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Agata Wójtowicz

Evaluate the national tourism strategy in Vietnam

Since economic reforms initiated by Communist Party in 1986, Vietnam has been
experiencing rapid economic growth. Over 20 years, the GDP increased about 3,6% and
Vietnam became a middle-income country (Economy & Tourism: Vietnam's Timeless
Charm RMC Asia). It is both the reason and consequence for tourism development. Good
geographical position with long coastline and archipelagos, political stability, over four
thousand years of history and diverse traditions contribute to positive conditions for
tourism in Vietnam. In addition, Vietnamese government support tourism developing
strategies like international promotion or developing business strategies. Although the
development of tourism conduces to positive multiplier effect, it not only is beneficial for
other sectors, but also it creates threats (Tourism as a Development Strategy "Tourism
As A Development Strategy". Geography).

First of all, there is a huge impact of tourism strategy on Vietnamese economy. Tourism
commits to income on different levels from transportation to restaurants. In 2018,
visitors in Vietnam, spent 10.9 billion USD (Tung). It makes tourism the fourth main
contributor to the GDP. Due to tourism, Vietnam is getting richer and may invest money
further. For an instance, the number of hotels operators increased from 30 in 2010 to 80
in 2017 (Economy & Tourism: Vietnam's Timeless Charm RMC Asia). In addition,
positive influence of tourism is creating job places. The demand for new educated
workers is huge and increased from 750 000 in 2017 to 850 000 in 2020 (Economy &
Tourism: Vietnam's Timeless Charm RMC Asia). Annually, 40 000 workers are required
to be educated and prepared to work, when currently there are only 15 000 graduates.
(Economy & Tourism: Vietnam's Timeless Charm RMC Asia)

On the other hand, the national tourism strategy in Vietnam creates threats. Tourism is
vulnerable to changes in prices and the overall global financial situation. Hence, there is
the risk of fluctuations of income and significant instability of tourism industry. The
World Data describes Vietnam as experiencing ‘vibrant economic growth albeit
moderating’. The main trend is rapid growth of tourism, however in fact in single years
like 2003, 2008, 2009 the increase of total tourists number was not larger than 5% and
the number of international happened to decrease (Tung). This lack of stability make
planning the budget considerably harder. Moreover, in Southeast Asia, there is a huge
Agata Wójtowicz

level of competition. Countries such as Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines may inhibit

tourism in Vietnam.

Besides economic influence, tourism widely influence the society in social and
environmental aspects by creating threats and opportunities.

When it comes to benefits, infrastructure developed for tourists is advantageous for

locals in the same extend. The transportation, including the public transport as well as
roads conditions make Vietnam a more convenient place for tourist, but also better the
everyday life of citizens. Vietnam government is focused on promoting the country to
international visitors, hence there are more international capital resources available
both for tourists and locals. What is more, the fourth industrial revolution procure
Vietnam to speed along technological development and digital transformation (Vietnam
speeds up digital transformation in tourism sector "Vietnam Speeds Up Digital
Transformation In Tourism Sector". The Star). Although, it is dedicated for tourists, local
people also can benefit from created information system. Last, but not least, there is the
pressure to educate. Annually, there are 15,000 graduates of tourism schools and 80% of
them will find suitable job, when it still too little and Vietnam tourism require over 1,5
times more graduates.

In contrast, environmental consequences of tourism are more damaging. Tourists take

advantages of Vietnam’s landscapes, beaches and islands. Building too many hotels,
roads and airports can result in stress on the environment. The landscapes will be
destroyed by human infrastructure and more waste created by tourists such as Phan
Thai, which is widely exploited by tourists. The relevant environmental risk is the
climate change as well. The tropical climate of Vietnam may be deranged, what can
possibly make the area too hot or too wet for tourists. Due to rise in sea level, some
areas such as Mekong Delta Vietnam will become unreachable too, what can significantly
limit the tourism development.

To sum up, Vietnam is experiencing the rapid development. Better economic situation,
less people in poverty, increasing middle class allowed Vietnam to develop tourism
industry to the level, when its brings benefits and possibilities of investment in various
branches. However, while discussing tourism as national strategy, the threats and
disadvantages of tourism development should be considered such as lack of stability or
environmental costs.
Agata Wójtowicz

Economy & Tourism: Vietnam's Timeless Charm RMC Asia. 2022. 23 11 2022.

brak daty. GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites . 24
11 2022.

Tourism as a Development Strategy "Tourism As A Development Strategy". Geography. 2022. 25 11


Vietnam speeds up digital transformation in tourism sector "Vietnam Speeds Up Digital

Transformation In Tourism Sector". The Star. 2022. 25 11 2022.

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