Place: Nanded
Date: ………………………

Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal



I Am Extreamely Happy To Present This Micro-Project On Topic

Collect relevant information about different techniques of demolition of
existing structure and submit report on it . This Micro-Project Really
Helped us to Understood Lot of Concept related to Our Topic Collect
relevant information about different techniques of demolition of existing
structure and submit report on it I Would Like to Express My Special
Thanks To My Prof. M. D. MUDDASIR As Well As Principal Dr.
G.V.Garje , Who Gave Us Opportunity To Do Micro-Project. I Am Thank
fill People Who Helped Me Find Information Tend Regarding This
I Would like to Thank My Parents & Friends Who Helped me to Complete
Lot of things of Micro-Project Within Limited Time & most Important
and big Thanks to My Teammate.

Thanks Again To All…

Micro-Project Proposal
(Format for Micro_Project Proposal about 1-2 pages)

Title of Micro-Project : Collect relevant information about different techniques of demolition of existing
structure and submit report on it
1.0 Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project : Collect relevant information about different techniques of
demolition of existing structure and submit report on it
2.0 Course Outcomes Addressed :
a) execute safe practice in building construction activities
3.0 Proposed Methodology

First Of All, We Select The Topic . After That We Discussed About Our Topic. Then Nandini
Gupta were gathered some information from internet. Also Radhika Gathered Some Important
Information From Some Reference Books. After That Our Team members gupta Nandini , Aditi
shinde Typed Thesis. After That we Contact Our Subject Teacher For Kind Correction In Our
Thesis. Then we Perform Correction In Thesis. Finally, We are Here To Submit Our Microproject

4.0 Action Plan (Sequence and time required for major activity ).

Sr. Details of Activity Planned Planned Name Of Responsible

No. Start Date Finish Date Team Members

1) Selection of Topic 11/11/2021 11/11/2021 Whole team

2) Discussion About Topic 12/11/2021 14/11/2021 Whole team
3) Gathering Information From 14/11/2021 20/11/2021 Aditi shinde, Gupta
Internet nandini
4) Gathering Information From 21/11/2021 30/11/2021 Radhika rajdhar
Reference Books
5) Typing Thesis 01/11/2021 05/11/2021 Nandini Gupta
6) Contact Subject Teacher for 06/11/2021 06/11/2021 Nandini Gupta
7) Doing Correction in Thesis 07/11/2021 07/11/2021 Gupta nandini ,Aditi
8) Submission Of Micro-Project Whole team

5.0 Resources Required(Major resources such as raw material ,some machining facility,Software etc.)

Sr. Name Of Resources/ Material Specifications Qty. Remarks


1) Computer - 1
2) Internet connectivity - -
3) Smartphone - 1
4) Pen - 1
5) Pencil - 1
6) Building construction (Book) - 1

Names Of Team Members With Roll Nos.

Sr. Name of Team Member Roll No.

1) Gupta Nandini Munna 707
2) Shinde Aditi Ujwalorao 714
3) Radhika Mohanrao Rajdhar 725

-( To Be Approved By The Concerned Teacher )

Annexure – II
Micro-Project Report
Format for Micro-Project Report ( Minimum 4 Pages )
Title of Micro-Project : Collect relevant information about different techniques of demolition of existing
structure and submit report on it
1.0 Rationale : Building Construction is a core subject in Civil Engineering, which deals with the
construction processes of sub structure, super structure, Building Finishes and maintenance of buildings.
This course essentially imparts the knowledge of construction technology along with the processes involved
in it and various construction equipments used for effective execution of various construction activities.
This knowledge shall be used for effective and efficient up keeping of building after construction. This will
enable the students to undertake the activities in comparatively shorter period of time.
2.0 Aims/Benefits Of the Micro-Project : Collect relevant information about different techniques of
demolition of existing structure and submit report on it
3.0 Course Outcomes Achived ( Adds to the Earlies list if more COs are addressed ).
a) execute safe practice in building construction activities
4.0 Literature Review :

5.0 Actual Methodology Followed

First Of All, We Select The Topic . After That We Discussed About Our Topic. Then Nandini
Gupta were gathered some information from internet. Also Radhika Gathered Some Important
Information From Some Reference Books. After That Our Team members gupta Nandini , Aditi
shinde Typed Thesis. After That we Contact Our Subject Teacher For Kind Correction In Our
Thesis. Then we Perform Correction In Thesis. Finally, We are Here To Submit Our Microproject.

