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The effects of Part-Time Jobs on HUFLIT JUNIOR







Instructor : Mr. Vuu Tien Vi ( M.A.)

Student’s full name : Le Kim Son Dai

Student’s number : 19DH712695

Class : SA1902
The effects of Part-Time Jobs on HUFLIT JUNIOR

Student’s full name: …… Le Kim Son Dai ………………………………………..

Student’s number: ………19DH712695…………………….............................



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The effects of Part-Time Jobs on HUFLIT JUNIOR

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NAME: Le Kim Son Dai

STUDENT’S ID: 19DH712695

UNIT NAME: Research Methodology


DATE SUBMITTED: May 29, 2022


The effects of Part-Time Jobs on HUFLIT JUNIOR

I certify that the attached material is my original work. No other person’s

work or ideas have been used without acknowledgement. Except where I have
clearly stated that I have used some of this material elsewhere, I have not
presented this for assessment in another course or unit at this or any other

Name/signature Date:
The effects of Part-Time Jobs on HUFLIT JUNIOR

Part-time job is a good way for students to learn necessary skills for work
environment. From that you can have work experience and skills that the
employer or company are finding to apply for a suitable job with high salary.
Part-time job means you can work and practice in the work environment that
allow you to make mistakes and have vocational training. To help HUFLIT
students take a better result, students themselves and the school need to find new
methods to help students have a more correct perception of part-time job. Part-
time job is the best option for students, if they want to get a hot job with high
salary after graduation and succeed in the future. Therefore, this study aims to
survey the part-time job situation of students, specifically students of the
University of Foreign Languages and Information Technology in Ho Chi Minh
City. In addition, the study sheds light on the difficulties students may face in
taking part-time job. From the above difficulties, we offer the best solutions to
help students overcome difficulties when balancing between studying and
working. To carry out this research, the researcher conducted the survey with
113 junior students with questionnaires and interview questions from HUFLIT
Juniors. In the questionnaire, the researcher made 7 research questions and 5
interview questions for participants to give the answers .The researcher used
Google form to survey, then researcher collected and analyzed the questionnaire
from student after 2 week. In general, most of the students were well awaress of
the importance of the part-time job. The results that part-time approach should
be applied regularly by HUFLIT students due to its numerous benefits. In
addition, students need to set up an appropriate timetable for weekly budget to
bring the best results.
The effects of Part-Time Jobs on HUFLIT JUNIOR



INSTRUCTOR’S ASSESSMENT............................................................................................................


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................

1.1. Background........................................................................................................................
1.2. Literature Review..............................................................................................................

1.3. Objectives..........................................................................................................................
1.4. Scopes................................................................................................................................
1.5. Organization......................................................................................................................

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW.............................................................................................

2.1. Situation of doing a part-time job............................................................................................

2.1.1. Part-time job in the world.....................................................................................................

2.1.2. Part-time job in Viet Nam.....................................................................................................

2.2. Advantages of working part-time............................................................................................

2.2.1. Opening the door to new job possibilities.............................................................

2.2.2. Possibility to make more money...........................................................................
2.2.3. Getting a better deal on transportation..................................................................

2.3. Disadvantages of taking part-time jobs....................................................................................

2.3.1. Pay cuts.................................................................................................................

2.3.2. Job insecurity........................................................................................................
2.3.3. There are no employee benefits............................................................................

CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..............................................................................

3.1. Description of the subjects.................................................................................................

3.2. Materials............................................................................................................................
3.3. Procedures of Data Collection...........................................................................................
The effects of Part-Time Jobs on HUFLIT JUNIOR

3.4. Statistical Treatment..........................................................................................................

CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND FINDINGS.................................................................................

4.1. Result of the questionnaires...................................................................................................

4.1.1. How many hours on a week can you work in part-time jobs?....................
4.1.2. How much money do the company or employer pay for you in an
4.1.3. How long have you worked in part-time jobs?...............................................


4.2. Result of the interview...........................................................................................................

4.2.1. What difficulties did you often have when taking part-time job?........................
4.2.2. Do you have any recommendations or solutions for the undergraduates in
the future to balance between studying and taking part-time job?.................

CHAPTER 5: DISCUSSION.........................................................................................................

5.1. Research questions...........................................................................................................

5.2. Important Findings...........................................................................................................
5.2.1. How is the current situation of students’ part-time job?...............................
5.2.2. What are difficulties that the students encounter while taking part-
time job?............................................................................................................................
5.2.3. What solutions help students overcome difficulties in taking part-
time job?............................................................................................................................

5.3. Limitation..............................................................................................................................................

5.4. Need for Further Research.....................................................................................................................

CHAPTER 6: RECOMMENDATION..............................................................................................................

