BB12 Preg and Birth

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1.8 — Pregnancy and birth: in the hands of hormones Activity 1: Read the following information, highlighting key words. Pregnancy and birth are hormonal es affairs. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the embryonic hormone HCG rises rapidly. HCG maintains the corpus luteum, allowing it to continue secreting progesterone, This ensures ‘that the uterus lining remains receptive toan embryo. The progésterone and oestrogen secreted by the corpus luteum First uimester ‘Second vimester——_Thirdtrimester Stage of pregnancy Relative hormone concentration Interact with the hypothalamus ‘and anterior pituitary gland, causing a decrease in the production of GnHR, FSH and LH. This prevents menstruation or ovulation occurring, During the first trimester, high levels of progesterone also stimulate changes in the mother’s body. ‘These changes include enlargement of the uterus, formation of a mucous plug to seal the cervix, growth of the maternal parts of the placenta, and breast growth During the second trimester, high levels of oestrogen and progesterone are vital to continue maintaining the pregnancy. However, the production of embryonic HCG declines and the corpus luteum deteriorates, stopping it from producing these hormones. Instead, the placenta takes over the role of producing oestrogen and progesterone. Towards the end of the third trimester, increased oestrogen Is released, This oestrogen induces receptors to form on the uterus wall that can bind with the hormone oxytocin, Oxytocin is critical to ‘triggering and maintaining labour. An increased production of oxytocin occurs during labour. Both the baby and mother’s pituitary glands produce oxytocin during labour. : Nerve impulses from the The brain stimulates Oxytocin causes muscular contractions cervix are transmitted the pituitary gland of the uterus, which push the baby ‘to the bral to secrete oxyigcin ‘towards the cervix and vaginal opening. ~ — Oxytocin also causes the placenta to ree release prostaglandins. This also stimulates contractions. ‘The baby's head pushes against the Onytociscaried ‘The exact mechanisms that comix triggering inthe bloodstream ‘rigger labour are not fully known, Pressoreceptors tothe uterus The diagram on the right only shows Een ‘one model for the way the nervous gael eoiaie system and endocrine systems are uterine contections, thought to interact to cause labour. ee ‘towards the cervix ‘Module 5: Heredity 16 © Blitzing Publications Activity 2: True or false? a) The embryo produces oestrogen and progesterone during e: 'b) Embryonic HCG helps maintain the corpus luteum. ©) Inthe second trimester, the placenta produces oestrogen and progesterone. 4d} HCG increases throughout pregnancy and helps trigger birth. ) Increased oestrogen and oxytocin are both involved in causing labour. 4) High levels of oxytocin cause the uterine muscles to contract. 2) Progesterone suddenly increases just before birth. h) Oxytocin receptors form in the uterus in the lead up to bifth. i) Oxytocin and prostaglandins both cause uterine contractions. Activity 3: Short answers a) HCG, oestrogen and progesterone are all important in maintaining pregnancy. Describe how the levels of these three hormones change over the course of e pregnancy. b) Explain how hormones involved in pregnancy prevent ovulation and menstruation from occurring, ¢} Approximately one quarter of births in Australia are induced. This means medical intervention is used to help trigger labour. This is done to benefit the health of the mother and/or baby. One method of induction is to give the mother controlled doses of synthetic oxytocin through a drip. Explain why this medical treatment will induce labour. 4) Examine the diagram modelling the cyclical interactions of the nervous and endocrine systems during birth. Use this model to explain why uterine contractions will continue until birth occurs. © Blitzing Publications 7 Module 5: Heredity Activity 4: Lactation flow chart ‘common feature of mammals that mothers nourish their newborns with milk. The process of lactation is similar across most mammals. ‘When the offspring sucks on the mother’s nipple or teat, a nerve receptor is triggered which signals the hypothalamus in the brain. The hypothalamus then stimulates the anterior pituitary gland to produce two hormones: + oxytocin, which stimulates the ~ release of milk from storage | tint Flow charts show events occuring in + prolactin, whict’stimulates the | sequential order. Place each event inabox | | with aa arrow pointing to the next event. production of more milk. | Use this information to create a flow chart that outlines the process of lactation. Activity 5: Fill-in-the-blanks ~ Comparison of mammalian reproductive cycles. * active » body * changes * cycle * dogs » female » heat * length ‘+ mammals « oestrous * primates ¢ reabsorb + season * thickening ‘The menstrual cycle of humans is also seen in other However, primates are an exception to the norm. Most mainmals do not menstruate. Instead, most have an ‘oestrous cycle. The oestrous still involves ovulation and endometrial in preparation for pregnancy. However, instead of menstruating, these animals the uterine lining if they are not pregnant. Oestrous cycles are also associated with behavioural with the female becoming more sexually . The sexually active stage of an cycle is also associated with arise in__ temperature. Hence these females are sometimes said to be ‘in ’. Oestrous cycles can be influenced by both climate and leading to significant variation in cycle for different mammals. For example, female {go into ‘heat’ once a year, while rats go into ‘heat’ every five days. Module 5: Heredity 18 © Biitzing Publications

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