Engineering T9

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Ghani Institute of Technical & Islamic Education

1st Year F.Sc. English Test

Student Name: Roll No: Date: / /

Class 1 Year T-9
T- Marks - 40 Subject: English Time: 60 - M Obtained Marks:
Q1. Choose the correct one of the underlined words: 5x1=5
1) Abul was alias of Abul Barkat.
(a) Assumed name (b) real name (c) first name (d) religious name
2) Shamim was erstwhile disciple of Abul:
(a) New (b) ugly (c) dear (d) former
3) Embarrassment:
(a) Joy (b) suspense (c) confusion (d) confidence
Choose the correct option for the following blanks from the given possible answers.
4) What was the name of eldest daughter of Abul?
(a) Shamsun (b) Zaibunnisa (c) Umda (d) Mehrunisa
5) What was the total saving of Maulvi Abul?
(a) 40 (b) 41 (c) 42 (d) 43
Q2. Write short answers of questions in your own words from Book-I: 04
i) Describe Mualvi Abul’s appearance?
ii) Who was the member of District Board where the Maulvi lived?
3. Write short answers (3-5 lines) of any TWO questions in your own words from book-
III:(Poems) (4)
i) What is effect of man’s good relation with lords?
ii) “I am the shadow that follow child” Explain.
4. Write short answers (3-5 lines) of any TWO questions in your own words from book-
III:(One Act Play) (4)
i) Does Miss McCutcheon believe that there is a pearl in the oyster?
ii) What was Black rock?
Section - II
5. Write an application to the Manager Lahore Board for employment. (05)
6. Write a story on the moral lesson: (8)
“All that glitter is not gold”
8. Use any FIVE of the following pairs of words in sentences of your own: (5)
1. Pray, Prey
2. Principal, Principle
3. Profit, Prophet
4. Quiet, Quite
5. Rain, Rein
9. Translate the following paragraph: (5)
Maulvi Abul had slightly bulging eyes. On his fingers he wore silver rings with large turquoise stones.
These rings came off his fingers five times a day before ablutions, and yet no change was ever observed in
the order in which they were worn.

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