6. Some recommendations for learners........................................................................................................


APPENDIX 1.......................................................................................................................................................

APPENDIX 2.......................................................................................................................................................
The effects of Part-Time Jobs on HUFLIT JUNIOR


1.1. Background

Job is a career which helps students to find the life purpose. By doing job,
students will have experiences in a workplace environment. Since they can
themself find a career path to follow for the rest of their lives. Moreover, part-time
job is steppingstones to help students achieve further steps as they can work and
experience while studying. It can not be denied that part-time job helps students
reduce the finance burden of family. Part-time job is a kind of jobs that you can
exactly work in a short freetime, less working hours than the full-time jobs. Part-
time job has reached its popularity since 2000s. The objects especially are students
who live and work far from home, studying aboard. Part-time job is very
important in this Covid-19 epidemic because most of companies, manufactures are
forced to close with the purpose of preventing the spreading of Covid-19
pandemic. Part-time job opens chances for students who have a badly condition
will continue to study. “Raising your income quickly usually means a part-time
job. You have to be willing sacrifice to win” (Dave Ramsey). “It is a very useful
tool for students to view job postings for part-time and full-time jobs” (Vinessa
Mundorff). Part-time job is very essential to every student’s lives. It helps students
to have extra income, work experience, and reduce family burden during studying

1.2. Literature Review

Part-time employment, often known as a part-time job, is a flexible work

arrangement in which you work fewer than full-time hours. Tessema, M., Ready,
K., & Astanie, M. (2014). In the article Did a research about Does Part-time
Job Affect College Students’ satisfaction and Academic Performance (GPA).


The effects of Part-Time Jobs on HUFLIT JUNIOR

Tessema, M., Ready, K., & Astanie, M. (2014) pointed out that working can
have a favourable impact on students’ GPA in college. Thanks to part-time job,
Students can cover basic expenses, relieve difficulty of finance costs on their
parents, enhance capacity for work after graduation, open chances for students to
acquire real-life skills and get knowledge, broaden their network of
administrators, collaborators and shoppers, and add a social dimension to their
lives. As a result, the aforementioned advantages of working while in college
can promote students’ academic performance by increasing their college
contentment and pleasure (GPA). For example, several studies have indicated
that students who worked (part-time) had (slightly) higher GPA than those who
did not. Md. Shoreful Islam (2016). In the article Why students prefer Part-time
job besides study. Md. Shoreful Islam (2016) noted that having a part-time job
not only make you a great student but also get a jump on your career track. A
work ethic is very essential in the workplace that you can’t learn from schools or
classes. A work ethic is something that must be developed through time and is
essential to any person’s success.

1.3. Objectives

The aim of this paper is to exam the situation of undergraduates while

taking part-time job and the challenges that students must face while taking part-
time jobs. This research will figure out some solutions and suggestions for Huflit
students in taking part-time jobs

1.4. Scopes

There are numerous research highlighted the benefits of taking part-time

job as a student. However, little research has been done about how part-time
jobs affect negatively for students. Therefore, in this research, I will concentrate
on Huflit juniors


The effects of Part-Time Jobs on HUFLIT JUNIOR

1.5. Organization

This research begins with an introduction about part-time jobs (what is it?
Which benefits students will have as taking part-time job). It then goes on to
present how the research was carried out. The next chapter is devoted to findings
and discussion of the research. Finally, the last chapter gives a conclusion and
put forwards recommendations to take part-time job effectively as Huflit


The effects of Part-Time Jobs on HUFLIT JUNIOR



2.1. Situation of doing a Part-time job

2.1.1. Part-time jobs in the world

According to the article History of Full-time vs Part-time Employment,

part-time job is defined as regular paid labor that is performed for less hours
than usual. Part-time job in the United States is commonly described as labor
that lasts less than 35 hours per week. Part-time work is usually defined as 30
hours in Canada and the United Kingdom. Part-time employment in France is
defined as less than 20% of the statutory working hours, whereas part-time work
in Germany is defined as fewer than 36 hours per week. Part-time employment
in Japan, on the other hand, is expressly linked to position inside the business
rather than hours worked; moreover, recent Japanese polls show that 20-30% of
individuals categorized as "part-time" by their employers really work as many
hours as "full-time" workers. (UKEssays, 2018).

