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Züleyha Aslan

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Cumhuriyet University, Sivas 58140, Turkey


Received 4 December 2014; accepted 30 March 2015

The main purpose of this investigation is to characterize experimentally the interlaminar shear strength of cross-ply and
quasi-isotropic E-glass/epoxy composites by the four point short beam test. ASTM D2344-three point short beam strength
test results and the four point short beam strength test results are compared. To determine the details of the four point short
beam test, the effects of support span to thickness ratio, load span, ply number, width and fibre orientation on the interlaminar
shear strength are investigated. According to the test results the four point short beam test is more advantageous and more
convenient than the three point short beam test because of the better load distribution and higher support span to thickness
ratio. It is concluded that the support span to thickness ratio should be 8 to obtain pure interlaminar shear failure. The distance
between the two loading cylinders should be one half of the support span instead of one third of the support span. When
measuring the interlaminar shear strength for E-glass/epoxy laminates, the ply number and the width of the specimen should
be chosen carefully.

Keywords: Interlaminar shear strength. Four point short beam test. Delamination. E-glass/epoxy composites. Mechanical

1. INTRODUCTION test method. Two centrally located notches are machined

Laminated fibre reinforced composite materials are used a on opposing faces of composite specimen and when the
lot in many structural engineering applications such as au- compression load is applied to the specimen by a compres-
tomotive, marine, transportation, electronics, aeronautical sion tool, shear failure occurs between the two notches in
and astronautical field and military in recent years. In spite this method [5]. If two standard test methods results are
of the fact that these advanced materials have a number compared, owing to the high stress concentrations around
of advantages, their interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) is the notches, the ILSS value obtained by double notched
generally a critical design parameter because of the dela- test is lower than that of the short beam strength test [6].
mination failure [1, 2]. If the ILSS and the longitudinal
tensile strength of unidirectional laminated composites are Many researchers have studied experimentally on the
compared, the ILSS is relatively low value [2]. For this test methods to obtain the real value of ILSS at last two
reason the ILSS is an important material property and to decades [3, 7-12]. In spite of the vast number of publica-
determine this parameter correctly a number of tests have tions reported in the literature on the ILSS test methods,
been developed so far [3]. American Society for Testing only a few researches deal with the four point short beam
and Materials (ASTM) approved and standardized only shear test [2, 13-18]. Four point bending test was found
two of these ILSS test methods (ASTM D2344 Short- to be an alternative method especially for thin composites
Beam Strength Test Method and ASTM D3846 Double- by Browning [13]. Although some researchers have
Notched Shear Test Method). Although these two standard studied on four point bending test for determining the ILSS
tests have been preferred usually, there are important prob- in recent years, four point short beam test has not got any
lems about measuring the ILSS. For example, the length of standard yet. For this reason the present paper addresses
short beam strength test specimen is very short especially the investigation of four point short beam shear test.
for thin laminated composite due to the support span to
thickness ratio. When the force is applied to the mid-point The primary objective of this study is to determine the de-
of short beam, compression damage under the loading tails of the four point short beam test and to compare ex-
cylinder and around the support cylinders can occur. This perimentally the three and four point bending shear test re-
high stress concentration affects the real value of ILSS [2]. sults for E-glass/epoxy laminated composites. The effects
Therefore the ILSS obtained from the short beam method of support span to thickness ratio, load span, ply number,
is called “apparent” interlaminar shear strength accord- width and fibre orientation on the ILSS were investigated
ing to the some researchers. Consequently ASTM D2344 experimentally to determine the details of the four point
standard explained that short beam strength could be used bending shear test.
for quality control [4].
The other standardized method is ASTM D3846 in-plane 2.1 Materials
shear strength test method also known as double notched The cross-ply and quasi-isotropic E-glass/epoxy laminated
Advanced Composites Letters, Vol. 24, Iss. 2, 2015 27
Züleyha Aslan
composite materials which were used for the experiments 3 P max (1)
were manufactured by hand lay-up technique at Izoreel ILSS =
Composite Isolate Materials Company. The volume frac-
tion of the E-glass fibre is 65%. According to the manu- where ILSS is interlaminar shear strength (or three point
facturer’s instructions Ciba Geigy, Bisphenol A, Epoxy short beam strength) (MPa), Pmax is the maximum load
CY-225 epoxy resin and Ciba Geigy, Anhydride HY-225 determined during the test (N), b is the width (mm) and
hardener were mixed in the mass ratio of 100:80 for matrix t is the thickness (mm). According to the ASTM D2344
materials. E-glass fibre and matrix material were cured at [4] support span length (s) to specimen thickness (t) ratio
140 0C for 3 h with a pressure of 0.2 MPa using a hot lami- should be 4 to produce pure interlaminar shear failure.
nation press and then laminates were waited at 100 0C for 2
h and cooled to room temperature at the same pressure for Four point short beam shear test set-up and fixture used
post curing process. In the present study, to investigate the in this investigation are shown in Fig.2. The specimen is
fibre orientation and ply number effects on the ILSS four placed on two supporting cylinders and is loaded by two
stacking sequences were considered as follows: loading cylinders each an equal distance from the midpoint
of the test specimen similar to ASTM D6272 flexural test
cross-ply: [00/900]3s - 12 ply [20]. Most of the test details such as the specimen width,
[00/900]4s - 16 ply the speed of test, the over-hang length, the diameter of the
[00/900]8s - 32 ply loading and supporting cylinders are determined according
quasi-isotropic: [00/450/-450/900]2s - 16 ply to the ASTM D2344 test database. To determine the load

