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"Recent advances in quantum electrodynamics

are essentially an advance in understanding
and formalism," writes Dr. Stern, "rather than
an advance in the region of applicability of
quantum electrodynamics."


by Alexander W . Stern

T h e introduction by Bohr of Planck's quantum "not determined" means "not ascertained," imply-
of action h in atomic theory to explain the stability ing that there were exact laws in nature but that
of atoms and their fixed properties culminated in w e could not ascertain them.
the discovery of the Uncertainty Principle, or the W h a t these physicists did not realize w a s that the
Principle of Indeterminancy, as it is sometimes indeterminism as expressed by the uncertainty rela-
called. This principle necessitates a redefinition and tions is imbedded in the structure of quantum m e -
generalization of the concept of causality, and in chanics. T h e uncertainty relations are a consequence
the early days of its discovery caused.much con- of the existence of Planck's constant h which is the
fusion and misunderstanding a m o n g physicists. very heart of quantum mechanics. T h e general laws
This confusion w a s for the most part due to the of quantum mechanics, which are fundamental laws
fact that the principle w a s explained by resorting of nature, reveal that this indeterminism exists in
to illustrations of ideal experiments. These ideal nature and is m a d e manifest w h e n w e attempt to
experiments were designed to illustrate the maxi- observe, say, the exact position and velocity of a
m u m precision with which dynamically conjugate particle at a given time. It is interesting to note here
quantities such as position and m o m e n t u m can be that in non-relativistic quantum mechanics the ob-
measured. In these illustrations the observer played server, and not the mathematics, w a s blamed for
a fundamental role, and not a f e w physicists be- those consequences of the theory which shocked the
lieved that the indeterminism in nature, as ex- c o m m o n prejudices of the time and upset some cher-
pressed by the uncertainty relations, w a s the fault ished beliefs. Later, in relativistic quantum mechan-
of the observer. It w a s believed that the laws of ics, the mathematics and not the inevitable interfer-
nature were simple and exact, and that the indeter-
minism in q u a n t u m mechanics has nothing to do
with causation. According to a typical opinion, in- Alexander W. Stern is a theoretical physicist and engineer engaged in
determinism really signifies "not determined," and independent research on certain aspects of theoretical physics. He has
published papers in scientific, technical, and philosophical journals.

M A Y 1949
ence of the observer w a s accused of being responsible is accepted wholeheartedly and is dissociated from
for the fantastic results of that theory. its original and legitimate region of application and
A s an example, the mathematics of Dirac's elec- given a broad classical basis.
tron theory yields infinite field and charge fluctua-
tions in an infinitely small, well-defined region of Infinite Energies
space. Such a region of space is not realized in
practice, and an observer therefore cannot be We come now to the second great difficulty of
blamed for creating the necessary experimental relativistic quantum mechanics—the divergences of
conditions. T h e discovery by Dirac of the relativistic the field theories. These infinite energies which
wave equation which bears his n a m e w a s a great were considered as a plague to the field theories
and fundamental advance. Nevertheless some of the shocked our physical sense even more than the
difficulties of this equation at once became apparent. negative energy states.
O n e of these difficulties was the prediction of nega- There were heroic attempts to cut out the trouble-
tive energy states. Negative energy states are obvi- some infinite terms from the theory, principally by
ously unphysical. Electrons with negative energy be- Heitler, Heisenberg, and Dirac. There followed an
haved in a w a y that violated the fundamental physi- era of what I call the Omission Theories, which
cal principle of action and reaction. M a n y physicists started about 1942 and has just ended. A t first
could not become reconciled to accepting negative glance, the more that w a s cut out of the theories,
energy states, and their natural reaction w a s that the better they looked. B u t not long after the op-
the mathematics w a s wrong. eration the patient, that is, quantum mechanics,
There were several attempts to eliminate nega- began to show the effects of surgery. It w a s soon
tive energy states from the theory. Prominent a m o n g realized that the patient w a s m u c h better off before,
these were a paper by Schroedinger and one by than after, the surgery, for like some surgeons, the
Majorama, but all such attempts were, of course, physicists w h o had assumed that role had cut out too
unsuccessful. Negative energy states are an integral much. In particular, the infrared catastrophe re-
part of the theory, and their use as intermediate appeared in the theories of Heitler and Dirac,
states is what makes possible the excellent agree- which is to say that the theories failed in the low
ment between theory and experiment, as evinced, and moderate energy region where w e should ex-
for instance, in C o m p t o n scattering. pect any acceptable theory to have validity. T h e
N o w negative energy states are generally ac- Heisenberg attempt is admittedly incomplete, and
cepted. It is remarkable as well as significant that requires rules of computation before it can be ap-
quantum mechanics which w a s initiated with the plied to specific problems. His formulation also had
object of allowing only observable concepts to enter difficulty with the elementary time sequence of
the theory finds it is necessary to deal with such un- events demanded by causality.
physical concepts as negative energy states and in- In Heitler's attempt a method w a s discovered for
finite energy. Bohr has stated, in writing about the cutting out all infinite terms beyond the lowest non-
development of quantum mechanics, that, "In this zero terms from the equation describing the inter-
theory the attempt is made to transcend every use action of the particle with the quantizedfield.This
of mechanical concepts in a w a y suited to the na- Heitler succeeded in doing in a relativistically in-
ture of the quantum theory and such that in every variant way, but it w a s found that finite terms
stage of the computation only directly observable which m a y be physically important were also cut
quantities enter." (Italics mine.) out in this process.
In fact, what w a s once a difficulty is n o w used Heisenberg adopted a completely positivistic atti-
to explain other difficulties. Schoenberg in his article tude toward the situation and omitted all terms in
on T h e Q u a n t u m Theory of the Point Electron in his formulation which were not directly observable.
the October, 1948 Physical Review applies the con- H e thought it sufficient merely to have a mathemati-
cept of negative energy to the classical unquantized cal scheme for calculating the results of experi-
radiation field. T h e classical radiation field in ments. T h e important paradox ensued that one
Schoenberg's theory has negative as well as positive must go beyond a mere calculating scheme in order
energy density. Here the concept of negative energy to calculate. T h e calculating scheme of Heisenberg