2.1.2 Part-time jobs in Viet Nam

In the article Part-time Job Among Vietnamese. 500 Vietnamese men and
women between the ages of 18 and 22, who are either students or part-time
workers. 19% of university students have a part-time work presently, and 57
percent have done so in the past. Both men and women like to work as waiters
and waitresses. Tutoring is popular among women • Tutoring is widely regarded
as the best career, particularly among women • 39 percent make less than 1
million VND, and 79 percent earn less than 2 million VND Friends are by far
the most prevalent source of part-time work leads, followed by Facebook and


The effects of Part-Time Jobs on HUFLIT JUNIOR

the internet. Part-time work experience (among university students) Now is the
moment to get a part-time job, 19% Did it in the past but not currently, 38%. 43
percent say they've never done it before. 19% of university students have a part-
time work presently, and 57 percent have done so in the past. Slideshare (2015).

2.2. Advantages of working part-time

In the article 6 Benefits of Working Part-Time Instead of Full Time,

Maverick (2021) remarked that doing part-time jobs have several benefits for
students as follow.:

2.2.1. Opening the Door to New Job Possibilities

When a company's full-time roles are unavailable, workers may accept

part-time work in order to position themselves as the top applicant when a
desired full-time position becomes available. Part-time work can also assist
people get expertise and training in industries that they are unfamiliar with. After
all, an employer who would be hesitant to recruit an inexperienced individual
full-time may be more willing to accept a motivated candidate part-time if they
exhibit a strong desire to learn the skill.

2.2.2. Possibility to Make More Money

Working part-time can occasionally enable an individual to make more

money, despite the fact that it may seem counterintuitive – especially if they are
capable of handling multiple jobs. For example, combining a 30-hour-per-week
job with a 20-hour-per-week job might result in a higher total income than a
single full-time one. Furthermore, because many full-time paid jobs need 50- to
60-hour workweeks, this person may wind up working fewer total hours.

2.2.3. Getting a Better Deal on Transportation


The effects of Part-Time Jobs on HUFLIT JUNIOR

Part-time work may have a situational benefit in terms of transportation

expenses. For example, someone who finds part-time work near their house may
save more money on transportation than someone who commutes to a full-time
job for an hour or more each day. Part-timers can save money on petrol and car
maintenance, but they can also save money on monthly auto insurance
premiums, which are generally mileage-based.

2.3. Disadvantages of taking part-time jobs

Balwant Tripathi (2017). In the article 5 Reasons you should you not
take-up a Part-Time Job. BALWANT TRIPATHI (2017) admitted that some
challenges of part-time jobs while studying are:

2.3.1. Pay Cuts

This has to be the most important reason why teenagers and college
students should avoid part-time work. Part-time employees are typically paid
less than full-time employees. This implies that even if you do the same job and
meet the same performance goals, you will be paid less than someone who is
employed full-time. When it comes to part-time jobs, the flexibility of working
less hours is unquestionably beneficial. Part-time occupations, on the other hand,
don't appear to be particularly profitable from an economic standpoint. People
are frequently disappointed by low compensation, resulting in a high turnover
rate among part-time employment.

2.3.2. Job insecurity

Companies, particularly those that operate under corporate norms,

frequently offer openings for part-time employees on a temporary basis. Part-
time positions are frequently offered exclusively for short-term projects in
businesses, and once the project is completed, the employees recruited to


The effects of Part-Time Jobs on HUFLIT JUNIOR

execute the part-time job are frequently laid off. This raises severe concerns
about the job security of people who work part-time. Although doing part-time
employment might enable students or young professionals pursue their other
interests, job security is sometimes questioned when it comes to long-term
career advancement. And once you've lost your part-time work, you'll have to
seek for a new one. As a result, one of the most significant drawbacks of part-
time employment must be job insecurity.

2.3.3. There are no employee benefits.

Another big issue with part-time work is that individuals employed for
short-term projects are sometimes not provided with any benefits. Employee
benefits include things like health insurance, retirement plans, and other
bonuses. When full-time employees receive all of these advantages and extra
employee benefits for doing the same job, part-time employees are frequently
excluded. As a result, part-time work is a terrible choice for employees.


The effects of Part-Time Jobs on HUFLIT JUNIOR



3.1. Description of the Subjects

In the survey, 113 juniors from Foreign Languages and Information

Technology University at Ho Chi Minh were randomly chosen to do research.
These participants came from several majors and have done part-time jobs while
studying, so they had lots of experiences in doing part-time jobs effectively.
They have taken many part-time jobs. Therefore, when doing research, they
could give trustworthy answers in the questionnaires.

3.2. Materials

The study measured the benefits and challenges of part-time jobs while
studying. The objects were HUFLIT juniors who had experienced part-time jobs
and had standard in English communication. Moreover, all the questions were
used in bilingual, Vietnamese and English languages to make sure that all the
participants can understand the questions clearly. The research was carried out
both in qualitative and quantitative. In the quantitative, the researcher used
questionnaires including 3 personal questions, 4 research questions. In the
qualitative, the researcher uses open-ended and close-ended questions.

