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arXiv:2103.15205v1 [math.AG] 28 Mar 2021


Abstract. A powerful tool of investigation of Fano varieties is provided by ex-

ceptional collections in their derived categories. Proving the fullness of such a
collection is generally a nontrvial problem, usually solved on a case-by-case ba-
sis, with the aid of a deep understanding of the underlying geometry. Likewise,
when an exceptional collection is not full, it is not straightforward to deter-
mine whether its “residual” category, i.e., its right orthogonal, is the derived
category of a variety. We show how one can use the existence of Bridgeland
stability condition these residual categories (when they exist) to address these
problems. We examine a simple case in detail: the quadric threefold Q3 in
P4 . We also give an indication how a variety of other classical results could
be justified or re-discovered via this technique., e.g., the commutativity of the
Kuznetsov component of the Fano threefold Y4 .

1. Introduction
Semiorthogonal decompositions, originally introduced by Bondal and Orlov[9], are
one of the most insighful features triangulated categories can have. A classic exam-
ple is the semiorthogonal decomposition produced via a full exceptional collection,
i.e. via a collection of objects each of which generates a subcategory equivalent
to the derived category of a point, interacting with each other with prescribed
hom-vanishings and spanning the whole triangulated category. These exceptional
objects behave like one-dimensional, simple generating blocks of their ambient cate-
gory. Their existence is a specific feature of certain types of triangulated categories,
notably the derived categories of some Fano varieties (see, e.g. [20, 23] and the ref-
erences therein). Generally, when a triangulated category admits an exceptional
collection, this collection is not full: it usually admits a semiorthogonal complement,
its right orthogonal, sometimes called residual category or, when the triangulated
category is in fact the derived category of a variety, Kuznetsov component (after
[22]). Kuznetsov components have been increasingly studied, as they somehow rep-
resent the non-trivial part of the derived categories they are embedded into, and
have been seen and conjectured to encode subtle geometric information on their
ambient varieties, notably (and conjecturally) their rationality properties [21].
In the same flavor, Bridgeland stability conditions on the derived category of an
algebraic variety X are often used to investigate the geometric properties of moduli
spaces of sheaves and complexes of sheaves on X, and their very existence is an in-
tense object of study on threefolds and higher dimensional varieties [11, 12, 13, 14].
Recently, Bayer-Lahoz-Macrı̀-Stellari [4] have showed how to induce a stability con-
dition on the Kuznetsov component of a projective variety from a weak stability

1 Dipartimento di Matematica – Università di Roma Tre

2 Dipartimento di Matematica – Sapienza Università di Roma
E-mail addresses:, .

condition on its hosting derived category, provided that certain conditions are sat-
isfied. These conditions are notably satisfied by Fano threefolds of Picard rank
We illustrate how the existence of stability conditions on a Kuznetsov component
automatically allows to prove certain results that, when already known, usually
require case-by-case geometric techniques to be dealt with. Namely, showing that a
given exceptional collection is full or, more generally, showing that a certain trian-
gulated subcategory exhausts the right orthogonal of an exceptional collection, are
usually nontrivial problems due to the a priori possible presence of subcategories
which are invisible to numerical detection: the so-called phantom subcategories
[17]. A stability condition, including a “positivity condition” for nonzero objects,
notably forbids the presence of phantom subcategories (or at least, as we will show,
of phantomic summands, which is enough for our purposes), thus remarkably sim-
plifying proofs of fullness.
In particular we will focus our attention on a simple example, while at the same
time indicating how a few others can at least in principle be described in a sim-
ilar fashion: the index 3 Fano threefold, i.e., a smooth quadric threefold Q3 in
P4 . Quadrics are actually one of those few notable cases (among, e.g., projec-
tive spaces and Grassmannians) where exhibiting a full exceptional collection does
not require somehow sophisticated techniques as stability conditions, see [18, 19].
We present Q3 as a simple case study, to illustrate the effectiveness of the use of
stability conditions (when they exist) in investigating fullness of exceptional col-
lections. In particular, we show how in this case one rediscovers Kapranov’s full
exceptional collection (S, OQ3 , OQ3 (1), OQ3 (2)), where S is the spinor bundle over
Q3 [18]. Among other possible applicatons, we sketch how one could recover the
equivalence between the Kuznetsov component Ku(Y4 ) of Db (Y4 ), where Y4 is the
index 2 Fano threefold given by the complete intersection of two smooth generic
quadric hypersurfaces in P5 , and the derived category of the moduli space of spinor
bundles on Y4 [9], via the identification of this moduli space with a moduli space
of Bridgeland-stable point-objects. Similarly, one sees how the the numerical con-
dition χ(v, v) = 0 for a numerical classe v of a cubic fourfold W4 naturally shows
up in ehibiting the equivalence between the Kuznetsov component Ku(W4 ) and the
derived category of a (possibly twisted) K3 surface [1, 16, 3].

Acknowledgements. The authors wish to thank Arend Bayer and Alexander

Kuznetsov, for useful comments on a first draft of this article.

1. Introduction 1
2. Notation and conventions 3
3. The Kuznetsov component of the quadric threefold and its Serre functor 5
4. Point objects and numerical point objects 7
5. Spinor bundles as point objects 8
6. Stability conditions loathe phantomic summands 14
7. Fullness of the standard exceptional collection on Q3 16
References 19

2. Notation and conventions

We assume that the reader is familiar with the fundamental notions from the theory
of stability conditions on triangulated categories and of semiorthogonal decompo-
sitions. See [9, 2, 29] for an introduction. In this section we will simply set up the
necessary notation.
We will be working
√ over the field C of complex numbers and we will denote the imag-
inary unit by −1. By (X, H) we will denote a primitively polarized, n-dimensional
smooth projective variety i : X ֒→ PN . For top dimensional cohomology classes of
X, by a Rslight abuse of notation, we will simply write the class ω for the complex
number X ω.
We will denote the abelian category of coherent sheaves on X by Coh(X), and
its derived category by Db (X). The Grothendieck and the numerical Grothendieck
groups of Db (X) will be denoted by K(X) and by Knum(X), respetively. More gen-
erally, we will write K(D) and Knum (D) to denote, respectively, the Grothendieck
and numerical Grothendieck groups, of a numerically finite triangulated category
D, i.e., of a triangulated category D endowed with a Serre functor an such that for
any two objects E, F ∈ D one has dim HomD (E, F [n]) < +∞ for every n ∈ Z and
dim HomD (E, F [n]) = 0 for every |n| >> 0.
On Db (X) we will consider the weak numerical stability condition σH = (Coh(X),
ZH ), where ZH : Knum (X) → C is defined by

ZH (E) = −H n−1 ch1 (E) + −1 H n ch0 (E).

