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Ticket Id: 110629

Dr Jeremy Barnett
Emergency Registrar
Maroubra Hospital
Lakes Road, Maroubra

Re: John Elvin-48 years old

Dear Dr. Barnett,

I am writing this letter for referal of John Elvin, who needs urgent transfer to your ED for a possible acute myocardial Commented [OET1]: the referral
infarction. Commented [OET2]: an

John presented to my clinic today complaing of a crushing chest pain of sudden onset. His pain was not releaved by Commented [OET3]: Mr Elvin
anginine. He also complains of worsening asthma symptoms triggered by a recent upper respiratory tract infection Commented [OET4]: complaining
(URTI). Upon examination, he had moderate wheezes and bilateral crackles on chest exam, and a slight S3 sound on Commented [OET5]: relieved
heart examination. John's O2 saturation was 86% on room air. His ECG showed mild ST elevation in anterior leads. Commented [OET6]: Anginine
Commented [OET7]: complained
John first presented to me one month ago (1/5/2011) for occasional chest pain on exertion. His examination, labs Commented [OET8]: Mr Elvin’s
and ECG were normal. A stress test done one week later (12/1/2011) showed ischemic heart disease. Thus, he was Commented [OET9]: Mr Elvin
placed on lipitor, nitrates, aspirin and anginine as needed. He was also noted to have a viral URTI. It is worth noting Commented [OET10]: Lipitor
that the patient is not compliant with his asthma medication due to alcohol dependence. Commented [OET11]: Anginine

In light of the above, John has received 5 mg of IV morphine and 500 ug of nebulised Ipratropium. He was placed on Commented [OET12]: Mr Elvin
15 L of O2 and received furosemide 40 mg. A glycemic nitrate patch was placed. He needs urgent transfer to ED for Commented [OET13]: ipratropium
further management of his case.
Commented [OET14]: For further inquiries, do
not hesitate to contact me.
Commented [OET15]: Yours sincerely

Word Length 221
Comments The letter shows some mistakes in grammar, particularly regarding
articles. The patient is referred to incorrectly throughout the letter.
Errors in capitalisation are also evident. The complimentary close is
incorrect and the conclusion is incomplete. Nevertheless, the relevant
case notes are covered and the information is presented in a logical
manner. Overall, the letter needs further improvement.

Estimated Grade C+
Advice 1. Revise grammar (articles)
2. Refer to patients by ‘Mr./Ms./Mrs. Surname’.
3. Pay attention to spelling and capitalisation.
4. Follow the proper format when writing the letter.
5. Always proofread the letter after finishing it.
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