SS14 LP2 Output

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LP 2




Activity 1 : Present a tracer mind map showing the road to first then to the second industrial revolution.
Activity 2 : Identify factors and stimuli that led the expansion of Western imperialism from Africa to most parts of Asia. Use a
graphic organizer.
Activity 3: Present a comprehensive concept diagram showing the emergence of unionism.
Quiz 1.0
Identification. Based on the cues presented, identify the principles or concepts
applicable to each item. Spell the words correctly. WRONG spelling is WRONG.

1. Which decade do historians agree on as the start of the Industrial Revolution?

 18th century

2. What country did the Industrial Revolution actually begin in?

 Great Bretain

3. What was the Enclosure Movement?

 The Enclosure Movement was a push in the 18th and 19th centuries
to take land that had formerly been owned in common by all members
of a village.

4. Who is credited with bringing the Industrial Revolution to the United States?
 Samuel Slater

5. How did the Industrial Revolution impact population distribution?

- The Industrial Revolution caused towns to turn into cities, and existing cities to
swell, both in terms of population.

6. As populations grew in cities, the working poor were forced to live in a specific
type of housing. What were they called?
 Tenement housing

7. Who invented the cotton gin and transformed the way cotton was picked and
 Eli Whitney

8. The use of child labor was very common during the Industrial Revolution. What
was this exactly?
 Labor exploitation

9. Who invented the assembly line?

 Ransom Olds

10. What lead to the creation of labor unions during the Industrial Revolution?
 The relevance of protecting employee's rights and vanish labor
11. What did labor unions actually do for factory, mill, and mine workers during
industrial revolution?
 Labor unions fought for better wages, reasonable hours and safer
working conditions.

12. How were women significantly affected by the Industrial Revolution?

 During this period, women's roles changed dramatically.
Industrialization redefined the role of women in the home, at the same
time opening new opportunities for them as industrial wage earners.

13. Who was responsible for inventing the telegraph?

 Samuel Morse

14. Who were the Luddites?

 British weavers and textile workers who objected to the increased use
of mechanized looms and knitting frames.

15. A few political and economical ideologies emerged during the Industrial
Revolution. What was one of the most prominent ones?
 Capitalism

16. What was an invention that improved the textile industry?

 Spinning Jenny

17. What sort of economic system did America have as a result of the Industrial
 Manufacturing Revolution

18. Corporations grew in their power during the Industrial Revolution. Why was this?
 Because of Mass Production

19. It's argued that the steam engine was the most important invention of the entire
Industrial Revolution. Why?
 As the steam engine improved its uses grew from pumping water out
of mines, to driving machinery in factories, to its use in transport such
as railways and steam ships. 

20. Aside from corporations and the rich, who really benefited from the Industrial
 Workers
Breakdown Thoughts

Answer the following questions by reflecting on important bits and

pieces of information and/or details learned and comprehended from
your readings.

1. What has helped Britain dominates the first industrial revolution?

 Many different factors contributed to the rise of the British
Industrial Revolution. New inventions, access to raw
materials, trade routes and partners, social changes, and a
stable government all contributed to Britain's transformation
into an industry-driven country. Furthermore, the
consequences of the Agricultural Revolution, significant
quantities of coal, the country's location, a favorable political
environment, and a big colonial empire all contributed to
Britain having the required circumstances for industrialisation
to grow.

2. Why do you think living standards were different during the first and second
industrial revolutions?
 I believe that living standards differed between the first and
second industrial revolutions due to the available possibilities,
technology, and labors in each revolution. Those described
above differ in each revolution that resulted in a distinct
quality of existence. During first revolution, People were
struggling with bad working circumstances as a result of
industrialization, as well as unpleasant situations at home,
such as very little money, overburdened families, and
insufficient food. People working in factories during the
second industrial revolution had to battle for basic essentials
to survive. With cheap flimsy walls and crowds, there was
little privacy.

3. Who from amongst the persons mentioned did more contribution  to the
development of the world ’s economy? Why?
 Because Carnegie succeeded as an economic player, he
made a greater contribution to the growth of the world's
economy. His sensitivity to predicted profit prospects, as well
as his effectiveness in dealing with market uncertainty, gave
him a key impact on the establishment of many of the most
important sectors in the late-nineteenth-century United States
and global economies. His managerial and technological
contributions to better coordination of the actions of both
demanders and suppliers in those industries. Finally,
Carnegie's activities in distributing the vast personal fortune
he amassed while building his commercial empire are
reviewed and their economic repercussions are appraised.

4. Discuss the main similarity and difference of the two industrial revolutions
discussed therein.
 The two industrial revolutions vary in that the first began in
Britain and led to factories and work, which were dominated
by textile and shipping factories. While the second revolution
began in the United States, which was largely an agrarian
nation after the Civil War. By the 1920s, the United States
had risen to become the world's dominant industrial power.
The key parallels, on the other hand, are that both revolutions
had profound influence on people's lives, both negatively and
positively. And both have a huge impact on society and

5. What has led workers to seek workers’ rights during the first industrial
 Workers sought rights during the first revolution because
employees in factories, mills, and mines worked long hours
under hazardous circumstances. There were no safety
coverings or gates on the machines, and children as young
as 5 years old were working them. Every day, iron workers
toiled in temperatures of 130 degrees or greater. These are
the factors that prompted employees to demand workers'
Branch - It - Out
Broaden the idea of the selecte
d concepts below by associatingconcepts/ideasthat are
linked to the main concepts to make them socially meaningful and relevant.