6.0 Actual Resources Used ( Mention the actual resources used ).

Sr. Name Of Resources/ Material Specifications Qty. Remarks


1) Computer - 1
2) Internet connectivity - -
3) Smartphone - 1
4) Pen - 1
5) Pencil - 1
6) Strength Of Materials (Book) - 1

7.0 Outputs of the Micro-Projects (Drawings of the prototype , drawings of survey, Presentation of
collected data, Findings etc. )

8.0 Skill Developed / Learning Outcomes of this Micro-Project :

1. Communication
2. Teamwork
3. Data and Numeracy skills
4. Technology Skills
5. Data Gathering Analysis
6. Problem Solving & Decision Making
7. Work Ethics

9.0 Applications of this Micro-Project:

( to be evaluated by the concerned teacher )

Annexure IV
Micro-Project Evalution Sheet
Name of Student : Gupta Gajanan Munna Enrollment No. 2000200008
Name of Programme : Civil Engineering Semester : Third Sem.
Course Title : building construction Code : 22304
Title of the Micro-Project : Collect relevant information about different techniques of demolition of
existing structure and submit report on it
Course Outcomes Achieved :
a) execute safe practice in building construction activities

Sr. Characteristic to be assessed Poor Average Good Excellent Sub

No. (Marks 1-3) (Marks 4-5) (Marks 6-8) (Marks (9-10) Total

(A) Process and Product Assessment (Convert above total marks out of 6 marks )

(B) Individual Presentation /Viva (Convert above total Marks out of 4 Marks )

(A) (B) Total Marks

Process and Product Assessment 10
( 6 Marks ) Individual Presentation/Viva
( 4 Marks )

Comments/ Suggestions about team work/leadership/Inter-personal Communication (if any)

Name and designation of Teacher

Dated Signature


Sr. Page No.

No. Content
1 Abstract 1

2 Introduction : 2

3 3
Building Demolition Process

4 4
Demolition Methods for Buildings and other Structures

5 Demolition Techniques 7

6 Why Demolish? 11

7 Advantages of demolishing an old building 12

8 Disadvantages of demolishing an old building 13

9 Conclusion 14

10 References 14

We know that every structure is designed for a specific life period, generally 100
years. The existence of the structure after the service life period is very dangerous to its
occupants and surrounding buildings. Therefore it becomes essential to demolish the
building. Demolition is the tearing-down of buildings which involves taking a building
apart while preserving the valuable elements for re-use. There are various methods of
demolition. The building is brought down either manually or mechanically depending upon
the method used for demolition of buildings. Equipment used for demolition work are
hammers, rammers, excavators, bulldozers, wrecking ball and the explosives used are
dynamites and detonators etc which is generally preferred for tall buildings. The various
steps involved before the demolition process includes surveying of the demolition site,
removal of hazardous material and safety precautionary measures. The study also
includes the
precautionary measures regarding machinery or equipments, scaffolding, public safety and
worker safety. Various strategies of demolition waste have been reported in literature for
implementing good practices for demolition of buildings.

