Preliminary Activity Sheet

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Preliminary Activity Sheet

(Shape-Up Your Mind)

Name: ENCABO, MIKE JOHN B. Course/Yr/Sec: BSME 1-B

Date: APRIL 04, 2023 Score:

Instruction: Please answer in 15minutes the following questions after watching the
4minutes video presentation. (10 points each)

1. What have you observed in the video presented and identify some achievements in the
field of science and technology?
Throughout its history, the Philippines has made remarkable achievements and progress
in a variety of areas. The country has come a long way, from its rich cultural heritage and stunning
natural beauty to significant contributions in science and technology and infrastructure
development. These accomplishments not only put the Philippines on the map, but they also had
a positive impact on its society and people. Thus, in reference to the video, it demonstrates how
the Philippines' major achievements and progress have significantly improved the country's
economic and social landscape.
The video, in particular, shows the improvement of buildings and infrastructure in the
Philippines back then and now, demonstrating the remarkable transformation that the country has
undergone. It includes a side-by-side comparison of various historical landmarks, public spaces,
and buildings. Many of the country's historical landmarks have been preserved and restored, while
modern buildings have been built alongside them, harmoniously blending the old and the new.
The video also highlights the advancements made in infrastructure development. We can
see significant improvements in transportation systems like highways, bridges, and public roads,
which have greatly improved the mobility of people and goods across the country and have
improved the country's connectivity with the rest of the world.
Overall, the video demonstrates the Philippines' commitment to progress and
development, as well as how science and technology have aided the country's growth. The
country has been able to build structures that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also
functional, safe, and sustainable by utilizing advanced construction methods, materials, and

2. What do you think are the major contributions of the Philippines to the field of science
and technology at present?

Science and technology have played a significant role in shaping modern society, and the
Philippines is no exception. In recent years, the country has made remarkable strides in various
fields of science and technology. These contributions have not only propelled the country's
economic growth but also have had a positive impact on society locally and globally. In this essay,
we will explore the major contributions of the Philippines to the field of science and technology,
and their impact on society at present.
The Philippines has made significant contributions to medical research, including the
development of anti-cancer drugs. Filipino researchers have been researching the anti-cancer
properties of indigenous plants and have discovered several potential drugs. One such drug,
known as "Lagundi," has been discovered to have anti-cancer properties and is currently being
tested in clinical trials.
In addition, the country is a pioneer in the development of renewable energy sources,
particularly geothermal energy. As a matter of fact, the Philippines is one of the world's largest
producers of geothermal energy, one of its notable achievements, which has reduced its reliance
on fossil fuels and resulted in new job opportunities and economic growth. It also has several
innovative renewable energy projects, including Southeast Asia's largest solar power plant and
the country's first hybrid wind-solar power plant.
Filipino scientists also have developed new crop varieties and farming techniques in
agriculture, thereby contributing to food security and sustainability. Finally, through policies and
initiatives aimed at protecting its natural resources, the country has made significant contributions
to environmental conservation. These efforts have benefited both society and the environment
Thus, these advancements have benefited not only the country's economy, but also
society both locally and globally. The Filipinos have demonstrated their ability to solve problems
and improve the quality of life for themselves and others by innovating, adapting, and applying
scientific and technological advancements. As the world faces new challenges, the Philippines
remains committed to innovation and the use of science and technology for the greater good.

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