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Course Syllabus

First: Course Information

College: The Faculty of Languages and Translation Department: Department of English
Academic Semester: Third Academic year: H1443 / H1444
Course Name: Reading & Comprehension 4 Course code and number: ENG 216 -3
Number of credit hours: 3 Units (theoretical/lecture, 0 practical/ lab. )
Course requirement in program: [✔ ] Required (obligatory) [] Optional (Elective)
Course type: [] University Requirement [ ] College Requirement [✔ ] Departmental Requirement
Pre-requisite (if applicable): ENG 211-4

Second: Instructor Information

Instructor’s name:

Office phone no. 

Mobile (Optional):

Office location and


Office hours:

Electronic Site :

Third: Lecture and lab timetables
Section number Days Time Location (Building/Room)

Fourth: Course description

Course description as found in the University Catalogue in English
This course is designed for level 4 students and is made up of 8 topics

Course description as found in the University Catalogue in Arabic


Fifth: Learning outcomes (Knowledge, Skills, and Cognitive) Teaching Strategies, and Assessment Tools.
Note: The classification of the National Commission for Assessment and Accreditation of Learning Products in the decision can be adopted
Learning Outcomes (Knowledge, Skills, and Teaching strategies and instructional aids Assessment Tools
CLO 1.1 Implement before – during – after Quizzes/Assignments/Progress Test/Final
reading strategies that build comprehension Predicting, questioning
CLO 1.2 Read for detail and identify opinions
by producing simple sentences and short Quizzes/Assignments/Progress Test/Final
Identifying, summarizing
paragraphs in response to readings Exam

CLO 1.3 Demonstrate a significant increase in Quizzes/Assignments/Progress Test/Final

word knowledge Visualizing
CLO 1.4 Employ pre-reading, skimming, and Quizzes/Assignments/Progress Test/Final
prewriting techniques Predicting, questioning
CLO 1.5 Identify main ideas in paragraphs and Quizzes/Assignments/Progress Test/Final
reading selections Identifying, summarizing
CLO 2.1 Activate prior knowledge, preview
texts, skim/scan to find information, and make Quizzes/Assignments/Progress Test/Final
Predicting, questioning
predictions/inferences Exam

CLO 2.2 Compare and contrast language in Quizzes/Assignments/Progress Test/Final

topic sentences Identifying, summarizing
CLO 2.3 Collect information by using critical Quizzes/Assignments/Progress Test/Final
thinking, analysis, and evaluation. Visualizing
CLO 3.1 Understand the responsibility for
their own learning and personal growth
Predicting, questioning Observations/Checklists
through self-development.

CLO 3.2 Illustrate effective communication

and leadership qualities Identifying, summarizing Observations/Checklists

CLO 3.3 Liaise with others in a professional

capacity, and demonstrate the ability to work
Discussions Observations/Checklists
independently within a team.

Sixth: Course or Curriculum units, subjects, specific unit's learning outcomes, and time schedule in the academic semester

Units Readings Notes

Learning outcomes for
Week Number Unit Unit/Chapter/ Activities submission
each unit or subject Reference Pages
Number Subject title dates &
1 REGISTRATION, Introduction
(Mar 12-16, 2023)

2 Chapter Text 1: The Dream - Previewing online Well Read-4 1–7 Reading
1: Factory articles, magazine Comprehension,
Reflecting Text 3: At the Movies articles and academic 11 - 12 understanding the
on Film tests. text and
- Scanning. vocabulary,
- Skipping words and questions and
(Mar 19 -23,
phrases. answers related to
- Understanding tables. the text,
- developing the
skill to read
Chapter Text 1: Trash or - Understanding the Well Read-4 43 - 56 Reading
3: Treasure main idea. Comprehension,
Unnatural Test 2: Curb Appeal - Understanding understanding the
Resources vocabulary in text and
3 context- phrasal vocabulary,
verbs. questions and
(Mar 26 - 30, Understanding vocabulary answers related to
2023) in context- examples. the text,
developing the
skill to read

Chapter Text 3: Simple - Previewing and Well Read-4 56 – 58 Reading

3: Actions, Real Results scanning tables. Comprehension,
Unnatural understanding the
Resources Text 1: Stealing - Understanding text and
Chapter History Supporting Details. 68-72 vocabulary,
4: - questions and
answers related to
4 the text,
Duration: 30
developing the
(Apr 2 - 6, 2023) skill to read

