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30th March – 10th April

VOCABULARY 5. Complete the sentences. Use adjectives formed

from the nouns in the box.
1. Complete the food words in the sentences. beauty * fame * mystery * option * sun
1 It’s red and round. It’s technically a fruit but it’s 1 This class is _____________ . You don’t have to
usually eaten as a vegetable. ____________________ attend if you don’t want to.
2 It’s the meat which comes from a cow.___________ 2 It was a bright, _____________ day and the
3 Some varieties of this vegetable are poisonous so be temperature was nearly 30°C.
careful! ____________________ 3 The woods were dark and _____________. Frank
4 A Spanish omelette contains these, plus eggs and always felt a bit frightened of them.
sometimes onions.____________________ 4 This castle is _____________ for the executions that
5 It’s a white and small. It’s the main ingredient of took place here in the seventeenth century.
paella ____________________ 5 Some celebrities do extreme things to look
6 They’re a type of small and pink seafood._________ ____________, even when they are old.

2. Complete the questions with the antonyms 6. Circle the correct options.
1 Is your tea strong or w_______? 1 The robbers arrived sudden / suddenly.
2 Are the roads in your village wide or n_______? 2 What is he doing actually / at the moment?
3 Are the walls high or _______ 3 Mia’s very sensible / sensitive. Don’t upset her
4 Are the plates dirty or _______? 4 I don’t know Mike good / well, but I like him.
5 Is your hair dry or _______? 5 This song is going to be a hit / an exit
6 Is your new bed _______ or hard? 6 I’m putting my papers into my folder / carpet.
7 The music was beautiful / beautifully.
8 We were playing happy / happily in the garden
3. Write the shops and places in town.
9 Be quiet! I’m trying / pretending to sleep!
1 You can buy medicines at a c________
10 Drive careful / carefully – the roads are icy.
2 You can buy bread and cakes at a b________
3 You can buy flowers at a f________ 7. Circle the correct options.
4 You can buy a newspaper at a n________ 1 Turn off / on the lights, please. It’s too dark.
5 You must walk on the _________ 2 If you’re cold, put on / off your jacket.
3 Don’t pick down / up that box. It’s too heavy.
4. Match the sentences with the crimes in the box. 4 I’m going to take off / on my coat. It’s really hot.
Arson * burglary * drug dealing * hacking * murder * 5 Tania is trying to give away / up smoking.
shoplifting * speeding * theft * vandalism 6 I must give back / in the book that I borrowed.
1 He was driving at 80 kilometres per hour in a
residential area. ________________
2 Thieves broke into our house and stole our TV.
1. Complete the sentences. Use present simple
3 Tourists’ wallets are often stolen in this area.
1 She always _____________ her homework. (do)
2 _________ you _________ any pets? (have got)
4 They broke the glass in the phone box and covered it
in graffiti. ________________ 3 I _____________ late in the mornings.(get up)
5 There are problems with people buying and selling 4 _________ Sheena __________ football? (play)
cocaine in this nightclub._______________ 5 He ______________ to school by bus. (not go)
6 Police arrested a girl for stealing CDs from the music 6 They _______________ a lot of TV. (not watch)
shop. ________________ 7 He ____________ as a waiter at the café. (work)
7 A teenager set fire to the school. ________________ 8 Mike _____________ French in his free time. (learn)
8 The killer used a large knife. ________________ 9 I _____________________ this exercise (not
9 A man got into the national security system and left a understand)
computer virus. ________________ 10 We _____________ English every day (study)
2. Insert the adverb of frequency in the right place 5 James / not see / the film.
1 I am tired in the morning. (often)
6 Fran and Dave / not like / the concert / last week.
2 I visit online chat rooms. (hardly ever)
7 Michelle and Andy / be / away / last night.
3 I go out at the weekend. (usually)
8 Jorge / go out / with Amparo / in 2008.
4 I can speak English outside school. (never)
7. Complete the sentences. Use the past continuous
1 He ___________________ a phone box. (vandalize)
3. Complete with the present continuous 2 The boys _____________________ (not joyride).
1____________________ (you / do) anything 3 Joe ___________________ crime that day. (commit)
tonight? Yes, I _______ . I ___________ (go) out. 4 I ______________________ your wallet. (not steal)
2 I ____________ (not enjoy) this party. Let’s go! 5 ____________she ______________into the security
No! I _________________ (have) a great time. system? (hack)
3 What ____________ (Ed / do) for his birthday?
8. Complete the sentences. Use the past simple or
He ____________________ (have) a big party.
past continuous.
4 ___________________ (Tina / go) on holiday?
1 The vandals __________________ (run) away when
No, she ________ . She ______________ (work).
one of them ________________ (fall) over.
2 The burglar ________________ (steal) my laptop
4. Complete with present simple or continuous
when I __________________ (come) home.
1 I _________________ (need) some help. 3 The girls ___________________ (shoplift) when the
2 I _________________ (watch) the new Bond film at security man ________________ (see) them.
the cinema on Monday. 4 I _____________________ (have) a coffee when I
3 Keep silent. The baby _______________ (sleep) ___________ (see) a robbery across the street.
4 Dan _________________ (understand) French 5 We ________________ (drive) on the motorway
5 Hurry up! We ________________ (leave) now! when it ______________________ (start) raining
6 I _________________ (want) to leave now.
7 I __________________(use) the hairdryer now. 9. Write sentences. Use the present perfect
8 Sandra usually ______________ (go) shopping on 1 I / try / snorkelling.
Saturday morning. _______________________________________
2 Simon / not go skiing / before.
5. Complete the sentences with the comparative or _______________________________________
superlative of the adjectives in brackets. 3 I / break / my leg.
1 Yesterday was ______________________ (bad) day
4 Sarah / take / her sister’s MP3 player.
of my life.
2 My bedroom is ______________________ (tidy)
room in the house. 10. Write questions with How long …?. Then circle for
3 My car is ______________________ (big) yours or since.
4His Spanish is __________________ (good) Lisa’s 1 Tina / have / that hairstyle?
5 She is _______________________ (beautiful) you _______________________________________
6 It was __________________ (hot) day of the year. For / Since five months.
2 Mark / live / in Paris?
6. Write sentences in the past simple _______________________________________
For / Since last summer.
1 He / go / to the cinema?
3 you / be / at this school?
2 He / not be / very clever.
For / Since six years.
3 I / spend / too much money / in December.

