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IGCSE Physics Paper 6 tips!

Lenses Precautions:
•Carry out experiment in a dark room.
•Use a set square to make sure the screen is vertical.
•Measure the distance between the lens and the object by
drawing a vertical line in the middle of the lens’ holder, and
measure the distance from there.
•Move the lens back and forth until you have a focused image.
•The centers of the lens, object, and screen must have the same
height from the bench.
•Lens, object and screen must be perpendicular to the bench.
•Clamp rule or place on the bench.

 Pins precautions :
•Place pins as far away from each other as possible.
•View pins with one eye such that they appear as one.
•View pins from their bases in case one of them isn’t vertical.

 Precautions to take care of while taking readings from
•Repeat experiment several times and take average.
•Check for zero error before starting
 Switch off circuit between readings TO REDUCE THE
•Avoid parallax error by looking perpendicular to the
•Tapping the meter only if an analogue meter is used.
• Limit current -voltage- power so temperature isn’t increased.

Possible cause of inaccuracy while measuring angles of reflection:
•Thickness of lines.
•Thickness of pins or pin holes.
•The protractor gives the reading nearest to one degree.

•Bases of pins might be tilted.

•Positions of pins might not be exact as ray.
•Thickness of mirror.

Precautions to take care of while taking readings from
thermometer: (heating experiment)

•Insulate beaker to reduce amount of heat loss.

•Repeat and take average.
•Stir to ensure water temperature is the same throughout the
whole beaker.
•Use a lid to reduce amount of heat loss.

 Problems when measuring distances in pivot experiments with
•Rule is unlikely to balance.
•Rule could slide on pivot.
•Mass could slide on rule.
•Rule isn’t uniform so centre of mass of rule is not on the 50cm

 Experiment steps:
• We strongly recommend drawing a labelled diagram even if he
does not REQUIRE you
•State the variables you’re changing (usually only one) and state
the variables that you will keep constant, and which variable
will change in effect.
•If he doesn’t tell you to write a precaution, I strongly suggest
you do so as it allows you
an additional mark.

“Repeat and take average.”

•Plot a graph and table, with THE LABELS, but you should not
fill it in.
•Deduction (NOT CONCLUSION) (do not predict what will
happen, but you should say
how you interpret your results (measurements)).

•Do not extend the line to the origin if he didn’t ask.
•Use more than 50% of the space.
•Use the graph to get the gradient, not the table.
•Do not draw broken lines.
•Unit for gradient must be written when its required.

 Measurements: (FYI)

 Mass : Metre rule: 100g. Protractor: 5g.

 Volume: Test tube: 10cm3. Measuring cylinder: 100cm3.
⭕Current: Filament bulb: 1 A .Air conditioner: 20 A.

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