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Extended Diploma in Performing

and Production Arts Project

proposal template
Candidate Name
Robyn Langford

Candidate Number

Pathway Level 3 Performing Arts

Project Title
Variations – Katie Himms

Section 1: Rationale
(approx. 150 words) When starting this course I wanted to improve on my techniques with professional practitioners and
widen my abilities as a performer. One of my fears coming into the course was of my struggles with
anxiety and written work but I feel as though my relationship with my work has improved a lot since
coming onto this course. I think an area that I have also improved in is my confidence, I am sharing
ideas and volunteering to do things I wouldn’t even dream of doing before this course. I have really
enjoyed my skill sessions with different practitioners as that has given me the chance to open up my
skillset that would equip me better for future projects and they are a lot of fun to learn. One of my
favourites was the class on Fosse as I was already a fan of his style of movement so to learn about
it was a really fun and interesting experience. I have found ensemble work to be very challenging
since I find it quite difficult to work in a group. This is because I often find my voice to be drowned
out and I find it hard to rely on people however through the units I have found ensemble work to be
very rewarding and I am excited to work in a group in future projects. Through the Scratch piece I
have a newfound love of devising, I had found it difficult in previous projects but giving a group
almost complete creative freedom really helped with my confidence. I feel more creative with these
types of projects and I can’t wait to see where my newfound skills will take me in the future.

Section 2: Project
(approx. 200 words)

Page 3
Extended Diploma in Performing
and Production Arts Project
proposal template
Section 3: Evaluation
(approx. 150 words)

Proposed Research
Sources and
Bibliography (Harvard

Page 3
Project Action Plan and Timetable
Resources / What you will need to do it
Week Date Week Activity / What you are
- including access to workshops
Beginning intending to do - including
independent study

1 20/02/22

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