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- helps in digestion and a big help in
Food preventing constipation; acts as lubricant of
the membranes that surround the body
- is a substance that consists of chemical
organs; up to 60% of the human adult body
substances used by any living organisms to
is water , the brain and heart are composed
sustain growth, repair, reproduction, and
of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83%
maintenance of vital processes.
water. The skin contains 64% water,
- We need food to maintain health, to
muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the
prevent diseases, and most importantly, to
bones are watery: 31%
sustain life.
- Without water, a person can die within days
Nutrients but can survive for a long time without
- provide energy, promote growth and
development, and regulate body functions. The Structures and Functions of the Digestive System

The six (6) major classes of nutrients are:







Digestive System
- main source of energy; important in
maintaining of the digestive system (fiber) - is to break down food to facilitate effective
and needed for the production of lubricant transport of nutrients to different parts of
called mucus. the body.
- is a tube running from mouth to anus.
Proteins - Its chief goal is to break down huge
- essential part of all living cell, tissues, and macromolecules (proteins, fats and starch),
body organs; a source of energy and a which cannot be absorbed intact, into
necessary component in the formation of smaller molecules (amino acids, fatty acids
antibodies. and glucose) that can be absorbed across
the wall of the tube, and into the circulatory
Fats system for dissemination throughout the
- supply energy; acts as insulator and aids in body.
the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Digestive tract
Vitamins and Minerals - is also called the alimentary canal.
- are important for various metabolic
processes in the body, in maintaining the
body’s biological function; cannot be
manufactured by the body.
Digestive system can be divided into two main parts: Stomach

-alimentary tract - the principal organ of digestion; protein

digestion occurs here
-accessory organs
- The enlarged saclike portion of the digestive
Alimentary tract tract.
- Peristaltic movement and churning action of
- composed of the mouth, pharynx, the stomach muscles crushes , mashes the
esophagus, stomach, small and large food and mixed it with gastric
intestines, rectum and anus. enzymes/juices.
Accessory organs Components of gastric juice produced in the stomach:
- composed of salivary glands, liver, Pepsinogen
gallbladder, and pancreas.
- Acid in the stomach changes pepsinogen to
Mouth (and teeth) pepsin, which breaks down proteins into its
- mechanical and chemical digestion of food smaller units, peptides, during digestion.
occurs here. Rennin
Teeth - converts liquid milk into solid particles
- break or tear food into several smaller Hydrochloric acid (HCl)
pieces to facilitate easy digestion.
- the stomach acid ; activates pepsinogen and
Mastication is essential in destroying microorganisms
- is the chewing or grinding of food into left in the food.
smaller pieces. Mucin (mucus)
Saliva glands - protects the lining from the action of its
- secrete saliva that softens the food. It own acid ; is produced by the mucus cells
contains enzyme, salivary amylase, that and also present in the esophagus to
helps in the initial digestion of starch in lubricate the food that is being pushed to
carbohydrates into simple sugar, maltose. the stomach.

Pharynx Chyme

- known as the throat - is the food that is thoroughly digested

- partially broken food in the mouth, goes mechanically and chemically in the
down through the act of swallowing. stomach.

Esophagus Small Intestine

- acts as conveyor of food and transport food - it measures as long as 20 to 30 feet.

from the pharynx to the stomach. Intestinal villi
- peristalsis, the rhythmic, wavelike
contractions help in the transport of the - are hair-like projections of the walls of the
food down to the stomach. intestine, increases the surface area for
absorption of nutrients from the food.

- receives the partially digested food from – glucagon (alpha cells) insulin ( beta cells),
the stomach. somatostatin ( delta cells)

- the second longest section, is where
absorption mainly takes place. - controls the blood sugar by lowering the
amount of glucose in the blood.
- is where vitamin B12 and bile salts are
absorbed. - raises the amount of glucose in blood
when needed by the body.
Large Intestine
- also known as colon
- It mainly function as the site for water - inhibits or suppresses the further
absorption from the undigested food; production of digestive enzymes in the
some vitamins and electrolytes are also pancreas.
- contains up to 13% -14% of our body’s
- refers to the waste material from blood supply.
undigested food, including digestive juices,
bacteria and fiber. - Regulation of amino acids in the blood

Rectum and Anus It is involved in the:

- Waste materials from the large intestine Production of bile

travels to the rectum, the storage for feces - bile acts as fat emulsifier, breaking down
before it is expelled from the body. The fats into simpler forms in the small
expulsion of feces through the anus is intestine.
called bowel movement.
Storage of glycogen
- glycogen is converted into sugar if needed
- is the external opening through which the by the body
feces passes out from the body.
Production of cholesterol
- cholesterol is converted into bile and is
- found behind the stomach; storehouse of stored in the gallbladder
digestive enzymes; it is both an exocrine
and endocrine gland. Storage of iron
- As an exocrine gland, it secretes digestive - it processes hemoglobin for use of its iron
enzymes that aid in the breakdown of fats,
carbohydrates, and proteins, and Most of the food is digested between three to
bicarbonate ions that neutralize stomach five hours. After the food has broken down into its
acid. simplest form, and is absorbed by the small intestine
- Its endocrine function is performed by the then into the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream,
islets of Langerhans and release hormones nutrients are transported to the different parts of the
Hormones body.
Our body is affected by lack of certain nutrient
and or by ingesting harmful food. How can we
maintain a healthy digestive system?


