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March 13, 2023

At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

1. Describe proportion
2. Find the unknown term in the given proportion
3. Be accurate in finding the unknown in the proportion



 Nivera, Gladys C., Dioquiono, Alice D., et al. (2009) Making Connections in Mathematics, A
Worksheet for Third Year High School. Vicarish Publication and Trading, Inc.
 Patacsil, Lileth Q. (2010). Exploration and Application Geometry Workbook. Vicarish
Publication and trading, Inc.
 Dilao, Soledad J. Ed. D, Bernabe, Julieta C. (2009). Geometry Textbook for Third Year Revised
Ed. SD Publication, Inc.
 Lopez, Virgilio L., Lopez, Eunice A. (1995). Mastery in Mathematics III, 2 nd ed. Light Bearers
Publishing House
 Bryant, Menden L, et al. (2014). Mathematics Learner’s Material 9. Vibal Grou
 SLK5
 M9GE- IIlf-1

Materials: Laptop, Power Point Presentation, whiteboard marker, television


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminaries
Good morning, class!
Good morning, sir

How are you today my dear students?

We are fine sir!

That’s good to hear class.

Well Ms. Secretary, who is absent today?
None, Sir!

I’m glad that all of you are present today class.

So, before we proceed to our lesson, may I

present to you our classroom rules;
-Respect and listen to your teacher.
-Raise your hand if you want to talk or go out.

Is it clear class?
Yes, sir!
B. Review
Before we start our new lesson for today, let’s
have a quick review about quadrilaterals.

How many sides does a quadrilateral have?

4 sir!
Very good!
How about the angles?
4 sir!
That’s right!
And how many diagonals are there?
2 sir!

Excellent class!
Okay! I believe that you have already mastered
the concept of quadrilateral.

Now! We will proceed to our new lesson!

C. Lesson Proper
Before we begin our lesson, let’s first have a
simple game that would give you a mathematical
insight towards the topic we are about to discuss.
This activity is entitled “Puzzle Me”. The class will
be divided into 2 groups. Each group will have an
envelope with puzzle pieces on it and also a
folder. You will be given 5 minutes to complete
the puzzle.

So, based from the activity that we’ve just done,
what do you think is our topic for today?
Anyone? (Students raised their hands)

Yes Ronald! It’s all about ratio and proportion sir!

Very good!
So, our topic for today is all about Ratio and
Is everybody ready as we embark in the next
learning journey in Geometry particularly on
Ratio and Proportion?
Yes, Sir!
But first we need to identify what is Ratio?
So, who wants to read the definition of Ratio?
(students raised their hands)
Yes Darlyn!
RATIO is a comparison of two or more
quantities. These quantities involved in a ratio
are of the same kind so that ratio does not
make use of units. However, when quantities
are of different kinds, the comparison of the
quantities that consider the units is called rate.

Okay! Thank you, Darlyn!

So, Ratio is used for comparing two quantities of
the same kind. The ratio formula for two
numbers, a and b is expressed as a: b or a/b
where b does not equal 0.

For example, what is the ratio of sides to angles

of a quadrilateral?

So, the ratio can be expressed in two ways:

1. 4 : 4 (colon form) 1:1(simplest form)
4 1
2. (Fraction form) (simplest form)
4 1

Understand class?


Let’s try another.

What is the ratio of angles to diagonals in
(students raised their hands)
Yes Ronald!
4:2 or 4/2 sir!

Very good!
Can we simplify the answer? Yes sir!

Okay! What is the simplest form? 2:1 or 2/1 sir!

So, for better understanding let’s look at the next
Example 1: If there are eight oranges and six
lemons in a bowl of fruit, then the ratio of
oranges to lemons is eight to six (that is, 8:6 or
8/6 which is 4 : 3 or 4/3 in simplest form.

Can you follow class? Yes sir!

Any question? None sir!

Okay then, let’s now proceed with Proportion.

So kindly read. (Students raised their hands)

Yes Renz! Proportion is the equality between two ratios.

Very good Renz!

That is if the ratio a:b is equal to the ratio of c:d,
then ad = bz is said to be proportion.
Is it clear class? Yes sir!