For a nonzero object E in Coh(X), the slope of E with respect to the weak stability
function ZH is
H n−1 ch1 (E)
µH (E) = ,
H n ch0 (E)
where we set µH (E) = +∞ if ch0 (E) = 0.
For any β ∈ R, we denote by CohβH (X) the heart of the t-structure on Db (X)
obtained by tilting the standard heart Coh(X) with respect to the torsion pair
(Coh(X)µH ≤β , Coh(X)µH >β ), where

Coh(X)µH ≤β = hE ∈ Coh(X) : E is σH -semistable with µH (E) ≤ βi

Coh(X)µH >β = hE ∈ Coh(X) : E is σH -semistable with µH (E) > βi.

For any α > 0, by σα,β = (CohβH (X), Zα,β ) we denote the weak stability condition
on Db (X) with heart CohβH (X) and weak stability function

(2.1) Zα,β (E) = − H n−2 chβ+ −1 α (E)
α2 β √
= ch0 (E)H n chβ2 (E)H n−2 + −1 αchβ1 (E)H n−1
α − β2

= ch0 (E)H n + βch1 (E)H n−1 − ch2 (E)H n−2

+ −1 −αβch0 (E)H n + αch1 (E)H n−1 ,


where as customary we write chγ (E) = e−γH ch(E). The associated slope, for a
nonzero object E in CohβH (X), is
2 2
ch2 (E)H n−2 − βch1 H n−1 + β −α
2 ch0 (E)H n
µα,β (E) = .
αch1 (E)H n−1 − αβch0 (E)H n
Finally, for any µ ∈ R, we denote by Cohµα,β (X) the heart of the t-structure on
Db (X) obtained by tilting the heart CohβH (X) with respect to the torsion pair
(Cohβ (X)µα,β ≤µ , Cohβ (X)µα,β >µ ).
Remark 2.1. For an object E ∈ Db (X) which is at the same time σH -semistable
and σα,β -semistable, the property of belonging to the doubly tilted heart Cohµα,β (X)
reduces to a pair of inequalities involving the slopes µH and µα,β , and the property
of belonging to the standard heart Coh(X), of a suitable shift of E. Namely, for a
σH - and σα,β -semistable object E in Db (X) we have that E ∈ Cohµα,β (X) precisely
when one of the following four cases occurs:

 E ∈ Coh(X), µH (E) > β, µα,β (E) > µ

E[−1] ∈ Coh(X), µH (E[−1]) ≤ β, µα,β (E) > µ

E[−1] ∈ Coh(X), µH (E[−1]) > β, µα,β (E[−1]) ≤ µ

E[−2] ∈ Coh(X), µH (E[−2]) ≤ β, µα,β (E[−1]) ≤ µ .
Remark 2.2. If the integral cohomology of X is generated by H in degree ≤ 4, one
sees that a nonzero object E in Cohµα,β (X) with Zα,β (X) = 0 is a coherent sheaf on
X supported in codimension at least 3. This is easy and well known, but as we were
not able to locate a completely explicit proof in the literature we provide it here
for the reader’s convenience. If E ∈ Cohµα,β (X), then E fits into a distinguished
E≤µ [1] → E → E>µ −−→ E≤µ [2]
in Db (X), with E>µ ∈ CohβH (X)µα,β >µ and E≤µ ∈ CohβH (X)µα,β ≤µ . If Zα,β (E) =
0, this gives Zα,β (E≥µ ) = Zα,β (E<0 ) = 0, as this is the only possible common value
for Zα,β (E≥µ ) and Zα,β (E<0 ). But Zα,β (E≤µ ) can not be 0 unless E≤µ = 0, so E is
an object in CohβH (X) with Zα,β (E) = 0. Now consider the distinguished triangle
F≤β [1] → E → F>β −−→ F≤β [2]
in Db (X), with F>β ∈ Coh(X)µH >β and F≤β ∈ Coh(X)µH ≤β . As F>β , F≤β [1] in
Cohβ (X), we have
Im(Zα,β (F>β )) ≥ 0, Im(Zα,β (F≤β [1])) ≥ 0.
Additivity of Im(Zα,β )) then gives Im(Zα,β (F>β )) = Im(Zα,β (F≤β [1])) = 0, and so
Re(Zα,β (F>β ) ≤ 0, Re(Zα,β (F≤β [1]) ≤ 0.
Additivity again gives Re(Zα,β (F>β )) = Re(Zα,β (F≤β [1])) = 0, and so Re(Zα,β (
F≤β ) = 0. Assume F≤β is nonzero. Since F≤β has finite slope, it must have
positive rank. This implies that, if F≤β has a slope-semistable factor with slope
strictly less than β we get µH (F≤β ) < β and so Im(Zα,β (F≤β )) = chβ1 (F≤β ) < 0,

a contradiction. Hence, F≤β is actually a torsion-free slope semistable sheaf with

slope µH (F≤β ) = β. Using this we compute
α2 (ch0 (F≤β )H n )2 + ∆H (F≤β )
Re(Zα,β (F≤β )) =
2(ch0 (F≤β )H n )
≥ ch0 (F≤β )H n > 0,
a contradiction. Here, for an object F in Db (X) we have written ∆H (F ) for the
∆H (F ) = (ch1 (F )H n−1 )2 − 2(ch0 (F )H n )(ch2 (F )H n−1 )
and we have used the Bogomolov-Gieseker-type inequality from [5, Theorem 3.5]:
for F a torsion-free slope semistable sheaf one has ∆H (F ) ≥ 0. The above con-
tradiction shows that E = F>β and so E is a coherent sheaf with Zα,β (E) = 0.
Looking at the real part of Zα,β (E) we find
α2 − β 2
ch0 (E)H n + βch1 (E)H n−1 − ch2 (E)H n−2
for any α > 0 and any β ∈ R. This implies ch≤2 (E) = 0 and so, as E is a coherent
sheaf, that E is supported in codimension at least 3.

3. The Kuznetsov component of the quadric threefold and its Serre

Let i : Q3 ֒→ P4 be a smooth quadric. The derived category of P4 has a semiorthog-
onal decomposition induced by a full exceptional collection
Db (P4 ) = hOP4 , OP4 (1), OP4 (2), OP4 (3), OP4 (4)i,
see [6]. The residual category Ku(Q3 ) is defined as the right orthogonal to the
exceptional collection (OQ3 , OQ3 (1), OQ3 (2)) in Db (Q3 ). See [22] for details, where
this residual category would be denoted as AQ3 . Here we use the notation Ku(Q3 )
as these residual categories are most commonly known as Kuznetsov components.
Remark 3.1. If one has a semi-orthogonal decomposition D = hD1 , D2 i, then the
subcategory D1 is left admissible: the left adjoint ιL
1 to the inclusion functor ι1 :
D1 ֒→ D is simply given by the projection functor τ1 : D → D1 associated with the
semiorthogonal decomposition. Remarkably, the converse is true: if C ֒→ D is a left
admissible subcategory, then C is the left part of a semiorthogonal decomposition
D = hC, ⊥ Ci, where

C = {X ∈ D ” HomD (X, Y ) = 0, ∀Y ∈ C}
is the left-orthogonal to C; see [8]. Dually, one has that a triangulated subcategory
C ֒→ D is right admissible if and only if it is the right part of a semiorthogonal
decomposition D = hC ⊥ , Ci. A subcategory C ֒→ D which is at the same time
left and right admissible is simply called admissible. In this case one has two
semiorthogonal decompositions D = hC, ⊥ Ci = hC ⊥ , Ci. Notice that one generally
has ⊥ C =6 C⊥.
Remark 3.2. If the category D admits a Serre functor S and D1 ⊆ D is left
admissible, then also D1 has a Serre functor S1 . More precisely, the inverse Serre
functor on D1 is given by
1 = τ1 ◦ S

The existence of Serre functors both on D and D1 immediatley implies that D is

also right admissible, and so admissible: the right adjoint ιR to the inclusion functor
ι1 : is given by the composition
1 = S1 ◦ τ1 ◦ S

Dual considerations apply to the subcategory D2 .

