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Volume XVI, Issue 4

Autumn 2011

Calvarys 150th Anniversary A Season of Celebration

Ruth Speyer, Calvary 150th Anniversary Committee

One hundred and fifty years! Can you believe it? A milestone of this magnitude merits significant acknowledgment, so we have decided to make the entirety of Calvarys 150th year into a season of celebration. Our 150th year began officially on the day of our 149th anniversary, June 5, 2011, with a lovely lunch in Woodward Hall, followed by a guided walking tour of historic sites in the Calvary neighborhood. On June 16, we continued our celebration with a concert in our Sanctuary by the Young Peoples Chorus of Erie, Pennsylvania. Thanks to all who were able to join us for these activities! As we continue the celebration this fall we hope you can join us, and we welcome you to invite friends and guests, to the following events: 1. Open Wide the Doors: A New Church Year Begins Sunday, September 11, Sunday School (9:45 a.m.), Worship Service (11:00 a.m.) 2. Camp Fraser Festival and Open House Saturday, September 17, 12:005:00 p.m. Rescheduled from July 9 rain cancellation because we didnt want to miss out on the fungames, activities, a picnic lunch, and live bluegrass music. 3. Festival of Hope Concert Saturday, September 24, 4:00 p.m., followed by a reception in Woodward Hall. This high school honors choir is in partnership with the Friday Morning Music Club, celebrating 125 years. 4. Family Halloween Carnival and Trick-or-Treat Saturday, October 29, 4:00 p.m. Arrive decked out in your costume for music, food, games, and activities. Enjoy trick-or-treating in a safe space. Friends and neighbors welcome. 5. A Weekend of Study with Dr. Todd Still: Exploring the Book of Philippians Saturday, November 5, 6:00 p.m. Hors doeuvres and Conversation, 7:00 p.m. Lecture I Sunday, November 6, Combined Sunday School: Lecture II, Worship Service, Dr. Still preaching

Life Together
Sunday, September 11 begins a series in worship called Life Together. If anybody knew what it was like to live life together it was the Israelites, who wandered through the desert together for 40 years. The lectionary takes us through their story of life together in the wilderness using the Exodus text. What can we learn from their experience? For four weeks we'll consider: Claiming Our Story, Singing Our Song, Believing the Promise, Living Our Faith.

Autumn 2011

Calvary Caller
With dynamic worship, great music opportunities for kids and adults, small groups discussing everything from The West Wing to Dietrich Bonhoeffer, endless opportunities to live out our faith in our community and around the world, and special 150th events throughout the fall, we have many, many places in which we can each make our presence felt and, by doing that, contribute to our collective life together. How will you participate in the year ahead? Life together. It isnt always easy, but it is the regular structure in which we are called to live here at Calvary Baptist Church. Make serving, giving, and participating a big part of your fall schedule; youll see quickly that it feels really great to get back to the regular schedule.

From Our Pastor

Who knew pastors got to travel so much? This summer has been a summer full of adventures for all the pastoral staff. I myself attended the Baptist World Alliance in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and I am now finishing up a few days of 2012 sermon planning in North Carolina at my annual retreat with five of my favorite pastor colleagues. My adventures this summer have offered the things we all love about travel: exciting adventures to places about which Id only read the creation of wonderful memories with important people in my liferest from the hectic day to day schedules the perspective of distance. These experiences are gifts that add to the rich tapestry of my pastoral experience, for sure, but Ive been thinking today that it sure will be good to get home. Its almost time for the kids to get back to school, and Calvarys fall programming begins September 11. Once the regular routines start again, as you know, calendars will fill up and well all be living within busy, busy schedules. I eagerly await the return to a regular rhythm. This fall, in particular, will be very special at Calvary, as we kick off our 150th birthday celebration in earnest. There are many exciting 150th events planned for the fall, and in worship this fall well be examining the different gifts of life in Christian communitylife together. As we follow the ancient Israelites through their story of Exodus, of wandering through the desert together for 40 years, well consider what it takes to follow Godtogether. Along with celebrations and learning opportunities, there will also be opportunities to actually invest in our community in tangible ways. The nominating committee is beginning its work, thinking about how to staff the various teams, boards, and committees that help us take care of the mechanics of being the church. How will you serve in the year ahead? Well also consider our individual financial stewardship in October as we turn in our pledges for 2012. As we do each year, we again have the opportunity to think about how we can make a regular, committed, significant financial investment in the life of our faith community. The opportunity of financial sacrifice is more than a call for resources to pay the bills. Rather, it is a challenge to spiritual discipline, and our stewardship team will lead us through an exploration of this opportunity using the theme, Better Together. We will also have the unique opportunity to give a one-time gift above and beyond our regular tithing in honor of Calvarys 150th year. As we have found community, life together, in this place, its a holy honor for us to offer a tangible gift to make sure others will have the opportunity to experience the same in years ahead. How will you give in the year ahead?