For the experiments, a total of 168 coupons were cut by a

diamond saw. The elastic material properties of E-glass/
epoxy composite were determined according to the ASTM
standard tests. To measure the material properties, unidi-
rectional laminated composite was manufactured by hand
lay-up technique with the above procedure at the same
company. The experiments were carried out by Shimadzu
AG-X Tensile Testing Machine of 250 kN load capacity
at the Mechanics Laboratory of Cumhuriyet University. Fig.1: Three point short beam test set-up [4]
From Table 1 it can be seen the elastic material parameters
of the cross-ply and quasi-isotropic laminated composite
Table 1: Elastic material properties of E-glass/epoxy compos-
ites [19]

Property Symbol Value (Unit)

Fiber volume ratio Vf 65 (%)
Longitudinal modulus E1 41250 (MPa)
Transverse modulus E2 9240 (MPa)
In-plane shear modulus G12 3380 (MPa)
Major Poisson’s ratio ν12 0.26 (-)
Density ρ 1.27 (gr/cm3)

2.2 Three and Four Point Short Beam Shear Test

The standard three point short beam test method is defined
by ASTM D2344 [4] for polymer matrix composite mate-
rials and their laminates. The short beam test specimen is
placed on two supporting cylinders as shown in Fig.1. The
load is applied on the midpoint of the test specimen by
the loading cylinder. The diameter of the loading cylinder
and support cylinder are 6 mm and 3 mm, respectively [4].
The three point short beam strength or apparent ILSS is b)
calculated from the classical Bernoulli-Euler beam theory Fig.2: Four point short beam a) test set-up and b) fixture
as follows:

28 Advanced Composites Letters, Vol. 24, Iss. 2, 2015

Apparent Interlaminar Shear Strength Measurement by Four Point Short Beam Test
span of four point bending test, ASTM D6272 flexural test 2500

database is used. There are two choices for the load span at 2000
Three Point Short
ASTM D6272, either one third (s/3) or one half of the sup- 1500 Beam Test

Force (N)
FPT (s/t=8)

port span (s/2) [20]. For this reason, the distance between 1000
Four Point Short

the loading cylinders is chosen as s/2 and s/3 to investigate 500

Beam Test

the load span effect on the ILSS in this study. ILSS is cal- 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
culated from the Eq.1 at four point short beam test. Displacement (mm)

Fig.3: Force-displacement curves for three and four point short

All three and four point bend short beam tests were car-
beam tests
ried out by Shimadzu AG-X Tensile Testing Machine of
250 kN load capacity at a rate of crosshead movement of
1 mm/min at room temperature. The specimen was load-
ed until either two-piece specimen failure with a fracture
sound occurred or the load dropped-off of 30 % according
to ASTM D2344 [4]. a)