Remark 3.3. Let A ⊆ B ⊆ C be an inclusion of triangulated subcategories. It is
easy to see that if both A and B are admissible subcategories of C, then A is an
admissible subcategory of B.
Remark 3.4. Semiorthogonal decompositions have an immediate numerical coun-
terpart. Assume D is a numerically finite triangulated category endowed with
a Serre functor. Then a semiorthogonal decomposition D = hD1 , D2 i induces a
semiorthogonal decomposition
Knum (D) = Knum (D1 ) ⊕ Knum (D2 ).
By this one means that one has a direct sum decomposition Knum (D) = Knum(D1 )⊕
Knum(D2 ) of free Z-modules, such that Knum (D1 ) is the right orthogonal to Knum (D2 )
with respect to the Euler pairing χD . Moreover (Knum (Di ), χDi ) ֒→ (Knum (D), χD )
are injective morphisms of free Z-modules endowed with nondegenerate bilinear
Remark 3.5. The semiorthogonal decomposition
Db (Q3 ) = hKu(Q3 ), OQ3 , OQ3 (1), OQ3 (2)i
is derived from the rectangular Lefschetz decomposition
Db (P4 ) = hOP4 , OP4 (1), OP4 (2), OP4 (3), OP4 (4)i
together with the spherical functor i∗ : Db (Q3 ) → Db (P4 ) induced by the divisorial
embedding i : Q3 ֒→ P4 . Again, see [22] for details. For later use, we explicitly note
that the rectangular Lefschetz decomposition we are considering on Db (P4 ) has
lenght m = 5 and that in going from the semiorthogonal decomposition of Db (P4 )
to that of Db (Q3 ) we ‘lose’ d = 2 terms from the exceptional collection.
Following [22] (see also the exposition in [30]) one can easily determine a more ex-
plicit expression for the Serre functor SKu(Q3 ) with respect to the somehow implicit
one given in Remark 3.1. We will use it in Section 5 to show that the Serre functor
SKu(Q3 ) acts as the identity functor on the spinor bundle of Q3 .
Notation 3.6. We write
OKu(Q3 ) : Ku(Q3 ) → Ku(Q3 )
for the rotation (or degree shift ) endofunctor of Ku(Q3 ) given by
OKu(Q3 ) : E 7→ τKu(Q3 ) (E(1)).
In our situation, m = 5 an d = 2, and so m−d = 3; therefore [30, Lemma 2.40] gives
that for any 0 ≤ n ≤ 3 one has OnKu(Q3 ) (E) = τKu(Q3 ) (E(n)). As an immediate
consequence we get the following particular case of [25, Example 2.2].
Lemma 3.7. The Serre functor on the residual category Ku(Q3 ) is given by
SKu(Q3 ) = O−3
Ku(Q3 ) [3],

Proof. The inverse Serre functor on Db (Q3 ) is S−1Q3 (E) = E(3)[−3] and so, by
−1 3
Remark 3.1, SKu(Q3 ) (E) = τKu(Q3 ) (E(3))[−3] = OKu(Q3 ) (E)[−3]. 

4. Point objects and numerical point objects

We now describe the numerical Grothendieck group of the Kuznetsov component
Ku(Q3 ) and determine an even codimensional numerical point object, i.e., a prim-
itive eigenvector for the numerical action of the Serre functor on it. We will see in
Section 5 that this numerical point object comes from an actual point object.

If A is a numerically finite triangulated category with a Serre functor S, then S

induces an isometry of Z-modules endowed with bilinear pairings
Snum : (Knum (A), χA ) → (Knum (A), χA ).
Definition 4.1. Let A be a numerically finite triangulated category with a Serre
functor S. Let [d] ∈ Z/2Z. A numerical class [E] in Knum (A) is called a codimension
[d] numerical point object if

Snum ([E]) = (−1)[d] [E].

The definition of numerical point object is motivated by Bondal-Orlov’s definition
of point object in a triangulated category with a Serre funtor, which we recall below.
Definition 4.2 ([9], Definition 4.1). Let A be a triangulated category with a Serre
functor S, and let d ∈ Z. An object E in A is called a codimension d point object if
(1) HomA (E, E) = C;
(2) HomA (E, E[n]) = 0 for every n < 0;
(3) SA (E) ∼
= E[d].
Since the shift functor acts as the multiplication by −1 on Knum (A), one imme-
diately sees that if A is numerically finite and E is a codimension d point object
in A, then the numerical class [E] is a codimension [d] numerical point object in

With these premises, we can now look for numerical point ojects in the Kuznetsov
component Ku(Q3 ). We will see in the next section that these numerical point ob-
jects come from actual point objects. The semiorthogonal decomposition Db (Q3 ) =
hKu(Q3 ), OQ3 , OQ3 (1), OQ3 (2)i induces a semiorthogonal decomposition at the level
of numerical Grothendieck groups, with respect to the (non-symmetric) Euler pair-
ing. Thus Knum(Ku(Q3 )) is naturally identified with the right orthogonal to the
three Chern vectors ch(OQ∋ ) = 1, ch(OQ3 (1)) = eH and ch(OQ3 (2)) = e2H in

ch H2 H3 ∼ 1 1
Knum (Q3 ) −→ Z ⊕ ZH ⊕ Z ⊕Z = Z⊕Z⊕Z ⊕Z
∼ 2 12 2 12

(see [15, 20]), with respect to the pairing induced by the Euler form χ on Db (Q3 ).
The Todd class of Q3 is
3 13 1
tdQ3 = 1 + H + H 2 + H 3 ,
2 12 2

hence we see that the matrix representing the Euler pairing with respect to the
Q-basis {1, H, H 2 , H 3 } of Knum (Q3 ) ⊗ Q is
 
1/2 13/12 3/2 1
−13/12 −3/2 −1 0
 
 3/2 1 0 0
−1 0 0 0
The right orthogonal to 1, eH , e2H is therefore determined by the equation
  