Introduction :
Demolition is the process of destroying down or dismantling or collapsing down of
large buildings after its useful life period. The process of demolition is carried out with the help of
some equipment or other methods with legal procedure followed by the consent of the local
authority. We know that every structure is designed for a specific life period generally 100 years.
The existence of the structure after the service life period is over is very dangerous to its occupants
and surrounding buildings. The purpose of demolition is to prevent the accidental collapse of any
part of the building and to ensure safety of workers, public and neighboring properties. Prior to
carrying out any building demolition, detailed building appraisal by means of surveys and
appropriate assessments shall be required which shall include a building survey and a structure
survey. Increased concern for environmental protection has led governments to introduce
legislation to encourage the use of construction demolished waste after recycling it. Demolition
sites are the sources of large amounts of solid waste, which today is being used as mere landfill.
On the other hand, building practices are such that reusable materials also become mixed with
rubble, stone and soil, reducing their value and making recycling difficult or uneconomical. A
building waste recycling as aggregates is a modern approach for preventing environmental
pollution through reducing the stocks of waste. The reuse of building waste is a relatively new
issue for the world despite the existing considerable quantity of building waste. Demolition
work is one of the most important operations in construction engineering field. If demolition
activity is not done carefully it may result into severe consequences. The various causes of
consequences of demolition of buildings are as follows –

i. Injury to human workers due to the difficulty of accessing into or working inside a
building which is under demolition.
ii. Falling of smaller objects or debris from the demolishing building.
iii. Falling of partially demolished structure.
iv. Collapse of unstable structure due to original structure being disturbed.
v. Employing inappropriate methods to demolish.
vi. Collapse of heavy demolition equipment due to inadequate support of the partially
demolished structure.
vii. Collapse of the partially demolished structure due to the accommodation of large amount
of unclear debris.
viii. Congested site environment that easily cause damages to human workers or to the third
parties that are situated nearby the demo1ition site.
ix. Difficult access for workers entering into a building under demolition
x. Heavy machinery used in demolition may have risk of collapse due to insufficient
To avoid these consequences from demolition work, it is necessary to understand complete
process of demolition of building.

Building Demolition Process
Different steps are involved in the process of demolition of building structures which are:

1. Surveying
2. Removal of hazardous materials
3. Preparation of plan
4. Safety measures
Surveying of Buildings for Demolition
Surveying means study of different parameters of the structure and its surroundings. There
are two types of surveying are mainly conducted. They are

1. Building surveying
2. Structural surveying

1. Building Surveying
In survey of buildings for demolition, following process are carried out:

• Types of construction material used

• Usage of building prior and present during demolition.
• The presence of wastewater, hazardous materials, matters arising from toxic chemicals,
flammable or explosive and radioactive materials, etc.
• Drainage conditions and possible problems on water pollution, flooding and erosion.
• Shared facilities with adjoining building, including common staircases, partition walls.
• Adjoining pedestrian and vehicular traffic conditions
• The sensitivity of neighborhood with respect to noise, dust, vibration and traffic impact.

2. Structural Surveying
In structural survey, following process are involved in demolition:

• The method of construction

• The structural system and structural conditions of basements, underground tanks or
underground vaults.
• The original structural system employed in the design.
• The condition of the building.
Removal of Hazardous Materials
If hazardous materials like asbestos minerals, petroleum contamination, and radioactive
metals are found in the investigation of site for demolition. Specialized personals are called for
the removal of the hazardous materials from the site prior to the demolition of structure.
Preparation of Demolition Plan for Structures
A detailed demolition plan is made which illustrates the different process involved and they are:

• The location of the building to be demolished.
• The distances from the building to be demolished to its adjacent buildings, streets,
structures and significant street furniture.
• The structural support systems of the building.
• A plan showing the procedure for the demolition of the building; detailed sequence of
demolishing structural members; and the method of demolition to be adopted.
• A plan showing all precautionary measures for the protection of the public including
hoardings, covered walkways, catch platforms, catch fans, scaffolding, protective screens
and safety nets.
• Method of handling demolished building debris.
• Time required for the complete demolition process etc.
Safety Measures during Demolition of Building Structures
All the workers, site supervisors and engineers including plant and equipment operators
are briefed with the potential hazards and process of demolitions. All goods that are flammable are
removed from the site unless it is used in the work involved. All the flammable materials like
wood, timber, fuels etc. are stored in proper storage facilities. Firefighting appliances are stationed
in the demolition site till the process is completed. Due to the demolition of structure, many
problems are faced by the workers, such as. exposure to dust, chemical exposure, heat stress and
ventilation, noise exposure, medical and first aid facilities, sanitation and occupational diseases.
To overcome these problems suitable measures are undertaken.