is so completely devoid of all elements that are hydrogen atom from the position predicted by the
necessary for a theory, of all content necessary for Dirac theory. Furthermore a precise measurement
an understanding of physical processes, that it does of the magnetic m o m e n t of the electron during the
not yield means for calculating the very foundation same year revealed yet another disagreement with
of his formulation—the unitary S matrix. Besides, current theoretical prediction and a deviation from
it is evident that in his approach as well as in Dirac's theory.
Heitler's, static problems such as computing the It was in this atmosphere that n e w progress in
magnetic m o m e n t of the proton m a y present an quantum electrodynamics was achieved by the the-
insurmountable difficulty. orists. M a n y names are connected with this devel-
But if Heitler's and Heisenberg's formulations opment, which was started in this country and in
excluded a great deal which is physically important, Japan independently. I shall discuss here mainly the
Dirac's heroic attempt excluded the entire physical fundamental and exhaustive paper by Schwinger,
world. His theory, which appeared the most suc- in the November 15, 1948 Physical Review in which
cessful of the three, applies to a hypothetical world. he brought forward his well-ordered and completely
By doing this he avoids the infinities associated with relativistically co-variant and consistent formulation
the real world. In order to avoid the infinite n u m - of quantum electrodynamics. M a n y physicists at one
ber of negative energy electrons involved in the time or another doubted that quantum and rela-
self energy divergences, Dirac assumed that prac- tivity theory could be reconciled. It is interesting
tically all but a few of the negative energy states and instructive to note that a successful quantum
are unoccupied. electrodynamics was not forthcoming until a com-
Remembering that an unoccupied negative energy plete union between relativity and quantum theory
state is equivalent to a positron, w e have a world was achieved.
almost completely saturated with positrons. T h e T o begin with, Schwinger cut out nothing. His
calculations are thus greatly simplified, involving work suggests that theoretical physicists nowadays
but one or two electrons. This idea coupled with a should have more faith in the mathematics of quan-
classical procedure of eliminating divergences due tum field physics and not quite so m u c h in their
to Wentzel and Dirac, and k n o w n as the lambda o w n c o m m o n sense. T h e very infinities which physi-
limiting process, appeared to eliminate all the di- cists spend so m u c h time, labor, and ingenuity cut-
vergences. But there arise difficulties concerning the ting out contained terms which were of fundamental
physical interpretation of the Dirac formalism due importance and which were necessary to insure a
to the fact that it applies to a hypothetical world. completely relativistic co-variant theory. Besides,
Besides, it appears from calculations by Pauli and the infinite terms were to shed light on the very
Jauch that the Dirac theory encountered the old structure and stability of the electron by redefining
difficulty of the infrared catastrophe w h e n applied and reinterpreting its mass and charge.
to the emission of low energy photons. In order to get some idea of Schwinger's achieve-
In summarizing the results of the Dirac theory ment let us first consider a free, isolated electron
one m a y say that the application of the lambda (an electron abstracted from the rest of the world)
limiting process tends to eliminate field inertia ef- and its electromagnetic field. There is no surround-
fects and causes the electron's electromagnetic mass ing matter. A remarkable phenomenon n o w ensues.
to become zero, while the abandonment of the elec- W h e n this electromagnetic field is quantized, the
tron-positron or hole theory cut out the divergent average value of its field strengths will no longer
self energy expressions of the electron. be zero but will fluctuate. It is these electromag-
neticfieldfluctuationsin empty space that cause an
isolated electron, although not interacting with mat-
Electromagnetic Mass
ter, continuously to emit and absorb radiation.
One can now see how black things looked for This interaction involves the virtual emission and
quantum field theory w h e n at the time of these diffi- absorption of electromagnetic quanta, or photons,
culties important experimental evidence was brought with unlimited energy. These virtual quanta are
forward by L a m b and Retherford concerning a parts of the field which the electron carries around
minute displacement of the 2 S energy level of the with it. Therefore this virtual emission and absorp-