  1/2 13/12 3/2 1 a0
1 0 0 0 −13/12 −3/2 −1 0 a1 
1 1 1/2 1/6    = 0
 3/2 1 0 0 a2 
1 2 2 4/3
−1 0 0 0 a3
from which one immediately sees that a solution (a0 , a1 , a2 , a3 ) in Knum (Q3 ) must
be an integer multiple of the primitive lattice vector (2, −1, 0, 12 ). In other words,
if Knum (Ku(Q3 )) is generated by the Chern character of an object S, one must
have ch(S) = 2 − H + 12 H 3 . As we are going to see, this is precisely the Chern
character of the spinor bundle on Q3 .
Lemma 4.3. The numerical action of SKu(Q3 ) on Knum (Q3 ) is the identity. In
ch 2 3
particular, via the isomorphism Knum (Q3 ) −→ Z ⊕ ZH ⊕ Z H2 ⊕ Z H12 the lattice

1 3
vector 2 − H + 12 H is an even dimensional numerical point object.
Proof. Since Knum (Ku(Q3 )) ∼ = Z, the numerical action of the Serre functor has
necessarily to be the identity or minus the identity. From the identity
χKu(Q3 ) (v, SKu(Q3 );num v) = χKu(Q3 ) (v, v)
and the nondegeneracy of χKu(Q3 ) we see that SKu(Q3 );num = idKnum (Ku(Q3 )) . 
Remark 4.4. In higher rank situations, the existence of numerical point objects
in the Kuznetsov component is a nontrivial requirement. For instance, for index 2
Fano threefolds with Picard rank 1 this requirement singles out Y4 as the only case
where odd codimensional numerical point objects exist, and the double covering Y2
of P3 ramified over a quadric as only case with even codimensional numerical point
objects. Not surprisingly, the numerical point object for Y4 is the Chern character
2 − 1H + 12 H 3 of the spinor bundles. On the other hand, every primitive vector
in Knum(Ku(Y2 )) is an even codimensional point object. Indeed, the Serre functor
of Ku(Y2 ) is the composition of the shift by 2 with the involution τ of Y2 (see [22,
Corollary 4.6]) and the generator of the Picard group Pic(Y2 ) is pulled back from
P3 , and so is τ -invariant (see, e.g., [33]).

5. Spinor bundles as point objects

On an odd dimensional smooth quadric hypersurface Q2m+1 ֒→ P2m+2 one has
a distingushed rank 2m vector bundle, induced by the spinor representation of
so(2m + 3; C) associated with the quadratic form defining the quadric. This vector
bundle is called the spinor bundle and will be denoted as S. Similarly, on an even
dimensional smooth quadric Q2m ֒→ P2m+1 one has two nonisomorphic rank 2m−1
spinor bundles S + , S − , induced by the two half-spin representations of so(2m; C).
See [31, 24] for details. In what follows we will make use of various elementary

properties of spinor bundles on odd quadrics. We point the reader towards [31] for
complete statements and proofs.
Lemma 5.1 ([31], Remark 2.9). The Chern character of the spinor bundle S on
the quadric threefold Q3 is
ch(S) = 2 − H + H 3 .
In particular, we have Knum (Ku(Q3 )) = Z[S], where [S] is the numerical class of
Lemma 5.2. The spinor bundle S is an object of the Kuznetsov component Ku(Q3 )
Proof. We have to show that HomDb (Q3 ) (O(i), S[n]) = 0, for every i ∈ {0, 1, 2} and
every n ∈ Z. As O(i) and S are locally free sheaves on Q3 , this is equivalent to
H n (Q3 , S(−i)) = 0
for i ∈ {0, 1, 2} and every n ∈ Z. This is trivial for n < 0 and for n > 3, while for
0 ≤ n < 3 it is a particular case of [31, Theorem 2.3]. For n = 3 we argue by Serre
H 3 (Q3 , S(−i)) = H 0 (Q3 ; S ∗ (i − 3))∨
= H 0 (Q3 , S ∗ (i − 3))∨
= H 0 (Q3 , S ∗ (i − 3))∨
= H 0 (Q3 , S(i − 2))∨
= 0,
∼ ∗
where we use the isomorphism S = S(1) (see [31, Theorem 2.8]) and [31, Theorem
2.3] again. 
Lemma 5.3. The spinor bundle S on Q3 is a 0-codimensional point object in
Ku(Q3 ) in the sense of Bondal-Orlov [9].
Proof. We have to show that the three conditions from Definition 4.2 are satisfied.
The statements appearing in the first two conditions for the spinor bundle are
classical: since S is a locally free sheaf, we have
HomKu(Q3 ) (S, S[n]) = HomDb (Q3 ) (S, S[n])
= ExtnCoh(Q3 ) (S, S)
= H n (Q3 , S ∗ ⊗OQ3 S).
This immediately gives HomKu(Q3 ) (S, S[n]) = 0 for every n < 0, while for n = 0 it
is known that H 0 (Q3 , S ∗ ⊗OQ3 S) = C, see, e.g., [31, Lemma 2.7]. As far as the
third condition is concerned, by rotating the short exact sequence of vector bundles
0 → S → OQ 3
→ S(1) → 0
[31, Theorem 2.8] we obtain the distinguished triangle
4 4+1
OQ 3
→ S(1) → S[1] → OQ 3
Here OQ3 is an object in the triangulated subcategory of Db (Q3 ) spanned by
the eceptional collection (OQ3 , OQ3 (1), OQ3 (2)), while S[1] is an object in the
Kuznetsov component Ku(Q3 ). Hence the image of S(1) in Ku(Q3 ) via the trun-
cation functor τKu(Q3 ) : Db (Q3 ) → Ku(Q3 ) is S[1]. As the composition τKu(Q3 ) ◦

(OQ3 (1) ⊗ −) is the rotation functor OKu(Q3 ) for the Kuznetsov component, we
obtain OKu(Q3 ) (S) = S[1]. Therefore, Lemma 3.7 gives
SKu(Q3 ) (S) = OKu (S)[3] = S.

The following result is classical. We reprove by using the fact S is a point object
in the Kuznetsov component.
Corollary 5.4. The spinor bundle S is an exceptional object in Db (Q3 ) and so
(S, OQ3 , OQ3 (1), OQ3 (2)) is an exceptional collection.
Proof. We need to show that
C if n = 0
HomDb (Q3 ) (S, S[n]) ∼
0 if n = 0

As Ku(Q3 ) is a full subcategory od Db (Q3 ), by Lemma 5.3 we only need to prove

that HomKu(Q3 ) (S, S[n]) = 0 for n > 0. By Lemma 5.3 again, we have
HomKu(Q3 ) (S, S[n]) = HomKu(Q3 ) (S, SKu(Q3 ) S[n])
= HomKu(Q3 ) (S, S[−n])∨
= 0,
for n > 0. 

In order to exhibit a numerical stability condition on Ku(Q3 ) we will make use of

the following result.
Proposition 5.5 (Proposition 5.1.[4]). Let (E1 , . . . , Em ) be an exceptional collec-
tion in a triangulated category D, and let K = h{Ei }i⊥ ⊆ D be the correspond-
ing right orthogonal. Let σ = (A, Z) be a weak stability condition on D, and let
AK = A ∩ K. Assume D has a Serre functor S and that the following hold:
(1) Ei , S(Ei )[−1] ∈ A for every i ∈ {1, . . . , m};
(2) Z(Ei ) 6= 0 for every i ∈ {1, . . . , m};
(3) for any nonzero object F ∈ AK one has Z(F ) 6= 0.

