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S2: 2020/21 Topic 5: Gas Power Cycles 1


Joule/Brayton Cycle
S2: 2020/21 Topic 5: Gas Power Cycles 2

Learning Outcomes
• Conduct air-standard analyses of gas turbine power
plants based on the Joule cycle and its modifications,
including the ability to:
• sketch T-s diagrams and evaluate property data at principal
• applying mass, energy, and entropy balances.
• determine net power output, thermal efficiency, work ratio,
and the effects of compressor pressure ratio on performance.
S2: 2020/21 Topic 5: Gas Power Cycles 3

Introducing Power Generation

• Thermodynamic cycles are a fundamental aspect of
several power plant types that employ renewable or
non-renewable sources.
• Vapour power cycles are the focus of Topic 4. In this
topic gas turbine power systems are studied as
thermodynamic cycles. The basic building block of gas
turbine cycles is the Joule (Brayton) cycle.
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Considering Gas Turbine Power Plants

• Gas turbine power plants are more quickly constructed,
less costly, and more compact than the vapour power
• Gas turbines are suited for stationary power generation
as well as for powering vehicles, including aircraft
propulsion and marine power plants.
• Gas turbines are:
• increasingly used for large-scale power generation, and
• for such applications fueled primarily by natural gas, which is
relatively abundant today.
S2: 2020/21 Topic 5: Gas Power Cycles 5

Gas Power cycles (for Internal Combustion Engines)

• Joule Cycle:
Gas turbine/Jet Engines (Rotary engine)
• Otto Cycle:
Gasoline Engines (Reciprocating engine)
• Diesel cycle:
Diesel Engines (Reciprocating engine)
S2: 2020/21 Topic 5: Gas Power Cycles 6

Gas Turbine engine (Rotary engines)

Turboprop engine Gas turbine/Jet

A – Propeller; B – Gear-box;
C – Compressor
D – Combustion chamber;
E – Turbine; F – Nozzle
S2: 2020/21 Topic 5: Gas Power Cycles 7

Considering Gas Turbine Power Plants

• Gas turbines may operate on
an open or closed basis.
• The open gas turbine is more
commonly used and is the
focus of our study. Open to the atmosphere
S2: 2020/21 Topic 5: Gas Power Cycles 8

Considering Gas Turbine Power Plants

• The open mode gas turbine is an internal combustion
power plant.
•Air is continuously drawn into the
compressor where it is compressed to a
high pressure.
•Air then enters the combustion chamber
(combustor) where it mixes with fuel and
combustion occurs.
•Combustion products exit at elevated
temperature and pressure.
•Combustion products expand through
the turbine and then are discharged to the
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Considering Gas Turbine Power Plants

• The closed gas turbine operates as follows:
•A gas circulates through four components: turbine,
external source
compressor, and two heat exchangers at higher
and lower operating temperatures, respectively.
•The turbine and compressor play the same roles
as in the open gas turbine.
•As the gas passes through the higher-temperature
heat exchanger, it receives energy by heat transfer
from an external source.
•The thermodynamic cycle is completed by heat
transfer to the surroundings as the gas passes
through the lower-temperature heat exchanger.
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Air-Standard Joule Cycle

• The energy transfers by heat and work are in the
directions of the arrows.
• Air circulates through the
• At state 1, air is drawn into the
compressor from the surroundings.
• Process 1-2: the air is compressed
from state 1 to state 2.
• Process 2-3: The temperature rise that
would be achieved in the actual power
plant with combustion is realised here
by heat transfer, Qin .
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Air-Standard Joule Cycle

• Process 3-4: The high-pressure, high-temperature air expands
through the turbine from state 3 to state 4. The turbine drives the
compressor and develops net power, Wcycle .

• Air returns to the surroundings at state 4

with a temperature typically much greater
than at state 1.
• After interacting with the surroundings,
each unit of mass returns to the same
condition as the air entering at state 1,
thereby completing a thermodynamic
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Air-Standard Joule Cycle

• Process 3-4: The high-pressure, high-temperature air expands
through the turbine from state 3 to state 4. The turbine drives the
compressor and develops net power, Wcycle .