3.1 The Effect of the Support Span to Thickness Ratio
on the ILSS
To determine the best value of s/t ratio for four point short
beam test and to compare three and four point short beam
tests, different support span to thickness ratios (s/t) were
used in this study. According to the ASTM D2344 s/t ratio
should be only 4 to produce pure interlaminar shear fail-
ure [4]. However s/t ratios were chosen as 4, 5, 6, 7 and
8 for the three point short beam test and 8, 9, and 10 for
the four point short beam test to investigate in detail of the
effects of the s/t ratio on ILSS. Aslan and Alnak [6] used
Fig.4: Optical photomicrograph of a) Typical delamination
same ratios to characterize ILSS for woven E-glass/epoxy failure in four point short beam specimen
b) Bending failure on the tension side
When s/t ratios are chosen as 4, 5, 6 and 7 for the four ders. Cui et al. [2] found similar results for four point short
point short beam test, the compression failure occurs in beam bending test of unidirectional glass/epoxy. When
the specimen due to the standard loading cylinder. To ex- the s/t ratios are 7 and 8 for the three point short beam test
emplify, if s/t ratio is 4 and thickness of the specimen is and s/t ratio is higher than 10 for the four point short beam
5 mm, support span has to be 20 mm. Supposing that the test, bending failure occurred also. The optical photomi-
diameter of the standard loading cylinders is chosen 6 mm crograph of representing the bending failure on the tension
according to the ASTM D2344, the compression failure is side is shown in Fig.4.b.
observed instead of interlaminar shear failure at four point
short beam test with small support span. If the diameter The specimens geometries and the values of ILSS of cross-
of loading cylinders is chosen smaller than 6 mm, exces- ply [00/900]4s oriented E-glass/epoxy composites obtained
sive indentation failure can occur [21]. For this reason, s/t from the three and four point short beam tests for different
ratios were chosen higher than 7. s/t ratios are shown in Tables 2 and 3. On account of the
thickness difference between the edge and mid-point of the
Interlaminar shear failure was obtained at all three and composite panel after cure, the standard deviation of spec-
four point short beam test. Typically experimental force- imen thickness is approximately 0.1. The load span was
displacement curves obtained from both tests are shown in chosen as s/2 for four point short beam test. The results are
Fig.3. After reaching the maximum force value, the force the average of eight measurements. ILSS decreases with
decreases suddenly. Fan et al. [1] explained that this type increasing of the s/t ratio for both tests. It can be seen that
of force-displacement curve indicated a clear interlaminar the all four point short beam test results are higher than the
shear failure in the sample. The optical photomicrograph all three point short beam test results. The difference be-
of typical delamination failure at the interface observed tween the ILSS value of three point short beam test at the
from the four point short beam test specimen is shown in s/t ratio of 4 and the ILSS value of four point short beam
Fig. 4.a. For four points bending test at s/t ratio of 8, 9 test at the s/t ratio of 8 is 5.32%. Cui et al. [2] found ex-
and 10 only interlaminar shear failure was obtained and perimentally that the difference between the two tests was
there was no bending failure or no compression damage approximately 6% for thick (4 mm) unidirectional glass/
under the loading cylinders and around the support cylin- epoxy composites. In their study, s/t ratio was chosen 5

Advanced Composites Letters, Vol. 24, Iss. 2, 2015 29

Züleyha Aslan
Table 2: Three point bend shear test results for the s/t ratio of 8, the ILSS value of four point short
Span length-to- beam test is higher than that of the three point short beam
thickness ratio
Fracture Load
Failure Mode test. The difference between the two tests is 32.87% be-
1 3.4 7.3 1991.63 60.18 cause of the better load distribution at four point bending
2 3.5 7.9 2272.65 61.64
3 3.4 7.4 1957.14 58.34 test. As a result, it is concluded that the four point short
4 3.5 7.0 2037.33 62.36
5 3.2 7.2 1895.91 61.71 beam test is more advantageous and more convenient to
4 6 3.3 7.2 2005.22 63.29 Shear
7 3.4 7.2 2067.84 63.35 measure the ILSS. Moreover, it is easier to do experiments
8 3.3 7.2 1909.22 60.26

Avg. 3.37 7.30 2017.11 61.39

due to the high s/t ratio. If s/t ratio is chosen 8 instead of
4, the specimen length will be longer and cutting the cou-
pon by a diamond saw, placing the specimen on the sup-
port cylinders and carrying out the experiment with longer
5 6
Shear specimen is very easy.
8 3.4 7.4 1881.56 56.08

