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1 question>These pencils are ... , take ... if you want.

<variant>mine / them
2 question>I have lost ... pen, may I take ... ?
<variant>my / yours
3 question>... often meet here.
4 question>She’ll go there with ... husband and ... daughter.
<variant>her / her
5 question>My elder brother looks like ... mother .
6 question>... of you knows his address?
7 question>We have very many relatives in ... native town.
8 question>They can do it ... .
9 question>She took off ... coat and began to work.
10 question>I’ve got no pen to write with. I’ll ask Mary to give me ... .
11 question>First of all we shall listen to ... suggestions, then we shall put forward ...
<variant>their / ours
12 question>There are more than ... books in the library.
<variant>2 million
13 question>The first of June nineteen hundred
<variant>первое июня 1900
14 question>.. ...always go abroad during their summer holidays.
<variant> they
15 question>He is an old friend of ... .
<variant> ours
16 question>He washed and dressed ... .
<variant> himself
17 question>... is that man?- Klimov Ivan Petrovich.
<variant> Who
18 question>... ... pupils are there in your class?
<variant> How many;
19 question>... is that man?- He is a doctor.
<variant> Who
20 question>... friend made some mistakes in his dictation.
<variant> My
21 question>Give ... the book, please.
<variant> me
22 question>Is ... absent today?
<variant> anybody
23 question>I can’t do it today. I have ... free time.
<variant> little
24 question>If you ever have ... problems, let me know.
<variant> any.
25 question>Did ... see this film yesterday?
<variant> anybody
26 question> How ... English words do you know?
<variant> many
27 question>Don’t worry. We have ... time before the train comes in.
<variant> much
28 question>All our students have dinner in their University’s ... .
29 question>Students often read up for lessons in the ... .
30 question>On week-ends we like to go ... a walk with our friends.
31 question>As ... rule we have little free time on my week-days.
32 question>Sometimes I have scrambled eggs ... breakfast.
33 question>After ... I put on my coat, take my bag, and go to the University.
34 question>In the morning if I have enough time I take ... .
<variant>a shower
35 question>As a rule before I go to ... I read books.
36 question>... weekend I get up later than usual.
37 question>It ... me half an hour to go to the University on foot.
38 question>Then I go to the ... where I clean my teeth, wash myself and brush my hair.
39 question>I don’t want ... for the first lesson so I come a few minutes before the bell.
<variant>to be late
40 question>After classes I go ... and have dinner there.
41 question>When I have ... I try to do my best to meet with my friends.
<variant>free time
42 question>Eight o’clock a.m. is ... time in our family.
43 question>When do you leave home ... work?
44 question>His birthday is on ... of October.
<variant>the fourth
45 question>He moved there some years ago, in 1950.
<variant>nineteen fifty
46 question>This famous poet was born on ... of October.
<variant>the twenty third
47 question>Are you a student?-Yes, ... .
48 question>Does he spend his holidays by the sea?
<variant>Yes, he does
49 question>Have the workers done their work?-Yes, ... .
<variant>they have
50 question>She is very pretty, ... ?
<variant>isn’t she
51 question>He is rich and famous.-... .
<variant>So am I
52 question>Ann knew it, ...?
<variant>didn’t she
53 question>There is no bread at home, ... ?
<variant>is there
54 question>There are many students at the meeting,... ?
<variant>aren’t there
55 question>You can’t swim, ... ?
<variant>can you
56 question>Where ... my glasses? – I have just lost ... .
<variant>are / them
57 question>Where ... my glasses? – I have just lost ... .
<variant>are / them;
58 question>Your advice ... very useful. I usually use your ... when I am in trouble.
<variant>is / advice
59 question>They say money ... the soul of business.
60 question>Too ... knowledge ... the head bold.
<variant>much / makes;
61 question>The book contains ... information. It’s very useful.
62 question>He has ... friends in this town and he feels lonely.
63 question>His clothes ... usually very cheap, but he is actually well-off.
64 question>... character my father is a quiet man.
65 question>I’ve got good relations ... my mum.
66 question>She is always interested ... what I do.
67 question>My younger sister is very popular ... her friends at parties.
68 question>He is keen ... ancient languages.
69 question>My mother’s sister is my ... .
70 question>Parents of my father are my ... .
71 question>I always wear these leather ________when it’s really hot.
72 question> You won’t get very wet if you leave now – it’s only ________.
73 question>I was really worried when Rob started ________ on that fish bone.
<variant> choking
74 question> We were ____when the festival was cancelled – we’d been looking forward to it.
75 question>He doesn’t smoke now, but he _____________ a lot when he was young.
<variant>used to smoke
76 question>Tom said: “I’m reading Robinson Crusoe”.
<variant>Tom said that he was reading “Robinson Crusoe”
77 question>„Have you seen John recently?? She asked us
<variant>She asked us whether they had seen John recently
78 question>Find the zero conditional
<variant>present simple, if present simple
79<question>The doctor wanted the patient___
<variant>to be examined
80<question>Noone expected him___ to the party.
<variant>to come
81<question>I saw him round the corner and__
<variant>Turn / disappear
82<question>I want his article______ in November.
<variant>to be published
83<question>We didn’t want her speech ____
<variant>to be interrupted
84<question>I saw her __into the building.
85<question>I believed you____ three mobile phones.
<variant>To have
86<question>He made me ____the window.
87<question>She believes Mark_____ a good guy.
<variant>To be
88<question>His mum wants him_____his homework.
