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Marking Scheme :
Expansion of the idea- 2 mks
Introduction – 1 mk
Conclusion -1 mk
Total – 4 mks
A Bad workman blames his tools
A workman who does not have the skill to do his work or does have any
knowledge of his work is a bad workman. He blames his tools to cover up for
his inefficiency. He is not responsible enough to accept his fault, so he blames
his tools for his failure.
A good workman will use his skills and make proper use of his tools and
succeed in life whereas a bad workman will not make use of the opportunities
(tools) given to him and conveniently blame others for his faults. He is not
prepared to accept that his approach towards his work is wrong. He wastes
time in finding faults with his tools and the people around him instead of
improving himself and learning the skills required.
Hence one can conclude that tools are not good or bad , it is the attitude of the
workman towards his work that gives him success or failure.
Assignment :
1) Many hands make light work
2) All that glitters is not gold
3)It is easier to preach than to practice.

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