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St. Jude Shrine Parish

02 March 2022 – Ash Wednesday

• Schedule of Masses:
o 06:00AM – English
o 09:00AM – English*
o 12:00NN – English
o 03:00PM – Cebuano*
o 05:30PM – English
o Note:
▪ Imposition/Distribution of Ashes at the Crown of the
▪ During the Imposition/Distribution of Ashes,
an appropriate song be sung and not instrumental
(as per the Rubric in the Roman Missal)
▪ Lay Ministers will assist the Priest during the
Imposition/Distribution of Ashes

All Fridays of Lent

• Way of the Cross inside the Church

o March 04, 11, 18, 25, April 01 and 08, 2022
o Time: 03:30PM
o In-charge: Sis. Liza P. Cabios and Parish Catechists

10 April 2022 – Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord

• Parish Masses:
o 05:30PM – English, Anticipated Sunday Mass (09 April 2022)*
o 06:00AM – Cebuano
o 08:00AM – Cebuano*
o 10:00AM – Cebuano
o 12:00NN – English
o 02:30PM – English*
o 04:30PM – Cebuano
o 05:30PM – English*
o Note:
▪ Long Form of Passion Reading be used in the Live
Streamed-Masses at 08:00AM, 02:30PM, and 05:30PM
• GKK Masses:
o 07:00AM – GKK San Vicente Ferrer, Riverside
o 09:00AM – Brgy. Hall Gym of 7-A, GKK San Jose, Lopez Jaena
o 09:00AM – Brgy. Hall Gym of 8-A, GKK San Roque
o 10:00AM – Brgy. Hall Gym of 5-A

Holy Week

• 11 April 2022 – Holy Monday

• 12 April 2022 – Holy Tuesday
• 13 April 2022 – Holy Wednesday
14 April 2022 – Holy Thursday

• Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper, 05:00PM*

• Repository, at the Adoration Chapel
o Transfer of the Blessed Sacrament – c/o Altar Boys (Adult)
o Repository – Sis. Maria Elena Cunanan, Sis. Maria Judith Tuna,
Sis. Antonieta Briones, Sis. Liwayway Panal,
and Bro. Michael Leandro Angon

15 April 2022 – Good Friday of the Passion of the Lord

• 09:00AM - Way of the Cross*

• 03:00PM – Liturgy of the Word, Veneration of the Cross,
and Liturgy of the Eucharist*

16 April 2022 – Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord,

the Easter Vigil in the Holy Night

• 06:00PM – The Solemn Beginning of the Vigil or Lucernarium,

The Liturgy of the Word, Baptismal Liturgy,
and The Liturgy of the Eucharist*

17 April 2022 – Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord,

at the Mass of Sugat

• Masses:
o 04:30AM – Encuentro/Sugat*
o 05:00AM – Mass of Sugat*
o Note:
▪ Angel – Shaniya Madenancel
▪ Mary and Risen Christ – c/o Bro. Pat Agudera
and Bro. Eric Florece

17 April 2022 – Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord,

at the Mass during the Day

• Masses:
o 08:00AM – Cebuano*
o 10:00AM – Cebuano
o 12:00NN – English
o 02:30PM – English*
o 04:30PM – Cebuano
o 05:30PM – English
o Note:
▪ Mass at 06:00AM is omitted.


• Readers (for Easter Triduum, including Way of the Cross

on Good Friday)
o Focal: Sis. Maria Teresa Estanislao
• Psalmists (from Ash Wednesday, down to Palm Sunday,
up until Easter Sunday) - if there is
o Focal: Sis. Mary Heirolmin Chucas
• Passion Readers (for Palm Sunday and Good Friday)
o Focal: Sis. Maria Elena Cunanan, Sis. Suzette Espejo
and Bro. Jairus Viola
• Platforms
o Focal: Bro. Hector Orias
• Church Decors
o Focal (Holy Thursday) - Sis. Liwayway Panal
o Focal (Easter Vigil) - Dr. Susan Malaga
• Live Streaming Schedules
o Ash Wednesday: 09:00AM, 03:00PM
o Palm Sunday: 05:30PM (Saturday), 08:00AM, 02:30PM, 05:30PM
(Crossposted to DXGN)
o Holy Thursday: 05:00PM
o Good Friday: 10:00AM (Way of the Cross), 03:00PM
o Easter Vigil: 06:00PM
o Easter Sunday: 04:30AM (Sugat), 08:00AM, 02:30PM

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