Organizational Behavior End Term Assignment

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Behavior end term

Date: 1st April 2023

Ques. Consider a class is an organization. As an organization which elements and
concepts from the course were observed by you. Connect a minimum of 5
concepts with examples.


Autocratic leadership is a management style

wherein one person controls all the decisions
and takes very little inputs from other group
members. Autocratic leaders make choices
or decisions based on their own beliefs and
do not involve others for their suggestion or

Example: During one of the class

assignment where we had to solve a case on
a killer. In few of the options, one of the
group members literally fought with us for a
answer and he/she made sure that everybody
in the group listen to him/ her irrespective of
As per Great Man Leadership, leaders are what others thought.
born which certain intrinsic qualities that
define them and make them different from The trait displayed there is that of an
others. autocratic leader who takes decision on his
own and doesn't listen to others involved in
Example: During the first class when groups the decision making.
were formed randomly for a class activity,
certain student in each group took the
responsibility to note down things and decide
on behalf of whole group.

Clearly some people inherited the quality of

leadership. Not only because they learnt it
throughout their life time but also they were
born leaders and the inherited leadership
quality just got triggered when requied.


Maslow’s hierarchy of needs includes five Example: Now taking the Organizational
levels of human needs that allow an Class for the example -
individual to feel fulfilled. It is often applied
to the workplace as a means to determine Physiological Needs - It refers to most basic
how to more effectively motivate employees human needs. Basically when it comes to
and to make sure their needs are met. class, it means providing a comfortable class
for studying, restroom breaks, water
it has 5 levels. They are mentioned as facilities etc.
follows -
Safety - You should feel that your resources
Physiological Needs and personal property are safe and protected.
Safety Ensuring a safe workplace may include
Love and Belonging providing ergonomic office furniture that
Esteem properly supports you and reduces the risk of
Self Actualization injury.

Love and Belonging - Various class HERZBERG TWO FACTOR THEORY
activities and group assignments in the class OF MOTIVATION
helped the students to connect with students
from different department easily and make According to Herzberg, some job variables
friends. contribute to satisfaction while others shield
employees from unhappiness. Herzberg
Esteem - Basically it realizing that through asserts that "No satisfaction" and "No
the class, we are learning things and growing dissatisfaction" are the opposites of
which we all did not only with this "Satisfaction" and "Dissatisfaction,"
assignment but throughout the lectures. respectively.

It increases the confidence and when the Hygiene factors- Hygiene factors are those
student are confident enough, they are more job factors which are essential for existence
involved with the class which happened of motivation at workplace. These do not
because of different class activities lead to positive satisfaction for long-term.
But if these factors are absent/if these factors
Self Actualization - A person ultimately are non-existant at workplace, then they lead
wants to feel they are doing the best they can to dissatisfaction.
in their position, which helps them feel
motivated to continue on their career path Motivation Factor - According to Herzberg,
and succeed. A self-actualized employee the hygiene factors cannot be regarded as
feels empowered and trusted, which motivators. The motivational factors yield
encourages growth and engagement. positive satisfaction. These factors are
inherent to work. These factors motivate the
employees for a superior performance.

Example: As they interact with their ALFRED ERG THEORY
students, teachers need to be mindful of
hygiene and motivators. Praise, interesting Alderfer's ERG theory suggests that there are
assignments, making the curriculum three groups of core needs: existence (E),
pertinent, and autonomy are some examples relatedness (R), and growth (G)—hence the
of things that motivate students. When acronym ERG. These groups align with
compared to larger children, like teenagers, Maslow's levels of physiological needs,
younger children are frequently more social needs, and self-actualization needs,
motivated with less effort. respectively.

Classroom management is perhaps one of the Example:

most important hygiene-related aspects.
Even highly motivated students will lose Existence Needs: These are the fundamental
interest in learning very quickly if the physical and security requirements of
instructor is unable to keep the peace in a students. It basically included allowing the
fair and reasonable manner. If the instructor students have access to secure learning
is unclear about expectations and environments, wholesome food, and clean
communication, marking assignments for water mainly in breaks.
older students and college students can also
become demotivating. Last but not least, the Relatedness Needs: The needs for
teacher must serve as an example of relationships, social interaction, and a feeling
knowledge and organisation for the students. of belonging are referred to as relatedness

This was developed with interactive class

lectures and ensuring that each and every
memeber of the class in participating.

Growth needs: They are those that are

related to personal growth, accomplishment,
and challenge.

It included assignments that helped to

enhance our knowledge and understand the
concept better.

Ques. What did you observe about your own personality and leadership style
through this course? What are the two areas that you have identified yourself to
work on ?

Answer: The course in Organisational

Behavior was an eye-opener. The course
definetly helped all of us to discover and
understand different human traits. Talking
about me, the course helped me discover my
root personality trait and the type of leadership
that I follow.

Personality Trait:

Goal-driven - Highly motivated towards my

work, generally I try to be a perfectionist towards
my work and job

Friendly - I adapt easily as per my surrounding

Basically there are 5 major personality traits. and the people around me. Generally, people
They are as follows - prefer taking me in groups because my easy
Openness going and friendly attitude
Extraversion Organized - Whether professional or personal
Agreeableness life, I like to keep things sorted and avoid any
Neuroticism type of delay and miscommunication.

From the above mentioned different traits, the Empathetic - I am very good with emotions. I
trait that defines me the most are am caring helping and understand emotions very
"Conscientiousness" and "Agreeableness". The well.
main reason behind these traits are my hand
working, goal-oriented and friendly nature. From the detailed study of my personality clearly
I can say that "Conscientiousness" and
The detailed explanation of my personality is "Agreeableness" are the closest personality trait.
mentioned below -


1 2
1 5
4 3
4 3
2 2
4 2
3 2
3 3
3 2
2 5
2 3
1 5
5 1
5 3
4 3
3 3
5 5
3 3
4 3
1 5
1 5
1 5
3 5
3 5
3 3

Calculating the score -

Openness - 16
Conscientiousness - 29
Extraversion -17
Agreeableness - 26
Neuroticism - 8

From the personality test two, the top

two traits are Conscientiousness and


There are multiple of leadership styles and On the Mangerial Grid of the Behavioral Theory,
theories. Some of them are mentioned below - my score would be close to (5,5). The reason
being my empathetic nature.
Behavioral Theory
Contingency Theory Let's suppose one of my groupmates is not well
Great Man Theory for the assignment. I would try to divide his/ her
Relationship Theory work into different people or take it myself.

To be a good leader, the following are some of Democratic Leader - The fact that I listen to
the traits are important. They are mentioned people ideas and their thoughts into the
below. consideration makes me a democratic leader.

Visionary Transformational Lady - My ability to take

Task-Oriented responsibility, inspire people towards the goal, be
Mass Leader a good communicator also makes me a
Confident transactional leader.
Calculative Risk Taker
Good Communication Skills For example: During the Craft Cluster
Assignment, the whole group united together as
When it comes to my leadership skills, I am one after seeing how well I took the responsibility
generally very open-minded and take and divided the work.
everybody's ideas into my consideration. Also
my adaptive personality and good
communication skills makes me a very friendly
person to work with.


Improvement 1:
Since I am an introvert, so I would like to work on that and especially on increasing my openness and
extraversion. I believe it would help me connect with people more without getting drained.

Improvement 2:
I would like to increase my managerial grid score to (9,9) because sacrificing the work at times can
not be afforded.

Improvement 3:
I know the fact that I am a Great Man leader but because of my low confidence and shyness,
sometimes I often just stay silent and don't speak up and take responsibility as a leader. I would like to
work on that a little so that I could be my true self.



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