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anamater Sait Tslr

C eame maolsls Sofon ducusd npluby

Qtumeotto te parametens as2 r s tanfor

eutue Scuplc.1e dtua Rntie dala 2ensbl,

to Hea Cunten-0f un. 2eues dala
wlic& ana ofte ChanaPerue h ahucuna
CnoSs CePunal da)a aso taanameten Ualuus Dfa
vaucu ma vany aooss daGHenar\ gmps

Lrke mak and emale pren claus ard wen thu ofe,

h e Loka is to ApUtea dalaa oto, tou o

&up -pe DoS
Qund teau to esfimat e up ho t e e Mdls,Jur eac

0. rcu 9uub-pannts and for all teL dala ne teo to

Compone RSS of each of tela models.

ugoxtad byegmy Cuw io bo teshs
Cww tes
wultn me Coeffitierds na djfenon for 8pt data
an F hes ard rold n u
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Onda omo scedas hc
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tw upg m s he e8ual

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tupe S e n i u dapPa, wlena e e
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vauables haue dFRerun amaus U dfperan

Sub gvoups ofPopdatio.

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PLot k deperdu Vauabla over tuoe anrol sp

tua doPa acc oru ho a dbi ows a n a s in

Beu eS
Sp kaa daeu accumdus to a n w mpurtanl

hsturt tal eveut Cfr oseun Ce Stoce mace-

Crash neuo
Goyenman-pou GST, Denunahsatui
Oi Cm sS, CORonNA Pandamie and So m.
angemard A a d a mo Cango p ea mdn r o

en n manr u wst maaured s mme

t o Cane a s u a r a Chong t e e models paramaiey
tEha a elately bmualL hauge.

Cunider t e atoy ud tnuumR elatio8tup Sanay Y)

Catuntan oP dspotale ume DPE Cx
hava dala ' dipPoiablLi2ergona
ssume a wa

u ma end pesonal ijane Sawos iv Irola f m

199 unos ard Jun aeareesuuD o l u o a -

S p e ef yeans

aeumey Fhoul t
as wel ag Y eot31 XtV3E-13ho-2uoS
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ru e p e Coeftonbs aemain s
Eshadad Rezuls
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TC ave sudts eges ea katisluip

befweo Casgs ard piiposable puMonal Totame h o

Cem teLo two Aub peiod.

o wite sul wnidoDq ten peAbu dPerroncas i kLe

twd sub poniods wiL tRad to punibus nagresiuo

Coinideote Panalle ConCuuen D1Suan

areirDs amgriuDs TTersms
Toume Sanos Redatansuip

Cocden Ca RegrenunD
Bote uphen cupt and lupe a teu Same

Pannal Regrezi
Trentap dujan busupeu HaAame
Com unnanl- Regr28io
Supe eliffen hu uptencap ama

Di m Do Kaexup
Brste utentup and epe a drfPerert
Chw Tes

ARrptt O C, ard UatnN CO,

e e w r t e m s eLa u peubd JagmeLeD s ane

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na-k) wna tú t u a numhe of panamaken
to he esPumata anel tecs Rsg
Knawn as
ashiced rsidua Lum of Sanos (RSShecane
U obrainad hy mpese a s o s teal
dEpIara dap tea tea ub-peuocd
negrusDs a net fferan-

Esuocte eu 23NattunU ardl otaip Ris df-n,-)

Estte Hta yDasd otio RsS, df -D2-k)
Add RSS ard RSS2 , swU i kunun as
Onustmhe RSS )
Tteuneu no Amutura hawge
Seurn teu tuRSS ar RS und uo
he 8lahLHTally dHfAn

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Sau ns behwer two peiods.

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Feruy m ea f h s aruod
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give k o
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ervea sih
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E CYi D=1,',x): e ib g m e n -
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FaS ope ef reu
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vasuu blo
To oCpolaPe.
aa. opop of qAaadre

+TnderacPim EP
TneacPion o.}fek o- tuwo dummie
ienaton ofaul of a Jurny wila a uangr MÓable
radealt V A O
Atterurate Ho couno est Macuines wulcens
e Seasonali S a t c Sles Proclu Salssmwn
EmolimenSo uss
Pree-wile L o e a R a r e u o

Ouoy penn my
Tena cPeu ef

Y Bo+BIDIpa D2 tß3*+;
x - Epemen la.
Y-houny waae
D 1 mole, o
O. OBeLwnut
exr Caste,
ea diffornntial
we augumed e a r
T tuw moola, acosg
Cs Conatuor
Ka gnde durpmy OA a
Coste ard denao Hal ePec
twD Categos es af Sexes.
CUnsan-acroB eLa two
Cosre dum my D
he violepel
io aaaluy
s askemup huo i l l
he t h l e a d e l o
betwean e u two
ud aune may
uaytve G. aLd D,
eno ania,us Di
Rannlwwa taa tran

o w e clas m
Orper clu emale
and Caste on r o y uo-
deer o8fet on gunda
addhve h u udhpy Cative
be Sempy

D)+p4 t 0;
Ro+P DI+Fa D2 +3sC Oc- Male
ECY1, D2 =1/X{= po+ p1-tpa 83+ C Male
CYp ,Da ao
Xi )= (to+F1-34x)
E OC-fenalk
ECYIDor xi ) =(potpa +p4X)
Le Femalu
ECYID: , ao ) =(potp4x)
datësron lo hetwROu
a auenogo Wag
3 maLnu
o w e r das feale
male a d
aa n uppeclas
drfkneual f e t o oo a

abeiog Upr-Class a

Ba diRrudtal ee
e e t of bu UPer clas rele
b dfferurhal

Tndentep Po
D 1
vale aro D)= o p fervale2
pa dabs Do uenClau
R t R sunw ue o t e of Gwenaae wage cargg
is digkonfurr sMe eags.
fu e r s l a s
Y- Bo+3 DHB D +Fs X+Ba

BBa ane deenic pBo cept duomes aro

datteewDtl 8pe dummuss

B4 Bse

B4 te w how t e aate of awarage wege

chaunes for male i dAkrent for female

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