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Cardiff Metropolitan University

B.Sc. (Hons) in Software Engineering

Assignment Cover Sheet
Student Details (Student should fill the content)
Student ID
Scheduled unit details
Unit code CIS6003
Unit title Advance Programming
Unit enrolment details Year 1
Study period 2022-2023
Lecturer Milan Wickramathunga
Mode of delivery Part Time
Assignment Details
Nature of the Assessment Course Work
Final Grade Weighting
Topic of the Case Study Online Cab Service System

Learning outcomes covered 1,2,3

Word count 4479
Due date/ Time 26th August 2022
Extension granted? Yes, No Extension Date 20th Sept 2022
Is this a resubmission? Yes, No Resubmission Date
I certify that the attached material is my original work. No other person’s work or ideas have been
used without acknowledgement. Except where I have clearly stated that I have used some of this
material elsewhere, I have not presented it for examination / assessment in any other course or unit
at this or any other institution

Name/ Signature Date 20/09/2022

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the Agreed




Module Number & Title: CIS6003 Advance Programming Semester:01

Assignment Type & Title: Course Work Online Cab Service System
For student use: Critical feedback on the individual progression towards achieving the assignment outcomes

For the Assessors’ feedback

Indicate the Task number strength and Weaknesses and the marks for each task
Task No/ Strengths (1st Assessor) Strengths (2nd Assessor)
Question No

Task No/ Weaknesses (1st Assessor) Weaknesses (2nd Assessor)

Question No

Areas for future improvement

Comments by 1st Assessor Comments by 2nd

Task Marks by 1st Marks by 2nd Marks by IV comments (If Any)
/Question Accessor Accessor IV (if any)


Name and the Signature Date

of the 1st Accessor

Name and the Signature Date

of the 2nd Accessor

Name & Signature of the Date

IV: (If any)

Table of Contents
Task A: Requirement Specification for proposed System...................................................8
Overall Description.................................................................................................................8
Requirement and Features of Web Applications..................................................................9
Functional Requirement.....................................................................................................9
Non-Functional Requirement..............................................................................................10
Other Requirement...............................................................................................................10
Task B: UML diagrams.......................................................................................................11
UML Diagram.......................................................................................................................11
Class diagram....................................................................................................................11
Used Case..........................................................................................................................12
Sequence Diagram............................................................................................................13
Task C: Designing Patterns.................................................................................................14
Designing Pattern.................................................................................................................14
What is Software development Designing pattern?.......................................................15
Creational Design Pattern...............................................................................................15
Structural Design Pattern................................................................................................15
Behavioral Design Pattern..............................................................................................16
Creational design patterns and its type...............................................................................16
Singleton Pattern.................................................................................................................16
Abstract Factory Pattern.....................................................................................................17
Factory Design Pattern........................................................................................................17
Implementation of Factory Design pattern in “GoCheeta ” Cab booking services.....18
Class diagram which provides brief idea of implemented design pattern...........................18
Java coding implementation of factory design pattern........................................................18
Task E: Test Driven Development.......................................................................................20

Test Driven Development.....................................................................................................20
How do the Test-Driven Development process conduct in “GoCheeta”
Cab Booking Service.........................................................................................................20
Black Box Testing...........................................................................................................20
Task F: Technical Documentation.......................................................................................27
User manual for “GoCheeta” Cab Booking Service..........................................................27
Customer Login................................................................................................................27
Customer Registration Form...........................................................................................28
Customer Booking Page...................................................................................................28
Customer Booking History Details..................................................................................30
Admin and Driver Login..................................................................................................30
Add City.........................................................................................................................32
Update City.....................................................................................................................32
Add Street.......................................................................................................................34
Update Street..................................................................................................................34
Add Branch.....................................................................................................................35
Update Branch................................................................................................................36
Vehicle Category...............................................................................................................36
Add Vehicle Category.....................................................................................................37
Update Vehicle Category................................................................................................37
Sales Report......................................................................................................................38
Driver Pending Booking Details......................................................................................39
Driver Ongoing Booking..................................................................................................39
Driver Total Sales..............................................................................................................41
Task G: upload the project to GitHub.................................................................................42
GitHub Repositories.............................................................................................................42
Plagiarisam Report...............................................................................................................43

