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Prevention before occurrence is possibly the most important point to look at as in most cases,

having a strategic precaution will usually deter future incidents from occurring. When discussing
road mortalities, there are many prevention and control methods that are used to lower rates of
road deaths. Prevention can include Improving road user education and public advocacy. (1)This
encompasses newer drivers educated with a more thorough and hands on approach in order to gain
a full licence. A great example of the graduating licensing system is in Austria. Newer drivers above
the age of 17 gaining a ‘learners’ under the supervision of someone with a driver’s license for a
period of at least seven years. After this, a two-part drive course both fifty minutes, a one-day
training, and finally a two-part advanced improvement drive course is given to the individual. After
all of this, the individual is given their full licence.(4) Due to this intervention the current mortality
rate in this country is 4.6 deaths per 100,000 of the population .(2) More simple tactics such as
speed bumps placed in residential areas, are used to slow down potential motorists exceeding speed
limits. Other devices such as ‘speed cameras’, measure and fine motorist also exceeding the limit
given.(3) Signs advising certain warnings for forthcoming roads may be overlooked. It should be
noted though the advantage of receiving a message earlier, such as the speed that should be driven
through a ‘tight bend’, reduces the likelihood of (fatal) incidents.



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