Mid- 18th century Mid-19th century Time frame change it is because ther
are marking  process of increased
Time Frame manufacturing and production which
boosted industry and encouraged ne
inventions ad innovations.
Textile production, Automobile, The industrial revolutions transforme
are engines and electricity and its technological revolution, where a
factories mass production great step of modernization arose,
due to great minds and inventions,
such as textile and stem engines. Th
first step toward glamour is simplicity
Textile Production Fordism Industrial Revolution changed from a
agrarian economy to an industrial
economy where things were no longe
manufactured entirely by hand but b
Mass Production machinery. This led to increased
production and efficiency, lower
prices, more goods, improved wages
and migration from rural areas to
urban areas.
Coal Electricity Engines changed over industrial
revolution it is because of
power allowed for factories to be
Power Sources
located anywhere. It aids in supplyin
dependable power and may be used
to run big machines.
Engines Steam Engines Internal New inventions and technologies
Combustion Engine played an important role in the
Industrial Revolution such as spinnin
jenny, and telegraph, they changed
the way things were powered, how
goods were manufactured, how
people communicated, and the way
goods were transported.
Spinning Jenny Telegraph New inventions and technologies
played an important role in the
Industrial Revolution such as spinnin
jenny, and telegraph, they changed
the way things were powered, how
goods were manufactured, how
people communicated, and the way
goods were transported.
Poor Improved During the Industrial Revolution, livin
conditions is very poor as  for new
industrial workers were much
Standard of Living different. However, it was changed
and improved because people had
access to healthier diets, better
housing, and cheaper goods.
B. Below is an illustration. Pen in relevant and meaningful ideas on this picture. Apply
what you have learned from your readings and expound on it by giving meaning to this

Women continued to work in

industries, ultimately forming a
recognized labor force.

Despite such advancements,

working life during the Industrial
Revolution was not easy.
Working conditions were
occasionally dangerous.

There is a Long working hours

(12-16 hour shifts).

Low pay that barely covers

living expenses, hazardous and
dirty working conditions, and
workplaces with little or no
worker rights are all common.
Provide information on the practical application of the concepts you have learned
from course. Each concept has varying definitions provide ways on how they could
be put in practical and good use


Fordism It focuses on mass production and It is used in social, economic,

mass consumption, which are linked and management theory to
by rising worker wages and discuss production, working
increased workplace productivity. conditions, consumption, and
other related phenomena,
particularly in the twentieth
Unionism Any set of political concepts based Union members collaborate to
on the idea that two or more political negotiate and enforce a contract
or national units should be unified or with management that ensures
remain together is referred to as the things you care about, such
unionism. as fair pay, affordable health
care, job security, and a
predictable schedule.
Marxism Marxism is a social, economic, and It investigates the impact of
political philosophy that examines capitalism on labor, productivity,
the impact of the ruling class on and economic development, and
laborers, resulting in an unequal it advocates for a worker
distribution of wealth and privileges revolution to demolish capitalism
in society. and replace it with communism.
Liberalism Liberalism is a political and Liberalism advocates for
economic doctrine that emphasizes government involvement to
individual autonomy, equality of safeguard property rights,
opportunity, and individual rights develop new markets or fund
protection. market expansion, and rectify
market failures.
Socialism Among the services provided are Socialism is used in everyday life
public infrastructure, social security, as a system that helps to reduce
public transportation, and fire poverty levels in society.
protection. Economic resources
given by a democratically elected
government are shared equitably by
all citizens.
Quiz 2.0
Name: ____Estilles, Christine O.
Date: 12 – 22 – 22

Part I. Identification. Based on the cues presented, identify the principles or concepts
applicable to each item. Spell the words correctly. WRONG spelling is WRONG.

1. What was the first union ever developed in the Philippines?

 Union Obrero Democrata ( UOB)
2. What was the name of the first refrigerated transportation ever created?
 Frigorifique
3. What was the first micro invention that led the Industrial Revolution in England?
 Light Bulb
4. Who invented the first micro invention that paved the way to the industrialization
of Britain?
 Tomas Newcomen
5. What was the form of government intervention ever done during the height of
 Telegraph
6. What is the context that lie behind the economic depression? What factors
contributed to its occurrence?
 Free market system
7. What is Industrial Revolution?
 A period of scientific and technological development
8. What was the legal foundation that founded unionism in the west?
 The warmer act of 1935
9. What is Fordism? What are the contributions of Henry Ford during the Industrial
 Mass production
10. What country did the concept of unionism first arise?
 Great Britain
Part II. Enumeration/Discussion. Provide what is being required under each item. Please spell the words correctly.

1. Create a diagram showing the rise and demise of unionism. Express a way how to reinvigorate it (10pts.) (Rubric: Contents 5pts.
; Presentation & Illustration 5pts.)
2. Briefly and clearly discuss the difference between the first and second Industrial Revolutions and incorporate the gains derived
from these transitions. (5pts.)
3. Create a diagram showing the continuities of Industrial Revolutions form the 17 th to the 21st Century. (10pts) (Rubric: Contents
5pts. ; Organization & Layout 5pts.)

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