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A common misconception about volunteering is that it only helps the people in need.

Many volunteers spend their time helping the local community and the people that live in
it without getting payment in return.There is a different side of volunteering though.
When they donate time to do this they not only help others but they are also helping
themselves too.There are many benefits that we can gain through volunteering

First of all,volunteering has proven the best way to connect with different kind of people,
At here the environment is friendly and welcoming. You can meet face to face people
with the same interest and making friend with them. Volunteering promotes
communication with different types of people, sharpening social skills. Morover,the
teamworking and problem-solving skill can also be obtained through volunteering. For a
person to succeed in life, these skills are essential because it enables them to cooperate
with others and done your work efficiently.

Another benefits that can be seen for volunteering is in one’s job prospects.In many field,
the addition of volunteer work in emplyee's resume can increase their chances of
acquiring the job they have applied for.The reasons for this is because this shows
employer the passion and compassion they has, making them more attractive to hire. It
also shows employee's wealth of experience and skill which can increase their chances of
getting the job.Last but not least, volunteering can also have an impact in our state of
mind. When we finish helping other people, it give a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction,
which can affect positively to our mental health.

The benefits of volunteer activities are numerous and great. As can be seen, volunteering
can affect multiple aspects of our life.So right now, why don't we spend some time
volunteering !!

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