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Management Draft 300 words 32054016 - Eve Binet

Length: 1,500 – 1,800 words including reference list

‘The world is facing continuous change with social, technological, environmental,
economic and political forces reverberating around the world every day. In particular,
innovation and digitalisation-based technologies are a reality such that artificial
intelligence, blockchain technology and big data are presenting both opportunities and
threats that managers must not ignore.
Discuss what is more important, the management of the human element of the organisation, or
the management of technology? Address this question considering the topics covered during the
first part of the semester.’

The threat of a continually changing external environment heightens the importance of adaptive
technology that is able to change in response to the forces around it, through which human expertise is
unable to with such efficiency and accuracy. However, this places pressure on the interactive elements
of management that are traditionally more valuable, bringing to question whether the benefits of such
groundbreaking technology really does outweigh the disadvantages, or if we ourselves are
contributing to our own demise by supporting the management of technology over the human element
of organisation. Technology is a means by which the talents and abilities of a human are amplified in
order to present a result that satisfies and often surpasses the expectations and boundaries the human
element of organisation can reach. Informed by research and analysis, this essay will analyse the
importance of face-to-face human interaction in businesses of today's society, and the crucial aspects
of management that are reinforced through the use of organisational and planning abilities undertaken
by managers today. In contrast, the growing benefits of adaptive technology will be explored and
elaborated on in order to demonstrate the pivotal role the innovation of technology plays in being able
to adjust to an ever changing environment in a way that ensures efficiency and consistency. Lastly, a
proposal on how the benefits of both technological and managerial abilities can be combined to
provide an environment through which opportunities are taken advantage of, without risking the
threats that appear to be at large with the increase in digitalisation-based technologies. Management is
a core aspect of current businesses and continues to define the organisations of today’s environment in
light of the reverberating external forces.

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