4 Paula / drive / to London.

11. Complete the sentences with yet, just, ever, never, 15. Join the sentences, Use who or which.
already, before, for, since 1 That’s the girl. She lives next door to Martin.
1 I haven’t met Ben _______________ Friday.
2 I haven’t seen you ___________ a week. 2 This is the book. Katie bought it for my birthday
3 You haven’t visited us ___________ a long time
4 Have you _____________ been skiing before? 3 There are many people. They enjoy this TV show.
5 You don’t need to pay. I’ve ____________ paid
6 I’ve known him _____________ 1998 4 We got on the bus. It goes into the town centre.
7 I have never seen you here _______________.
8 I’ve ____________ played baseball before. 5 This is an important match. We can’t lose it!
9 Alice has studied the violin _________ she was four
10 Have you finished your homework _________?
11 I’m afraid he’s not here. He’s __________ left. 16. Complete with the correct relative pronoun.
A:I didn’t see you yesterday. Did you have a good
12. Choose the most suitable verb form time?
1 I’m so tired! I think I will go / am going / am going to go to B: Yes, we went to the new cinema ___________ has
bed right now just opened on the other side of town.
2 Can you have dinner with us tomorrow? I can’t. I am A: I’ve got a friend ______________ works there. He
working / am going to work / will work tomorrow says it’s huge.
3 They are going to travel / will travel / are travelling to New B: Yes, it’s big and there are shops and lots of places
York at Christmas. They’ve just bought the tickets _______________ you can get really nice food.
A: Did you have a meal?
4 This exercise is too difficult. I will help / am helping / am
B: We ate in a Mexican restaurant. There were lots of
going to help you
dishes _____________ you could choose from.
5 I am going to study / will study / am studying at university
A: I had a Mexican meal last year ____________ I was
in the future
on holiday. It was very hot!
6 I don’t think Tony is finishing / is going to finish / will B: Oh this meal was lovely. The chef _________
finish his essay in time prepares the food has lived in Mexico for ten years.
A: I think I’ll have to go there. Of course you know
13. Circle the correct options. THERE TWO RIGHT ____________ birthday it is this weekend, don’t you?
1 I’ve had those shoes for ages / a while / May.
2 I’ve had a cat since May / two years / Easter. 17. Circle the correct modal so that both sentences have the
3 I haven’t been here for very long / 1 hour / 3 o’clock same meaning.
4 I’ve been here for 10:30 / ages / an hour. 1.David has the ability to finish the project by himself.
5 I’ve hated spiders since my brother threw me one He must / can / ought to finish the project by himself
/ I was a child / a long time 2. I knew that he was capable of cooking that meal.
I knew that he should / must / could cook that meal.
14. Complete with the right form of the verb to make correct 3. We prefer that you do not feed the elephants.
conditional sentences You cannot / should not / don’t have to feed the
1.You ____________ (like) the cake if you had tasted it elephants.
2.The new building will be built unless someone
4.It is unnecessary for him to register for the
____________ (complain)
3.He would have come to the party if he ___________
He can’t / must not / doesn’t have to register for the
(be) invited.
4.I would fly to Bangkok tomorrow if I could
__________ (afford) it. 5.It is possible that they will arrive home after dark.
5.Nobody ______________ (read) his article unless it They may / need to / have to arrive home after dark.
appears online 6.Was it necessary for him to pay full price for the
6. If I ___________ (win) the lottery, I would buy a car. tickets?
Did he have to pay / Could he have paid / Might he have
paid full price for the tickets?

18. Correct the mistakes. 19. Write questions for the underlined words
1 My brother don’t enjoy eating out. 1 My family lives in Detroit

2 We aren’t usually speaking English in class. 2 John will come to my birthday party tomorrow

3 Do Paco live in Madrid? 3 This jackets costs 30 euros

4 I’m not knowing her name. 4 I visited my grandma last Saturday

5 Always I go out on Saturdays.
5 No, I have never been to Italy
6 I’m often send texts in the evening.
6 I am using a pen to write
7 What did you did on Sunday at 8 p.m.?
7. I have lived here for 30 years
8 I didn’t vandalizing those cars with my friends.
8. This is my mother’s house
9 Where you were playing football?
9. I am playing football with Mary
10 Did you sleep when I phoned?
10 I don’t like you because you are very moody
11 How many people is there in your class?

12 Are many chairs in your living room?

13 Are there some TVs in this flat?

14 How many money have you got?

15 Sorry – there is any food. We ate it all.

16 If we’ll have robots, life will be easier.

18 I don't think it will being sunny tomorrow.

19 Will you to love me forever?

20 ‘Will she be seventeen next year?’ ‘No, she not.’

21 If it rains tomorrow, you will go out?

22 She buys a small car if petrol prices rise.

23 Did you ever been to Australia?

24 Has you ever been abroad?

25 I haven’t never seen a celebrity in real life.

26 Vinnie has had not a shower.

27 I just have had a sandwich

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