Demolition Methods for Buildings and other Structures

There are two types of demolition methods used for buildings and structures

1. Non-explosive demolition
2. Explosive demolition.
1. Non-Explosive Demolition Method
It means the demolition of a structure done with some equipment without the use of
any explosive. Different equipment’s used for the demolition activity are

a) Sledge hammer
It is a small handheld hammer used for the demolition of small wall or single column.

b) Excavators and Bulldozers
These are big machines uses to demolish building of small sizes. They are used for excavation of
soil or transferring of debris to trucks etc.

c) Wrecking Balls
The building with the greater height up to (6-7 story) cannot be demolished with the help of
excavators or bulldozers. In such cases crane with wrecking balls are used to perform the
demolition activity. The wrecking ball crack is crack attached with a huge steel ball hanging from
a steel rope. The steel ball is pulled and released towards the building. The steel ball with force
strikes the building and the part of the building is demolished. This method is not recommended
as the trajectory of the steel ball cannot be controlled after it strikes the structure.

d) High Reach Excavators

High Reach Excavator machines are used in the demolition of tall building where demolition by
explosion is not possible. The building of height up to 300ft can be demolished by this type of
machine. High reach excavators can be used for different use by doing some attachments such as:

• Excavators with shear attachments - excavators with shear attachments.

• Hydraulic hammers - Hydraulic hammers and remove steel reinforcement.

Explosive Demolition Method for Building Structures
Implosion Method of Building Demolition
Implosion is the process of demolition of a building using explosives. If the supports of the
building are removed, the structure collapses. Using implosion technique, the main supports of the
buildings such as column’s, beams and slab are fixed with explosives. When these explosives are
detonated, the column collapse and so is the structure. Depending how the structure falls, there are
two types of implosion:

a) Falling like a tree

In this type of implosion, the building is made to fall like a tree to the sideward. This is the
commonly used type of implosion. When free space is available besides the building, this type of
demolition is prescribed. If the free space is available on the left side of the building, the explosives
are set on the lower level of the building on the left side columns. As the explosives are detonated,
the columns bursts, the building tends to falls towards the left side. Steel cables are tied to the
building to control the falling direction of the building.

b) Falling into its own footprint

When the free spaces are not available around the building and the structure around the building
are to be protected. This type of demolition is used. In this type of demolition, explosives are set
in the floor below the middle part of the building.

These explosives are to be heavy as the explosion must demolish the building at once. If one part
blast and followed by another. Then the building falls towards the first blasted part. So only less
companies in the world are experienced in this type of demolition. As the explosions are detonated,
the upper part of building destroys and falls upon the lower building. Due to the heavy load and
force the lower part of the building also collapses and falls on its own footprint.

Demolition Techniques

1. Manual Demolition:
Manual demolition is also known as hand demolition.
This method of demolition is especially useful for breaking small structures in densely populated

Manual Demolition of structures is done by laborers by hand.

Large machinery cannot go to the site as it is a crowded area.

To do this demolition method, use the following tools:

• Hammers
• Picks
• Wire cutters
• Welding cutters
• Hand driven hydraulic jacks, etc.
In this method of demolition, the demolition of the building is done from top to bottom.

Jack hammers are used to break concrete components such as beams, columns, slabs, etc. Oxy-
acetylene torch is used to cut reinforcement steel.
A chute or skip is used to bring down debris from top floor to bottom.

If the distance of the edge of the nearest road from the building is more than 6 m (or half of the
height of the building) then debris can be allowed to fall freely from the upper floor.