3.2. The Effect of the Load Span on the ILSS
60.33 One main purpose of this study is to determine the correct
55.22 load span for the four point short beam test. So far, the
59.69 Shear four point short beam method hasn’t got any standard. To
58.62 determine the load span effect on the ILSS, the distance
Avg. 3.35 7.07 1821.89 57.71 between the two loading cylinders was chosen one third
Sdev. 0.14 0.32 89.48 1.97
1 3.4 8.1 1854.90 50.51 (s/3) and one half (s/2) of the support span according to
2 3.4 7.2 1745.98 53.49
3 3.4 7.8 1742.16 49.26 ASTM D6272 [20] flexural test database. The values of
4 3.3 7.1 1551.79 49.67
5 3.4 7.8 1897.30 53.65 the ILSS obtained from the four point short beam test at
7 6 3.5 8.4 1953.56 49.83 Shear + Bending
7 3.6 8.4 2045.04 50.72 different s/t ratios for two load spans are shown in Fig.5. It
8 3.4 8.2 1852.55 49.83

Avg. 3.42 7.87 1830.41 50.87

is important to notice that the values of ILSS obtained the
test at load span of s/2 are always higher than those for the
test at load span of s/3. The difference between the ILSS
results is approximately 10%.
8 6 3.0 8.3 1377.42 41.48 Shear + Bending
7 3.3 8.5 1561.60 41.75
8 3.4 8.5 1761.99 45.72
Avg. 3.32 8.27 1600.07 43.53 62.7
Sdev. 0.21 0.27 171.99 2.19 61.78

60 58.56 s/2
Table 3: Four point bend shear test results (Load Span=s/2) s/3

Span length-to- 55 53.92
specimen Specimen Thickness Width Fracture Load Apparent
Failure Mode
thickness ratio No (mm) (mm) (N) ILSS (MPa)
1 3.4 7.8 2270.30 64.20
8 9 10
2 3.2 7.2 2106.79 68.58 s/t
3 3.2 7.6 2121.81 65.43
4 3.3 7.6 2003.47 59.91
5 3.3 7.2 1968.90 62.14 Fig.5: The effect of the load span on the ILSS
8 6 3.0 7.6 1895.23 62.34 Shear
7 3.2 7.4 2186.78 69.26
8 3.1 7.2 1991.83 66.92

Avg. 3.21 7.45 2068.13 64.84

Sdev. 0.12 0.23 124.82 3.30
1 3.5 7.4 2083.97 60.34
2 3.4 7.5 2123.36 62.45
3 3.4 6.4 1931.55 66.57
4 3.4 7.5 2151.09 63.26
5 3.6 6.4 1942.48 63.23
9 6 3.4 8.8 2443.39 61.24 Shear
7 3.5 7.5 2175.25 62.15
8 3.4 6.4 1809.68 62.37

Avg. 3.45 7.23 2082.59 62.70

Sdev. 0.07 0.82 193.48 1.84
1 3.3 7.2 1903.30 60.07
2 3.2 8.1 2153.83 62.32
3 3.3 8.0 2137.74 60.73
4 3.4 8.0 2223.85 61.31
5 3.5 8.0 2349.18 62.92
10 6 3.1 8.0 2058.03 62.23 Shear
Fig.6: The loading, shear and bending moment diagrams of
Avg. 3.32 7.97 2185.84 61.78
short beams (three point, four point-load span s/2 and four
Sdev. 0.12 0.35 155.71 1.28
point-load span s/3)

and the diameter of loading cylinder was 10 mm for three The difference among the all short beam tests (three point,
point short beam test whereas s/t ratio was chosen 10 and four point-load span s/2 and four point-load span s/3) can
the diameter of loading cylinders were 20 mm for four also explained by the shear and bending moment diagrams.
point short beam test. According to the Fig.6 the force applied by the testing ma-
chine to the three beams is same. Although the maximum
If we compare the three and four point short beam results shear force value is same in all beams, the maximum bend-
30 Advanced Composites Letters, Vol. 24, Iss. 2, 2015
Apparent Interlaminar Shear Strength Measurement by Four Point Short Beam Test
ing moment (Ps/4) occurs at three points loading. Because Three Point Short Beam Test
of the better load distribution at four points loading, bend-
ing moments of both four point loadings are smaller than 65
that of three points loading. If the load span is chosen half 59.93

60 58.57
of the support span, minimum bending moment (Ps/8) is
obtained. The difference between the bending moments of 55

two load spans is %25. Total failure in the beam increas- 50

es due to high bending moment and concentrated force. 7.3 10.42 12.3

In summary, the distance between the loading cylinders Width (mm)

should be chosen half of the support span. It is clear that a)

this is the best choice.

