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NAME: ____________________________________ SCORE: ___________

GRADE & SECTION: ________________ DATE: _____________


1. Taking the necessary actions without being instructed to do so

a. Communication
b. Reliability
c. Initiative
d. Teamwork

2. Includes motivating co-workers and setting goals for your team

a. Leadership
b. Self-management
c. Communication
d. Problem solving

3. This promotes trust by consistently meeting or exceeding expectations

a. Initiative
b. Organization and planning
c. Leadership
d. Reliability

4. The ability to perform job duties with little to no supervision

a. Teamwork
b. Self-management
c. Leadership
d. Initiative

5. ______ is the process of directing how much time is spent on certain activities.
a. Personal Organization
b. Time Management
c. Prioritization Matrix
d. Agenda Management

6. Time management is the process of planning the best way to organize the things.

7. Failing to manage your time can lead to some consequences, like..

a. Less stress
b. Greater productivity and efficiency
c. Missed deadlines
d. A better professional reputation
8. What is one common time management mistake?
a. Procrastination
b. Manage Distractions
c. Taking Breaks
d. Scheduling Tasks

9. Always start working on the easiest tasks, even if they are less important.

10. Postpone unnecessary activities until the work is done.


11. Multitasking is a great way to finish things quickly.


12. Taking the time to set goals wastes your limited time.

13. Alan has been studying for his math test for an hour. He knows he needs to study for
at least another hour, but he is feeling distracted. His phone keeps buzzing with text
messages, and he's hungry. What would be the best thing for Alan to do now?
a. He should keep studying until he falls asleep.
b. He should talk to his friend, eat a snack and keep studying all at the same time.
c. He should take a quick break, so he can get a snack and respond to his texts
before he goes back to studying.
d. He should stop studying and make plans to see his friends.

14. Zeina is following the time management steps. She just made a list of her tasks and
estimated how much time they will take. What should she do next?
a. She should take a break and eat a snack.
b. She should organize her tasks alphabetically.
c. She should cross off tasks that she doesn’t want to do right away.
d. She should prioritize her tasks, or put them in order of importance.

15. Why do we plan or schedule our time?

a. Scheduling is cool.
b. Plan BIG or important things first.
c. Plan ahead so that we know what to be prepared for.

16. What are the benefits of Time Management?

a. Relieve Stress
b. Decrease Distractions
c. Increase Productivity

17. Which tools are helpful in practicing Time Management?

a. Calendar
b. Agenda
c. Time Log
d. Stopwatch or Alarm
18. Which is not a strategy of time management?
a. Make a list of things to do
b. Memorizing assignments that need to be completed
c. Dedicate time to study
d. Remain focus and on-task

19. The first step in managing your time is... waiting until the last minute
a. asking for advice from others
b. making a plan
c. making memes

20. Setting _________ will help you define how you spend your time.
a. goals
b. clocks to daylight savings time
c. the thermostat
d. traps

21. Setting priorities is about determining

a. what is most important to you
b. how much money you can make
c. what is the easiest path to take
d. who is in your squad on fortnight

22. Which of the following is a true statement?

a. Time management means always doing more than one task at the same time.
b. Good time management means never taking breaks.
c. Time management is about planning to get tasks done and doing them.
d. One way to manage your time well is to ignore deadlines and focus on doing the
most fun activities.

23. Which word means to delay or put off doing something by wasting your time on less
important tasks?
a. Procrastinate
b. Postpone
c. Abandon
d. Cancel

24. Zeina is following the time management steps. She just made a list of her tasks and
estimated how much time they will take. What should she do next?
a. She should take a break and eat a snack.
b. She should organise her tasks alphabetically.
c. She should cross off tasks that she doesn’t want to do right away.
d. She should prioritize her tasks, or put them in order of importance.

25. Having a well-balanced life means that a student devotes more time to things they
enjoy doing versus studying and homework?

26. Dylan has a final exam on Tuesday. His goal is to earn an A on it. On Monday
afternoon, he starts playing video games. When his father tells him to study, Dylan
responds, “I’ll do it later.” What could Dylan improve about his time management skills?
a. He should think about his goals and what will help him to reach them.
b. He should make a more flexible schedule.
c. He should take more breaks.
d. Dylan is managing his time well.

27. We have to create a dedicated time for ____________ and for _____________.
a. Sleeping, eating
b. Studying, homework
c. Indoor activities, outdoor activities
d. Important things, small things

28. Amanda guessed her homework for the day would take about 2 hours. This is called
a ___________.
a. goal
b. estimate
c. consequence

29. Karen knew her one-pager was due on Friday in ELA, but she did not write the
reminder down on her calendar so she received a zero. Karen's grade of a zero is called a
______ .
a. planner
b. priority
c. consequence
d. schedule

30. A person with good time management will _________ and not ____________, so more
can be done in less time.
a. work worse, work better
b. work better, work worse
c. work hard, work smart
d. work smarter, work harder

31. What are the steps to making an effective time management plan. Pick all that apply.
a. Keep an agenda/calendar
b. Create a new Tik Tok
c. Consider your priorities.
d. Make a plan of action

32. Prioritize means put things in order of importance.


33. How can we overcome distractions?

a. Eliminate the Distraction
b. Remove yourself from the situation
c. Ignore the distraction
d. All answers are correct
34. Which tools are helpful in practicing Time Management? Check all that apply

a. Calendar
b. Netflix
c. Weekly Time Log
d. Setting Reminders in your phone

35. Time Management is a skill only for school.


Jhonalyn O. Namoca
Grade 3 Adviser

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