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THE INTERNET: Connecting & Surfing

 Internet

 large interconnected network of thousands other networks worldwide.

 ARPANET ( Advance Research Project Agency Network)

 a military project in the 1960s

 used by military strategies to communicate data & info among



- a collection of documents created by individuals and organizations

all around the world.

Uses of the World Wide Web

• for research and information gathering

• for formal distance education

• for communication

• for business
To connect to the internet, a user need:

1. computer

2. modem

3. internet service provider

4. web browser

5. phone line

Several options to have internet connection:

•First, the DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)

•Second, broadband services

•Third, Wi-Fi services installed in shopping malls, and other

commercial centers.

-networking technology that allows fast transmission of electronic data

Surfing with a Web Browser

• Internet - electronic component that connects computers all across

the world.

• World Wide Web - collection of websites

• Websites - site consisting one or more web pages

• Webpage - made out of text, graphics, audio or video, or a

combinationof these.

Surfing with a Web Browser

•Web pages are written using computer language called "Hypertext

Markup Language (HTML)"

Web Browser

- a program that enables one to face the web.


•Google Chrome



•Internet Explorer


•Microsoft Edge

Search Engines

•Yahoo, Google, Firefox, Safari - general searches

•Surfwax,, Searchleeves - answer factual quetsions

•Complete Planet, National Geographic, Education world - academic

oriented research

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