MAY 1949

tion of light quanta produces an infinite electro- electron—the mechanical mass instead of the total
magnetic self energy. m a s s — w h i c h fact w a s revealed by an analysis of
This was looked upon as one of the defects of the the electromagnetic self energy infinities.
Dirac theory, and in practical problems involving T h e current quantum electrodynamics which was
more complicated interactions of the electron, at- vindicated by the recent impressive developments is
tempts were m a d e to cut out these infinite self- based on the assumption of a small interaction be-
energy-like terms. B u t in these more complicated tween matter and radiation, of the magnitude e2/he.
interactions there arefiniteterms of fundamental W e have seen that in the divergent electromagnetic
self energy term there is no limit to the frequency
of the emitted light quanta. In order to retain the
w e a k coupling between the electron and the electro-
magnetic field one includes the effect of the virtual
emission and absorption of quanta only up to ener-
gies mc2, into the mass of the electrons, whose value
w e know. T h e efforts of the low and moderate en-
ergy region are well described by the theory, such as
importance, which are contained in the infinite the L a m b shift and the shift of the magnetic m o -
terms, and by cutting out the infinite terms these ment of the electron which a successful theory must
finite terms are also eliminated. predict. Those aspects of the theory which are still
Schwinger was wise; instead of cutting out these divergent are due to high energy effects, and are suc-
infinite terms he subjected them to mathematical cessfully separated and isolated without in the least
analysis. H e succeeded in isolating the infinite elec- destroying the relativistic covariance of the theory.
tromagnetic self energy terms from the finite terms T h e electromagnetic field also interacts with the
and identified the finite terms as yielding the radia- electron-positron matter field in a vacuum. T h e
tive correction effects due to the interaction of an matter field, like the electromagneticfield,can exist
electron with an externalfield.W h e n applied to the in empty space. B u t this seemingly contradictory
problem of the electron in a Coulomb field, these statement necessitates redefining a vacuum. A
finite terms predict the correct level displacement vacuum is defined by Heitler, for example, as a
of the rrydrogen lines, as found by L a m b . W h e n region where all states of positive energy are un-
applied to the problem of an electron in an ex- occupied and all states of negative energy are oc-
ternal magnetic field it results in giving to the cupied. Since the negative energy electrons are as-
electron an additional magnetic m o m e n t which w a s sumed to produce no external field, the above defi-
nicely confirmed by recent experimental data. nition defines the zero point for charge and energy
T h e infinite electromagnetic self energy term in measurement.
the interaction energy which was isolated from the T h e interaction of the electromagneticfield,in
finite terms is due, as I mentioned before, to the in- the form of a current distribution, with the electron-
teraction of an electron with the electromagnetic positron matter field in empty space causes an infi-
field vacuum fluctuations. This strange fluctuation nite charge. This interaction consists of a con-
phenomenon, which is represented by the infinite tinuous transition of electrons from negative energy
term, results in giving to the electron an additional states to positive energy states and vice versa. This
mass of electromagnetic origin if one considers those results in an infinite charge due to the possibility of
energies in this term up to the order mc2. A n d so is creating electron-positron pairs with unlimited en-
born the electromagnetic mass of the electron. T h e ergy, in the same w a y as the continuous absorption
actual electron mass observed, the mass that is meas- and emission of radiation (light quanta) with un-
ured, is the s u m of this electromagnetic mass and the limited energy gave an infinite electromagnetic mass.
mechanical mass. T h e self energy term has the same It has been shown long ago (1934) by Heisen-
form as the mass term in the Dirac equation and can berg, Dirac, and Weisskopf that these charge fluc-
be incorporated with this mass term to give the total tuations in empty space are equivalent to an altera-
experimental electron mass. T h e Dirac equation tion to the electron charge as classically defined in
heretofore contained the w r o n g mass term of the accordance with electromagnetic theory. Here again