Wednesday Night Words

Life Together
WNW starts off this fall with a study of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's classic Life Together. The book is described this way: "Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a Lutheran pastor who was killed by the Gestapo in 1945. His book, Life Together, is an account of his experience of Christian community. This story of a unique fellowship in an underground seminary during the Nazi years reads like one of Paul's letters. It gives practical advice on how life together in Christ can be sustained in families and groups. The role of personal prayer, worship in common, everyday work, and Christian service is treated in simple explanation and discussion. Life Together is bread for all who are hungry for the real life of Christian fellowship."

2011 Business Meetings

As set by the Church Council the dates for the remaining 2011 Business Meetings are: 1:00 p.m., Sunday, October 23 1:00 p.m., Sunday, January 22, 2012

Autumn 2011

Calvary Caller

Calvary in the World

Amy Dale, Calvary Moderator

Many of us have traveled this summer to far away places. I have to admit that I wish I had the opportunities that many of our members have had the joy of experiencing this summer. Pastors Amy, Leah, and Edgar attended various conferences around the U.S. and globe. Cheryl Branham spent six weeks touring worship services around the country. John Taylor enjoyed an African safari and Laura Lee spent a couple of months working in New York City. Please dont be jealous of me for spending a few days in North Carolina and Richmond, Virginia . The Baptist World Alliance asked Pastor Amy to speak at their annual meeting in Malaysia this year. Pastor Leah attended a conference at the Chautauqua Institution in New York, widely regarded for its ongoing adult education. She also attended the Young Clergy Womens Conference in Durham, NC. Pastor Edgar attended the American Baptist Convention conference in Puerto Rico. What wonderful opportunities to represent Calvary in such exotic locations. I hope many of you take the time to ask our travelers about their experiences away from home. For me, its easy to go through my daily routine and forget to listen for Gods presence, and look for the ways Jesus is working through the lives of others. Sometimes leaving home is the best way to get fresh eyes on the world.

Experiences in Nicaragua
Katie Thomas-Canfield

Katie is a member of our youth group and is a rising Junior at School Without Walls HS. She spent this summer as a childrens rights advocate through AMIGOS International for communities in Boaco Nicaragua. Dear Friends and Family, As all of you know, I spent most of this past summer in Boaco, Nicaragua. These past seven weeks have changed my life: I have made two new families and found a place within two new communities. I had a difficult start because about three weeks in, I had to switch from my first community La Cruz, to Junquillo. The community projects I worked on included helping to construct a hallway between two school buildings, petitioning the local government for permission to create a mural representing the rights of children, and leading camps during the school week on the topic of human rights. I plan to go to college and major in International Relations with a minor in Latin American studies. I hope to return to work with AMIGOS next year in the Dominican Republic. I have come away from this trip with a deeper understanding of myself, my limits, and the knowledge that everyone has the potential to help others. I am honored to have participated in this program and that all of you had the faith to invest in me and my experience with AMIGOS. Thank you for your support. I love you all, and hope to share more with you about my experience.

Autumn 2011

Calvary Caller

The Passport staff and campers greatly appreciated the warm hospitality of the members and staff of Calvary Baptist Church! Thank you for helping Passport to facilitate life-changing encounters with Christ in your church building and in your community! Scott Ford, Passport Missions Camp, Inc.

DCBC Annual Meeting October 24-25

Claudia Moore

Alliance of Baptists, Summer Convocation

Carol Blythe-Goodman

The 135th Annual Meeting of the DC Baptist Convention, will be held October 24-25, 2011 at Mt. Jezreel Baptist Church in Silver Spring, MD. The theme is, Moving Forward with a Whole Heart taken from Jeremiah 24:7 which reads, I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the Lord. They will be my people, and I will be their God, for they will return to me with all their heart. (NIV) The Annual Meeting provides DC Baptists with an opportunity to fellowship, experience corporate worship, attend enriching and skill-building workshops and to conduct the business of the Convention. It also is a chance to find out more about the ministry work of other member churches through the Procession of Ministries. This years gathering will be particularly significant since installation services will be held for DCBCs new Executive Director/Minister Rev. Ricky Creech who will also unveil his vision for the future of the Convention. All Baptists are welcome to attend; however, if you would like to be elected as a delegate representing Calvary please talk with Amy Dale before the September 15 Council meeting.