Table of Figures
Figure 1 - class diagram of GoCheeta Cab Service..................................................................11
Figure 2 - used case diagram of GoCheeta Cab Service..........................................................12
Figure 3 - customer booking sequence diagram of GoCheeta Cab Service.............................13
Figure 4 - driver booking sequence diagram of GoCheeta Cab Service...................................13
Figure 5 - customer registration sequence diagram of GoCheeta Cab Service........................14
Figure 6- singleton design pattern approach...........................................................................16
Figure 7 - singleton design pattern approach..........................................................................17
Figure 8 - class diagram of factory design pattern on online cab servive................................18
Figure 9 - interface of login for factory design pattern............................................................18
Figure 10 - driverDao for factory design pattern....................................................................19
Figure 11 - AdministratorLoginDao for factory design pattern...............................................19
Figure 12 - Login Type selection for factory design pattern....................................................20
Figure 13 - customer login......................................................................................................27
Figure 14 - customer registration............................................................................................28
Figure 15 - customer booking.................................................................................................28
Figure 16 - customer booking.................................................................................................29
Figure 17 – customer booking details.....................................................................................30
Figure 18 - admin and driver login..........................................................................................30
Figure 19 - city detail screen...................................................................................................31
Figure 20 - add city details......................................................................................................32
Figure 21 - update city details.................................................................................................32
Figure 22 - street details.........................................................................................................33
Figure 23 - add street details..................................................................................................34
Figure 24 - update street details.............................................................................................34
Figure 25 - branch details........................................................................................................35
Figure 26 - add branch............................................................................................................35
Figure 27 - update branch.......................................................................................................36
Figure 28 - vehicle category details.........................................................................................36
Figure 29 - add vehicle category.............................................................................................37
Figure 30 - update vehicle category........................................................................................37
Figure 31 - Administrator sales report....................................................................................38
Figure 32 - driver Pending booking details..............................................................................39
Figure 33 - driver ongoing booking.........................................................................................39
Figure 34 - driver ongoing booking........................................................................................40
Figure 35 - driver ongoing booking........................................................................................40
Figure 36 - driver ongoing booking.........................................................................................41
Figure 37 - driver total sales....................................................................................................41

Table of tables
Table 1 - test cases of "GoCheeta" Cab Booking Service.......................................................21


The completion of this assignment could not have been possible without the
participation of me and the assistance of so many people whose names may not all be
enumerated. Their contributions are sincerely appreciated and gratefully

First of all, I would like to thank the module lecturer of Advanced Programming, Mr.
Milan Wickramathunga for giving me good guidelines for this assignment through
numerous consultations.

In addition, I would like to thank many people, especially my parents and classmates
who have made valuable comments and suggestions on my assignment which gave
me an inspiration to improve the quality of the assignment.

Task A: Requirement Specification for proposed System

The purpose of this Software requirement specification (SRS) is based on Online Cab
Booking Services for “GoCheeta”, which is already available with mobile app and
now they need to provide a web service with new features. This software requirement
specification provides clear details on fetching, inspect, analyze and record the
complete bookings of Cab Booking Service by giving solutions. This document is the
detailed information about the requirements of “GoCheeta” Cab Booking Service for
web application according to the provided information.

The scope of booking application is to create Online Cab Service web application for
“GoCheeta”, which provide user friendly interfaces with advance booking option for
administrator, driver, and customer. This web application is alternative to the already
existing mobile application for booking purposes. This application contains three
major users, each user as different task:

 Administrator
 Driver
 Customer

Overall Description
This segment will provide information about web application, and its main objectives.
Online cab booking system perform main task as an online website of the cab service,
though which customer can place booking and check availability, driver can view and
accept booking and enter booking completion detail, administrator can add, update,
delete and, view of city, street, branch, driver detail, vehicle type, employee details
and view booking total sales. The web application sends the booking status of each
customer when driver updates the booking status.

Requirement and Features of Web Applications
Functional Requirement
This section provides information and functionalities for the Online Cab Booking
System. The detailed features are discussed on the UML diagrams.

 The web application should allow customer to Register into system.
 The web application should allow customer to authenticate to view booking
 The web application should allow customer to make booking with pickup
location, drop location, booking date and vehicle type.
 The web application should allow to show ongoing booking status through
 The web application should allow customer to view his/her booking details.
 The web application should provide the ongoing booking charges.