w e have a divergent factor which, w h e n properly number of electron pairs and an infinite field. In
resolved and exhibited, reinterprets and redefines a physics, as particle and field get closer and closer
fundamental constant, in this case the electron together, instead of shutting out the external world,
charge. A n electromagnetic field in a vacuum is no so to speak, the interaction produces an entire uni-
longer a valid abstraction. T h e electron-positron verse. T h e infinite is contained in the infinitesimal.
field and the electromagnetic field are always cou- W h a t does this m e a n for high energy phenomena?
pled. A n electron can interact only with the elec- There is a term in the electromagnetic self energy
tron pair field w h e n it is actually radiating, and expression which diverges logarithmically with in-
conversely, an electron interacting with the electro- creasing frequency. S o m e physicists hope that there
magnetic field is also interacting with the electron- m a y be a natural cutoff to this term by some natu--
positron field. Here again those aspects of the the- ral limitation to the energy of the emitted quanta.
ory which are due to high energy effects and are O n the other hand, it m a y be an indication of the
still divergent are separated under the assumption possible explosive production in one elementary
that the present quantum electrodynamics is valid act of a great number of different particles—elec-
only to a first approximation. trons, mesotrons, and protons. For in the second
and higher approximations not only can one not
Advance in Understanding make an unambiguous distinction between particle
andfield,signifying the failure of the present quan-
One can now see the great objectivity that marks tum electrodynamics, but the different particles get
the science of contemporary physics. Physicists were mixed up—lose their individuality. In such a situa-
dissatisfied with the field and charge fluctuations in tion, one would be forced to treat all the different
empty space as yielded by theory. T h e y were un- kinds of fundamental particles together. This pro-
physical, unobservable, and yet one could not elimi- duction of a great m a n y particles of different masses
nate them from the theory. W e see n o w that these would, roughly speaking, tend to "dissolve" the
effects are necessary and fundamental for the physi- infinities in the higher approximations.
cal interpretation of quantum electrodynamics. S o m e evidence for phenomena of this type exists
In m y opinion it is not correct to say with some in cosmic rays. A n d so the infinities in the higher
physicists that the remaining infinities of the theory, approximations m a y be tied up with the existence of
which were isolated as belonging to the high energy explosion phenomena and the existence of a family
region, would turn out to be zero. T h e recent ad- of unstable particles with masses intermediate be-
vances are essentially an advance in understanding tween that of electron and proton. W e n o w have
and formalism rather than an advance in the region evidence ranging from excellent to fair for the
of applicability of the quantum electrodynamics. existence of particles of masses ranging from ten to
T h e theory still has a validity only up to approxi- one thousand electron masses. Mesons of masses
mately nuclear dimensions or energies, say 137 mc2.
Schwinger's w o r k is a vindication of the present
quantum electrodynamics and a justification of
perturbation theory in the energy region of appli-
cability of quantum electrodynamics.
For high energies the complexities, paradoxes,
and self energy difficulties still remain. There m a y
be a limit to the complexity of physics as w e go to
higher and higher energies. This m a y be so if there two hundred and three hundred are well estab-
exists a fundamental natural constant of length lished, and there is good experimental evidence for
which would limit the smallness of the region of a meson mass of nine hundred. In the N o v e m b e r 12,
interaction between particle and field and which 1948 issue of Science there was published a photo-
would allow an unambiguous distinction to be m a d e graph which could be interpreted as showing an
between particle and field. It is just these charge elastic collision between a particle of mass ten and
and field fluctuations which, w h e n confined to an an electron. T h e only sure thing one can expect in
infinitesimal region of space, produce an infinite physics is the unexpected. W e can console ourselves

MAY 1949
by the thought that the miraculous complexity of
physics will prove it to be an exciting and open field
from A B R O A D
for research for m a n y , m a n y years to come.