Pastor Edgar, Rick Goodman, Eugenia, Susana and Roberto Jr. Reyes, Allyson Robinson and I attended the annual Alliance of Baptists Convocation. The weekend included inspiring worship services and informative and challenging workshops. Afterwards, Edgar Palacios and I accompanied Cuban Baptist Pastor Manuel Fernandez to the Cuban Interests Section here in DC and had a good meeting promoting the cause of Baptists in Cuba. On Friday and Saturday, November 4-5, the Alliance will host a gathering on Faithful Friendship at the Richmond Hill Retreat Center in Richmond, VA. This gathering will highlight congregation-tocongregation partnerships grounded in a spirituality of friendship. Stephanie Ford, author of Kindred Souls: Connection Through Spiritual Friendship will speak on the simple practice of friendship as being at the heart of mission done in partnership. This approach is similar to our own friendships with our sister churches in El Salvador, so we encourage any interested Calvary members to attend this gathering in Richmond, VA. The registration fee is $135 which includes housing and meals. Calvary provides some scholarships. If you are interested, please contact me via email or speak to me after worship. 4

Budget Report
Rick Goodman The Budget Committee has begun working on the proposed budget for the next year, 2012 (assuming the Mayan Calendar issue is resolved and the world continues). As we do so, we continue to manage a budget that has three major sources of income, namely: building use fees, income from our endowment and other funds, and pledges and offerings from our membership. Please prayerfully give your attention to the energetic stewardship effort this year, and as you are able, please give of your time, talent, and treasure. We have a grand vision we need to support. Your financial contribution to our budget is critical to our churchs life and ministry. We cannot do it without your contributions. The church is a careful steward of your financial gifts and the church staff and trustees make every effort to expend our gifts wisely. Thanks for your gifts of time, talent, and treasure to support Calvary both this year, and in 2012, and beyond (to paraphrase Buzz Light-year).

Autumn 2011

Calvary Caller

Always Better when Were Together

Ellen Sulerzyski, Stewardship Committee

I joined Calvary Baptist Church in November 2010. I didnt mean toI wasnt even looking for a Church, but, one day in June, walking to dinner in Chinatown I discovered a Church on the corner of 8th and H. God knew what was best for me and my life has not been the same since! I met many of you through the process of organizing the Christmas 2010 breakfast. I got to know you better when I started attending Sunday school, Wednesday Night Words, and organizing more potluck lunches. Having such a loving community of people in my life has been a tremendous blessing. God has given me many blessings in life, and I have pledged to give back to Him, through Calvary and the mission work they do. I participated in Stewardship Sunday in 2010 and will do so again this year. Frankly, it is an act that gives me great joy. Giving provides me with a constant reminder that God is my provider. I have made giving to Calvary a priority and, Ive made it simple for myself. Through my bank, I signed up for an automatic monthly deduction. The bank sends a check, on my behalf, to Calvary every month. It is the first deduction crossed off every month from my budget (yes, my budget is in a color-coded spreadsheet). Supporting Calvary means Im supporting Gods ministry and thats important to me. This year, I am a member of the Stewardship Committee and we have made Better Together our theme for this year. It truly represents us as a community, dont you think? Mmm, it's always better when we're together Yeah, we'll look at the stars when we're together Well, it's always better when we're together Yeah, it's always better when we're together Lyrics by Jack Johnson This year, I will increase my pledge to Calvary and challenge each of you to do the same. I believe in Calvary and the ministry they do for each of us and our community. We are BETTER TOGETHER.

Vacation Bible School at Camp Fraser

Jason Smith Our children had a great time at VBS at Camp Fraser. Our theme revolved around Cooking with God and the kids engaged in Bible study, arts and crafts, and sports. We also baked muffins to donate to the Capitol Area Food Bank. Thanks to the volunteers and especially Calvarys youth for being teachers and mentors at VBS!