Then (Z , AK ) is a stability condition on K.

We can now prove

Proposition 5.6. Let 0 < α < 21 . Then the weak stability condition (Zα,− 12 ,
Coh0α,− 1 (Q3 )) induces a numerical stability condition on Ku(Q3 ), whose heart is
Ku(Q3 ) ∩ Coh0α,− 1 (Q3 ).

Proof. We check that conditions (1)-(3) in proposition 5.5 are satisfied. As the weak
stability condition (Zα,− 12 , Coh0α,− 1 (Q3 )) is numerical, so is the induced stability
condition on Ku(Q3 ). The exceptional collection of Db (Q3 ) defining Ku(Q3 ) as
its right orthogonal is (OQ3 , OQ3 (1), OQ3 (2)), and the Serre functor of Db (Q3 ) is
SQ3 (E) = E(−3)[3]. So, we need to check that
(5.1) OQ3 (n), OQ3 (n − 3)[2] ∈ Coh0α, 1 (Q3 ), ∀n ∈ {0, 1, 2}.

For any n ∈ Z, the line bundle OQ3 (n) is slope stable and satisfies ∆H (OQ3 (n)) = 0,
∆H (E) = (ch1 (E)H 2 )2 − 2(ch0 (E)H 3 )(ch2 (E)H).
So from [4, Proposition 2.14] we have that O(n)[k] is both σH - and σα,− 21 -semistable
for every n, k ∈ Z. As O(n)[k] ∈ Coh(Q3 )[k], joint σH - and σα,− 12 -semistability
reduces checking (5.1) to checking the condition on the slopes from Remark 2.1. As

ZH (O(n)[k]) = −2n + 2 −1

Zα,− 21 (O(n)[k]) = (−1)k (α2 − n2 − n − ) + −1 α(2n + 1)
we see that for any n ∈ {0, 1, 2} and any 0 < α < 2 we have O(n) ∈ Coh(Q3 ) with
1 n2 + n + 41 − α2
µH (O(n)) = n > − , µα,− 12 (O(n)) = > 0,
2 α(2n + 1)
and (O(n − 3)[2])[−2] ∈ Coh(Q3 ) with
µH ((O(n − 3)[2])[−2]) = n − 3 ≤ −
n2 − 5n + 25 4 −α
µα,− 21 (O(n − 3)[2][−1]) = ≤ 0.
α(2n − 5)
Next, it is immediate that Zα,− 21 (O(n)) 6= 0 and Zα,− 21 (O(n−3)[2]) 6= 0 for any n ∈
{0, 1, 2}. Finally, to show that for any nonzero object F ∈ Coh0α, 1 (Q3 )∩Ku(Q3 ) we
have Zα,− 21 (F ) 6= 0, recall from Remark 2.2 that a nonzero object F ∈ Coh0α, 1 (Q3 )
with Zα,− 12 (F ) = 0 is a coherent sheaf supported in dimension 0. This implies
HomDb (Q3 ) (O, F ) = HomCoh(Q3 ) (O, F ) 6= 0,
and so F can not be an object in Ku(Q3 ). 

Next, we show that the spinor bundle S is σα,− 21 -semistable for the values of α as
in the statement of Proposition 5.6. To do this, we will use the explicit wall and
chamber structure of the (α, β)-half-plane, see [27, 7].
Lemma 5.7. (No-wall lemma) The (α, β)-half-plane contains no walls for the
truncated Chern vector ch≤2 (S) = 2 − H of the spinor bundle S on Q3 .
Proof. Let v = ch0 + ch1 + ch2 be a truncated vector in the Mukai lattice. By [27,
Corollary 2.8], if ch0 H 3 > 0 and F > 0, where
(ch1 H 2 )2 − 2(ch0 H 3 )(ch2 H)
F = ,
(ch0 H 3 )2
then every numerical wall for v intersects the vertical line β = β0 , where
ch1 H 2 √
β0 = − F.
ch0 H 3
If an actual wall exists, this must intersect this vertical line at some point (α0 , β0 )
and so, by definition of wall, there exists a pair (E, E0 ) of σα0 ,β0 -semistable objects

in Cohβ0 (X) with ch≤2 (E) = v, and E0 a subobject of E with µα0 ,β0 (E0 ) =
µα0 ,β0 (E). As

chβ1 0 (E)H 2 = ch1 H 2 − β0 ch0 H 3 = F ch0 H 3 > 0,
an α0 , this gives Im(Zα0 ,β0 (E)) > 0. The destabilizing short exact sequence for
(E, E0 ) and the additivity of Zα0 ,β0 then imply

0 < chβ1 0 (E0 )H 2 < chβ1 0 (E)H 2 = F ch0 H 3 .
√ truncated Chern character for the spinor bundle S is 2 − H. So β0 = −1 and
F ch0 H 3 = 2 and for any potentially destabilizing subobject E0 we get
0 < ch−1 2
1 (E0 )H < 2.

As β0 = −1 is an integer, ch−1 2
1 (E0 ) is an element of H (X; Z) = ZH, so we have
ch1 (E0 )H = n0 H for some integer n0 . Therefore, we obtain
0 < 2n0 < 2
which is clearly impossible. So no actual wall can exist for ch≤2 (S). 

Corollary 5.8. The spinor bundle S on Q3 is a Bridgeland semistable object in

Ku(Q3 ) with respect to the stability function Zα,− 12 , for any α > 0. Moreover,
S[1] lies in the heart Coh0α,− 1 (Q3 ) ∩ Ku(Q3 ) of Ku(Q3 ) with respect to the stability
function Zα,− 21 .

Proof. The spinor bundle S is slope stable (see, e.g, [31]), so it is is σα,β -stable for
α sufficiently big and any β by [4, Proposition 2.13]. Since there are no walls in the
(α, β)-semiplane (Lemma 5.7), we see that S is also σα,β -stable for any α, β. As
the shift preserves stability, also S[1] is both σH - and σα,β -semistable. We have:
√ 1
ZH (S) = 2 + 4 −1 and Zα,− 12 (S[1]) = −2α2 −
which yields (S[1])[−1] ∈ Coh(Q3 ) with
1 1
µH ((S[1])[−1]) = −≤− ; µα,− 21 (S[1]) = +∞
2 2
and so, by Remark 2.1, S[1] ∈ Cohα,− 21 (Q3 ). 

This suggests the following definition, of which the spinor bundle on Q3 is an

Definition 5.9. Let σ = (A, Z) be a numerical stability condition on a numerically
finite triangulated category D with a Serre functor S. A σ-semistable object E in
D is called a d-codimensional Bridgeland point object for σ if
(1) S(E) =∼ E[d];
(2) the numerical class [E] of E is indecomposable in the effective numerical
Cone Knum (DφE ) of DφE , i.e., in the image of DφE in Knum(D), where φE
is the phase of E with respect to the stability function Z, and DφE ⊆ D is
the associated slice.
Lemma 5.10. A d-codimensional Bridgeland point object is a d-codimensional
Bondal-Orlov point object.

