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Festival is a celebration of life.

People all around the world celebrate various of festivals every

year. There are a variety of festivals. It can be different based on our culture, tradition and religion. We
can divide festivals in basic three kinds. Which are seasonal festivals, national festivals and religious
festivals. Celebrating festivals could give people joy and happiness. And it is also an event that reminds
people about their culture and tradition. Every festival brings happiness and harmony between our
traditions and rituals.

First able, seasonal festivals. As we know, Myanmar people are fond of festivals. We have a
festival for each season. For example, Thadingyut and Thingyan festivals. There are more than 12
seasonal festivals but among them, Thadingyut (lighting festival) and Thingyan (water festival) are the
most popular. Thadingyut is a Myanmar lighting festival and it usually takes about two days in October.
During the festival, people decorate their home and compound with candle lights and visit to the
pagodas. Thingyan festival is a water festival and it is also new year event for Myanmar people. It usually
takes about four to five days in April. During the festival, people generally celebrate by watering each
other and cooking glutinous rice ball. We all should celebrate these seasonal festivals to maintain our

Secondly, National festivals. All the nations around the world have their own national festival.
Even in Myanmar, we have eight different ethnic nations and the ethnics also have their own national
festival. Among them, Kachin Manaw festival is the most popular. Manaw Festival is an annual
traditional dance festival celebrated by Kachin people. It is held in the beginning of January. It is mostly
celebrated in the Kachin state. People celebrate it by dancing their traditional dance under the Manaw
pole. It is one of a popular national festival in Myanmar.

Finally, the religious festival. There is a variety of religious festivals but among them, Christmas is
the most popular all around the world. It is always celebrated in December 25 th. It is a religion festival of
Christians and it is also known as Jesus’s birthday. We all have known Christmas and people celebrate it
by decorating their homes and Christmas trees. It is celebrated by all people over the world.

To sum up,

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