 The web application should allow admin to login with his/her given user
 The web application should allow admin to add, update, delete, and view the
details of city, street, branch, driver and employee.
 The web application should allow view and filter booking details and total sale
with branch and booking date.
 The web application should allow to get the print of total sales of booking

 The web application should allow login with his/her user credentials which
was provided by the admin.
 The web application should show customer booking information.
 The web application should allow to update customer booking status.
 The web application should allow to input the charges of the booking which
driver was accepted for customer payment.
 The web application should allow to view completed booking information of

Non-Functional Requirement
This application has many requirements which are not related to
function the web app, which are :

 Driver: The payment should be done when driver enter the Km covered from
the reading which reads on fare meter which provided by the GoCheeta taxi
 Usability: The developed web application should be user friendly. The
information provided on application should be clear to driver, customer and
 Robust: The web application shouldn’t be affected by other application in
online when user uses the application. The driver section shouldn’t affect the
customer booking section when booking a vehicle.
 Legal: The web application should always follow the rules and regulation
which are applied in Internet and Gocheetha taxi service organization.
 Accuracy: The developed web application should always provide the accurate
information for all type of user.
 Security: Information in web application should be encrypted without getting
affected by any kind of cyber-attacks, and should follow the SSL Certificate
 Portability: The web application should be access on any kind of device which
can have access to internet. It should be able to work on any kind of browser
like Google chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera and, etc.,

Other Requirement
 Software: The web application can run on any kind of web browser after
hosting to internet.
 Hardware: The web application should be run on any kind electronic devices
which contains internet connection.

Task B: UML diagrams

UML Diagram
Class diagram



Figure 1 - class diagram of GoCheeta Cab Service

Used Case

send notification

Figure 2 - used case diagram of GoCheeta Cab Service

Sequence Diagram

Figure 3 - driver booking sequence diagram of GoCheeta Cab Service

Figure 5 - customer registration sequence diagram of GoCheeta Cab Service

Figure 4 - customer booking sequence diagram of GoCheeta Cab Service

 Driver can enter the km covered per journey after journey Is
completed by taxi meter and web application can calculate the customer
payment amount with Km per charges and service charges

Task C: Designing Patterns

Designing Pattern
The designing pattern is way of technique which provides solutions to the issues or
prevalent error in the process of software development. Designing pattern helps the
software developer or people who works on software development fields to evaluate
their way of coding in effective and efficient way. The designing pattern gives clear
view of the ways which coding or template of coding to tackle the problems that
comes in development phase. In developing environment designing pattern coverup
all the common issues which will occur while developing a software.

What is Software development Designing pattern?

The designing pattern which are object oriented, reusable techniques which provide
solution to frequently occurring problem in software development process. The
designing pattern provide developer to manage their time on developing phase and to
find solution for recurrent design problem. It provides clear solutions of description
for solving specific issues.[ CITATION Joe22 \l 1033 ]

The designing pattern is not an inbuild tool like frameworks or library’s that
developer in programming environment can use, instead it’s way of thinking which
applied when a programmer faces problem in their programing work and its accepted
and recognized by developer around the world. The one of main purposes of
designing pattern is to help avoid repeating action that has been already taken.

The main aim of designing pattern is to module the software development with
programmer’s concern where each module of programs separates into elements of
category that can send or receive data with each other. In developing java
applications, the designing patterns are categorized into two main parts, which are:
[ CITATION Jav22 \l 1033 ]

 Core Java Design Patterns

 JEE Design Patterns

The core java designing pattern which mostly used in developing java applications are
divided into three sub categories. That are:

Creational Design Pattern

This pattern provides the process of making object which focus on creational
design patterns. The main purposes of this design patterns are used when
instantiation of class. “Creating an object of class”. The creational design
pattern helps to limiting the most of complexities and instabilities, but the
creational design pattern increases the flexibility in code.[ CITATION
Jav221 \l 1033 ]

Structural Design Pattern

These patterns provide the idea which collects with object and class to develop
the structure of application, while the code is flexible to work. In this pattern
application used to connect with components

Behavioral Design Pattern

This pattern allows the interaction of object with responsibilities while code should
be loosely couple.