Proof. Let E be a Bridgeland point object. The condition S(E) ∼ = E[d] is true by
definition, while the Hom-vanishing HomD (E, E[n]) = 0 for every n < 0 comes from
the defining properties of the slicing {Dφ }φ∈R associated to the stability condition
(A, Z). To see that HomD (E, E) ∼ = C we use that the slice DφE is a full abelian
subcategory of D and prove that
EndD (E) = ∼C

by a Schur lemma-type argument. The category DφE is abelian, hence for every
morphism f : E → E we have a short exact sequence
0 → kerφE (f ) → E → E/kerφE (f ) → 0
in DφE . From this we get
[E] = [kerφE (f )] + [E/kerφE (f )]
in Knum (DφE ). Since in presence of a numerical stability condition a semistable
object (i.e., an object in a slice Dφ for some φ) can not have zero numerical class
unless it is the zero object, the fact that E is a Bridgeland point object, and that the
stability condition σ is numerical, implies kerφE (f ) = 0 or kerφE (f ) = E. Arguing
in the same way for the image of f in DφE one concludes that f is either zero or an
isomorphism, i.e., that EndDφE (E) is a division ring. As we are working over the
algebraically closed field C, this implies EndDφE (E) ∼ = C. 
Remark 5.11. Since Z(Knum (DφE )) ⊆ Z(Knum (D)) ∩ R>0 eπiφE , one sees that if
Z(E) is indecomposable in Z(Knum(D) ∩ R>0 eπiφE , then surely [E] is indecom-
posable in Knum (DφE ). In concrete situations this often allows us to check the
numerical indecomposability condition in the definition of Bridgeland point object
via simple considerations on vectors in C.

The fact that S is an exceptional object in Db (Q3 ) can be equivalently stated by

saying that the Fourier-Mukai transform
ΦSMS →Q3 : Db (MS ) → Db (Q3 ),
where MS is the one-point moduli space consisting of the equivalence class of the
object S alone, is fully faithful. While this way of formulating the exceptionality of
S is surely an overkill, it allows us to see the use we made of the property of S of
being a point object in Ku(Q3 ) as a particular instance of the following Proposition,
which is a reformulation of [10, Theorem 5.1].
Proposition 5.12. Let X be an smooth projective variety, and let K be an admissi-
ble triangulated subcategory of Db (X) endowed with a numerical stablity condition.
Assume there exists a d-dimensional smooth projective variety which is a fine mod-
uli space Mv of d-codimensional Bridgeland point objects in AK ⊆ K of numerical
class v and let E ∈ Db (Mv × X) be the corresponding universal family. If for every
two nonismorphic objects Ey1 and Ey2 parametrised by Mv one has
(5.2) HomDb (X) (Ey1 , Ey2 [n]) = 0, for 0 < n < d,
ΦEMv →X : Db (Mv ) → Db (X)
is fully faithful.

Proof. Let Ey be the object of K corresponding to the point y in Mv . We have,

by definition of universal family, that Ey = ΦEMv →X (Oy ). Therefore, since K is a
full subcategory of Db (X), in order to show that the assumptions of [10, Theorem
5.1] are satisfied we need to show that
(1) for any point y ∈ Mv one has HomK (Ey , Ey ) = C;
(2) for any point y ∈ Mv one has HomK (Ey , Ey [n]) = 0 for any n < 0 and any
n > d;
(3) for any two distinct points y1 , y2 ∈ Mv one has HomK (Ey1 , Ey2 [n]) = 0,
for any n ∈ Z
Let Kλ ⊆ AK be the slice of K corresponding to the numerical class v. As the slice
Kλ is a full abelian subcategory of K, we have
C if y1 = y2
HomK (Ey1 , Ey2 ) =
0 if y1 6= y2
by the same Schur’s Lemma argument as in Lemma 5.10. By the properties of
slicings, one has HomK (Ey1 , Ey2 [n]) = 0, for any y1 , y2 in Mv and any n < 0. One
then concludes by Serre duality in K. 

Remark 5.13. Notice that the orthogonality condition (5.2) is empty if d ≤ 1.

That is, derived categories of d-dimensional moduli spaces of Bridgeland stable d-
codimensional point objects of K ⊆ Db (X) are automatically fully faithfully embed-
ded in Db (X) when d = 0, 1. Examples of this phenomenon are the 0-dimensional
moduli space of the spinor bundle on the smooth quadric threefold Q3 (consist-
ing of a single point), and the 1-dimensional moduli space of spinor bundles on
the intersection Y4 of two quadrics in P5 (which is a genus 2 curve). For d = 2
the orthogonality condition (5.2) reduces to the numerical condition χ(v, v) = 0.
This is notably the case for the numerical classes of a cubic fourfold W4 leading an
equivalence between the Kuznetsov component Ku(W4 ) and the derived category
of a (possibly twisted) K3 surface [1, 16, 3]

6. Stability conditions loathe phantomic summands

We will now show that the existence of a stability condition on a numerically finite
triangulated category D with a Serre functor automatically excludes the possibility
that D has a nontrivial orthogonal decomposition D = D1 ⊕ D2 such that one of the
two summands is numerically trivial. This fact will be used to prove the fullness of
the exceptional collection (S, OQ3 , OQ3 (1), OQ3 (2)) in Section 7. Most of the proofs
in this Section are straightforward and can be skipped; we will only write them for
the sake of completeness.

Recall that a semiorthogonal decomposition D = hD1 , D2 i is called orthogonal if

one has
HomD (E1 , E2 ) = 0
for any E1 ∈ D1 and E2 ∈ D2 . When this happens we write
D = D1 ⊕ D2 .
The following is immediate from the definitions.

Lemma 6.1. Let A ֒→ B be an admissible subcategory of the triangulated cate-

gory B. If A⊥ ⊆ ⊥ A, then the semiorthogonal decomposition B = hA⊥ , Ai is an
orthogonal decomposition.
An immediate application of [10, Lemma 3.4] gives the following.
Lemma 6.2. Let D = D1 ⊕ D2 be a orthogonal decomposition of a triangulated
category D. Then every object X in D can be decomposed as a biproduct X =
X1 ⊕ X2 , with Xi ∈ Di . Moreover, this decomposition is unique up to isomorphism.
From this, we obtain that t-structures are well-behaved with respect to orhogoanl
Lemma 6.3. Let D = D1 ⊕ D2 be a orthogonal decomposition of a triangulated
category D, and let hD≤0 , D≥0 i be a t-structure on D. Then
Di;≤0 = D≤0 ∩ Di , Di;≥0 = D≥0 ∩ Di
is a t-structure on Di for i = 1, 2.
Proof. One easily sees that
D≤0 = D1;≤0 ⊕ D2;≤0 .
Namely, an object X ∈ D≤0 ⊆ D can be written as X = X1 ⊕ X2 with Xi ∈ Di .
For any Y ∈ D≥1 one has
0 = HomD (Y, X) = HomD (Y, X1 ) ⊕ HomD (Y, X2 ),
and so Xi ∈ D≤0 for i = 1, 2. Similarly, one shows D≥0 = D1;≥0 ⊕ D2;≥0 . Defining
the truncation functor τi;≤0 : Di → Di;≤0 as the composition
τ≤0 i π
Di ֒→ D −−→ D≤0 −→ : Di;≤0 ,
where πi is the projection functor, and similarly for τi;≥0 , one sees that (Di;≤0 ,
Di;≥0 ) is a t-structure on Di .