3.3. Procedures of Data Collection.

The researcher delivered questionnaires consisting of 3 personal questions

and 4 research questions. Firstly, the researcher created a form of part-time jobs,
then posted in Facebook of K-25 HUFLIT the questionnaire that had 1 benefit, 1
challenge of Part-time Jobs and 1 question containing some suggestions or
solutions to minimize the drawbacks in working part-time jobs as a student in
The effects of Part-Time Jobs on HUFLIT JUNIOR

HUFLIT university effectively. Secondly, the researcher wanted to measure the

percentages of students taking part-time jobs from HUFLIT juniors and make
sure that all the participants can understand what the researcher wanted to figure
out. Undergraduate students were required to be honest and think carefully
before giving the answers. After a week, the researcher collected all the
questionnaires from HUFLIT juniors.

3.4. Statistical Treatment

To analyze the benefits and drawbacks of taking part-time jobs. Researcher

collapsed all the feedback and recommendation from the qualitative and
quantitative questionnaires. The questionnaires were processed of Excel, then
Data were reported in percentage and displayed in different charts. For example,
What are your special characteristics Dynamic, Eager to lean, Honest or have
other options with the researcher’s ideas.


The effects of Part-Time Jobs on HUFLIT JUNIOR



In the survey, 113 students responded to the questionnaire and interview

question on the google form. After a week, the researcher collected the results
and started analyzing the data. In the questionnaires, 73.5% of the total are male
students and the rest 26.5% are female students. Most of the students are
between the ages of 20 and 21, just 11.5 % of students are from 22 to 23 ages,
only a few people from the ages of 24 to 25 and 18 to 19. Almost students are
from the foreign language department at HUFLIT and only 1 student is from
hospitality management.

4.1 Result of the questionnaires

In the questionnaires, there are 7 personal questions in the form of multiple

choice and 5 interview questions in the form of short and long answers. These
questions regarding such problems as situation, behavior or attitude, and
challenges of part-time jobs. All responses were statistically calculated by the
researcher based on excel in percentages.

4.1.1. How many hours on a week can you work in part-time jobs?


The effects of Part-Time Jobs on HUFLIT JUNIOR

Figure 1: hours of students' part time on a





0 - 10 hours 10 - 20 hours 20 - 30 hours 30 - 40 hours

Figure 1 shows the situation of undergraduates spend on working part-time

jobs at Ho Chi Minh City University of Foreign Language – Information
Technology. It gives the number of students who answered the questions with
multiple choices which the researcher mentioned. Overall, the student choices
vary greatly. Most of the students worked from 0 to 10 and 10 to 20 hours per
week. To be more specific, of the 113 students who answered the questionnaire,
nearly 33% students worked in both 0 to 10 and 10 to 20 hours per week. Other
options, 24% students worked in a rage of 20 to 30 hours and the remaining 10%
work from 30 to 40 hours. In the condition of being free and comfortable when
there is no pressure from the next family, the majority of students are not aware
of their self-awareness role in learning and training. Most students see the
importance of taking part-time jobs in real life skills and useful experiences, but
only a few students are not interested in taking part-time jobs. Meanwhile, many
students think that taking part-time jobs are to get the enormous achievements in
life and reduce the burden of family finance, not to buy luxury gadgets or


The effects of Part-Time Jobs on HUFLIT JUNIOR

shopping. Many students have a correct understanding of the importance of part-

time jobs.

4.1.2. How much money do the company or employer pay for you in
an hour?

Figure 2: Students' money payment in an




20 - 40 40 - 60 60 - 80 80 - 100

Figure 2 shows the payment of part-time jobs for students are diversified.
It gives the number of students who were answered 20 to 40, 40 to 60, 60 to 80,
80 to 100 with the idea researcher mentioned. In addition, the results showed
that the majority of students said that taking the part-time job were paid with 20
to 40 VNĐ with 76%. Besides, 15% of students received the salary of 40 to 60
VNĐ per hour. However, there are approximately 5% of students got the
enormous salary of 80 to 100 VNĐ per hour and nearly 4% of students got the
high salary of 60 to 80 VNĐ per hour. Some of the reasons for the difference in
salaries are that the majority of students are lack of work experience and they
don’t create huge productivity for the company or corporation. Moreover,
students just work in a few hours a day in their spare time. The advantages are
The effects of Part-Time Jobs on HUFLIT JUNIOR

students can choose the suitable schedule for them to study and work
comfortably. Most students are not qualification, so they need to learn soft skils
and be more confident, be active communication in working environment. The
above factors make a huge difference in salaries that the corporation or company
pay for students.

