Big Write

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Memories come back

Early on 2004
The moon light fell on the water as the stars were shining bright and there they stood even
after all the years the questions still stood still and were unanswered. Years of being detectives
and yet there were many unsolved questions. As detectives they believed that they would be
able to solve the unthinkable and the impossible, but some things stay a mystery. It was years
ago a case which laid unsolved. The head officer of the district gave it to Torres and Gina who
had solved cases like no other they solved cases which no other detective came close to solving.
The case was of a 43 year old female, who was found buried under ground in the woods at the
back of a very well-known neighborhood. Her head was slit off and completely detached from
the body it was done in a brutal way and the body was decaying on some parts it was
unrecognizable by the family. The only way the body was recognized was by a tattoo she had of
a butterfly which symbolized years of struggle and hope which turned out okay. It looked as
though it had been there for days on end. The lady whose body was found was named lily she
worked a stable job, had no bad relations, friendly with all and a good work environment. The
question was why and who could have done such a thing? Torres and Gina looked through this
case several times over and over yet there was no answer. Their first suspect was lily’s boss
who later proved that she was never on bad conditions with her and they had a good work
relationship, she was also helpful to provide all emails and whatever information she could
about lily along with anything they needed to help with the case so much as to asking other
employees to also help in whatever way they could and however with even small details that
could possibly help them. Then her family and close friends who were put through a thorough
background check and investigation and were interrogated.

One night It was dark and late after multiple cups of coffee they wanted to give up as nothing to
the case was adding up as to who or why someone could have done it. It almost seemed like it
was a case where it was done for no reason and just another killing case without any intention.
They looked back at the case every detail. There was a large indent on the head with blood still
oozing out of it, the smell of the area as if it several rats had been decaying down there. Even
though the carcass had been down there it had been decaying horribly with maggots crawling
out of the eyes and insects all over the body. They read and went through each of the suspects
over and over again reading each and every word time after time making sure they didn’t miss
out on anything. Yet each time they couldn’t find out how nor were close. It had been a dead
end and was on their pile of cases which was a lost cause. Even after several tries nothing came
close to solving it nor was there any lead the case almost made no sense at all.

Present day 2016

Torres and Gina went for a walk during their off time Gina had to take a call so she stepped
aside. Not a minute later Torres got a call that her and Gina were needed at the district she
went to call Gina she couldn’t help but overhear normally she would wait a bit before saying
something but this time she didn’t because she heard the name lily so decided to stay and hear
the conversation. What she heard instantly gave her chills, Gina was talking about how the
money would be transferred and this would be the last transfer according to the lily case and
contract signed. She went back to where they originally were standing and Gina came back and
asked what was wrong as she could sense the tension. In complete shock Torres said they were
needed at the office as it was something important. Torres was in complete shock and had a
million questions running though her head. Days went by wondering why it had happened and
what it all meant whether it was about the actual lily case or it was all just a simple
misunderstanding. Something didn’t sit right with how she felt and it was starting to eat her up.
That day she decided to stay after hours to solve the case and was more determined than ever.
When Gina asked why Torres was staying she mentioned how there was some paper work that
the boss had given her last minute and would be late, Gina offered to stay but Torres assured
her she would be fine and let her know once she was home. Torres pulled out the case files and
findings and went through all the detailed over and over making sure she didn’t miss out on
anything. She went through all the interviews of the questionings. She looked up each and
every person one by one and found nothing. Until she got to the last file by the name Stacey,
but none of the details nor pictured matched which was evident that it was a fake identity. She
had remembered how this was the case file that Gina always handled and told her not to worry
about as she would take care of it. After hours and hours of searching the details of the file she
was able to find something, a girl in her late 30s by the name of Amy she decided to find the girl
and question her but she knew she had to be smart about it and knew she couldn’t go directly
and question her.

So for a week Torres followed Amy around to get some dirt on her but had no luck until one
night she found Amy in a sketchy street selling illegal substances to a bunch of people she
followed her and gathered pictures details and recordings of the scene and made sure to gather
as much evidence as possible. During this time lily grew suspicious as to where Torres was but
Torres told her she wasn’t doing well and when lily visited her all was good. She decided the
same evening to go visit Amy and question her she reaches Amy’s house knocks on the door
and Amy lets her in. she starts to question her and Amy denies everything saying she knows
nothing until Torres places all the evidence of her selling illegal substances and told her she
better start talking or will be put under arrest for drug possession. Amy started talking and told
her how lily asked Gina to cover up for the killing she had done and that in return she would
pay her for it and she made sure her real identity was not put on paper. After getting all the
details Torres was shocked to find out the reason why Gina killed lily they were family friends
Gina’s father was killed by people known to lily and it was a death which was unforgiveable nor
was anything done. As time went by Gina grew more and angrier over it and decided the only
fair was for someone to pay and decided it had to be lily knowing it was not right she still did it.
Torres got all this on recording along with paper work filled and evidence to back up that Gina
had actually done this along with more evidence to back everything up. After investigating Amy
she left and went home to only find Gina waiting outside her doorstep. As soon as Torres saw
her she didn’t move as Gina said to her I know you know what I did whether you choose to
report it or not is your call to make but I hope you know I did it with my sense of mind. A week
goes by and Torres returns back to work still not decided what to do whether to report Gina or
not considering it was murder and a crime. Work shift was almost over Torres decides to talk to
Gina about it and they have a long talk as to how and what Gina did Torres decided not to
report it knowing how bad it must have been for Gina. And yet after all these years Torres felt
more closer to Gina feeling like they were more closer as friends and finally the case had been
put to rest.

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