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Flow toy entertaining is yet another common technique that draws people to EDM.


hoops, staff whirling, flaming clubs, flaming supporters, and poi are examples of flowing arts.

Young talented people can also exhibit themselves through various dance styles. EDM offers a

setting for flow artists to perform behind the audience or even on a platform (Sterne &

Razlogova, par. 24-25). The EDM scene has made flow arts a norm, and artists are drawn to it

since it allows them to interact with other individuals who share similar interests.

Additionally, the general public and the music business across the board place great

importance on this type of music. The genre was created as amusement. Individuals are

entertained by it at concerts, parties, and celebrations. Moreover, listeners employ this type of

music as a form of entertainment. People employ this genre to keep themselves occupied while

they are unoccupied and have leisure time.

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