Iron deficiency
The body requires many different vitamins and
minerals that are crucial for both body development - The most common consequence of iron
and preventing disease. These vitamins and minerals deficiency is anemia, in which the number
are often referred to as micronutrients. They aren’t of your red blood cells and your blood’s
produced naturally in the body, so you have to get ability to carry oxygen drops. Symptoms
them from your diet. usually include tiredness, weakness, a
weakened immune system, and impaired
brain function. The best dietary sources are
Nutrients in foods provide the necessary the red and organ meat, shellfish, canned
energy for the proper functioning of the different parts sardines, dark, green leafy vegetables,
of the body. Proper nutrition is very important. A beans.
nutritional deficiency occurs when the body doesn’t
Iodine deficiency
absorb or get from food the necessary amount of a
nutrient. Deficiencies can lead to a variety of health - The most common symptom of iodine
problems. deficiency is an enlarged thyroid gland,
also known as a goiter. It may also cause
These can include digestion problems, skin
an increase in heart rate, shortness of
disorders, stunted or defective bone growth, and even
breath, and weight gain. Severe iodine
deficiency can cause mental retardation
  and developmental abnormalities in
children. Good dietary sources of iodine
Nutrient deficiencies alter bodily functions and
are : seaweeds,fish dairy and eggs.
processes at the most basic cellular level. These
processes include water balance, enzyme function, Vitamin D deficiency
nerve signaling, digestion, and metabolism. Resolving
- It promotes stronger bones and teeth,
these deficiencies is important for optimal growth,
regulates phosphorus level in the body.
development, and function. It can also lead to
Adults who are deficient in vitamin D may
diseases. For example, calcium and vitamin D
experience muscle weakness, bone loss,
deficiencies can cause osteopenia or osteoporosis, two
and an increased risk of fractures. In
conditions marked by brittle bones. And inadequate
children, it may cause growth delays and
iron can cause anemia, which zaps your energy.
soft bones (rickets). Foods rich in vitamin D
5 Common Nutrient Deficiencies include salmon, herring, sardines, canned
tuna, oysters, shrimp and mushrooms. Or,
- Iron deficiency
choose cow's milk, soy milk, orange juice,
- Iodine deficiency
oatmeal and cereals that are fortified with
- Vitamin D deficiency
vitamin D. You can also get your daily dose
- Calcium deficiency
by going out into the sunshine for 10
- Vitamin A deficiency
minutes without sunscreen.