Creational design patterns and its type

Singleton Pattern
In this design pattern which comes under creational design pattern is used to limit the
number of instances of object and class to single object or class and using designing
pattern developers can manage the states of the application. This designing pattern
prohibits the sections and logs while issues come upon when its active.

The memory of system can be saved from unwanted usage while application is
executed because object wouldn’t be initiated while each request. One
instances of object can be used again while program is running which will
provide memory management and fast execution.
Usage in developing environment in programming world.

The programs which are multithreaded application and contains
sophicated database will widely uses singleton design pattern
because it uses configuration settings, threadpool and etc.

Figure 6- singleton design pattern approach

Figure 7 - singleton design pattern approach

Abstract Factory Pattern

In this design pattern which comes under creational design pattern which provides abstract or
interfaces to develop object which are related without their sub class. Abstract factory provide
output as factory class and this design pattern also called as “KIT”.[ CITATION Des22 \l
1033 ]

These design pattern depends on creating object or composition of object
which can b used in initialization of methods in factory interface. This pattern
provides loose coupling in client-side implementation and other classes.
Usage in developing environment in programming world.

Used when application execute same set of object or classes and
used when application needs to implement with multiple class
or object.

Factory Design Pattern

In this designing pattern which comes under creational design pattern, provides the
implementation of object by hiding the logic of creation for client that can provides
interfaces for object which are created newly.

The inherited class can permit to select type of object to implement in the
applications. Factory design pattern allow loose coupling which describes the
interface can interact with class which implement their interface.
Usage in developing environment in programming world.
Factory design pattern can be referred as alternative to constructor where
constructor is not used every time or frequently. While super class can
implement the creation of object of its child class in application.

Implementation of Factory Design pattern in “GoCheeta ” Cab

booking services
According to given assignment I have Identified factory design pattern can be used
for the administration and driver with common interface which is login.

Class diagram which provides brief idea of implemented design pattern

Figure 8 - class diagram of factory design pattern on online cab servive

Java coding implementation of factory design pattern.

Figure 9 - interface of login for factory design pattern

Figure 10 - driverDao for factory design pattern


Figure 11 - AdministratorLoginDao for factory design pattern

Figure 12 - Login Type selection for factory design pattern

Task E: Test Driven Development

Test Driven Development

Test driven development (TDD) is a process on software development which uses to
test application to get error free application or to minimize the test coverage from the
start. The Test-Driven Development generate test for every function which are
executed in application, if automated test gives fail or error, developer should be
inform to change the failed function or write the code again to prevent any kind of
fail.[ CITATION Anc22 \l 1033 ]

How do the Test-Driven Development process conduct in

“GoCheeta” Cab Booking Service
Black Box Testing
Blackbox testing is conducted for the testing scenario which includes functionalities
and requirement of “GoCheeta” Cab Booking Service. The internal code structure
doesn’t focus on black box testing process, it only includes the system requirement
and specification which are functionalities of application.

Table 1 - test cases of "GoCheeta" Cab Booking Service

Expected Actual Resulted Pass /

Test Case Scenario of test cases
Results Fail
As expected, the
Should register customer
Fill the fields and click and redirect to registered to
on the “Register” button customer login system and
page redirected to
Should show the
Registration As expected, the
error message to
error message has
without fill the fields and fill data for
been displayed
click on the “Register” relevant field Pass
button without
redirecting to
redirecting to
login page
login page
As expected,
Login is
Fill the correct mobile login is
successful and
number, password and successful and pass
redirect to
click login redirected to
booking page
Customer booking page
Login Display error
Fill incorrect mobile message “User As expected,
number, password and Credential displayed the pass
click on login incorrect” in error message
login page
Booking is
Select city, pickup confirmed and
As expected,
location, drop location, redirect to
vehicle type and date booking List page pass
booking is
field then click on book and display
now button current booking
as pending
Cab Booking
notify customer
with error
Not as expected,
message that
If driver is not available doesn’t show the fail
drivers are not
error message
Display all the
As expected,
Customer Go to booking history booking details
booking details
booking page by clicking view that logged in Pass
has been
history booking button customer has
been made
Driver Shows the driver the Display Pending As expected, Pass
Pending booking list of customers booking of pending booking
Booking which not accepted still customer list is displayed
according to selected city
with driver’s branch

