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Pertemuan 2

Bahasa Inggris untuk

Pengajaran Matematika
(DIK 570614)
Khamida Siti Nur Atiqoh, S.Pd., M.PMat.

Prodi Pendidikan Matematika

Fakutas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta


“Set and Their Properties”

• Relation between sets
• Some signs of sets
• Venn diagram
• Kinds of sets
Relation between sets

What are sets? 4

Relation between sets

Definition 5
A set is a collection of things, which has the same
characteristics or that we want to consider together.

Well defined It’s a


Representing sets:.
(a) Use brackets
(b) Describe them, using mathematical notation, or make a
list of the elements
(c) Use capital letters to denote sets.

! = { the first five even number }
B = { all beautiful girl in this class }
C = { all solid geometrical figures } = { cube, pyramid,
cylinder, cuboid, cone, prism, sphere }
D = 11, 13, 17, 19
( ∶= *|* < 10, * ∈ /0123 4526307
Some signs of sets
1. Element of a set
Lowercase letters usually refer to a specific members of a set.
Symbol: ! ∈ # (! member/element of #)
! ∉ # (! is not a member/element of #)

2. Subset and Proper Subset

Set A is a subset of set B, if all members of set A are in set B.
Symbol: % ⊆ ' (% subset of ')
% ⊂ ' (% proper subset of ')

3. Empty set
A set with no member is called an empty set or null set.
Symbol: ∅ or { }

4. Union
The union of two sets is a new set, which combines all of the
members of both sets by discards duplicate members or elements.
Symbol: % ∪ '
Some signs of sets

5. Intersection 7
The intersection of two sets is a new set, which only includes
those members existing in both sets.
Symbol: ! ∩ #, ! ∩ # = ∅ (disjoint)

6. Substraction
Substraction does not actually exist in set operations.
The operation ! − # means take away, if those members from set B
that are in set A.

7. Universal set
Universal set is defined as a set, which contains every element of
data. The universal set is usually identified with a capital U.

8. Complement
The complement of a set is defined as every member that is in the
universal set that is not in the given set.
Symbol: !' (complement of set A)
Venn Diagram

intersection of two sets ! ∩ # union of two sets ! ∪ #

symmetric difference of
complement of A in U (!& )
two sets !⨁#
Kinds of sets

Based on the number of the element (Cardinality of a set) 9

1. Finite Set
A set which have a finite number of elements
! =0≤%<∞
( ∶= %|% < 10, % ∈ ./012 34152/6
! = { the first five even number }

2. Infinite Set
A set which have an infinite number of elements
! =∞
N = {1, 2, 3, ...} Natural Numbers
R = {set of Real Numbers}

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