4.1.3. How long have you worked in part-time jobs?


80% 77%







Work Experience 1% 1%

0 - 2 years 2 - 4 years 4 - 6 years 6 - 8 years

Figure 3 shows students’ work experience in part-time jobs. It gives the

number of students who do part-time jobs from 0 – 2, 2 – 4, 4 – 6, 6 – 8 years
with the idea of the researcher. Overall, the students’ choices vary greatly, and it
affects each option differently. Most students were lack of work experience and
have just worked in part-time jobs from 0 – 2 years. To be more specifics, of the
113 students who answered the questionnaire, 77% students answered that they
have just been working in part-time jobs from 0 – 2 years as the recommended
idea of the researcher. Besides, 21% students also answered that they have
promoted in part-time jobs and have got extra money for every hour since they
have worked from 2 – 4 years. Both students who have worked from 4 – 6 and 6


The effects of Part-Time Jobs on HUFLIT JUNIOR

– 8 years said that they are working for a company or corporation and have an
enormous promotion in jobs, and they said they can work more than 1 job when
they finish their study at school. Moreover, many corporations and companies
have invited these students to work in their corporations when they get
bachelor’s degree. However, only a few students have the experience from 4 – 6
and 6 – 8 years. In this research finds that lots of students don’t want to have a
part-time job in the earlier ages, and they lack soft skills and experiences when
applying for a job. Therefore, the situations of unemployment after graduation in
Vietnamese students are very gigantic. Many students are not properly aware of
the importance of part-time jobs. Students do not have really good methods to
efficiently balance between part-time jobs and studying. In order for balancing
part-time jobs and studying to be successful, it is very necessary to make a good
schedule associated with studying and working, this is what most of the students
are aware of the importance of part-time jobs.


The question in the survey have received positive feedback from students
on the topic of part-time jobs. The results from the first figure shows most
students work less than 20 hours per week (33% both students work from 0 – 10
hours and 10 – 20 hours. The next figure shows that the majority of students said
that they received a small amount of money from 20 – 40 VNĐ per hours. The
third figure shows students’ experiences in working environment, and there are
77% students have chosen that they have worked for about 0 – 2 years. Part-time
jobs in Vietnam haven’t widely developed yet. Doing part-time jobs do not
really create good incomes for students. Therefore, students are not really
interested in part-time jobs. As a result, most students are not already aware of
the importance of part-time job. Part-time job approach may help students to
improve their outcomes in learning and working in the future.


The effects of Part-Time Jobs on HUFLIT JUNIOR

4.2. Result of the interview

In the interview, the researcher randomly selected 113 students for the
interview question. The researcher used interview indirectly through google
form to record the most positive and accurate result. Respondents were provided
with 3 interview questions about challenges and recommendations. After a week
interview, researcher collected and processed the feedbacks.

4.2.1. What difficulties did you often have when taking part-time jobs?

Students come up with a lot of the difficulties they have encountered while
doing part-time jobs. Researcher has collected those difficulties as difficult to
balance between studying and working, conflict with co-worker, prissy guests,
low salary.

Most of students complained about time balance, they haven’t experienced

about part-time job. According to the student already
said that the schedule of study was crowded, it was hard to organize and
balanced the time between working and studying, and sometimes she did not
have time to take a rest. The second student said
that “I worked late at night and woke up late in the morning.”

Almost 20 students have the same opinion that they always felt pressure of
time and they didn’t have enough time for studying while doing part-time job.
Part-time jobs take up most of the studying time. According to Ngo Minh Ngoc
“When there is too much deadline, but students don’t have enough time to finish
it”. Moreover, students often get distraction from the internet such as Facebook,
Youtube, and countless other interesting websites. This leads to an inability to
focus on the main goal. Another cause of distraction is noise and unreasonable
study space. There's no denying that focus is the key to all success, balance the
time of studying, working, and taking rest is very indispensable to success too. If


The effects of Part-Time Jobs on HUFLIT JUNIOR

students want to be successful, they must set goals and focus on the things that
help them realize that dream.

4.2.2. Do you have any recommendations or solutions for the

undergraduates in the future to balance between studying and taking
part-time jobs?

Researcher compiled all of the students’ answers very accurately. There

are 113 people interviewed with the same question, but the answer has many
similar solutions. Therefore, the researcher can only synthesize 5 solutions
from students. The first solution is that students must focus on studying in
advance, they have to use flexible time and manage money reasonably. Don’t
pay attention to other sights and comments. Focusing on studying and goals
that you want to reach will help you have motivation to work hard. After
getting bachelor’s degree, chances will open in front of your eyes, at that time
making money is no problems. The second solution is that students should
improve time-management skills and carefully choose the suitable job to
develop themselves. Don’t just work for money, work for the knowledge and
the long-term benefits. The third solution is that just apply for the job if they
can arrange time. Furthermore, we still need time to learn and revise the
lessons. Do not spend almost time for part-time job. The fourth solution is that
takes note or categories of a small specific things to make a to-do list and try
to force yourself to finish them. Last but not least, take breaks between each
activity. Identify your goals when you start that job, arrange a schedule and
work scientifically.