Redirect to driver As
dashboard page
with ongoing expected,
booking which booking has been
Click the Accept button accepted and Pass
driver has been
in Pending booking list redirected to
accepted with
send email to driver-dashboard
customer with
booking status
send email to As expected,
Click the Reject button
customer with booking status is Pass
in Pending booking list
booking status send to customer

Click the Reject button send email to As expected,

in Ongoing booking in customer with booking status is Pass
driver dashboard booking status send to customer
send email to As expected,
Click the Picked-up customer with booking details is
button in Ongoing booking details send to customer
booking in driver and display and displayed
dashboard pickup time to picked up time to
driver driver
send email to As expected,
Driver customer with booking details is
Click the Dropped button
Ongoing booking details send to customer
in Ongoing booking in Pass
Booking and display and displayed
driver dashboard
dropped time to dropped time to
driver driver
calculate the
Total charges
with Km covered,
Click the Completed
service charges,
button and enter km
and Km Per
covered in the form field As expected, Pass
charges and send
in Ongoing booking in
email notification
driver dashboard
for customer with
displaying total
charges to driver
Display all the As expected, all
booking the booking
completed history history of driver
Booking Go to booking details Pass
of logged in which has
details history
driver with his completed was
total sales displayed
Driver Login Fill the correct License Login is As expected, pass
number, password and successful and login is
click login redirect to driver successful and
dashboard page redirected to
driver dashboard
Display error As
Fill incorrect License message “User expected,
number, password and Credential displayed the pass
click on login incorrect” in error message
login page
As expected,
Login is login is
Fill the correct username, successful and successful and
password and click login redirect to driver redirected to
dashboard page driver dashboard
r Login
Display error
Fill incorrect username, message “User As expected,
password and click on Credential displayed the pass
login incorrect” in error message
login page
Fill the fields on add city add city details As expected, city
page and click on the and redirect to data has been Pass
“Add” button the city list page. added
Show error
Don’t fill the fields on message that As expected,
add city page and click fields are empty error message has Pass
Add City
on the “Add” button with empty field displayed
Fill the fields on add city Show error
As expected,
page with already exist message that city
error message has Pass
city name and click on name already
the “Add” button exists
Data should be
Fill the fields on update As expected, data
filled to relevant
city page with relevant are filled to pass
fields in update
data by city id relevant field
city web page
update city
Fill the fields on update As expected, city
details and
Update City city page and click on the data has been Pass
redirect to the
“update” button updated
city list page.
Fill the fields on update Show error
As expected,
city page with already message that city
error message has Pass
exist city name and click name already
on the “update” button exists
add Street details
Fill the fields on add As expected,
and redirect to
Street page and click on Street data has Pass
the Street list
the “Add” button been added
Add Street
Don’t fill the fields on Show error As expected,
add Street page and click message that error message has Pass
on the “Add” button fields are empty displayed

with empty field
Fill the fields on add
Show error
Street page with already As expected,
message that
exist Street name and error message has Pass
Street name
click on the “Add” displayed
already exists
Data should be
Fill the fields on update As expected, data
filled to relevant
Street page with relevant are filled to pass
fields in update
data by Street id relevant field
Street web page
update Street
Fill the fields on update As expected,
details and
Street page and click on Street data has Pass
Update Street redirect to the
the “update” button been updated
Street list page.
Fill the fields on update
Show error
Street page with already As expected,
message that
exist Street name and error message has Pass
Street name
click on the “update” displayed
already exists
add Branch
Fill the fields on add As expected,
details and
Branch page and click on Branch data has Pass
redirect to the
the “Add” button been added
Branch list page.
Show error
Don’t fill the fields on
message that As expected,
add Branch page and
fields are empty error message has Pass
Add Branch click on the “Add”
with empty field displayed
Fill the fields on add
Show error
Branch page with already As expected,
message that
exist Branch name and error message has Pass
Branch name
click on the “Add” displayed
already exists
Fill the fields on update Data should be
As expected, data
Branch page with filled to relevant
are filled to pass
relevant data by Branch fields in update
relevant field
id Branch web page
update Branch
Fill the fields on update As expected,
details and
Update Branch page and click on Branch data has Pass
redirect to the
Branch the “update” button been updated
city list page.
Fill the fields on update
Show error
Branch page with already As expected,
message that
exist Branch name and error message has Pass
Branch name
click on the “update” displayed
already exists
Add Vehicle Fill the fields on add add Vehicle As expected,
Category Vehicle Category page Category details Vehicle Category

