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Analyzing and comparing personal recount text and biography

Name: Sally Sherina Slamet

Grade: 10A

No Question Personal Recount text Biography

1 Generic Structure

a. What’s in Introduction of what the text The writer introduced the figure’s
orientation part? is going to be (the main idea name, his birthdate, the date he died,
of what the text is) his profession and what he’s doing in
Introduction to the activity life (what he was known for)
they did, the location, and
who the writer did the
activity with.
b. What’s in events The writer explains and The writer begins to tell story about
part? describe the series of event the figures journey, from childhood,
that happened in the past. school year, work life, achievements,
(The activity that the writer and how did the figure become who
experience in the location he's known for and what he did.
they go to)
c. What’s in re- Describe the last day of the Describe what had happen to the
orientation part? events and a personal figure, what he did, and how he
comment about the event manage to reach his goals.
about what happened in the
2 Kinds of vocabulary
a. What is the Recount text is more about Biography is more about what
difference text that tells story (detailed) historical story does someone famous
between the about what happened during has from their life’s. In biography,
kinds of a specific occasion in the past vocabulary is used to tell facts from a
vocabularies in and only in that period-of- person’s life, for example in this
personal recount time. It not as complicated biography there’s where they from,
and biography? and complete as biography where they grew up, when they
and tend to be more informal. became famous, and tend to be more
b. Example of - On the first day, I was - Nevertheless, Habibie got more
personal recount landed at Incheon than $400 million for
text Airport around 7 AM refurbishing.
vocabularies after a 6 hours long
c. Example of - Went to learn how to - Habibie believed his enterprises
biography make kimchi and see ultimately would spawn high-
vocabularies scenery of Seoul from tech ventures in the private
Seoul Tower. sector and allow the country to
climb the technology ladder.

- In 1993 he unveiled the first

Indonesian-developed plane,
which he helped design, and in
the following year he launched
a plan to refurbish more than
three dozen vessels bought
from the former East German
navy at his initiative. 
3 Ideas Organization
a. What did the - They went to holiday - The figure’s name is B.J Habibie
writer tell in the - Where they went (Seoul) (Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie)
first paragraph? - With whom the writer - He was born on June 25th, 1936,
goes with (Their friends) Parepare, Indonesia
- Died on September 11th, 2019,
- B.J Habibie was the president of
- An engineer and politician
b. What kinds of - On the first day they - Habibie is brilliant and received
information that landed on the airport his postsecondary education at
the writer tells - They went to the hotel in the Bandung Institute of
as the content of Seoul by train Technology
the writing? - They eat traditional - In 1960 remained in West
Korean food Germany as an aeronautics
- The next day they went researcher and production
to the national museum supervisor.
- Learn how to make - He helped build advanced
kimchi industries Initially assigned to
- Went back to the hotel the state oil company, Pertamina,
Habibie became a government
adviser and chief of a new
aerospace company in 1976.
- Two years later he became
research minister and head of the
Agency for Technology
Evaluation and Application.
- In 1993 he unveiled the first
Indonesian-developed plane
- In 1990 he was appointed head
of the Indonesian
Muslim Intellectuals Association
, and during the 1993 central-
board elections of the country’s
ruling party, Golkar,
- By the late 1990s he was viewed
as one of several possible
successors to the aging Suharto.
- In March 1998 Suharto
appointed Habibie to the vice
presidency, and two months
later, in the wake of large-scale
violence in Jakarta, Suharto
announced his resignation. 
- He granted amnesty to more than
100 political prisoners.
c. How did the - They spent the last day in - In 1999 announced East Timor,
writer end the Myeongdong and bought had been invaded by Indonesia
writing? souvenirs then ate street - Later that year Habibie ran for
food there president, but he withdrew his
- Goes back to the airport candidacy shortly before the
- The writer told us they October election, which was won
had a fantastic by Abdurrahman Wahid.
experience and end it - Wahid took office, then Habibie
with how the whole essentially stepped out of
holiday was by telling it politics, although in 2000 he
was a great trip. established the Habibie Center, a
political research institute.
4 Addition - -

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