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PAPER 1 Indicators to measure governance performance in integrated coastal management

PAPER 2 : Approaches and Progress Toward Effective Integrated Coastal Zone Management

PAPER 3 : Integrated Coastal and Marine Management Enters a New Era in Indonesia

An Assessment Task No.1 of the Course

MB 10 – Integrated Coastal/Marine Resources Management
2nd semester AY 2022/2023

Submitted by :
Markjohn J. Longos

Submitted to :

Teresita P. Senados, PhD

Professor 1


In this review paper, we will examine three articles that address key issues in ICRM. The first article,
"Indicators to measure governance performance in integrated coastal management" by Charles N. Ehler,
proposes a framework of indicators that can be used to measure governance performance in ICRM. The
author argues that effective ICRM requires good governance, and governance performance can be
evaluated using a set of indicators that cover a range of issues related to ICRM, including policy
development, stakeholder engagement, capacity building, and enforcement. Ehler proposes a
framework of 35 indicators that can be used to measure governance performance in ICRM, and he
suggests that these indicators can be used by coastal managers to assess the effectiveness of their ICRM

The second article, "Approaches and Progress Toward Effective Integrated Coastal Zone Management"
by Lawrence P. Hildebrand and Edward J. Norrena, provides an overview of the progress and challenges
associated with ICZM. The authors argue that ICZM requires an integrated approach that considers
ecological, economic, social, and institutional factors. They provide examples of successful ICZM
programs and highlight the importance of stakeholder engagement, capacity building, and adaptive

Finally, the third article, "Integrated Coastal and Marine Management Enters a New Era in Indonesia" by
Rokhmin Dahuri and Ian M. Dutton, provides a case study of integrated coastal and marine management
(ICMM) in Indonesia and highlights the importance of stakeholder engagement and an integrated

Overall, these three articles provide valuable insights into different aspects of integrated coastal
management, from the development of indicators to measure governance performance, to the various
approaches and progress towards effective management, and the development and implementation of
ICMM in Indonesia. Together, they provide a comprehensive overview of the key issues and challenges
in the field of integrated coastal management.

ll Explain why the work was done

The first article, "Indicators to measure governance performance in integrated coastal management" by
Charles N. Ehler, was written to address a gap in the understanding of how to measure the effectiveness
of governance in integrated coastal management (ICM). Despite the widespread implementation of ICM
initiatives, there has been little evaluation of their performance, and this article aims to provide a
framework for developing and using indicators to assess governance performance in ICM. The article
was written to help policymakers, practitioners, and researchers understand how governance
performance can be measured and evaluated in the context of ICM, and to provide guidance on the
development and application of indicators to assess the effectiveness of governance in ICM.

The second article, "Approaches and Progress Toward Effective Integrated Coastal Zone Management"
by Lawrence P. Hildebrand and Edward J. Norrena, was written to provide an overview of the various
approaches to integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) that have been developed and implemented
around the world. The authors note that despite the many approaches to ICZM that have been
proposed, there is still a lack of consensus on what constitutes effective ICZM. The article aims to
provide a comprehensive overview of the different approaches to ICZM and to highlight the progress
that has been made in implementing these approaches in practice. The article was written to help
policymakers, practitioners, and researchers understand the various approaches to ICZM and to identify
best practices for effective implementation.

The third article, "Integrated Coastal and Marine Management Enters a New Era in Indonesia" by
Rokhmin Dahuri and Ian M. Dutton, was written to highlight the development and implementation of
integrated coastal and marine management (ICMM) in Indonesia. The authors note that Indonesia is a
country with extensive coastal and marine resources, but these resources are under threat from various
human activities. The article aims to provide an overview of the key policy and institutional
developments that have supported the development of ICMM in Indonesia, and to identify some of the
challenges and barriers to its implementation. The article was written to help policymakers,
practitioners, and researchers understand the development and implementation of ICMM in Indonesia
and to identify opportunities for improving its effectiveness.

lll How was the work done (Procedure)

In the case of the first article, "Indicators to measure governance performance in integrated coastal
management" by Charles N. Ehler, the author developed a framework for developing and using
indicators to assess governance performance in ICM. The framework was developed based on a review
of the existing literature on ICM and governance, as well as on the author's experience working in the
field of coastal management. The author identified several key dimensions of governance performance
in ICM, such as effectiveness, efficiency, equity, and accountability, and developed a set of indicators
that could be used to measure performance in each of these dimensions. The author also presented
several case studies to demonstrate how the indicators could be applied in practice.