Sequence of manual demolition:

• Breaking the first cantilever parts.
• Remove water tank, lift cabin etc. from the roof before demolition of roof.
• Breaking the floor slab starting from the middle and moving towards the beam.
• The order of breaking the floor beam should be as follows.
1. Cantilever Beam
2. Secondary Beam
3. Primary Beam
• Remove the non-load bearing wall before starting the demolition process.
• Break the load bearing wall and column after removing the beam from the top.

2. Wrecking Ball Method:

In this method of demolition, a steel ball weighing 0.5 to 2.0 tons is hung from a crawler mounted

The impact of these steel balls breaks the concrete or machinery.

Two techniques are used in this method:

• Vertical drop of wrecking ball

• Swing action of wrecking ball
This method requires an experienced operator to handle the wrecking ball.

The building that is to be demolished must have open space for Crane movement around it.

If the building is to be demolished from the inside, the interior of the building must first be
demolished to make the necessary space.

3. Pusher Arm Technique:

In this method of demolition, a machine like a “hydraulic excavator” is lifted with a steel pusher
arm and pushed from the outside surface of the building.

In this way the machine should have a rigid base for operation from the ground. Also the distance
from the building to the edge of the road should be at least 6.0 m,

If the buildings are connected to each other, the building to be demolished is separated from the
adjacent building by hand demolition.

4. Thermic Lance Technique:

In this method of demolition, concrete and reinforcement steel are broken by melting at high
temperature. In this way a temperature of 2000◦ to 4000◦ C is produced.
In pipes of aluminium alloy or iron alloy 14 to 18 mm diameter, wires of aluminium alloy or iron
alloy are kept.

First, the metal lance is ignited by the flow of acetylene gas between the wires. Acetylene gas is
converted to oxygen and the metal lance burns.

Causing the concrete and steel reinforcement to slowly melt and break.

“Powered lances” are often used instead of metal lances.

This way special measures need to be taken for safety.

This method is adopted only when other methods of demolition cannot be used.

5. Concrete Sawing Method:

This method of demolition is especially useful when the building is being demolished and

Useful where precision is required as well as control of noise, vibrations etc. are very necessary.

This method is useful when making opening in a slab or wall, braking concrete in the basement,
service tunnel, flyover etc.

The following methods are used for saw cutting:

1. Wire saw cutting:

It uses diamond bit with loop wire saw. This method is suitable for foundation and mass concrete.

2. Diamond disc cutter:

This type of cutter is available in diameter of 1000 mm which is used for cutting concrete.

It was used for the demolition of a telegraph station building in Japan.

3. Diamond core boring machine:

Holes of 100 mm to 150 mm diameter can be drilled in concrete by using this machine.

Concrete can be easily cut by dealing close to the hole.

This method is useful in nuclear power plants.

6. Deliberate Collapse Method:

In this method of demolition, the key structural elements of the building are systematically
removed or weakened so that the structure can be deliberately lowered.

This method is used only for the demolition of a building that is isolated from the surrounding
building, plus the ground level should be almost level.

7. Pressure Jetting Method:

In this method of demolition, water jet is released from the nozzle at high pressure (250 – 300mPa)
on the concrete surface. This jet cuts plain concrete due to abrasion.

An abrasive water jet is used to cut the RCC. In which garnet or steel particles cut the concrete.

This method has been developed for the demolition of nuclear power plants.

The rear area of the visual element that is to be broken by the water jet should be shielded so as
not to damage individuals and property.

Water used in water jets should be recycled and reusable.

Why Demolish?

Owners have different reasons as to why they want their building demolished. Here are some of

1. Increase Property Value

One of the most effective ways of increasing a property’s value is through demolishing the
existing building in the lot. For instance, if the building looks old and abandoned and you
can’t find any more reason to keep it erected then you should consider having it demolished.
Instead of letting the property go to waste, tearing down an old structure and replacing it with
a new one can help increase its market value that is if you’re planning to sell it.
2. The Foundation is Faulty
Building owners usually have the choice of tearing the building down when they’re told that
their buildings have weak foundations. It’s important to remember that the foundation is what
keeps buildings viable. Buildings with poor planning are the best example for this. Overtime,
the foundations can become brittle, floors become uneven, and excessive moisture can
develop in a lot of areas. When these problems surface on a building, owners eventually
decide to have it taken down rather than renovate.