<variant>To do
89<question>A right version of the reported speech: “She’s taken the day off school today” said
<variant>Tamerlan said she had taken the day off school that day
90<question>A right version of the reported question:“What’s the weather like down there?” the
astronauts asked
<variant>The astronauts asked what the weather was like down there
91<question>Report the sentence: The teacher ask: " What is the day today?"
<variant>The teacher asked what day was that day
92<question>Change into indirect speech:“I can see you tomorrow” she said
<variant>She said she could see me the next day
93<question>Change into indirect speech:“What’s the time”? She asked
<variant> She asked what time it was
94<question>My cousin has invested a lot of money ____ farming.
<variant> in
95<question>I am annoyed ___ him ___ what he has done to me.
<variant> with; for;
96<question>The problem ____ housing ____ India is a complex one.
<variant> of; in
97<question>Closed syllables
98<question>He _____ in Brazil
<variant>is currently living
99<question>He____for some time before a servant__ and __what he __
<variant>had been knocking, opened, asked, wanted
100<question>He seemed __all about influenza and said__ was nothing__ about.
<variant>to know, there, to worry
101<question>Find the sentence with the Complex Object.
<variant>I felt the blood rush into my cheeks.
102<question>Find the 2nd conditional:
<variant>past simple, would + infinitive
103<question>If Marat had studied harder he would … the University.
<variant>Have entered
104<question>Choose the sentence with Participle II:
<variant>Books written by Mark Twain are full of humor
105<question>Complex Subject is not used with:
<variant>… famous for…
106<question>Correct written fraction: 12 ½
<variant>twelve and a half
107<question>The correct use of linking word. I was on vacation; ___________, I didn't get
your letter.
108<question>Choose a sentence with Participle II:
<variant>She remembered a forgotten song
109<question>The singular noun in the possessive case:
<variant>doctor's visit.
110<question>The meaning of “stop or keep a person from doing something”
111<question>Indicate the function of the gerund: Isn’t there any hope of your being able to go
with us at all?
112<question>The synonym of the word ‘’defile” is:
113<question>Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate option: He ____ at the blackboard and
______ that the English teacher _______ the word "apple" there.
<variant>looked / saw / was writing
114<question>The verb followed by to (Complex Object):
115<question>The verb followed by –ing:
<variant>give up
116<question>Verbs followed by gerund and infinitive with difference in meaning:
<variant>forget, remember, stop
117<question>Find Participles I where they denote the action simultaneous with or preceding
the action of the main verb
<variant>Having read the signature, she said quietly: “That’s what might be expected.”
118<question>The Objective Participial Construction
<variant>He saw her standing by the gate and smiling.
119<question>Correct written fraction ¾:
<variant>three quarters
120<question>Present Participle Passive
<variant>While being examined, the boy could not help crying
121<question>Gerund as the Attribute
<variant>I don’t approve of the idea of his sending there
122<question>The children … in the open air if the weather … better last Sunday.
<variant>would have played / had been
123<question>This statement is not about Passive voice.
<variant>We use for repeated action and to talk about things in general
124<question>The opposite of the adjective “shallow”.
125<question>Complete the idiom with suitable key word. I cannot do that job as well, I’ve got
enough on_______ as it is.
126<question>Match the idiom with its meaning: You are a pain in the neck.
<variant>a difficult person
127<question>Find the antonym: Alice met him at a party and they made friends
<variant>parted with
128<question>Replace underlined word with its opposite. She is always obedient.
129<question>Change the words in brackets with an appropriate one. This firm has been very
(produced a lot) in recent years.
130<question>Match the abbreviation with its meaning: PTO
<variant>please turn over
131<question>Find negative adjective which fits the following definition means unable to read
or write -
132<question>Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence. I can’t believe it,
Inspector. You mean that Smith … money from the till all this time?
<variant>has been stealing
133<question>Choose the correct answer. Jack hurt his arm __volleyball.
134<question>Choose the most appropriate order for adjectives. There was a__ rug on the floor.
<variant>wonderful, soft, woolen
135<question>Complete the sentence with an appropriate preposition. I generally get my
salary__ the fifth of the month.
136<question>Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence. A new route
__between Moscow and Paris.
<variant>has been created
137<question>Choose an appropriate article. Are you talking now about __John Smith who
led__Labour Party?
138<question>Complete the sentence with an appropriate reported verb. I __Ann that we were
free on Thursday evening.
<variant> checked with
139<question>Choose an appropriate reported speech sentence. “I’m planning to buy a new car”
<variant>Jan told me that he was planning to buy a new car
140<question>What does “assertive” mean?
<variant>expressing opinions or desires strongly and with confidence
141<question>What does “stubborn” mean?
<variant>determined not to change opinion or attitude
142<question> “Get a life” means
<variant>to tell to somebody to do something more exciting with their life
143<question>What does “recaptured” mean?
<variant>caught a person that has escaped
144<question>Define reciprocal pronouns
<variant>John and Mary love each other
145<question>Define the Past Perfect Continuous
<variant>I had been reading the book for an hour when John came back home
146<question>Define the Past Perfect Passive
<variant> I had been trained to be a singer 
147<question>Define the Future Continuous in the Past
<variant>He was planning how he would be sipping cocktail on his vacation
148<question>Define the Future Perfect Continuous in the Past
<variant>He told us he would have been working on the plant for 30 years next December.
149<question>What does “refine” mean?
<variant>make minor changes so as to improve or clarify

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