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Answer Key UNIT 11 Medical Matters + review U11 p138 Complete First for Schools

p 120 Vocabulary
Idiomatic expressions
1b 2c 3d 4 e 5a

p 120/121 Reading and Use of English ex 1,2,3

ex 1
He’s not sure, but he’s interested in medicine, biochemistry and race driving.
ex 2
1e 2 b 3a 4d 5j 6m 7k 8h
1 caught a cold apart from 2 was far longer than 3 succeeded in persuading 4 is unlikely
tob e 5 led to some patients being 6 long as I keep taking

p 122 Grammar - Relative pronouns and relative clauses

ex 1
1 which 2 who 3 who 4 where
1 D 2 ND 3 D 4 D 5 ND 6 D
ex 3
3,4 and 6
ex 4
3 and 4 because the are the object of the clause
2 He studied hard for his maths exam, which he found quite easy / He found the maths
exam, which het studied hard for, quite easy.
3 The man (who/that) they sold the cart o is a taxi driver. / They sold the car to a man who is
a taxi driver.
4 Could you give me the newspaper (which/that) you were reading earlier?
5 That white house over there is the house where he was born.
6 Where’s the envelope(which/that) I put the money in?
7 Every morning I go running in the park with Patricia, whose brother you know.
8 Karen and Teresa, whose dog we’re looking after, are on holiday in the Caribbean at the

p 123 Reading and Use of English

ex 1
ex 2
1b 2a
ex 3
mis- : it means to do something wrong
1 undo 2 disappoint 3 misuse 4 untie 5 misspell 6 disappeared 7 undressed
8 misinformed
ex 5
inability/disability, disagreement, disappear, unaware, uncertain, inexperienced, informal,
unhappiness, unhelpful, dishonest, dislike/unlike, impatient, unpredictable, unreliable,
dissatisfied/unsatisfied, misunderstand

ex 6
1 unexpected 2security 3 occasionally 4 medical 5 height 6 calculation 7 assistance
8 uneasy

Review Unit 11 p 138

Ex 1
1 diagnosed 2 heal 3 treatment 4 infection 5 put on 6 lift 7 prescription 8 cure
9 check-up 10 get over

Ex 2
1 misunderstood 2 disapprove 3 dissatisfied 4 inexperienced 5 dislikes 6 unwilling
7 unnatural 8 misleading 9 unfashionable 10 unacceptable 11 unreliable 12 dishonest
Ex 3
1 whose arm is broken has 2 one the injury (which/that)/ the one (which/that) the
3 whose inhabitants are (all) 4 in a/the way (that/which) 5 from his email what
6 (which/that) Chiaro tells do not/don’t

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