Survey questions on the researcher grasp taking part-time jobs while

studying of students. The question in the survey have received positive
feedback from students on the topic of part-time jobs. The results from the first
figure 33% both students who work less than 20 hours. To be more specific,


The effects of Part-Time Jobs on HUFLIT JUNIOR

students work from 0 – 10 and 10 – 20 hours. The next figure shows students’
payment per hour, 76% students said they received the salary of 20 – 40 VNĐ
per hour. The third figure shows students’ experiences in working environment,
and there are 77% students said that they have worked for 0 - 2 years. Part-time
approach may help students to enhance knowledge and work experiences.
Interview questions help researchers understand the challenges and solutions in
doing part-time jobs. As a result, most students are already aware of the
importance of part-time jobs.

The question in the survey have received positive feedback from students
on the topic of part-time jobs. The results from the first figure shows most
students work less than 20 hours per week (33% both students work from 0 – 10
hours and 10 – 20 hours. The next figure shows that the majority of students said
that they received a small amount of money from 20 – 40 VNĐ per hours. The
third figure shows students’ experiences in working environment, and there are
77% students have chosen that they have worked for about 0 – 2 years. Part-time
jobs in Vietnam haven’t widely developed yet. Doing part-time jobs do not
really create good incomes for students. Therefore, students are not really
interested in part-time jobs. As a result, most students are not already aware of
the importance of part-time job. Part-time job approach may help students to
improve their outcomes in learning and working in the future.


The effects of Part-Time Jobs on HUFLIT JUNIOR


5.1. Research questions

The purpose of this study is to find results for the researcher's hypotheses.
These problems are posed by the researcher himself and then conduct research
on students’ part-time jobs. The first research question is part-time job situation
of HUFLIT juniors in general and Vietnamese students in particular. The
researcher wants to find out if students could balance between studying and
working. The second research question posed by the researcher is the difficulties
that students often face when taking part-time jobs. Moreover, the researcher
also wants to find out that whether HUFLIT juniors have solutions to overcome
difficulties or not. From there, researchers can make a conclusion to help
students overcome difficulties in order to do part-time job effectively while

5.2. Important Findings

Survey questions on the researcher grasp the part-time job situation of

students. The questions in the survey have received positive feedback from
students on the topic of the effects of part-time jobs. The results from the first
figure shows most students work less than 20 hours per week (33% both
students work from 0 – 10 hours and 10 – 20 hours. The next figure shows that
the majority of students said that they received a small amount of money from
20 – 40 VNĐ per hours. The third figure shows students’ experiences in working
environment, and there are 77% students have chosen that they have worked for
about 0 – 2 years. Part-time jobs in Vietnam haven’t widely developed yet.
Doing part-time jobs do not really create good incomes for students. Therefore,
students are not really interested in part-time jobs. As a result, most students are


The effects of Part-Time Jobs on HUFLIT JUNIOR

already aware of the importance of part-time job. Part-time job approach may
help students to improve their outcomes in learning and working in the future.

5.2.1. How is the current situation of students’ part-time jobs?

The based on a small survey and interview form from the University of
Foreign Languages and Information Technology in Ho Chi Minh City. The
specific description of the data from the survey results shows that most students
see the importance of taking part-time job while studying in HUFLIT university,
but only a few students are not interested in it. Meanwhile, many students think
that taking part-time jobs are to get the enormous achievements in life and
reduce the burden of family finance, not to buy luxury gadgets or shopping.
Many students have a correct understanding of the importance of part-time jobs.

5.2.2. What are difficulties that the students encounter while taking
part-time jobs?

According to the survey and interview, the results also show that students
might encounter a lot of difficulties in taking part-time jobs. Researcher has
collected those difficulties as difficult to balance between studying and working,
conflict with co-worker, prissy guests, low salary. Most of students complained
about time balance, they haven’t experienced about part-time job. Almost 20
students have the same opinion that they always felt pressure of time and they
didn’t have enough time for studying while doing part-time job. Part-time jobs
take up most of the studying time. According to Ngo Minh Ngoc “When there is
too much deadline, but students don’t have enough time to finish it”. Moreover,
students often get distraction from the internet such as Facebook, Youtube, and
countless other interesting websites. This leads to an inability to focus on the
main goal. Another cause of distraction is noise and unreasonable study space.

