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Manabat, Yla Chaemil S.

AE-302 January 23,2023

Task 1

• List down your Most Valuable Possession; (include photo & price range when you acquired it)

Xbox 360 games: I posted this during May of 2021. I posted a lot of variety of games that I rarely
used to play that time. Every game has a specific price depend on how good or trend it is prices
ranges to 300-400 pesos. I also offer a swap thing if the buyer offers games that can match the value
of the games that I have that time.
Task 2

• Sell your MVP.

• Discuss your strategies. (Attach photos)

After some time, someone responded to my listing on fb marketplace, the guy name is Allen. He
offers at first to swap cd to me. At first I need to think my move first if I will accept it or not, I search first
the games that he is offering if I will like the gameplay or not. After doing some research I’m hesitated to
accept his offer since his games are not the trendy or pretty average gameplay. So, I discuss first my
condition that he must add some cash, because the games that he wants to get to me are really good
games and also has a high value in selling. After some discussion we eventually agreed to my offer to
each other 2cd from me specifically far cry 2 and Call of Duty Black ops 2, while from him 2 cd also
specifically Grid and Dragon Age and he will also add 210 pesos to the offer.

I also ask him of proof if it will work 100% well on his own console and I also did that for him, so
that in case of difficulties we have proof to each other that it works well or 100% functioning in our side.
Task 3

Answer the following questions:

• Were you able to sell it? If yes, to whom (attach photos) If no, why not?

Eventually we meet up to each other, good thing he is not far to my place I’m from Concepcion he is
from capas. It is a one jeep only to each other.

• What is your total earning?

My total earnings is 200 pesos only because we swap CD value to value.

• What are the difficulties encountered?

Difficulties is having transportation to go there because during that time it is still pandemic and it is
hard to go outside among people because of the virus. So, in order to go to the meeting place, I rode
my bike to meet up the person.

• What is your best practice?

My best practices are being approachable when selling something, because communication is one
key factor to attract and to sell your product. You must build connection to customers. I also enjoy
sharing the games that I used to truly enjoy during my time playing it, now it is their time to enjoy it.

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