(5 points)

5 Chapter Text 2: Recreating an - Understanding Well Read-4 73 - 82 Reading

4: Army possessive adjectives. Comprehension,
(Apr 9 -13, 2023) Uncoverin Text 3: Ancient Egypt: - Understanding understanding the
g History A Timeline vocabulary in text and
context- collocations. vocabulary,
- Understanding questions and
timelines. answers related to
the text,
developing the
skill to read

Long Break
(Apr13-26,2023) Vacation
understanding the
Chapter Reading critically, - Reading critically, Well Read-4 96 – 104 text and
5: Strange fact and opinion. P. 96 fact and opinion. vocabulary,
8 Phenomen Text 2: New York - Understanding questions and
a Taste vocabulary in answers related to Duration: 60
(Apr 30 – May 4, Text 3: Believe It or context- contrast. the text, minutes
2023) Not Understanding bar developing the
graphs. skill to read
(30 points)
9 Chapter Text 1: The Future of - Reading critically- Well Read-4 115-122
6: Business making inferences. Reading
(May 7 - 11, 2023) Rethinkin Text 3: The Cycle of - Understanding 130- 131 Comprehension,
g Business Motivation reflexive pronouns. understanding the
- Previewing diagrams. text and
questions and
answers related to
the text,
developing the
skill to read

Chapter Text 1: The - Skimming. Well Read-4 141 - 155 Reading

7: The Mediterranean Diet - Understanding Comprehension,
Global Text 2: The Joy of Soy demonstrative understanding the
Diet pronouns. text and
- Understanding vocabulary,
vocabulary in questions and
context- parallel answers related to
clauses. the text,
10 developing the
skill to read
(May 14 - 18, critically
and oral
(15 points)
Chapter Text 3: Pyramids of - Understanding Well Read-4 155 - 156 Reading
7: The Health diagrams. Comprehension,
Global understanding the
Diet text and
11 questions and
answers related to
(May 21- 25,
the text,
developing the
skill to read

12 Chapter Text 1: Should Animals - Previewing reading Well Read-4 167 – 172 Reading
8: Ethics Have Rights. skills. Comprehension,
(May 28 – Jun 1, in Science Text 3: Public Opinion - Previewing Bar and 179 – 180 understanding the
2023) on Gene Therapy Pie charts. text and
Long vocabulary,
questions and
answers related to
Weekend the text,
Sun & Mon developing the
skill to read
13 Revision Revision -

(Jun 4 - 8, 2023)

14 Final Final Exam -

(Jun 11 - 15,

Seventh: Exams and Assessment Plan

Grades out of
Date and duration Subject matter covered Type of
Assessment tools 100 Guidelines and instructions
(day/date/ time) in the exam questions

Quiz Week 4 Chapter 1 Objective Qs 5 points Online/In Class for 30 minutes

Midterm Exam Week 8 Chapter 1, 3 & 4 Subjective & 30 points In-class exam for 60 minutes
Objective Qs
Group work, Week 10 - Objective Qs 15 points Online/In-class
rubrics , and oral
Final Exam Week 14 All studied chapters Subjective & 50 points Not decided yet
Objective Qs 50 Subjective & objective Qs

Eighth: Readings and further References

1 Main Reference (Textbook) (correct citation in accordance to standards specific to discipline)

Pasternak, M & Wrangell, E. (2008). Well Read 4. Oxford: OUP.
Extra reading references:
2 Howe, D.H. & Kirkpatrick, D.L. (1999). Advance with English (3). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Ninth: The instructor's policy of dealing with students within the framework of the university laws, regulations, and guidelines (examples
and prototypes). Notes: Please see (The student Guideline) at the Registration Deanship's Website:

1 Participation: Participation in class activities and completion of the

given tasks are compulsory
2 Late attendance: Delay of more than 10 minutes will lead to
(attendance marking late) on the registration website.
2 Cheating and plagiarism: Cheating and Plagiarism will result into
cancellation of the concerned/ failing the concerned subject.
4 Late work policy: Student must provide a formal excuse for the cause
of the delay (otherwise the assignment will not be accepted)
5 Exiting during the lecture period: In case of an emergency or official

Coordinator: Ms. Nora Marei Alqahtani

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