Autumn 2011

Calvary Caller

Music Department
Cheryl Branham

Where has Cheryl been? Throughout the summer, Cheryl has traveled to Seattle, Memphis, and Nashville, visiting various churches and experiencing their different styles of worship. She attended services at First Baptist Church of Seattle, Church of the Apostles, and the evening Compline service at St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral while in Seattle. In Nashville she worshiped with Glendale Baptist Church and in Memphis with First Congregational Church and Church of the Holy Communion. Cheryl would like to thank Pastor Amy and the entire Calvary community for this amazing opportunity to study worship in new and different settings and to represent Calvary in other church settings! Cheryl returns to Calvary on Sunday, September 4. Sanctuary Choir resumes September 11 See the Sunday bulletins for more information on Sanctuary Choir, Music for Kids, and Handbell Choir. Saturday, September 24, 4:00 p.m.: Festival of Hope Concert In partnership with the Friday Morning Music Club a high school honors choir has been formed and will present a concert in our Sanctuary followed by a reception in Woodward Hall. Friday Morning Music Club Friday Noon Concerts begin October 7 See page 7 for a schedule of concerts through November.

Fall Small Groups

Theology and Pop CultureSundays starting September 11 This new small group will meet monthly in homes of church members. Our first meeting will be Sunday, September 11, from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at Amy Dales house with a viewing and discussion of an episode of The West Wing. Bring food or drink to share. Calvary Stitch-A-Long Enjoy a relaxing afternoon of knitting and crocheting in the church library Sunday, September 18, from 12:30-2:00 p.m. Work on your current project or start something new. Beginners and experienced crafters are invited to bring lunch and join in the fun. For more info please contact Karla Fahey or Nancy Renfrow. Theology on DraftTuesdays starting September 20 Join us beginning September 20, from 6:30-8:00 p.m. We will meet at a local bar (location TBD) to discuss theology, share some spirits and catch up on life! Wednesday Night Wordsstarting September 21 Our favorite Wednesday Night small group resumes September 21 from 6:30-8:00 p.m. at Calvary. WNW starts off this fall with a study of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's classic Life Together. The book is described this way: "Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a Lutheran pastor who was killed by the Gestapo in 1945. His book, Life Together, is an account of his experience of Christian community. This story gives practical advice on how life together in Christ can be sustained in families and groups. Life Together is bread for all who are hungry for the real life of Christian fellowship." Young Adult Group Their next outing will be following worship on Sunday, September 25, to a local orchard to pick apples. To join the group or add your name to the listserv, please email Myra Houser ( or Rachel Johnson ( For more information about Small Groups, email Pastor Leah. 6

Autumn 2011

Calvary Caller

Calvarys Newest Resident Partner: The Friday Morning Music Club

Calvary is very excited to begin a partnership with DCs Friday Morning Music Club. The FMMC was founded in 1886 by a group of ladies who were committed to gathering every Friday morning to playing music together and showcasing their talents. The group has evolved into a prestigious organization that continues to offer weekly concerts open to the public featuring classical music and has expanded to sponsoring music composition and performance competitions for students and emerging artists. As part of the partnership with Calvary, the FMMC has transported their 9 foot Steinway concert grand piano to the Greene building Chapel, where they will offer free concerts at noon on Fridays. So if you can escape from your desk on Fridays at noon, join us at Calvary for a few minutes of peace and relaxation to experience classical music from the Friday Morning Music Club.