In the case of the second article, "Approaches and Progress Toward Effective Integrated Coastal Zone
Management" by Lawrence P. Hildebrand and Edward J. Norrena, the authors conducted a review of the
existing literature on ICZM and identified several different approaches that have been proposed and
implemented in different contexts. The authors analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of each
approach, and presented several case studies to illustrate how these approaches have been
implemented in practice. The authors also identified some of the challenges and barriers to effective
ICZM and provided recommendations for overcoming these challenges.

In the case of the third article, "Integrated Coastal and Marine Management Enters a New Era in
Indonesia" by Rokhmin Dahuri and Ian M. Dutton, the authors conducted a review of the policy and
institutional developments that have supported the development of ICMM in Indonesia. The authors
analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of the Indonesian government's approach to ICMM, and
identified some of the challenges and barriers to effective implementation. The authors also presented
several case studies to demonstrate how ICMM has been implemented in practice in Indonesia, and
identified opportunities for improving its effectiveness.

Overall, the methodologies used in these articles involve a combination of literature review and case
study analysis to develop and present insights and recommendations on the topic of integrated coastal

lV Summarize results

"Indicators to measure governance performance in integrated coastal management" by Charles N. Ehler:

 The article provides a framework for developing and using indicators to assess governance
performance in ICM.
 The framework identifies several key dimensions of governance performance in ICM, such as
effectiveness, efficiency, equity, and accountability.
 The author presents several case studies to demonstrate how the indicators can be applied in

"Approaches and Progress Toward Effective Integrated Coastal Zone Management" by Lawrence P.
Hildebrand and Edward J. Norrena:

 The article provides an overview of the various approaches to ICZM that have been developed
and implemented around the world.
 The authors identify the strengths and weaknesses of each approach and highlight the progress
that has been made in implementing these approaches in practice.
 The authors also identify some of the challenges and barriers to effective ICZM and provide
recommendations for overcoming these challenges.

"Integrated Coastal and Marine Management Enters a New Era in Indonesia" by Rokhmin Dahuri and Ian
M. Dutton:

 The article provides an overview of the policy and institutional developments that have supported
the development of ICMM in Indonesia.
 The authors analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the Indonesian government's approach to
ICMM and identify some of the challenges and barriers to effective implementation.
 The authors also present several case studies to demonstrate how ICMM has been implemented
in practice in Indonesia and identify opportunities for improving its effectiveness.

Overall, the three articles provide valuable insights and recommendations for improving integrated coastal
management practices, including the development of indicators to assess governance performance, the
identification of best practices for effective ICZM, and the analysis of policy and institutional developments
that can support the implementation of ICMM.

V Conclusions

The use of indicators to assess governance performance in ICM can help to identify strengths and
weaknesses in the implementation of coastal management policies and programs. Developing and using
indicators that measure different dimensions of governance performance can help to ensure that ICM is
effective, efficient, equitable, and accountable. While progress has been made in implementing ICZM
practices around the world, there are still significant challenges and barriers to effective
implementation. Identifying best practices and approaches to ICZM can help to overcome these
challenges and improve the effectiveness of coastal management programs. The development of policy
and institutional frameworks that support ICMM is critical for the effective implementation of coastal
management programs. By analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of existing policy and institutional
frameworks, it is possible to identify opportunities for improving the effectiveness of ICMM programs.