Calcium deficiency
- Calcium regulates your heartbeat. A the acid aggravates the lining of the
deficiency could cause an arrhythmia, or esophagus causing regurgitation of sour
irregular heartbeat, and even lead to chest liquid or food.
pains. Other signs you might not be getting
enough calcium: twitches around your face
and mouth; muscle cramps; fractures. The
main symptom of calcium deficiency is an
increased risk of osteoporosis later in life.
Calcium-rich foods include as salmon and Ways to reduce your acid reflux and heartburn:
sardines (both of which are also excellent
sources of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty
acids), dairy products — including skim 1. Avoid eating large meals.
milk, and nonfat or lowfat yogurt. 2. Limit Your Alcohol Intake
Vitamin A deficiency 3. Don’t Drink Too Much Coffee.
- It helps form and maintain healthy skin, 4. Don’t Drink Too Much Coffee
teeth, bones, and cell membranes. Vitamin
A deficiency can cause both temporary and 5. Chew Gum
permanent eye damage and may even lead
6. Limit Your Intake of Carbonated Beverages
to blindness, xeropthalmia and suppress
immune function and increase mortality 7. Don’t Drink Too Much Citrus Juice
among women and children. Dietary
8. Consider Eating Less Chocolate
sources include : Sweet potatoes, Carrots,
Dark green, leafy vegetables, fish liver 9. Elevate the Head of Your Bed
oil,organ meat.
10. Don’t Eat Within Three Hours of Going to
A healthy digestive system and eating the right 11. Don’t Sleep on Your Right Side.
food, enables an effective distribution of nutrients to
the different parts of the body. If any part of the body
is impaired, no amount of healthy food will be enough. - This disorder refers to the absence of
An imbalance in the digestive process can lead to regular bowel movements or difficulty in
several digestive disorders. bowel movement because of dry, hard
stool. Constipation is usually caused by
All diseases that pertain to the gastrointestinal
inadequate "roughage" or fiber in your
tract are called digestive diseases. This includes
diet, or a disruption of your regular routine
diseases of the esophagus, stomach, duodenum,
or diet.
jejunum, ileum, the ileocecal complex, large intestine
- Constipation can be treated by: Increasing
(ascending, transverse, and descending colon), sigmoid
the amount of fiber and water to your diet;
colon, and rectum.
Exercising regularly and increasing the
intensity of your exercises as tolerated;
Moving your bowels when you have the
A few of the different diseases associated with the
urge (resisting the urge causes
digestive system:
Heartburn or GERD
- This is a chronic digestive disease, which
- This is a very common condition,
occurs when the stomach acid or bile flows
characterized by loose and watery stools,
back into the food pipe. This backwash of
which occur more frequently than normal.
- If the case is mild, you may not need to only when the gas is too excessive and
take anything. Adults can take an over-the- uncomfortable.
counter medicine. You also need to stay - As we all react to certain foods differently,
hydrated. You should drink at least six 8- sometimes a diet change is needed to
ounce glasses of fluids each day. Choose prevent flatulence.
electrolyte replacement drinks or soda - Some foods that are less likely to cause gas
without caffeine. Chicken broth (without include: meat, poultry, and fish, eggs ;
the fat), tea with honey, and sports drinks vegetables such as lettuce, tomatoes,
are also good choices. Instead of drinking zucchini, and okra; fruits such as
liquids with your meals, drink liquids cantaloupe, grapes, berries, cherries,
between meals. Sip small amounts of fluids avocado, and olives; carbohydrates such as
often. gluten-free bread, rice bread, and rice. t’s
important to maintain a healthy diet and
Gastric Ulcers/Duodenal Ulcers
to see your doctor if the problem begins to
- These are painful, open lesions in the negatively affect your life.
stomach and the duodenum. It can be
caused by stress, lifestyle and diet.
There are many other gastrointestinal
diseases. Some are discussed, but others are not
1. Be Careful When You Take Pain covered here. Other functional and structural diseases
Relievers include peptic ulcer disease, gastritis, gastroenteritis,
celiac disease, Crohn's disease, gallstones, fecal
2. Don’t Smoke, and Limit Alcohol incontinence, lactose intolerance, Hirschsprung
3. Manage Stress disease, abdominal adhesions, Barrett's esophagus,
appendicitis, indigestion (dyspepsia), intestinal
4. Consider Probiotics pseudo-obstruction, pancreatitis, short bowel
5. Prevent H. pylori Infection syndrome, Whipple’s disease, Zollinger-Ellison
syndrome, malabsorption syndromes and hepatitis.
Stomach Cancer
- also known as gastric cancer, and one of its
risk factors include having a diet that - Digestive system is very important for
contains nitrites and nitrates. digestion, absorption and assimilation of
- Stomach cancer may be treated with food. No matter what you eat, everything
surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, that goes into your mouth is processed by
targeted therapy, or immunotherapy your body’s digestive system.
Three main processes occur within the
Colon Cancer/Colorectal Cancer digestive system:
- A malignancy in the area of the colon and -digestion
rectum, again , it may be diet-induced.
- Treatment for colon cancer usually -absorption
involves surgery to remove the cancer. -elimination.
Other treatments, such as radiation
therapy and chemotherapy, might also be Digestion
recommended. - is the breakdown of food into nutrients,
which are molecules that your body’s cells
Flatulence can use.
- The medical term for farting. Different Absorption
gases expelled from the rectum and are by-
product of digestion. It becomes a problem
- is the movement of nutrients from the
digestive system into the bloodstream,
where they can be carried to all parts of
the body.


- is the removal of undigested material from

the body.

Digestive system is closely connected to

your respiratory system. Oxygen, which enters
your body through the respiratory system, is
required for the process your cells use to
release energy from food molecules. Oxygen is
the gas that cells used for cellular respiration.
Through cellular respiration, organic molecules
from the food you eat are broken down, and
energy and carbon-dioxide gas are released.
The released energy is used by body cells for
all the cells’ activities.

The circulatory system transports blood

through the human body. Blood delivers water
and nutrients from the digestive system, and
oxygen from the respiratory system, to all cells
in the body. Blood also carries wastes from
body cells to the organs that remove wastes.

Processes within your cells result in waste

products. These waste products must be
removed from your body to keep your body
systems in balance. The excretory system is the
system that removes liquid, solid, and gas
wastes from the body.

Digestive, Excretory, Respiratory, and Circulatory



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