FMMC Fall Concert Schedule

All FMMC concerts are free admission and held at noon in the Greene Building Chapel Friday, October 7Opening concert Friday, November 4 Mussorgsky: Night on Bald Mountain. Julian Trail Haydn: Trio No. 4 in E Major. Ruth Albright, violin; and Sophia Pallas, piano four-hands. Augustin Brigitta Czernik Gruenther, cello; Bonnie Kellert, Barrios-Mangiore: La Catedral. Jonah Rabinowitzpiano. Schubert: Sonata in A Major, D. 959, Buchanan, guitar. Selections TBD. Destiny Ann Movement I. James Litzelman, piano. Villa-Lobos: Hoyle, violin Copeland, Ellington, Hoiby: Selected Assobio a Jto. Heidi Schuller, flute; John Kaboff, songs. Natalie Barrens, soprano; Ruth Locker, cello. Rorem: The Silver Swan; Menotti: The Black piano. Swan from The Medium; Cipullo: The Pocketbook. Nancy MacArthur Smith, soprano; Friday, October 14 pianist TBD. Beethoven: Piano Sonata in E-flat, Op. 31, No. 3. Victoria Bragin, piano. Erwin Schulhoff: Sonata for Friday, November 11 Flute and Piano. Laura Benning, flute; Brad Clark Mozart: Sonata in D, K. 381. Li-Ly Chang and (guest), piano. Selections TBD. Deborah Charles Timbrell, piano four-hands. Debussy: Sternberg, soprano. Quatre Chansons de Jeunesse. Daniele Lorio, soprano; Patrick ODonnell, piano. Bloch: Suite for Friday, October 21 Solo Violoncello No. 1. Janet Frank, cello. Karg-Elert: Sonata in B Major, Op. 121. Susan Hayes, flute, Narciso Solero, piano. Brahms: String Friday, November 18 Quartet No. 3. Michael Casassa and Ramona Mendelssohn: Trio No. 2 in C minor, Op. 66. Matthews; violins, Nicholas Fobe, viola; Allan Marion Richter, violin; James Lieberman, cello; Malmberg, cello. Liszt: Consolation No. 3; Lana Em Schuepfer, piano. Selections TBD. Rhapsodie Espagnole. Woobin Park, piano. Christine Kharazian, violin. Whitacre: Five Hebrew Love Songs. Anissa Hartline, soprano; Mindy Friday, October 28 Horowitz, violin; Sarah Strauss Himmelfarb, piano. Chopin: Nocturne, Op. 48, No. 1; Polonaise, Op. 26, No. 2. Sally West Potter, piano. Schubert: Friday, December 2 Selections from Die Winterreise. Dongkeon Kim, Beethoven: String Quartet in F Major, Op. 135. baritone; John Earle, piano. Cassado: Suite for Jean Provine, Miriam Goldberg, violins; Caroline Solo Cello. Fanny Nemeth-Weiss, cello. Brahms: Brethauer, viola; Valerie Matthews, cello. Dances Selected Hungarian Dances; Saint-Sans: Danse by Mompou, Turina, Albniz. Karen Biddle Davis, Macabre. Barbara Peterson Cackler and Rosanne piano. Shostakovich: Piano Trio No. 2, Op. 67. Conway, piano four-hands. Ramona Matthews, violin; Jan Timbers, cello; Enoch Gordis, piano. 7

Autumn 2011

Calvary Caller

Christian Education in Action For a Healthy, Growing and Prophetic Church

Rev. Edgar Palacios

Strong Christian education impacts children in a meaningful way. The aim of Christian education is to inspire children and youth to have an ethical conscience in accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ. Our broad goal at Calvary is to encourage children, youth and adults to become disciples of Jesus. In the month of August, we had Vacation Bible School at Camp Fraser. It was an unforgettable experience for everyone. Bible study, sports, crafts, music, fellowship, food, and service projects to help provide food to the Capital Area Food Bank were blessings. During the summer months, adults and youth studied the Lord's Prayer, following the exegesis of John Dominic Crossan. As part of the Holistic Health Program we exercised with yoga, led by Calvary member, Najung Kim as our instructor. On Sunday, August 28, we celebrated Sunday school promotion day. This fall, we look forward to Christian Education Sunday, September 25, when we ask God's blessing on our beloved Sunday school teachers and offer a luncheon in their honor. On this day we will deliver the diplomas of merit to outstanding teachers of the year 2010-11, for both children and adults. Sunday, October 2, the Christian Education department will present a forum on violence and war." The Christian Education department along with the Mission Board will have two events related to our Shalom Scholarship Fund, which help Salvadoran students continue their university studies. A group will travel to El Salvador, October 8-15, to participate in a mission and educational immersion trip. We also look forward to the Calvary Has Talent Show, Sunday, October 23, following worship. Join us in Woodward Hall for lunch and talent show that Sunday when Calvarys children, youth and adults show their artistic talents to raise funds for the Shalom Scholarship Fund. Together Christian Education and Mission Board have set a goal to raise $10,000 for the Fund this year to provide university scholarship support to deserving students in El Salvador. We hope these events will draw the strong participation of our members and that their lives will be enriched by these activities.

Calvarys Got Talent!

Sunday, October 23, 12:30 p.m. Woodward Hall Whats your talent? Last year, members shared a variety of talents from dog tricks to dancing, tricks with soccer balls, and from singing scales to scaling fish. Calvary really does have it all To share your talent in this years talent show, see Carol Blythe.

