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Professional Identity

Professional Organizations


When conducting their duty of caring for patients, healthcare workers like nurses must

conduct themselves in a respectful manner. Precisely required tasks for registered nurses include

teaching patients about healthcare procedures while also giving them prescribed medication.

Nevertheless, certified practical nurses must provide quality patient care in medical and nursing

facilities. Nursing practice is described as providing treatment alternatives following rigorous

diagnosis and advocating for healthcare practices to avoid diseases and injuries. The code of

ethics expresses the requirements designed to guarantee outstanding medical care and

competence in the nursing field. Non-maleficence, autonomy, beneficence, and justice are the

four identifiable and specified components of the code of ethics. Additionally, nursing learners
must enroll in a wide range of professional bodies to advance their educational objectives and

career development. The pediatric nursing organization and the emergency nurse’s society

illustrate these nursing professionals' bodies.


Austin, M., & Fortune, S. (2022). The Role of Nursing in PACE. In Community-Based

Integrated Care for Older Adults (pp. 195-201). Springer, Cham.

Buerhaus, P. (2018). Nurse practitioners: A solution to America’s primary care crisis. American

Enterprise Institute, 1-30. Retrieved from https://search-ebscohost-


Dean, R. K. (2021). Healthcare interpreting ethics: A critical review. The Routledge handbook of

translation and health, 198-215.

Pope, T. M., Bennett, J., Carson, S. S., Cederquist, L., Cohen, A. B., DeMartino, E. S., ... &

White, D. B. (2020). Making medical treatment decisions for unrepresented patients in

the ICU. An official American Thoracic Society/American Geriatrics Society policy

statement. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 201(10), 1182-


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