FSD Question Bank: Unit III and Unit V

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FSD Question Bank

Unit III and Unit V

Q. Questions
Q.1 What is JavaScript?
Q.2 Explain different datatypes in JavaScript.
Q.3 Differentiate between External and Internal JavaScript.
Q.4 What are different events in JavaScript?
Q.5 Explain the variable naming convention in JavaScript.
Q.7 Write note on String Concatenation in JavaScript.
Q.8 Explain the different ways an html element can be accessed in
Q.9 Explain the alert() and confirm() in JavaScript.
Q.10 Write a program to check whether given number is Armstrong or not in
Q.111. JavaScript Program to check if a Number is odd or Even.

Q.122. JavaScript Program to Find the Largest Among Three Numbers.

Q.13 What is PHP.

Q.14 Explain HTTP POST and GET method in php.
Q.15 What are the different PHP Operators.
Q.16 What are the different String Handling functions in php.
Q.17 What is the difference between static and dynamic websites?
Q.18 What are include() and require() functions?
Q.19 PHP program to check palindrome number.

Q.22 PHP program to sort elements in an array in ascending order.

Q.23 PHP program to reverse given string.

Q.24 PHP program to find if the given year is leap year or not.

Q.25 PHP program to swap two numbers with and without using third

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