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Biographical details:

 Her full name is Hazrat Maria al Qibtiyya Title: Umm

 She was Egyptian Faithful)
 Her father’s name was Qibtiyya Simon and her Mother was a Roman
 Born in Hafar Village in Egypt
 From a very young age Hazrat Maria and her sister, Sirin, started working as
slaves for Muqawqis, the Christian Governor of Alexandria in Egypt
 In 5th Year after Hijra, when the Prophet (PBUH) was sending invitation to
Islam to various non-Muslim rulers, Muqawqis also received one which he
accepted and as a polite gesture, he sent gifts to the Prophet (PBUH) which
included many Egyptian products and two women: Maria and her sister, who
came to Medina accompanied by Hazrat Hatib bin Abi.
 Hatib bin Abi on the way told them stories about their rights given to women
because of Islam which impressed them and convinced them to accept Islam.
 The Prophet (PBUH) decided to marry Hazrat Maria when they reached
Medina and gave away Sirin to Hasan bin Thabit.
 She got married in 628 AD when she was 20 years old.
 Since she was a slave before marriage, her status remained disrespected and
arguable that was until she bore the Prophet (PBUH) a child, Ibrahim, in the
8th year after Hijra which made her status to be raised and she was favored by
all the wives of the Prophet.
 But the happiness didn't last long as Ibrahim got sick and after a few days took
his last breath in the prophet PBUH’s arms.
 She was given the residence in the outskirts of Medina called Mashrabat Umm
Ibrahim by the Prophet (PBUH) himself. 

Character: Death:
 She was known to be very beautiful and kind-hearted.  She passed away on the 16th of
 She was a charitable woman who remained loyal to January 16 AH, 5 years after th
Islam. death of the Holy Prophet
 She also remained loyal to the prophet (PBUH) and did (PBUH).
not marry again even after the demise of the Prophet  She was buried in Jannat al Baq
(PBUH).  Hazrat Omar bin Khattab led he
funeral prayers.

Unique distinction:
 She was a great poet in her time
 She was the first wife of the Holy
Prophet to bear a child after Hazrat
Khadija (RA).

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