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Question 1.

Who should be consulted within an organization when developing useful policies and what
valuable insights can they provide?
The organization's managers, supervisors, and employees should all be consulted. They all have
strong grasp of the organizations, so they can offer valuable information. The general policies of
a firm can be shaped and improved by paying attention to and understanding the feedback and
opinions of managers, supervisors, and employees.

When analyzing and evaluating information, how do you determine what is appropriate to
incorporate into organizational policies?
Any information gathered, including the results of consultation, it must first be examined and
assessed before being incorporated into organizational policy to see if it is significant, factual,
legitimate, useful, and beneficial for the organization's goals with relation to sustainability.

What are the benefits of analyzing information and consultation insights when developing
policies and what needs to be taken into consideration?
Conducting an information analysis ensures that you have followed a standard process when
selecting the policy option that may be best for your needs. Analyzing information and
consultation insights will enable the establishment of policies to outline the objectives that
must achieved, as well as applicable values and ethical standards. The policy must sound right,
be fair, be implementable, and deal with current issues and challenges. Take into account your
vision statement, the community, and governmental regulations, as well as the internal and
external environments. For instance, think about the needs and expectations of your
community and members.

Question 1.4 What are the elements that should be included in an organization’s
sustainability policies?
Government agencies, information sources, interfaces, and ethical business contact.
The following elements should be included in a organization’s sustainability policy:
* Economics - organizational compliance, governance, and risk management.
* Environment - addressing ways to lessen an organization's ecological consequences, including
water use, recyclable materials, and long-term impact.
* Social - for instance, the support or sponsorship of all parties involved, staff members, and the
community in which it operates.
* Ethical business practice - includes the organization's duties to maintain moral standards and
meet the expectations of stakeholders, employees, and the community.
* Human aspects - including the systems for health and education, service accessibility, dietary
needs, and knowledge and skills.

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