5.2.3. What solutions help students overcome difficulties in their

The effects of Part-Time Jobs on HUFLIT JUNIOR

Researcher compiled all of the students’ answers very accurately. There

are 113 people interviewed with the same question, but the answer has many
similar solutions. Therefore, the researcher can only synthesize 5 solutions
from students. The first solution is that students must focus on studying in
advance, they have to use flexible time and manage money reasonably. Don’t
pay attention to other sights and comments. Focusing on studying and goals
that you want to reach will help you have motivation to work hard. After
getting bachelor’s degree, chances will open in front of your eyes, at that time
making money is no problems. The second solution is that students should
improve time-management skills and carefully choose the suitable job to
develop themselves. Don’t just work for money, work for the knowledge and
the long-term benefits. The third solution is that just apply for the job if they
can arrange time. Furthermore, we still need time to learn and revise the
lessons. Do not spend almost time for part-time job. The fourth solution is that
takes note or categories of a small specific things to make a to-do list and try
to force yourself to finish them. Last but not least, take breaks between each
activity. Identify your goals when you start that job, arrange a schedule and
work scientifically.

There are many reasons why students find it difficult to take part-time
jobs. Most students are distracted by social media. In addition, lack of time
management and learning goals are also the main reason leading to this
problem. Based on the findings, there are many reasons why students have
difficulties. The first, students are experiencing pay cuts. The second, taking
part-time jobs are really insecurity. Next, students have no employee benefits.
The reasons leading to difficulties are that students don’t make a to-do-list
before working and divide the time effectively. The second reason is that
students don’t really love their current jobs. If you want to success, you must
choose the jobs that you love the most. Because you will be motivated and
The effects of Part-Time Jobs on HUFLIT JUNIOR

passionated to pursue your jobs. The third reason is that students do multitask
on a day and don’t take break effectively. Through the survey results,
researchers as well as students can clearly see the current part-time job
situation of students.

5.3. Limitation

Although the research has reached its aim, there were still some
unavoidable limitations and shortcomings. The first, the researcher was
conducted in a short period of time. The second, the population of participant
also was limited, 113 students completed the questionnaire and the interview.
All participants are from Foreign Language and Information Technology
University in Ho Chi Minh City. The third, the researcher only took the
survey to get the answers within 1 week, then collected and processed. In
addition, the researcher is limited in terms of the research problem. The
researcher can only focus on one main issue, the awareness of HUFLIT
students about the effects of part-time jobs.

5.4. Need for Further Research

Unfortunately, this study was limited to HUFLIT only. Therefore,

further studies need to be conducted at universities across the country.
Moreover, educators should encourage students to take part-time jobs when
they were students. In addition, educators should make conditions for students
to learn soft skills as an equipment for them to work in the future.


The effects of Part-Time Jobs on HUFLIT JUNIOR


6. Some recommendations for learners

Today, part-time jobs play an important role for students for both benefits
of getting experience and earning money. Part-time jobs are very popular in
the world and Viet Nam for students who don’t have much income for
studying in university. However, students who take part-time jobs must get
distracted from making money and lack of concentration for studying.
Moreover, they usually get tired after work. Currently, the researcher has
come up with solutions to help students take part-time jobs effectively. Ollie
Jenne (2020). In the article 9 tips for working part time during university.
Ollie Jenne (2020) suggested some methodologies for students to study
efficiently in university.

First, the remarkable solution is that students should work a maximum of

15 hours each week. To be clarify, students who work more than 15 hours a
week can have a bad impact on their study as students don’t have enough time
to study. Moreover, the purpose of students is to focus on studying to get a
good degree, not overwork. In addition, setting limits will assist you in
balancing your university studies, social life, and part-time employment. In
short, this solution can help you balance between working and studying.

Second, another significantly noticeable solution is that lecturers are

essential. To be explained, doing part-time jobs just for experiences, not for a
long-term job. Therefore, your education should be your first focus at all
times. In addition, it may not seem like missing a few lectures is a huge
concern, but you might be missing important information regarding your


The effects of Part-Time Jobs on HUFLIT JUNIOR

schoolwork or tests. Additionally, if you really must miss a lecture, have a

buddy record it and set aside some time to catch up.

Last but not least, the last solution of taking part-time jobs effectively is
that acknowledge your deadlines. To be explained, when deadlines loom,
make sure you're prepared to clear your schedule. In addition, there’s nothing
worse than you have to handle your final-term paper tomorrow, but you are
working on it at 9 pm and you have to work overnight. Furthermore, if you set
up time for deadlines, you will have more time to finish it, not in a rush. In
brief, previewing your deadlines before working is a good way to accomplish
on time.

In conclusion, the researcher gave 3 recommendations for students.