Remark 6.4. In the setup of the above lemma, if A denotes the heart of hD≤0 ,
D≥0 i, one immediately sees that the heart of the induced t-structure hDi;≤0 , Di;≥0 i
is Ai = A ∩ Di . Moreover one has A = A1 ⊕ A2 .
Lemma 6.5. In the same assumptions as in Lemma 6.3, if the t-structure hD≤0 ,
D≥0 i on D is bounded, then the same is true for the induced t-structure hDi;≤0 ,
Di;≥0 i on D, for i = 1, 2.
Proof. From the definition of the truncation functors τi;≤0 , τi≥0 in the proof of
Lemma 6.3, and since the t-structure on D is bounded, for any Ei ∈ Di ⊆ D, we
τi;≥n (Ei ) = τ≥n (Ei ) = 0, for n >> 0
τi;≤n (E1 ) = τ≤n (Ei ) = 0, for n << 0
which shows that the induced t-structure on Di is bounded.

τi;≥n (E1 ) = τ≥n (E1 ) = 0, for n >> 0

τi;≤n (E1 ) = τ≤n (E1 ) = 0, for n << 0
which shows that the induced t-structure on D1 is bounded. 

Remark 6.6. By the argument in Lemma 6.5 we see that for any object Ei in Di ,
for i = 1, 2, we have
n n
HA i
(Ei ) = HA (Ei )
for any n ∈ Z, where A and Ai denote the hearts of the t-structures under con-
n n
sideration on D and Di , respectively, and HA : D → A and HA i
: Di → Ai are the
corresponding cohomology functors.
Definition 6.7. Let D be a numerically bounded triangulated category with a
Serre functor. We say that a triangulated subcategory Dphan of D is a phantomic
summand if
(1) there exists an orthogonal decomposition D = Dbody ⊕ Dphan ;
(2) for every object E in Dphan one has [E] = 0 in Knum (D). Knum(Dphan ) = 0.
Lemma 6.8. Let D be a numerically finite bounded triangulated category with a
Serre functor with a numerical stability condition. Then D has no nonzero phan-
tomic summands.
Proof. Let σ = (A, Z) be a numerical stability condition on D. Assume we
have a phantomic summand Dphan , and consider an orthogonal decomposition
D = Dbody ⊕ Dphan . By Lemmas 6.3 and 6.5, Aphan = A ∩ Dphan is the heart
of a bounded t-structure on Dphan . If E is a nonzero object in Aphan , then it is
a nonzero object in A and so Z(E) 6= 0. On the other hand, if E ∈ Aphan , then
E ∈ Dphan and so [E] = 0 in Knum(Dphan ) ⊆ Knum (D). As the stability condi-
tion σ is numerical, Z : K(D) → C factors through Knum (D) and so Z(E) = 0, a
contradiction. This means that Aphan = 0 and so Dphan = 0. 
Lemma 6.9. Let A be and admissible subcategory of the triangulated category B.
(1) A⊥ ⊆ ⊥ A;
(2) B is numerically finite and endowed with a Serre functor;
(3) B has a numerical stability condition;
(4) Knum (A) = Knum(B);
then A = B.
Proof. By Lemma 6.1, we have an orthogonal decomposition B ∼
= A⊥ ⊕ A, and so a

direct sum decomposition Knum (B) = Knum(A) ⊕ Knum (A ), by Remark 3.4. Our
assumptions give Knum (A⊥ ) = 0 and so A⊥ is phantomic. By Lemma 6.8, A⊥ = 0
and so B = A. 

7. Fullness of the standard exceptional collection on Q3

Proposition 7.1. The exceptional collection (S, OQ3 , OQ3 (1), OQ3 (2)) of Db (Q3 )
is full.
Proof. We have to show that hS, OQ3 , OQ3 (1), OQ3 (2)i is a semiorthogonal de-
composition of Db (Q3 ). By definition of Ku(Q3 ), we have a semorthogonal de-
composition hKu(Q3 ), OQ3 , OQ3 (1), OQ3 (2)i, and we know from Lemma 5.2 that
S ∈ Ku(Q3 ). Therefore all we have to show is that the inclusion hSi ֒→ Ku(Q3 ) is
an equivalence. Since hSi ֒→ Ku(Q3 ) induces an isomorphism between Knum (hSi)
and Knum (Ku(Q3 )), and since we have a stability condition on Ku(Q3 ) by Proposi-
tion 5.6, this is a particular case of Proposition 7.2 below, which is in turn a version
of [10, Theorem 5.4]. 

Proposition 7.2. Let X be an smooth projective variety, and let K be an admissible

triangulated subcategory of Db (X) endowed with a numerical stability condition.
Assume there exists a d-dimensional smooth projective variety Mv which is a fine
moduli space of d-codimensional Bridgeland point objects in AK ⊆ K of numerical
class v phase λ and let E ∈ Db (Mv × X) be the corresponding universal family. If
for every two nonismorphic objects Ey1 and Ey2 parametrised by Mv one has
HomDb (X) (Ey1 , Ey2 [n]) = 0, for 0 < n < d,

then the Fourier-Mukai transform ΦEM→X induces an equivalence Φ : Db (Mv ) → K

if and only if it induces an isomorphism Φnum : Knum (Mv ) → Knum(K).
Proof. Since Mv is a moduli space of objects in K ⊆ Db (X), the Fourier-Mukai
transform ΦEMv →X factors as

Mv →X

Db (Mv ) // K // Db (X),

where j : K → Db (X) is the inclusion. Namely, as K is admissible, to show that

ΦEMv →X (F ) ∈ K for every F ∈ Db (Mv ) we only need to show that

HomDb (X) (G, ΦEMv →X (F )) = 0

for any G ∈ ⊥ K. The Fourier-Mukai transform ΦEMv →X has both a left and a right
adjoint, see [10, Lemma 4.5], so
HomDb (X) (G, ΦEMv →X (F )) = HomDb (Mv ) ((ΦEMv →X )L (G), F )

But (ΦEMv →X )L (G) = 0 for any G ∈ ⊥ K. Indeed, for any y ∈ Mv we have

HomDb (Mv ) ((ΦEMv →X )L (G), Oy ) = HomDb (X) (G, ΦEMv →X (Oy ))