Autumn 2011

Calvary Caller

Welcome, New Member

Jason Carroll came forward Sunday, August 7, to join Calvary. Jason is originally from Winnfield, LA and attended Louisiana State University (LSU) where he majored in Marketing and ran cross country and track for LSU. After college, Jason moved to DC where he has worked in politics and government for the past nine years. He currently works as a consultant on homeland security issues to the state and local public safety community. Jason has been a member since birth of First Baptist Church in Winnfield, LA. His favorite hobbies are running and sailing. Although Jason has been transferred to San Francisco, CA for his current job, he says that Calvary has been a community of faith that has helped him grow in his Christian walk while always making him feel at home, welcomed and proud of who he is, and he is glad Calvary and its members will always be a part of his life.

On the Calvary Calendar!

For current information and additional details regarding Calvary programs and events, visit Calvarys website, or Calvarys facebook page for our Google Calendar. September 5 11 17 11 Labor Day, Church Office Closed 150th Anniversary Kickoff Sunday Camp Fraser Picnic Christian Education Lunch following worship

October 2 Christian Ed Forum on Violence, following worship 8-15 El Salvador Trip 10 Columbus Day, Dont forget that Church Office Daylight Sa vings Closed time ends 23 Stewardship November 5 Sunday and fall back. Children and 30 Youth Sabbath All Saints Day


our time our money our life in community

We Belong to God
Calvary Financials as of July 31
Pledges & Gifts: Other Income: Transferred from Endowment: Total Income: Expenses: Surplus/(Deficit) Actual 2011 $209,189 273,972 141,788 $624,949 $624,950 ($ 1) Budgeted Actual 2011 2010 $207,958 $189,861 268,275 193,827 247,780 194,818

November 5 11 24 26 27 150th Event: Dr. Todd Still Lecture on Philippians Veterans Day, Church Office Closed Thanksgiving, Church Office Closed Hanging of the Green Advent 1: Hope

December 4 11 18 24 25 26 Advent 2: Peace Advent 3: Joy Advent 4: Love Christmas Eve Cookies and Cider Christmas Church Office Closed

$670,060 $632,459 $670,060 $646,261 $0 ($13,802)

Direct Debit Available

If you would like to set up a regular automatic payment, contact Paul Rosstead in the Church Office. Contributions can still be made online using your credit card by visiting the Calvary website,, or if you pay your bills online, consider instructing your bank to make a regular payment to Calvary Baptist Church.

Autumn 2011

Calvary Caller

Autumn Birthdays
September 1 Paul Rice Sarah Salazar Floyd Smith 2 Theo Hall 3 Alejandra Rodriguez 6 Francisco Pereira-Decorado 8 John Duffell 9 Lois Lansing 10 Judy Mein 11 Natalie Barrens-Rogers Jessica Bergfalk 12 Luis Canales 13 Robert Harrison 14 Meara Dietrick 15 Clayton Burneston Brenda Canales 16 Joy Angdisen Linda Mitchell 17 Edna Burneston 18 Mary Altman Jane Huie Paul Lansing 19 Jack Mayfield 20 Jackie Brown Jason Smith 21 Vici Bolton 23 Carol Blythe 26 Ruth Burness 28 Abby Lew 29 Amy Ward-Meier October 1 Janet Grove 3 Lucy Beltran 4 Chuck Andreatta Julie Greene Eugene Saupp 5 Jo Jo Angdisen 7 Kathy Clark Taylor Neely 8 Elisabeth Frost 11 Ashley Dalton 12 Matt Butler Tanya Coble 13 Elia Santos Barreto 14 Meredith Mathis 16 Eloise Nielsen 19 Jose Luis Eusebio 20 Catherine Neely 22 Janis Bunch Aldon L. Nielsen 23 Gabe Lee-Villanueva Rick Teller 24 Jos Durn Bill Fahey Kevin Hagan 25 Barbara Bicchieri 26 Ted Shaw Sui Thang 27 William Harward Marjorie Lew 27 Jenny Smith 28 Kenneth Harward 29 Jenny Goon 30 Alicia Wise 31 Ruth Speyer November 1 Esther Wray 3 Josh Keller 5 Amparo Palacios-Lopez 5 John Taylor 9 Monica Swinney 10 Robert Harward 11 Aaron Frederick Lorna Harrison Myra Houser Francisco Pereira-Escobar 13 Anna John 14 Carter Vaughn 15 Yolanda Appiah-Kubi 16 Allen Dalton Lis Greene 17 Earl Drescher 18 Claudia Moore 19 Emma Whitmer 21 Irma Robertson 22 Ric Clark Christian Vang 25 Rodney Bolton Jessica Lynd 27 Martha McDonald 28 Jerry James Angdisen Gina Underwood 29 DaMarcus Hart Colin James 30 Terry Arima

