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Transfer Task: Management

 Interview
 Manu script

1. Why do you think that your role as a manager is important to your organization/workplace?
How will you handle these circumstances what rate can you give yourself in handling these :
2. Unsatisfied Customer-
3. Failed service-
4. Resigning of an employee without the 2 weeks’ notice-

5. How can you differentiate Effectiveness and Efficiency as a middle-level manager?

6. How do you use contemporary resources specifically technology as a manager?
7. As a middle-level manager among the 4 functions(Planning, Organizing, Influencing,Controlling)
of management what do you use the most?Why?
8. among the 3 skills (Technical, Human, Cognitive)a manager should possess which skill do you
think is the most important as a middle-level manager?Why?
9. How do you handle several businesses at a time?
10. What advice can you give to students who want to be a manager in the future?
Information about the respondent :
Name : Arcelie Somera
Age: 35 yrs. Old
A ten years working manager (Operational Manager)
Both of these methods of learning is may Impact to us students, it may be positive or negative and also
give us exposure to different environment. In such situations, hybrid learning /blended learning stands out
and provide the balance which benefit us students more than online learning.
Encourages students to learn more actively and more effective.
These learning style strength relies in their ability to personalize education to each students particular

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