VI Recommendations

Coastal management practitioners should develop and use indicators that measure different dimensions
of governance performance to ensure that ICM is effective, efficient, equitable, and accountable. The
use of indicators should be integrated into the planning and implementation of ICM programs to provide
regular feedback on progress and identify areas for improvement. Governments and coastal
management practitioners should prioritize the development and implementation of best practices for
ICZM to overcome the challenges and barriers to effective implementation. Capacity building and
knowledge sharing among stakeholders can help to ensure that best practices are widely adopted and
implemented. Governments should prioritize the development of policy and institutional frameworks
that support the effective implementation of ICMM. Integrated approaches to coastal management that
involve collaboration and coordination among multiple stakeholders should be promoted and
implemented. Regular monitoring and evaluation of ICMM programs can help to ensure that they are
effective, efficient, equitable, and accountable.

B. Arguments

l. do you like the result of the studies?

Yes! Because the studies provide valuable insights and recommendations for improving integrated
coastal management practices. The studies identify challenges and barriers to effective implementation
and provide recommendations for overcoming them, which can help to ensure that coastal management
programs are more effective and sustainable in the long run.

C. Positions

Select two opposing findings from the above papers. Outline similar to the table below.
Opposing Findings Supporting statements

Positive Negative
The studies provide valuable The studies highlight significant
insights and recommendations for challenges and barriers to effective
improving integrated coastal implementation of integrated coastal
management practices, which can management practices, which suggests
help to ensure more sustainable that there is still much work to be done
and effective coastal management to ensure the success of these
programs in the future. programs.
D. Findings

State findings of the research paper.

Papers (Write the title of the Opposing ideas Qualifying Ideas
1. Some may argue that the use of While the use of indicators to
Indicators to measure indicators to measure measure governance
governance performance in governance performance in performance in integrated
integrated coastal management integrated coastal management coastal management can
may not accurately capture the provide valuable feedback and
complexity of coastal guidance to policymakers and
ecosystems and the various practitioners, it is important to
socio-economic and cultural recognize that indicators should
factors that influence their not be viewed as a one-size-fits-
management. all solution
2. Some may argue that the While the approach of
Approaches and Progress approach of integrated coastal integrated coastal zone
Toward Effective Integrated zone management (ICZM) may management (ICZM) may face
Coastal Zone Management not be effective in addressing significant challenges, it is an
the complex and dynamic important framework for
challenges facing coastal addressing the complex and
ecosystems. They may argue interconnected issues facing
that ICZM is too narrowly coastal ecosystems. ICZM can
focused on the conservation provide a comprehensive and
and management of natural holistic approach to coastal
resources, and may not management that addresses the
adequately address the social ecological, social, and economic
and economic factors that dimensions of coastal
influence coastal development development.
and management
3. Some may argue that the new While the new era of
Integrated Coastal and Marine era of integrated coastal and integrated coastal and marine
Management Enters a New Era marine management in management in Indonesia may
in Indonesia Indonesia may face significant face significant challenges, it
challenges and obstacles to its also presents a unique
success. They may argue that opportunity to address the
the lack of political will and complex and pressing issues
commitment, weak institutional facing the country's coastal and
capacity, and insufficient marine ecosystems. The
funding and resources may Indonesian government's
hinder the effective commitment to developing and
implementation of coastal and implementing a comprehensive
marine management programs. and integrated approach to
coastal and marine

State here your own conclusion of the above papers.

Based on my understanding of the three papers, it is clear that integrated coastal zone management
(ICZM) is a critical approach for addressing the complex and interconnected challenges facing coastal
ecosystems. While the success of ICZM depends on a variety of factors, including political will,
stakeholder engagement, institutional capacity, and resource availability, the framework provides a
comprehensive and holistic approach that can address the ecological, social, and economic dimensions
of coastal development.
The indicators proposed by Charles N. Ehler can help evaluate the effectiveness of governance
performance in implementing ICZM, while the case study of Indonesia's new era of coastal and marine
management highlights the potential benefits of implementing a comprehensive and integrated
approach to coastal management. Additionally, the article by Lawrence P. Hildebrand and Edward J.
Norrena provides a useful overview of different approaches to ICZM and highlights the importance of
collaboration and coordination among stakeholders.
Overall, these papers demonstrate the critical importance of ICZM in promoting sustainable coastal
development and highlight the need for continued research, innovation, and collaboration to address
the complex and pressing issues facing coastal ecosystems.

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