• We imagine process 4-1 being

achieved by a heat exchanger, as
shown by the dashed line in the
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Air-Standard Joule Cycle

• Cycle 1-2-3-4-1 is called
the Joule cycle.
• The compressor
pressure ratio, p2/p1, is
a key Joule cycle
operating parameter.
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Ideal Air-Standard Joule Cycle

• The ideal air-standard Joule cycle provides an especially simple
setting for study of gas turbine power plant performance. The ideal
cycle adheres to additional modeling assumptions:
• Frictional pressure drops are absent during flows through the heat
exchangers. These processes occur at constant pressure. These
processes are isobaric.
• Flows through the turbine and compressor occur adiabatically and without
irreversibility. These processes are isentropic.
• Accordingly, the ideal Joule cycle consists of two isentropic processes
alternated with two isobaric processes. In this respect, the ideal Joule cycle
is in harmony with the ideal Rankine cycle, which also consists of two
isentropic processes alternated with two isobaric processes.
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Joule Cycle: Compression


Wcomp 2
Air in 1

Isentropic compression s
Key points:
q1-2=0 Δs1-2=0;
For air: Δs1-2=cpln(T2/T1)-Rln(p2/p1) = 0 which
leads to relations: p comp

p2 T2  −1 Pressure ratio:
=( ) 1
p1 T1 rp =p2/p1
Heat and work interactions:

w1-2 =wcomp=h2–h1 =cp(T2-T1) and q1-2=0

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Joule Cycle: Combustion Heating

2 Combustion 3

Wcomp 2
Air in 1
Heating at constant pressure p3=p2
2 3
Key points:
w2-3 = 0; p2=p3 p comp

Heat interaction by NFEE: 1

q2-3 + w2-3 = h3- h2

q2-3 = qin = h3- h2 =cp(T3-T2)
S2: 2020/21 Topic 5: Gas Power Cycles 17

Joule Cycle: Turbine

2 Combustion 3
Heating in
Wcomp Wnet
Comp. Turb. 2
T 4
1 4
Air in 1
Work interaction by SFEE:
Isentropic expansion q3-4 + w3-4 = h4–h3 Then: s
Key points:
q3-4=0 Δs3-4=0 w3-4 =wtub=h4– h3 =cp(T4–T3)
Δs3-4=cpln(T4/T3)-Rln(p4/p3) =0 which 2 3
leads to relations:
 p3 p2
p3 T3  −1
=( ) = p comp turb
Remember: p p1
p4 T4 4
1 4

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Joule Cycle: Exhaust heat Heating

2 Combustion 3
Chamber 3
Wcomp Wnet 2
Comp. Turb.
T 4
1 4 1
Air in Rejecting heat
Air out
Heat rejection at constant p4= p1

Key points: 2 3
w4-1 = 0; p4=p1
p comp turb
Work interaction by NFEE:
q4-1 + w4-1 = h1–h4 Then: 1 4

q4-1 = qout = h1- h4 =cp(T1-T4) v

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Ideal Air-Standard Joule Cycle

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Ideal Air-Standard Joule Cycle

• Process 1 – 2: Isentropic compression of the air
through the compressor to higher pressure.
• Process 2 – 3: Heat transfer from an external to the air
as it flows at constant pressure through the heat
exchanger exiting at a higher pressure.
• Process 3 – 4: Isentropic expansion in the turbine.
• Process 4 – 1: Heat transfer to the surrounding from
the air as it flows at constant pressure through the heat
exchanger to complete the cycle.
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Ideal Air-Standard Joule Cycle

• Analysing each component as a control volume at
steady state, assuming the compressor and turbine
operate adiabatically, and neglecting kinetic and
potential energy effects:
Turbine Heat addition

Compressor Heat rejection

S2: 2020/21 Topic 5: Gas Power Cycles 23

Joule Cycle: Heat/work interactions

Heating in
2 Combustion 3 3
Wcomp Wnet
Comp. Turb. T 4
1 Rejecting heat
1 4
Air in
Air out s