Youth Fall Activities

Jason Smith Calvarys Youth had an excellent summer filled with many opportunities. From going to Kings Dominion for roller coasters and fellowship to attending Passport Missions Camp to participate in community service, teambuilding games, and other activities, the youth spent their summer as active Calvary members. One of my favorite moments from the summer was watching the youth assist in leading our Vacation Bible School at Camp Fraser. They really stepped up as leaders and teachers and I am proud of their commitment and investment in Christian Education at Calvary. This fall, as the youth head back to school, we will continue to meet after worship for lunch and youth fellowship. We can always use volunteers! If you are interested in assisting the youth ministry or have an idea for a special project, come talk to me after worship or send me an email. I am always open to ideas and support from the rest of the congregation and welcome your input. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to mentor your youth. They are a passionate group and I am so fortunate to have the opportunity to work with them. 10

Autumn 2011

Calvary Caller

Calvary Facilities Summer Stats!

Theatre Lab
360 enrollees ages 5-19 40% of enrollees received

This summer at Brainfood, our

financial aid from Theatre Lab

9 shows produced and 5 talent

15 performances given for the

public, for a combined audience attendance of over 1000 63 musical numbers learned 325 pages of dialogue memorized 53 summer staffers, including camp counselors, production directors, designers, and interns Theatre Lab used Woodward Hall, Chapel, Music Studio, and G3 classrooms.

youth learned to work in teams, read recipes, problem solve, make healthy meals, and created their own recipes. 20 high school aged youth from over 12 different high schools in DC and MD 2 Brainfood staff and 2 summer interns 19 classes with over 48 hours in the kitchen (5 weeks, Monday to Thursdays 1:00pm to 3:30pm) 35+ new recipes learned and cooked 5 lasagnas donated to Thrive DC (local non profit who provides meals and services to homeless in DC) Brainfood used Shallenberger Hall and Kitchen for food preparation and for other activities. A few of the recipes we cooked include: Black bean quinoa chili, Spinach and Mushroom Lasagna, Jamaican Beef patties, Fruit Gazpacho, and Almost Vegan Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cupcakes.

Passport Missions Camp

4 passport staffers 294 campers (youth & adults) over 4 camp sessions/weeks 7,056 hours of mission service in the DC area Churches from KY, TN, GA, NC, VA, NY, and MA. During missions time, we served with various DC agencies, including A Wider Circle, Central Union Mission, Marthas Table, and the Shaw Community Ministry. Each day of camp involved kitchen crews and cleaning crews serving one another, a morning devotion, morning celebration, bible study, 6 hours of mission service, free time, worship, and a party. For parties, we had opening celebration each Sunday night, a rec party on Mondays, a trip to the National Mall on Tuesdays (instead of a dance), a night off on Wednesdays, and a variety show on Sundays. Passport used Kendall Hall for lodging, and Shallenberger hall and kitchen for meals and activities.


Autumn 2011

Calvary Caller

Stewardship 2012
Julie LaFave Here at Calvary, we are all about living our lives in intentional Gospel community, and thats just what we are going to talk and think about as we move into the fall season what it means to live and worship together. And that means talking about stewardship and the commitments in our lives to community and faith. Well take our theme this fall from the words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer in his work Life Together and talk about what it means to be a community based on love. As Ellen points out in her article on page 5, our stewardship adapted Bonhoeffers words a bit, inspired by the song from Jack Johnson , and claimed our theme as Better Together, because thats what we know to be the truth. And so, we ask you to think: what role does the Calvary community play in your life and how can we all respond with our time and resources as committed members. Mark these dates on your calendar to hear from the Stewardship Committee and our theme, Better Together: October 9 First Stewardship Sunday October 16 Stewardship Breakfast October 23 Stewardship Sunday

Photo taken by Frank Parrotta, June 5, 2011

Calvary Caller

Rev. Dr. Amy K. Butler, Senior Pastor Harold L. Ritchie, Editor Emeritus Paul Rosstead, Church Administrator 202-347-8355; Fax: 202-347-6360 Published Quarterly POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Calvary Caller Calvary Baptist Church & Congregation 755 8th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001 Autumn 2011

Calvary Baptist Church


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