and redirect to data
and click on the “Add” the Vehicle has
button Category list been added
Show error
Don’t fill the fields on
message that As expected,
add Vehicle Category
fields are empty error message has Pass
page and click on the
with empty field displayed
“Add” button
Fill the fields on add
Show error
Vehicle Category page
message that As expected,
with already exist
Vehicle Category error message has Pass
Vehicle Category name
name already displayed
and click on the “Add”
Data should be
Fill the fields on update
filled to relevant As expected, data
Vehicle Category page
fields in update are filled to pass
with relevant data by
Vehicle Category relevant field
Vehicle Category id
web page
Fill the fields on update update Vehicle As expected,
Update Vehicle Category page Category details Vehicle Category
Vehicle and click on the “update” and redirect to data has been
Category button the city list page. updated
Fill the fields on update
Show error
Vehicle Category page
message that As expected,
with already exist
Vehicle Category error message has Pass
Vehicle Category name
name already displayed
and click on the “update”
add Driver details
Fill the fields on add As expected,
and redirect to
Driver page and click on Driver data has Pass
the Driver list
the “Add” button been added
Show error
Don’t fill the fields on
message that As expected,
add Driver page and
fields are empty error message has Pass
Add Driver click on the “Add”
with empty field displayed
Fill the fields on add
Show error
Driver page with already As expected,
message that
exist Driver License no error message has Pass
Driver license no
and click on the “Add” displayed
already exists
Data should be
Fill the fields on update As expected, data
filled to relevant
Driver page with relevant are filled to pass
Update fields in update
data by Driver id relevant field
Driver Driver web page
Fill the fields on update update Driver As expected,
Driver page and click on details and Driver data has
redirect to the been
the “update” button
Driver list page. updated
Fill the fields on update
Show error
Branch page with already As expected,
message that
exist Driver license no error message has Pass
Driver license no
and click on the “update” displayed
already exists
add Employee
Fill the fields on add details and As expected,
Employee page and click redirect to the Employee data Pass
on the “Add” button Employee list has been added
Show error
Don’t fill the fields on
message that As expected,
Add add Employee page and
fields are empty error message has Pass
Employee click on the “Add”
with empty field displayed
Fill the fields on add Show error
Employee page with message that As expected,
already exist Employee Employee error message has fail
username and click on username already displayed
the “Add” button exists
Data should be
Fill the fields on update
filled to relevant As expected, data
Employee page with
fields in update are filled to pass
relevant data by
Employee web relevant field
Employee id
update Employee
Fill the fields on update details and As expected,
Employee page and click redirect to the Employee data Pass
on the “update” button Employee list has been updated
Fill the fields on update Show error
Branch page with already message that As expected,
exist Driver username Employee error message has fail
and click on the “update” username already displayed
button exists
As expected, all
Display all the
the booking
Go to booking details history Pass
completed history
completed was
Booking of his total sales
Details with
As expected, all
total sales Display all the
Filter booking details the booking
using branch wise and history Pass
completed history
date wise completed was
with filtered data

Task F: Technical Documentation

User manual for “GoCheeta” Cab Booking Service

Customer Login

Figure 13 - customer login

1. Enter already registered customer mobile number and password for login purposes
for login to web application.

2. Click the login button to authenticate into booking section for placing cab booking.

3. Click New User button to redirect the web page to Customer Registration

Customer Registration Form

Figure 14 - customer registration

1. Fill the fields on registration form for customer registration purposes.
2. Click the registration button to add new customer to application
.3. Click Cancel button which will redirect to login page

Customer Booking Page

Figure 15 - customer booking

1. Select City to display other function in booking the cab
2. Click the cancel button which will redirect the customer booking

Figure 16 - customer booking

1. Select pickup location and drop location for place the booking
2. Select vehicle which will show case the service charges and charges per km
according to vehicle selection.
3. Click book now button to place the booking
4. Click the view Booking button to view the booking history which customer.
5. Click Cancel button to cancel the booking.