3. The Building is Old
Old buildings also tend to develop weaker foundations because of the fact that the materials
used in constructing it may have degraded to the point that it can no longer hold the structure
together. Even if that isn’t the case, most old buildings may look good on the outside but may
have a lot of underlying problems such as poor ventilation and/or problems with the
plumbing. Old buildings are also prone to moisture because of leaks which could attract
mould. If you’re a business owner who’s looking to expand to a new location with a pre-
existing old building, you may need to have it checked by a building inspector to know
whether it’s worth keeping or not. If you find out that renovating it might cost more than
constructing a new building, demolishing the old building may be a better idea.
4. The Building Made Up of Hazardous Materials or Insects/Animals
Asbestos, lead, mercury, and polychlorinated biphenyls are just some of the toxic chemicals
that can cause a negative effect on the health of a person. When these substances are found in
a building, a part of it may need to be taken down. However, the owner must hire
professionals to handle the removal of the hazardous materials and substances to ensure that
the process will be properly handled and the materials will be disposed accordingly.
Moreover, abandoned buildings and houses are also great homes for termites, bees, rats, and
other critters. In this case, an exterminator should be contacted immediately. But if the
problem is severe and cannot be solved by extermination, it may be time to call in a
demolition team.
5. Owner is Planning to Sell the Vacant Lot
If the building on the lot is in a poor-condition, then it may be more reasonable to just tear it
down before putting the property on sale. There’s a higher chance that your lot might become
more profitable as it is than with a building standing on it. There are a lot of people who are
planning on building a custom house and a vacant lot with a great location might just be what
they’re looking for.
Advantages of demolishing an old building
Whether to demolish an old property or not can be a very difficult decision to make. But
sometimes, going ahead to demolish it may be the only better decision to make.

For Safety

Old buildings can cause a threat to the safety of the public in many ways. The old building
often has old materials that contain harmful asbestos and also cause other health issues.

To increase the value of nearby properties

No one wants to live near an old building that poses a threat to them. Demolishing an old
building that is tough to look at only increases the value of the nearby properties.

To make way for other beneficial projects

Other than demolishing to build a new and a better house, the land an old building is
standing on can be used for other beneficial projects such as a community garden and a
local park.

Disadvantages of demolishing an old building

Sometimes, it is not best to demolish an old building when it can be renovated back to a
perfect condition.

You could be wiping a piece of history

Old buildings sometimes are marked as ‘historic buildings.’ Most people believe that
destroying such buildings is not just right as you are wiping history forever.

If the building can be restored, performing renovations on it is always the best option than
demolishing it.

Conducting renovations could be cheaper

When building a new home after demolishing the old one is what you are going with, then
consider comparing the cost of building a new house from the ground to the top, with the
cost of renovation. Sometimes, renovation costs tend to be cheaper.

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Things To Consider

There are a few factors you will need to consider before making your final decision.


If the old building is in a bad condition that its foundation has also been damaged, then
demolishing it to build a new one could be much cheaper than renovating it.

Is the house protected by law?

Some houses are protected by law as ‘historic buildings’ and any planned changes will
need to be authorized.

Even small renovations on such houses will need you to find out whether they are allowed.

Choosing what to keep

Provided some parts of the house are structurally sound and strong, you can partially
demolish the weaker and totally damaged areas and just consider renovating others. Small
renovations can be done for your kitchen, bathroom, dining, and living areas.

Type of demolition method depends upon various factors such as site condition, type of structures, age of
building, height of building and economy. Anyway controlled demolition of building is necessary to
ensure safety. Explosive demolition is the preferred method for safely and efficiently demolishing the
larger structures. Almost all major building implosions in the world are handled by 20 well-established
companies, blasting is passed on from generation to generation.




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