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Monta, Kristina Maria Concepcion P.

Audience and Market Insight:

1. List down five trending products
• Apple watch
• Samgyup/Korean BBQ
• Self-portrait studio
• Slimming supplements
• Rejuvenating Set

2. Relate a perceived risk for each of the products that you have listed that may affect
consumer decision making. Explain your response.
• Apple Watch - Financial risk: Consumer may think or feel that the product is not
worth the price because it retails for 25,990 pesos just for a watch. They might
consider buying alternative options that functions the same as the apple watch
that retails for 3,999 pesos only (Xiaomi).
• Samgyup/Korean BBQ - Physical risk: Consumer may think or feel that the
product/service will make them risk their health since it is a fatty food - pork and
beef. Especially the older generation, they will consider their well-being first just
like my parents - they don’t really enjoy eating in a Korean BBQ place.
• Self-portrait studio - Functional risk: Consumer may think or feel that the
product/service is not worth trying. Self-portrait studios are popular nowadays -
there are various option (competitors) and thus, there’s a risk of not meeting the
expectations of the consumers.
• Slimming supplements - Physical risk: Consumer may think or feel that the
product is a threat for their well-being. It is extremely popular these days - it
comes in the form of tablets, juices, coffee, etc. You can buy it from established
to start-up brands and thus, that creates a sudden fear to the consumers
because it might not be safe and healthy for them.
• Rejuvenating set - Physical risk: Consumer may think or feel that the product is a
threat for their well-being because these products/sets are everywhere. Even
small brands are selling it and thus it is extremely dangerous to buy these sets,
especially when you don’t really know the seller or you’re suspicious of it.
3. As a marketer, use the Four Techniques to Try to Convert a Low-Involvement to a
Higher-Involvement product for the following.
• Memorial Plan - people might not consider this service at all because in their
mind, “Why will I plan or pay for my own death?” or like “It’s not going to
happen soon.” This is the mindset of almost everyone but believe it or not,
memorial plan is immensely helpful.
> Engaging issue: According to 24 Oras, there are more than 100 neglected
corpses from the prison that were accumulated at the Eastern Funeral Homes.
This is one real life example of how poor our funeral or memorial services is.
They might be from prison, but they deserve to have their own decent funeral as
well. For this reason, I believe there’s a chance for funeral homes to offer a
specific service for this kind of circumstance. The relatives of these deceased
might not have the luxury of having their own memorial arrangement.

> Personal Situation: Personally, my mother has her own memorial plan from St.
Peter Funeral Services called St. Peter Life Plan. Back when I was in grade 11, my
grandmother (mother side) died, and she didn’t have her own memorial plan
and their packages was extremely expensive, and due to that my parents
decided to let my grandmother used my mom’s life plan. It was a huge help for
our family because we were able to save so much money. My mother currently
pays for another life plan from St. Peter, which she finds to be beneficial and
worthwhile. On our own experiences, St. Peter is one of the trusted funeral

> Advertising: Since I have mentioned St. Peter funeral home already - they
developed an advertising campaign - Rises Well Above-Ground and their very
own tagline, “Parang natutulog lang” They became very famous because of it.
Filipino families pay their respects to anyone who died in their family, and who
doesn’t want to make their loved ones looked beautiful on their very last days.
Their main goal was to make deathcare services more acceptable, and their
strategy was to have a free Kabaong Photobooth - and it’s a characteristic of
Filipinos to smile in the face of situations like these.
• Fire Extinguisher - it might be small, but it is extremely important part of the
home for safety. It can save lives and properties, but several families don’t
consider buying one.
> Engaging issue: According to Philippine Star, a couple died in Las Piñas in their
house along the Lovely Road in BF Homes subdivision due to fire. They were still
investigating the cause of it. We may not be able to know if they have fire
extinguisher, but this is one example of how a single fire extinguisher can help.
Especially in a tropical country where we experience intense heat that could lead
to short circuit, overheat, and more.