Physics and Biology

If there is a fundamental complexity in nature as
revealed in the biological sciences, there is n o a
priori reason w h y this complexity should not in-
vade physics. In fact w e have seen that physics is
not the obvious, commonsense, naive science that it T h e Netherlands
w a s once thought to be. T h e simple, static billiard
ball like conception of the electron is far from the In a previous letter I described the slow birth of the
Netherlands Foundation for Pure Research. I mentioned
that, in spite of the fact that the bill about the founda-
T h e elemental units of life involve a large n u m - tion has not yet passed Parliament, the provisional coun-
ber of atoms. Their great complexity is a matter of cil of the foundation has not delayed its activities. The
organization. O n the other hand, the difficulty in Sub-Foundation for Research on Matter has been at work
formulating a theory of the electron and the other for three years.
elementary particles, lies in their ultimate simplicity. The Foundation for Research on Matter found its first
In the study of the elementary particles our space- task after the liberation in promoting nuclear physics.
During the war the nations occupied by Germany lagged
time concepts, our physical intuitions, our familiar
seriously behind in nuclear physics in comparison with
thought patterns, fail us. T h e methods and devices their more fortunate allies. It was realized in Holland
which are so useful as aids to our understanding of that it would put a very high strain on the nation's ham-
macroscopic matter are no longer applicable. This pered resources and scientific manpower if an attempt
wavering, vibrating, and trembling happening which should be made to catch up within a few years; so after
is the electron has not the properties of matter as long discussions the foundation decided to concentrate
upon promoting modest nuclear research programs at the
w e k n o w or experience it. T h e failure to project
different universities and upon establishing a new cyclo-
the electron on the space-time curtain of physics, on tron laboratory in cooperation with the Municipal Uni-
which events of the physical world are assumed to versity of Amsterdam and with the Philips Works. The
be portrayed, makes the attempt to understand its researches thus promoted by the foundation consisted
existence so difficult. O n e can n o w see that in order largely in perfecting and developing instruments and ac-
to understand the origin of matter one needs go cessories for nuclear research, including counters of vari-
ous types, counter circuits, ionisation vessels, Wilson
beyond matter.
chambers, and beta-ray and mass spectrographs. Rather
It is interesting to note that at a time w h e n there small scale research with radioactive substances and
is a trend in physics toward greater and greater ab- with neutrons is carried out in Groningen, Amsterdam
straction, there is a tendency in the opposite di- and Utrecht, while in Leyden, nuclear magnetic resonance
rection in the biological sciences. W e are finding and nuclear relaxation are investigated.
mechanisms for biological phenomena at a time In the new Amsterdam Laboratory for Nuclear Re-
w h e n w e are discarding them for physical phe- search, the cyclotron secretly built during the war at the
Philips Works has been mounted. T h e eighty kilowatt
nomena. Activities which are associated with living magnet has a pole diameter of seventy-two inches. With
matter, in fact, with the highest form of living mat- a pole gap of thirteen inches it gives a centralfieldof
t e r — m a n — a n d which are of teleological nature can thirteen and a half kilo-oersted. The apparatus is being
n o w be mirrored by appropriate mechanical systems. adjusted as a syncho-cyclotron for accelerating deuterons
T h e investigations of W e i n e r and his school in cyber- and alpha particles to thirty and sixty electron volts re-
netics have revealed a striking analogy between the spectively. A department of radiochemistry is attached to
the laboratory.
behavior of modern calculating machines which ex-
In principle the Foundation for Research on Matter
hibit properties akin to m e m o r y , association, and does not wish to confine itself to the promotion of nuclear
choice, and the h u m a n brain, w h e n it is functioning. research. The University of Leyden and the Institute of
O u r nervous systems have also been found to behave Technology of Delft have developed a research program
like a mechanism with negative feedback properties. concerned with the physics of metals (crystal growth,
Surely it would seem that the mystery of matter is electric, elastic and mechanic properties of metals).
just as legitimate a connotation as the mystery of life. C. J. GORTER


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