= HomDb (X) (G, Ey )
= 0,
since for every y ∈ Mv we have Ey ∈ K. As {Oy }y∈Mv is a spanning class for
Db (Mv ) this implies (ΦEMv →X )L (G) = 0 and so ΦEMv →X (F ) ∈ K.
Clearly, if Φ is an equivalence, then it induces an isomorphism between Knum (Mv )
and Knumv (K). Vice versa, assume that Φ induces an isomorphism between (Knum (Mv ), χDb (Mv ) )
and Knum (K), χK ), and denote by F the essential image of ΦEMv →X in Db (X). As
ΦEMv →X is fully faithful by Proposition 5.12, we obtain the diagram
Db (Mv ) −→ F ⊆ K ⊆ Db (X)

and we are reduced to showing that F = K. The subcategory K is admissible

by assumption, and F is admissible as the Fourier-Mukai transform ΦEMv →X has
both a left and a right adjoint, see [10, Lemma 4.5]. Therefore F is an admissible
subcategory of K, by Remark 3.3. Denote by ⊥ F and by F ⊥ the left and right
orthogonal of F in K, respectively. As we have a numerical stability condition on
K and Knum (F ) = Knum (K), in order to apply Lemma 6.9 we only need to show
that F ⊥ ⊆ ⊥ F . Let therefore F be an object in F ⊥ . As Ey is a d-codimensional

point object in K for every y ∈ Mv we have, for every integer k and for every point
y in M,
HomK (F, Ey [k]) = HomK (F, SK Ey [k − d]) = HomK (Ey [k − d], F )∨ = 0.
F ⊥ ⊆ ⊥ {Ey [k]}y∈Mv ,k∈Z .

Since {Oy }y ∈ Mv is a spanning class for Db (Mv ) and Φ : Db (Mv ) −
→ F is
an equivalence, {Ey }y∈Mv = {Φ(Oy }y∈Mv is a spanning class for F and so

{Ey [k]}y∈Mv ,k∈Z = ⊥ F . 

Remark 7.3. Proposition 7.2 can be used to show that the Kuznetsov component
Ku(Y4 ) is equivalent to the derived category of a genus 2 curve. Namely, all the
proofs given in the present article for the spinor bundle S on Q3 more or less ver-
batim apply to the spinor bundles on Y4 , to show that they are 1-codimensional
Bridgeland stable objects in Ku(Y4 ) with respect to the stability condition induced
by (Coh(Y4 )0α,− 1 , Zα,− 1 ). The only additional check one needs, besides the prop-
2 2
erties of spinor bundles on quadrics recalled or derived above, is showing that
the spinor bundles (and, more generally, spinor sheaves) on Y4 are objects of the
Kuznetsov component Ku(Y4 ). Since Ku(Y4 ) is defined as the right orthogonal to
the exceptional collection (O, O(1)) in Db (Y4 ), an argument like that of Lemma
5.2 proves that this is equivalent to showing that H n (Y4 ; S(−i)) = 0 for i ∈ {0, 1}
and every n ∈ Z. By definition, S is the restriction to Y4 of a spinor bundle over a
4-dimensional quadric Q4 containing Y4 (more generally, of spinor sheaf when Q4
is singular), and the required cohomological vanishing is then immediate from the
short exact sequence
0 → SQ4 (−2) → SQ4 → S → 0
and from the homological vanishing for SQ4 (−i). The genus 2 curve arises as the
moduli space of such sheaves. This is classical and due to Bondal-Orlov [9]: for
every point p in the pencil of 4-dimensional quadrics containing Y4 corresponding
+ −
to a smooth quadric Q4;p one has two non isomorphic spinor bundles SQ 4,p
, SQ4,p
whose restriction to Y4 gives two nonisomorphic spinor bundles on Y4 . This realizes
the moduli space of spinor bundles on Y4 as a double cover of P1 ramified over the
6 points corresponding to singular quadrics in the pencil, i.e., as an hyperelliptic
genus 2 curve. Results of Section 5 identify this moduli space with the moduli space
of Bridgeland stable objects in Coh0α,− 1 (Y4 )[−1] ∩ Ku(Y4 ) with Chern character
2 − H + 12 H 3.
Remark 7.4. The only missing ingredient in order to generalize Proposition 7.1
to an arbitrary n-dimensional quadric hypersurface Qn is the existence of a nu-
merical stability condition on the residual category of the exceptional collection
(OQn , OQn (1), . . . , OQn (n − 1)) in Db (Qn ). Of course, one knows from [18] that
one has a full exceptional collection
(7.1) (S + , S − , OQn , OQn (1), . . . , OQn (n − 1))
for even n and
(7.2) (S, OQn , OQn (1), . . . , OQn (n − 1))

for odd n, so that Ku(Qn ) is equivalent to the derived category of one or of two
points depending on the parity of n, and so it surely has numerical stability con-
ditions. But if one were able to prove a priori, i.e., without using the knowledge
of the full excepional collections (7.1-7.2), that there existed a numerical stability
condition on Ku(Qn ), one could use the constructions in this article to rediscover
the full exceptional collections (7.1-7.2).
Remark 7.5. Fano threefolds of Picard rank 1 are known to have stability condi-
tions ([26], preceeded by [28] for the particular case of P3 and by [32] for the case
of the quadric threefold Q3 considered in this article). We preferred not to use this
stronger result and only use the weak stability condition (2.1) on Db (Q3 ) to induce
a stability condition on Ku(Q3 ) following [4], as only a stability condition on the
residual category is relevant to the constructions in this article, and weak stability
conditions on the ambient category are much easier to have with respect to actual
stability conditions. For instance, (2.1) defines a weak stability condition on every
smooth projective variety, regardless of its dimension. It is therefore reasonable to
conjecture that, in principle, proving the existence of a numerical stability condi-
tion on a residual category of the form Ku(X) should be possible in many cases,
even without the presence of a true stability condition on Db (X). Hopefully, this
should apply for instance to the residual components Ku(Qn ) of smooth quadrics.
Remark 7.6. Another possible application of Proposition 7.2 is the follwing. Let
W4 be a smooth cubic fourfold, and let v be an indecomposable numerical class
in Knum (W4 ) with χW4 (v, v) = 0. Let σ be a numerical stability condition on
Ku(W4 ). Since Ku(W4 ) is a 2-Calabi-Yau category, i.e., SKu(W4 ) = [2], see, e.g.,
[22], we see that any σ-semistable object in AKu(W4 ) is a codimension 2 Bridgeland
point object in Ku(W4 ). If a fine moduli space Mv for σ-semistable object in
AKu(W4 ) exists which is a projective variety, it will be 2-dimensional. Indeed, the
numerical condition χW4 (v, v) = 0 and Serre duality for Ku(W4 ) give
hom(E, E[1]) = hom(E, E) + hom(E, E[2]) = 2hom(E, E) = 2,
for any Bridgeland point object of numerical class v, where we wrote hom(F, G)
for the dimension of the hom-space HomKu(W4 ) (F, G). So, by Remark 5.13 and
Proposition 7.2, if such a Mv exists then we have an equivalence
Db (Mv ) ∼
= Ku(W4 ).
In particular, Mv will be a K3 surface. See [1, 16, 3] for additional information on
this result.

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