Four Point Short Beam Test
3.3. The Effect of the Ply Number on the ILSS
To investigate the ply number effect on the ILSS, three dif-
ferent cross-ply E-glass/epoxy composite plates were used 65
62.05 61.63
with 12, 16 and 32 plies. The values of ILSS obtained three

and four point short beam tests are shown in Fig.7. s/t ratio
was chosen 4 for the three point short beam test and 8 for 55

the four point short beam test. The load span was chosen 50
7.45 10.21 12.05
half of the support span. According to the test results, the b)
Width (mm)
ply number affects significantly the value of ILSS. The
highest ILSS was obtained from the laminate with 16 ply Fig.8:
b) The effect of the width on the ILSS a) Three point short
beam test b) Four point short beam test
for both tests. For four point short beam test, the difference
between the results of laminates with 12 ply and 16 ply
is 3.35% and the difference between the results of lami- 64.84

nates with 16 ply and 32 ply is 6.65%. The ILSS result of 65

laminate with 12 ply is higher than that of the laminate

60 Three Point Bend s/t=4

with 32 ply for four point short beam test. However, the 57.93 Four Point Bend s/t=8

ILSS result of laminate with 12 ply is lower than that of the 55


laminate with 32 ply for three point short beam test. When
measuring the ILSS for E-glass/epoxy laminates, the ply
cross-ply quasi-isotropic
Fiber Orientation
number of specimen should be chosen very carefully.
Fig.9: The effect of the fibre orientation on the ILSS
the cross-ply [00/900]4s and the quasi-isotropic [00/450/-
62.67 450/900]2s laminated composites were used for both tests.
The average values recorded for the cross-ply and the

quasi-isotropic laminates are respectively 61.39 MPa and
Three Point Bend s/t=4
Four Point Bend s/t=8
55 54.58 MPa for three point short beam test, and 64.84 MPa
and 57.93 MPa for four point short beam test (Fig.9). The
12 16 32 ILSS results of cross-ply laminates are higher than that of
Ply Number
the quasi-isotropic laminates. Feraboli and Kedward [17]
Fig.7: The effect of the ply number on the ILSS
compared the four point short beam test results of uni-
3.4. The Effect of the Width on the ILSS directional [00]s, cross-ply [00/900]s and quasi-isotropic
ASTM D2344 [4] recommends that the width of the speci- [00/450/-450/900]s lay ups of carbon fibre reinforced epoxy
men should be twice as the thickness of the specimen for impregnated tape. Their ILSS results for the unidirection-
the three point short beam test. However, it is not clear al, cross-ply and quasi-isotropic laminates are respective-
what the correct width should be for the four point short ly, 76.6 MPa, 76.5 MPa and 76.9 MPa. According to their
beam test. For this reason, the width effect on the ILSS results fibre orientation does not affect the ILSS for carbon
was studied also in this study. Three specimen widths (ap- epoxy laminate. However, the fibre orientation of E-glass/
proximately 2t, 3t, 4t) were used. The values of widths in epoxy composite is important when measuring the ILSS.
Fig.8 are the average of eight specimen widths. Results ob-
tained the three and four point short beam tests are shown 4. CONCLUSIONS
in Fig.8. The ILSS increases with decreasing the specimen To determine the details of the four point short beam test a
width. The width of the four point short beam specimen number of tests have been carried out. Three and four point
should be twice as the thickness similar to ASTM D2344. short beam tests are compared for the E-glass/epoxy lami-
nated composites. From the results, the ILSS value of four
3.5. The Effect of the Fibre Orientation on the ILSS point short beam test is higher than that of the three point
To determine the fibre orientation effect on the ILSS, short beam test. The difference between the ILSS value of
Advanced Composites Letters, Vol. 24, Iss. 2, 2015 31
Züleyha Aslan
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32 Advanced Composites Letters, Vol. 24, Iss. 2, 2015

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