Customer Booking History Details

Figure 17 – customer booking details

1. Click Log out link in navigation bar to log out from the application.
Admin and Driver Login

Figure 18 - admin and driver login

1. Fill the admin login field with username and password for admin to
login into admin section.
2. Click login button in administration login section for admin to login into admin
3. Fill the Driver login field with license no and password for driver to login into
driver section.
4. Click login button in driver login section for driver to login into driver dashboard.


Figure 19 - city detail screen

1. Enter city name to search in search here input field.

2. Click Add City button to go to City add Screen
3. Click Edit button from table to edit City details
4. Click Delete button from table to delete City details

Add City

Figure 20 - add city details

1. Fill the fields with city details

2. Click Add button to add city details
3. Click Cancel button to cancel the return to City details page
Update City

Figure 21 - update city details

1. Fill the fields with city details
2. Click Update button to Update city details
3. Click Cancel button to cancel the return to City details page


Figure 22 - street details

1. Enter Street name to search in search here input field.

2. Click Add Street button to go to Street add Screen

3. Click Edit button from table to edit Street details

4. Click Delete button from table to delete Street details

Add Street

Figure 23 - add street details

1. Fill the fields with Street details

2. Click Add button to add Street details
3. Click Cancel button to cancel the return to Street details page
Update Street

Figure 24 - update street details

1. Fill the fields with Street details
2. Click Update button to Update Street details
3. Click Cancel button to cancel the return to Street details page


Figure 25 - branch details

1. Enter Branch name to search in search here input field.

2. Click Add Branch button to go to Branch add Screen
3. Click Edit button from table to edit Branch details
4. Click Delete button from table to delete Branch details
Add Branch

Figure 26 - add branch

1. Fill the fields with Branch details

2. Click Add button to add Branch details
3. Click Cancel button to cancel the return Branch Street details page

Update Branch

Figure 27 - update branch

1. Fill the fields with Branch details

2. Click Update button to Update Branch details
3. Click Cancel button to cancel the return to Branch details page

Vehicle Category

Figure 28 - vehicle category details

1. Enter vehicle type name to search in search here input field.

2. Click Add vehicle category button to go to vehicle category add Screen

3. Click Edit button from table to edit vehicle category details
4. Click Delete button from table to delete vehicle category details
Add Vehicle Category

Figure 29 - add vehicle category

1. Fill the fields with Vehicle Category details
2. Click Add button to add Vehicle Category details
3. Click Cancel button to cancel the return Vehicle Category details page
Update Vehicle Category

Figure 30 - update vehicle category

1. Fill the fields with Vehicle Category details

2. Click Update button to Update Vehicle Category details
3. Click Cancel button to cancel the return to Vehicle Category details

Sales Report

Figure 31 - Administrator sales report

1. Enter booking number to search in search here input field.

2. Click Print button to get pdf of report
3. Can be search the booking details by date with the help of date field
4. Can search by Branch name with the help of branch dropdown.

Driver Pending Booking Details

Figure 32 - driver Pending booking details

1. Customer Pending details can be viewed in this page

2. Click Accept booking button to Accept the customer booking
3. Click Reject booking button to reject the customer booking

Driver Ongoing Booking

Figure 33 - driver ongoing booking

1. Driver can view accepted booking info

2. Click Picked up button to update picked up time and booking status

3. Click Reject booking button to reject the customer booking

Figure 34 - driver ongoing booking

4. Click Dropped button to update drop time and booking status

Figure 35 - driver ongoing booking

5. Click Completed button to Display dialog box to enter Km covered and check the
final amount customer should give for the trip.

Figure 36 - driver ongoing booking

6. Enter the Total Km covered to check the total charges for the trip that customer
should pay.

Driver Total Sales

Figure 37 - driver total sales

1. Provides information of total sales that driver has completed.

Task G: upload the project to GitHub

GitHub Repositories

Link for Customer Booking System :
Link for Admin & Driver Panel :

Anon., n.d. Design Pattern - Abstract Factory Pattern. [Online]
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JavaTpoint, 2022. Creational design patterns. [Online]
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JavaTpoint, 2022. Design Patterns in Java. [Online]
Available at:
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Onuta, A., 2022. How to Get Started with Test Driven Development — A Step by Step Guide.
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