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Case study

of Brazil
Population distribution and economic
development at the national scale

Agata Wójtowicz
Population in Brazil
214,423,696 people in 2020 according to wordlometer

country density: 26people/km2

It is 2.75% of world population, what makes it 6 most populous country in the world
(refering to total population, not density) . In comparison in 1960, Brazil Population was
equivalent to 2.2% of world's population (72.18 mln people).

0.75% growth rate in 2020 accoridng to worldpopulation review)

Total population by country

fig. 1 world population review

fig. 2 world population review
Brazil: Percent of world population 1960 - 2018 Brazil population 1960-2020

fig. 4 the global economy

Conclusions: In comparison to other conutries around the

world, Brazil has many citizens. However the density is
not so high. The the world's population increases faster
than Brazil, as the Brazil total population (fig. 3) increases
faster than the percent of world population (fig. 4).
fig. 3 world population review
Population distribution ~ introduction, main factors
first European occupants
the backlands and of Brazil settled (~16th
Amazonia are not centuty) among the
highly populous, coastal Indian villages or
at the trading posts that
however some
they established at
people moved here
Salvador and at Cabo
thanks to potential of
Frio (now in Rio de
Amazon river
Janeiro state)

south east became coastal area is the most

popular place to live densely populated ares:
thanks to coffee and on 35% of the land ->
mining diamonds 87% people live
fig. 5 world population review

fig. 6 Brazilmap360
Population distribution: comparison of total
population and population density by the province

fig. 7 urbanet fig. 8 Brazilian states by population brazilianmap360

Most of Brazilian states are compatible when it comes to total population and
density, however the differnce between these two maps are relevant.

For an instance:
Federal District as the place of the Brasil capital, is populous place, the total
number of citizens is relativley low because the area is small, however the density
is high (in the top of the scale).

General Mines is the state with the highest (20 000 000+) range of population,
however it is on of the biggest states on the east coastline, hence the density is not
as high as in other states here.
Factors influencing the population distribution ~ physical
the percentage of total population settled
The North region is largely covered by on each region In the Northeast, west area is sometimes
lush, tropical rainforests. The annual calles the polygon of drought. This is the
average temperature is 22°C to 26°C hottest place in Brazil. The mountains along
with very small seasonal variation. The the coastal area trigger rainfall from the
most intense rain falls near upper

Trade Winds. In the South of Salvador the
Amazonia and Belem
27% lands are drier . This region sees a greater
seasonal variation than in the North region.
Central-West is covered with extensive
savannas and tropical grasslands. The
landscapes are mainly hills and rivers.
The South-East has mild climates
Well-distributed rainfall is seen in this
averaging 19°C in the Plateau cities of
area. Here is the Mato Grosso
São Paulo, Brasilia and Belo Horizonte.
swampland which is the wildlife
On the coast, Rio de Janeiro has warm
climate, balanced by the constancy of the
South Region has a warm, temperate Trade Winds, normally 23°C to 27°C. Sao

climate but on the coast distinct cooler

Paulo also sees heavy rainfall. This region
seasons can produce frosts. The area is
has very nutritious soil.
often affected by invasions of cold air from
the Antarctic, but in summer the fig. 9
temperatures can rise to levels similar to
the tropical regions
90% of the country is within the tropical zone,
where 60% of the population lives on plateaus
and mountains, along the coastline where the
seas winds and polar front moderate the

The undependable rainfall in the “Polygon

of Drought” is a reason for the very high
evaporation rate in the North-East. This
makes it difficult to grow crops.
Along the coastline, near Recife, São Paulo
and Brazilia are spread the arable lands
which are suitable for growing crops. These
places are very densely populated.

The most densely populated region sare areas,

whenre the annual rainfall does not go beyond
80 inches.

fig. 10
The most likely area for people to
settle are: 'crops', 'savanna', 'forest
near the coastline' and 'urban areas',
as they are effciient for agriculture
and industry. The climate is easier
for people to ive there too.

fig. 11 simbrasil
People are concentrated in the South and
Southeast regions as they are the places,
where the coffe plantations, reforestation
for lumbering, sugarcane and cotton
plantations are settled. Quite a lot of
people live around mines and deposits for
example in the Northeast for petroleum,
diamonds and iron. Most of industry
branches are settled on the coastline, the
exceptions are food processing or textile
industry, which are settled next to the
rivers Amazon and Rio Tocantis as well.

fig. 12 researchgate
Internal migrations
People move away from the coast in the
Amazon rainforest and underdeveloped
area, what is forced by governemnt. Even
the capital was relocated to Brasil
(towards to centre) to make people move
from highly urbanized, overpopulated

Other important change is depopulation of

the South and people migration to
Southeast. Mostly because of negative
consequences of rapid urbanization.
fig. 13 Rachel Hansen
Core-periphery patterns

fig. 14 urbanet
fig.15 semantic Scholar
fig. 16 Spingerlink 'Internal migration in Brazil in years 1960-2010
fig. 17 Maria Cristina Cacciamali, Gerry Rodgers, Vidhya fig. 18
Soundararajan and Fabio Tatei
fig. 19 Maria Cristina Cacciamali, Gerry Rodgers, Vidhya Soundararajan and Fabio
1. The other direction of internal migration is from countryside to the urban area (fig.
16). Regardless of the regions of Brazil, the more urbanized the area, the more
people come there.
2. Not only immigrants, but also total population is greater in urban areas than rural
(fig. 14)
3. The reason for this phenomenon might be the difference in the wage and income
gap between differnet areas.
4. The income depends both on the region of the Brazil as well as whether it is rural
or urban (fig. 17).
5. The Northeast is the poorest region and we considered it as the reference point
or the denominator of the wage 16 ratio (fig. 17).
6. Wages on the urban areas are higher than on the rural
Megacity growth
The biggest cities develop on the
coastline, mainly Southeast, some on
the Northeast as well.
The most populous cities are Rio de
Janeiro 6.75 million inhabitants,
Brasilia 3.06 millions and Salvador
2.89 and Sao Paulo 22 millions,
Buenos aires 14.3 millions.

Sao Paulo is the 4th largest cities in

the world.
fig. 20 omega7geo
megacity growth ~ consequences
Such a rapid growth of cities as in the case
of Sao Paula have differnet casues on the
people and environment, for an instance:
Traffic congestion
Air pollution
Inadequate infrastructure


in Brazil live in favelas
fig. 21 worldpopulationreviewq
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