> Personal Situation: In our old house, the landlady used to give us free fire
extinguisher every year. Back then I didn’t fully understand the purpose of it. I
just thought, “Oh, okay it’s free, it must be nice.” But now, I must say that it’s
thoughtful that she was giving us free fire extinguisher. For our safety and for the
safety of the property - it goes both ways.

> Advertising: E&J Fire Fighting Equipment Co. - one of the most trusted
companies selling fire extinguisher. They were known for their “Eagle Fire
Extinguisher” Their products passed the standard of Bureau of Fire Organization
for Standardization (ISO), and this made them a well-respected brand in the
market. Who doesn’t want to buy from a trusted brand? Filipinos, it’s one of our
traits. We trust brands that proved their quality because we don’t want to waste
our hard-earned money.

• Home Insurance - it helps you protect your property, especially in times of

natural and unexpected disaster such as earthquake, fire, flood, storms, and
volcanic eruption. Unfortunately, not everyone has the capabilities to afford this
kind of service.
> Engaging Issue: Relating to the fire incident I’ve mentioned, the couple who died
in their home in BF Homes, they lost 330, 000 worth of property as well. It is a
perfect example of how home insurance can be beneficial. As a marketer, they
can encourage people to avail an insurance by telling a real-life
> Advertising: Malayan Insurance - the number one non-life insurance company in
the Philippines. “We pivot to our expertise to manage risks and provide quality
insurance service to our customers.” They have 92 years of experience already -
must be a trusted company. As an insurance company, you must assure your
consumers that they can trust you, especially Filipinos. We tend to seek for
assurance if money and safety is involved.

• Golf Club membership - Joining a golf club is a great way to meet other golfers
who share your interests and make new friends. However, golf is not exactly
inclusive for all. It is an expensive sport and that is why membership clubs must
have a great way to promote their services.
> Advertising: I’ve mentioned that golf club might be a little bit intimidating and
not inclusive for all. Thus, as a marketer, you should develop a cheap alternative
for those consumers who couldn’t afford to be a member of prestigious clubs.
Here in the Philippines, Villamor Air Base Golf Course is one of the cheap
options. Their fees (1) for locals are 1000 pesos on weekdays and 1500 pesos on
holidays and weekends. (2) For foreigners, 1500 pesos on weekdays and 2300
pesos on holidays and weekends. Filipinos likes to be included and to experience
this kind of sport as well.

• Disneyland tour package - every child/individual dream to be in the Disneyland.

It’s an amusement park featuring characters, rides, and shows based of the Walt
> Personal Situation: I have always dreamed of going to Disneyland since I was
heavily exposed to it - I watched Disney channel when I was a kid every day. I
remember we have a magazine and at the back of it, there was a picture of
Disneyland, and I promised myself that I’ll be able to go there someday.
Unfortunately, up to this day I still dream of it. Thus, I believe as marketers,
especially travelling agencies, they should develop tour packages that are
attainable and worth it. They can capitalize the idea of your dreams coming true
as a child growing up with Disney.
> Advertising: Klook is one of the trusted and popular booking agencies nowadays.
Their Disneyland tour (California, Los Angeles) package ranges from:
Þ 10, 245 pesos (Adult) and 9, 672 pesos (Child 3-9) - Regular ticket, not
inclusive of meals and beverages and express lanes.
Þ 11, 675 pesos (Adult) and 11, 103 pesos (Child 3-9) - Genie+ ticket,
inclusive of express lanes and unlimited Disney PHotoPass digital
downloads from the day of your visit.
Of course, flight and accommodations aren’t yet inclusive. It’s still expensive but
among other travel or booking agencies, you can guarantee your money and
safety with Klook. Influencers have been using Klook for their travels and
booking tickets for tours as well. To relate it to our values, Filipinos needs to be
assured that their money will be worth it.

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