Firstly, students should spend less than 15 hours on their spare-time to work.
Secondly, students should focus on studying, don’t miss the lectures. Finally,
you should set up time for doing deadlines in advance. In this way, if students
allocate these methods, it will help them to manage your time effectively.
The effects of Part-Time Jobs on HUFLIT JUNIOR


BALWANT TRIPATHI (2017). 5 Reasons you should you not take-up a Part-
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Disadvantages of taking up a Part-Time Job | Career (

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Retrieved March 16, 2021 from 6 Benefits of Working Part-Time Instead of
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Md. Shoreful Islam (2016). Why Students prefer Part-time job besides Study.
Retrieved from (99) Research report on: "Why Students prefer Part-time
job besides Study" | Md. Shoreful Islam -

Ollie Jenne (2020). 9 tips for working part time during university. Retrieved APRIL 21,
2020 from: 9 tips for working part time during university - Graduate Coach

Q&Me (2015). Part-time job among Vietnamese youth. Retrieved September,

2015 from Vietnam Market Research Report - Part-time job among
Vietnamese youth | Q&Me (

Slideshare (2015). Part time job among vietnamese. Retrieved October 13, 2015
from Part time job among vietnamese (

Tessema, M., Ready, K., & Astanie, M. (2014). Does Part-Time Job Affect College
Students' Satisfaction and Academic Performance (GPA)? The Case of a
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UKEssays. (November 2018). History of full time vs part time employment.

Retrieved from


The effects of Part-Time Jobs on HUFLIT JUNIOR

The effects of Part-Time Jobs on HUFLIT JUNIOR


The aim of the following questions is to serve for scientific research on the
benefits and challenges of taking part-time jobs in HUFLIT juniors. Your
enthusiastic contribution will be a key element for its success. Thank you for
your collaboration.

1. What is your major?


2. How old are you?

 18-19
 20-21
 22-23
 24-25

3. What is your gender?

 Male
 Female

4. What applications do you use?

 Facebook, Messenger
 Websites
 Zalo
 Viber


The effects of Part-Time Jobs on HUFLIT JUNIOR

5. What are your special characteristics?

 Dynamic
 Eager to learn
 Honest
 Other characteristic:.………...…………………………………………….

6. How many hours on a week can you work in part-time jobs?

 0 - 10
 10 - 20
 20 - 30
 30 - 40

7. How much money do the company or employer pay for you in an hour?

 20 - 40
 40 - 60
 60 - 80
 80 - 100

8. How long have you worked in part-time jobs?

 0 - 2 years
 2 - 4 years
 4 - 6 years
 6 - 8 years

9. How many jobs did you have?

The effects of Part-Time Jobs on HUFLIT JUNIOR


10. What difficulties did you often have?



11. What benefits could you get from doing part-time?



12. Do you have any recommendations or solutions for the undergraduate

in the future to balance between studying and taking part-time jobs?

The effects of Part-Time Jobs on HUFLIT JUNIOR



The aim of the following questions is to serve for scientific research on the
benefits and challenges of taking part-time jobs in HUFLIT juniors. Your
enthusiastic contribution will be a key element for its success. Thank you for
your collaboration.

1. Chuyên ngành của bạn là gì?


2. Bạn bao nhiêu tuổi?

 18-19
 20-21
 22-23
 24-25
3. Giới tính của bạn là gì?
 Male
 Female
4. Bạn sử dụng ứng dụng nào để truy cập?
 Facebook, Messenger
 Websites
 Zalo
 Viber
5. Những đặc điểm đặc biệt của bạn là gì?
 Dynamic
 Eager to learn
The effects of Part-Time Jobs on HUFLIT JUNIOR

 Honest
 Other characteristic:…………….
6. Bạn có thể làm công việc bán thời gian bao nhiêu giờ trên tuần?
 0 - 10
 10 - 20
 20 - 30
 30 - 40
7. Công ty hoặc chủ trả cho bạn bao nhiêu tiền một giờ?
 20 - 40
 40 - 60
 60 - 80
 80 - 100
8. Bạn đã làm công việc bán thời gian được bao lâu rồi?
 0 - 2 years
 2 - 4 years
 4 - 6 years
 6 - 8 years
9. Bạn đã từng làm những bao nhiêu ngành nghề rồi?, bạn đã từng làm
những công việc gì?


10. Bạn có thường gặp những khó khăn gì khi làm công việc bán thời
gian hay không?)
The effects of Part-Time Jobs on HUFLIT JUNIOR


11. Những lợi ích nào bạn có thể có được từ những công việc bán thời

12. Bạn có bất kỳ những gợi ý hay giải pháp nào cho sinh viên sau này có
thể cân bằng giữa việc học và làm công việc bán thời gian hay


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