1-2: Work in
2 3
2-3: Heat in
p comp turb .
3-4: Work out
1 4
4-1: Heat out
S2: 2020/21 Topic 5: Gas Power Cycles 24

Air-Standard Joule Cycle

• The thermal efficiency is:

• The work ratio is:

• Since the equations of this and previous slides have been

developed from mass and energy balances, they apply
equally when irreversibilities are present and in the absence
of Irreversibilities.
S2: 2020/21 Topic 5: Gas Power Cycles 25

Efficiency & Work Ratio vs Pressure Ratio

Thermal Efficiency

0.5 0.7

Work Ratio
0.3 0.4

0.1 0.1
0 1 3 5 7 9 11
1 3 5 7 9 11
Pressure Ratio
Pressure Ratio
S2: 2020/21 Topic 5: Gas Power Cycles 26

Effects of Compressor Pressure Ratio on Joule

Cycle Performance
Since the average
temperature of heat addition
is greater in cycle 1-2′-3′-4-1,
and both cycles have the
same heat rejection process,
cycle 1-2′-3′-4-1 has the
greater thermal efficiency.
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Ideal Air-Standard Joule Cycle with Irreversibilities

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Ideal Air-Standard Joule Cycle with Irreversibilities

• Process 1 – 2: As it increases in pressure through the
adiabatic compressor, the air experiences an increase in
• Process 2 – 3: Heat transfer from an external to the air as it
flows at constant pressure through the heat exchanger
exiting at a higher pressure.
• Process 3 – 4: As it expands through adiabatic turbine, the
air experiences an increase in entropy.
• Process 4 – 1: Heat transfer to the surrounding from the air
as it flows at constant pressure through the heat exchanger
to complete the cycle.
S2: 2020/21 Topic 5: Gas Power Cycles 29

Gas Turbine Power Plant Irreversibility

• The most significant irreversibility by far is the
irreversibility of combustion.
• Irreversibilities related to flow through the turbine and
compressor also significantly impact gas turbine
performance. They act to:
• decrease the work developed by the turbine and
• increase the work required by the compressor,
• thereby decreasing the net work of the power plant.
S2: 2020/21 Topic 5: Gas Power Cycles 30

Gas Turbine Power Plant Irreversibility

• Isentropic turbine efficiency, accounts for the effects
of irreversibilities within the turbine in terms of actual
and isentropic turbine work, each per unit of mass
flowing through the turbine.
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Gas Turbine Power Plant Irreversibility

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Gas Turbine Power Plant Irreversibility

• Isentropic compressor efficiency, accounts for the
effects of Irreversibilities within the compressor in terms
of actual and isentropic compressor work input, each
per unit of mass flowing through the compressor.
S2: 2020/21 Topic 5: Gas Power Cycles 33

How to assess the gas power cycle?

1. Understanding of characteristics of cycle, devices
and processes
2. Making reasonable assumptions to develop a model
cycle (ideal cycle)
3. Correctly applying of 1st law to process/cycle to
calculate the properties (hi, or ui) of working fluid at
key states
4. Estimating the Heat and work interactions and
S2: 2020/21 Topic 5: Gas Power Cycles 34

Ideal Air-Standard Joule Cycle: Example

An ideal Joule cycle takes in air at 1.0 bar, 25 ˚C.

The pressure of the heat addition (combustion) process is 7.0

bar and the maximum temperature exiting the combustion
chamber is 800˚C.

Determine the net work/(kg air).

