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In Ukraine we know for sure: the way to a guest’s heart is through his

or her stomach! It’s all about Ukrainian cuisine.Ukrainian cuisine is

known for its delicious tastes, traditional cooking technologies and
generous ways to serve guests.Go to Central Ukraine, famous for its
Chornozem — black soil, to try cereal-based food Varenyky and
Galushky Borscht, which is included on the list of Ukraine’s intangible
heritage, has a centuries-old history and more than 70 recipes exist.
Borscht is usually served with garlic fritters called pampushky The
borscht formula is in the balance of the sour and sweet taste, and
every Ukrainian family has its own secret on how to achieve that
harmony! Varenyky is made of dough, but the filling depends on one’s
imagination. Don’t forget to put a generous serving of smetana (sour
cream) on your plate! Special beverages of Ukrainian cuisine are
uzvar, mead, kvas, zbyten, and compote. The phenomenon of
Ukrainian cuisine is that it is both integral and has regional diversity.
Due to the fact that our lands were parts of different states for a long
time and were under the influence of different nationalities, the
cultural features of the regions were formed separately from each
other. in my opinion, Ukrainian cuisine is the most diverse and
delicious cuisine, I adore borscht, it seems to me that every Ukrainian
loves it, it is a fantastic taste, I told about borscht and wanted to eat it
I make my mother when she cooks borscht,
I can tell you an interesting story from my life, my grandmother used
to cook borscht and add apricot jam to it, I tried it and to my surprise
it was very tasty

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