Kindly read. (students raised their hands)

Yes Likeisha!
w y
If w : x = y : z, or = where w, x, y, and z are
x z
the terms of the proportion, w and z are called
the extremes and x and y are the means, and x
≠ 0, z ≠ 0.
For instance, in the proportion 3:5 = 6:10, 5 and 6
are the means and 3 and 10 are the extremes.
But take note class that in a proportion, the
product of the means equals the product of the
What is the product of means?
30 sir?
How about the product of the extremes?
30 sir?
Since the product of means and extremes are
equal therefore it is a?
. Proportion sir!
Did you understand class?
Yes sir!

Please read the principle of proportion Ronald.

The product of the means is equal to the
product of the extremes.
So, you can use the principle of proportion in
finding the unknown term in a proportion.

Let’s look at the illustrative examples.

Example1: Find the unknown term of each
proportion 2:4 = 8 : x
What are the extremes?
2 and x sir!
Very good!
What are the means?
4 and 8 sir!
So applying the principle of proportion that the
product of extremes is equal to the product of
means, What’s the product of the extremes and

2(x) = (4)8
2x = 32
2 x 32
2 2
x= 16
What is the value of x class?
16 sir!

Can you follow? Yes sir!

Let us proceed to another example,

3 24
Example 2: =
x 40
What are the extremes? 3 and 40 sir!

How about the means? x and 24 sir!

Very good!
So, by cross multiplication we get;
3(40) = (24)x
120 = 24x
120 24 x
24 24

Yes sir!
Understand class?

Look at the next example,

Example 3: 4:x = x:9 4 and 9 sir!
What are the extreme class?
x and x sir!
How about the mean?

36 sir!
What is the product of extremes?
x sir!
How about the product of means?

4(9) = x(x)
36 = x 2
x = 36 Get its square root sir!
How do you find the value of x?
x sir!
What’s the square root of x ?

That’s right! -6 or +6 sir!

How about the square root of36?

Very good!
Yes sir!
Can you follow?
Example 4 : 8:4 = 3+x:x
Kindly read the next example.
8 and x sir!
What are the extremes?

Very good! 4 and 3+x sir!

What are the means?

8(x) = 4(3 + x)
8x = 12 + 4x
8x – 4x = 12
4x = 12
4 x 12
4 4
3 sir!
what’s the value of x?

Very good! Yes sir!

Can you follow class?

If that’s the case try answer these in a whole

sheet of paper.
D. Fixing skills
You will be divided into 4 groups and find the
unknown term of each proportion. Each given will
be assigned a problem to solve, group 1 will
answer #1, , group 2 will answer #2, , group 3 will
answer #3 and , group 4 will answer #4.

1. x:4 = 5:10
x:4 = 5:10
x(10) = 4(5)
10x = 20
10 x 20
10 10
8 4
2. =
x 9
8 4
x 9
8(9) = x(4)
72 = 4x
4 x 72
4 4
x = 18
3. x: 16 = 4 :x

x: 16 = 4 :x
x(x) = 16(4)
x = 64
√ x 2 = √ 64
2 x+ 4 x=8
4. =
3 12

2 x+ 4
3 12
2(12) = 3(x + 4)
24 = 3x + 12
3x = 24 – 12
3x = 12
3 x 12
3 3
E. Generalization
What did you learn today?
Complete the sentence.

is the between two ratios.

Proportion is the equality between two ratios.
Very good!
How do you find the unknown term in a

By using the principle of proportion sir!

Excellent class!

F. Evaluation
Answer the evaluation in a whole sheet of paper.
Find the unknown term of each proportion.

1. 3:4 = 9: x 3:4 = 9: x
3(x) = 4(9)
3x = 36
3 x 36
3 3
x = 12

2. 4 : x = x : 25
4 : x = x : 25
4(25) = x(x)
x = 100
√ x 2= √ 100
X = ± 10

Find the unknown term of each proportion. Write your answer in a whole sheet of paper.
5 6
1. =
10 m
2. 4 +x: 7= 5:7
Prepared by:


Practice Teacher

Checked by:


Cooperating Teacher, Teacher III

Noted by:


Head Teacher III

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