S2: 2020/21 Topic 5: Gas Power Cycles 35

Solution – Diagrams
Heating Heating in 3
2 Combustion 3 Turbine

T 4
Wcomp Wnet 2
Comp. Turb. comp Exhaust

1 4 1 Rejecting heat
Air in
Air out s
Device diagram T – s diagram

Known parameters: 2 3
p1 = 1.0 bar; T1 = 25 oC;
p2 = 7.0 bar; comp turb .
T3 = 800 oC
1 4
To be determined:
wnet = w12 + w34 p – v diagram
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Solution – Work done by Turbine and Compressor

1-2: Compressor: w12 = cp(T2– T1)
w34 = cp(T4 – T3)
Heating in
3-4: Turbine: 3
and :
T1 = 273 + 25 = 298 K; T3 = 273+800
= 1073 K T 4
comp Exhaust
1). Calculation of cp: 1 Rejecting heat
For air (perfect gas), we have: s
 = 1.4; R=287 (J/kg/K) and cp =  /( –1) R
cp =1.4/(1.4 – 1)×287=1.0045 (kJ/kg/K)
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Solution – T2 and T4
2). Calculation of T2 and T4:
Heating in
By s1=s2 and s3=s4 for two isentropic Turbine
processes 1-2 and 3-4, again: 4
(−1)/ 2
T2 T3 p2 (−1)/ comp Exhaust

= T = p
4 1
( ) = rp 1 Rejecting heat
 −1 1.4 −1
 p2 1.4
T2 = T1  rp = T1  ( ) = 298×(7.0/1.0)0.4/1.4= 519.5 K
 −1 1.4 −1
 p2 1.4
T4 = T3 / rp = T1 /( ) = 1073/(7.0/1.0)0.4/1.4= 615 K
S2: 2020/21 Topic 5: Gas Power Cycles 38

Solution – Net Work

3). Work interactions: Heating in
w12 = cp(T2 – T1) Turbine

= 1.0045(519.5–298) T 2
= 1.0045 x 221.5= 222.5 kJ/kg comp Exhaust
1 Rejecting heat
w34 = cp(T4 – T3) s
= 1.0045(615–1073)
= 1.0045× (– 458)= – 460 kJ/kg

Finally the net work is:

wnet= w12+w34= 222.5 – 460 = – 237.5 (kJ/kgair)
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Solution – Cycle efficiency and work ratio

Thermal efficiency of Joule cycle:

ηth=1– 1 =1 – 1 = 0.43
(−1)/ 0.4/1.4
rP 7
Work ratio of Joule cycle:

wR = 1 – T1 (−1)/
rp =1–
298 7 0.4/1.4
T3 1073
= 0.52
Because pressure ratio rP = 7
S2: 2020/21 Topic 5: Gas Power Cycles 40

Solution – Joule Cycle efficiency and work ratio

Heating in
a) What is the cycle efficiency of the 3
cycle in the previous example if the Turbine
turbine and compressor both have
70% isentropic efficiency? 4
T 4s
w12 = cp(T2 – T1) 2s 2
=cp(T2s – T1) /ηcomp,isen Exhaust
w34 = cp(T4 – T3)
1 Rejecting heat
= ηturb,isen cp(T4,s – T3)
b) What is the changes in entropy for
compressor and turbines of question
if ηcomp,isen=0.87 and ηturb,isen =0.91?
S2: 2020/21 Topic 5: Gas Power Cycles 41

A Gas turbine Engine operating: Devices and Model

Fuel Device diagram and model
1 2 3 4 High pressure air ( Hot air (P3 = P2; T3 at
state 3)
Exhaust P2 ; T2 at Combustion
state 2) Chamber


Gas turbine

Assumptions: w
• Combustion is substituted by

heating Air flows in (p1, T1 at Air flows out (p4 = p1,

• Working Fluid: Air (neglecting the change state 1) T4 at state 4)
from air to combustion exhausts)
•All processes are reversible
S2: 2020/21 Topic 5: Gas Power Cycles 42

A gas turbine Engine operating: Compression

rp = 1

p1 ; T1 p2 ; T2

 in
m  out
air 1 2 4 Exhaust
3 gas (air)

State 1 to 2, Adiabatic
q1-2=0; w1-2 =wcomp
S2: 2020/21 Topic 5: Gas Power Cycles 43

A gas turbine Engine operating: Combustion/Heating

rp = 1

p1 ; T1 p2 ; T2 p3=p2 ;T3

 in
m  out
1 2 3 4 Exhaust
air gas

State 1 to 2, Adiabatic State 2 to 3, constant

compression: pressure heating:
q1-2=0; w1-2 =wcomp q2-3=qin ; w2-3=0
S2: 2020/21 Topic 5: Gas Power Cycles 44

A Gas turbine Engine operating: Turbine/Jet

rp = 1
p1 q4-1=qout; w4-1=0

p1 ; T1 p2 ; T2 p3=p2 ;T3 p4=p1;T4

 in
m  out
1 2 3 4 Exhaust
air gas

State 2 to 3, constant State 3 to 4, adiabatic

State 1 to 2, Adiabatic pressure heating: expansion:
q1-2=0; w1-2 =wcomp q2-3=qin ; w2-3=0 q3-4=0; w3-4=wtub
S2: 2020/21 Topic 5: Gas Power Cycles 45

Cycle Analysis and model Heating

2 Combustion 3
• Each device is an Open System Chamber

Wcomp Wnet
• Assumptions: Comp. Turb.

• All processes are reversible Air in 1 4

Air out
• Working fluid: air
• Potential & kinetic energies: neglected

For air:
S2: 2020/21 Topic 5: Gas Power Cycles 46

Joule Cycle: Heat/work interactions

Heating in
2 Combustion 3 3
Wcomp Wnet
Comp. Turb. T 4
Rejecting heat
Air in 1
Air out s

1-2: Work in
2 3
2-3: Heat in
p comp turb .
3-4: Work out
1 4
4-1: Heat out
S2: 2020/21 Topic 5: Gas Power Cycles 47

Joule Cycle: Efficiency

Starting from the definition of efficiency: Heating in
– wnet 3
ηth = qin T Turbine

Substituting the Eq.s of work and heat 4

– (w34 +w12)

ηth =
1 Rejecting heat
q23 s

= –c p(T4–T 3) – c p(T2–T1)
S2: 2020/21 Topic 5: Gas Power Cycles 48

Joule Cycle: Efficiency

T –T ηth = 1 – 4 1
Heating in
T3–T2 Turbine

T1(T4/T1–1) T 4
=1– 2
comp Exhaust
T2 (T3/T2–1) 1 Rejecting heat

T1 s
=1– By s1=s2 and s3=s4 for two
isentropic processes 1-2 and 3-4:
T2 T3 p2 (−1)/
Finally we have: T1
= T = p
4 1
( ) = rp
ηth = 1 –
(−1)/ rp =(p2/p1): Pressure ratio
S2: 2020/21 Topic 5: Gas Power Cycles 49

Thermal Efficiency vs pressure ratio


ηth=1– 1

Thermal Efficiency
rP 0.4




1 3 5 7 9 11
Pressure Ratio
Key conclusion:
Increasing of pressure ratio can dramatically improve the cycle
efficiency of a Joule cycle.
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Joule Cycle: Work Ratio Heating in

(w34 +w12) 3
Starting from the wR = w34
definition of work 4
T 2
= c p(T4 –T3 ) + c p (T 2 –T1) comp Exhaust

cp(T4–T3) 1 Rejecting heat

T2–T1 s
T3 –T4
By s1=s2 and s3=s4 for two isentropic
T1(T2/T1–1) processes 1-2 and 3-4, again:
=1– (−1)/
T3(1– T4/T3) T2 T3 p2 (−1)/
= T = ( p ) = rp
1 4 1
T1( rp – 1)
T3( 1 – 1 r(−1)/ )
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Joule Cycle: Work Ratio

Starting from the definition of work ratio:
(w34 +w12) Heating in
wR = w34 Turbine

T 4
(−1)/ 2
T1( rp – 1) comp Exhaust
=1– 1 Rejecting heat
T3( 1 – 1 r (−1)/) s

Finally we have:

wR = 1 – T1 (−1)/
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Work Ratio: T1 = 300K, T3=1000K


Work Ratio
wR = 1 – T1 (−1)/
rp 0.5
T3 0.4
1 3 5 7 9 11
Pressure Ratio

Key conclusion:
Increasing of pressure ratio leads to the decrease of work ratio of a Joule cycle.

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