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IFS312E Essay – AS1 10% - Due 17 March 2023 – 9 a.m.

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• Before you begin your essay – make use of the following link to understand the essay writing
• You are encouraged to explore and use to understand how artificial
intelligence can assist in the essay writing process.
• You are to write an expository essay of 1000 words. The word count excludes your cover page
(which includes the title of your essay, your last name, and student number), contents page and
reference list.
• The essay needs to be formatted so that there are a clear introduction, discussion, and conclusion
sections for the essay.
o The discussion of the essay does not need to be titled Discussion but could have the relevant
headings chosen. The numbering of headings is required. The introduction is 1, thereafter
the headings are numbered sequentially. Subheadings will be numbered as such, e.g. 2.1.
Students are required to make use of the standard heading style sheet, that is, Heading 1,
Heading 2, … available in MsWord.
o Page requirements: margins (normal), spacing double, and font Calibri 12.
o Page Footer: Your last name (student number) & the page number
• APA referencing is to be used.
o You can use Quillbot’s citation tools, or you can complete the exercise using MSWord’s
citation tools.
o Here is a APA reference at the UFH library -
o Your reference list should include sources not dated older than 2019. Ensure you have used
the correct referencing style. Copying and pasting a website link is not accepted at University
• SafeAssign is active for your essay submission and the report is available after your submission has
been processed. Aim for a similarity figure below 20%. Rework your essay and resubmit, if needed,
as unlimited attempts are allowed till the due date/time.
o Do not simply copy a website from the Internet and try and pass it off as your own essay, If
you do so, then you are plagiarising, and the University has a strict policy on Plagiarism.
• No late submissions will be allowed either to Blackboard or via email, unless a Leave of Absence
(LOA) is in effect for this assignment.
• Use the Blackboard link Module Assessment  Assignment 1 to make your submission.
• Refer to the essay rubric to see what is expected for the assigned marks.
o Students who get a final mark below 50% will be given the opportunitiy to improve their
essay mark by making edits to their originally submitted essay, but will not receive a revised
mark greater than 50%.
o Students who submit identical or blatantly plagiarised essays will receive zero and be
reported to the Faculty Office for them to determine if academic disciplinary action is
The themes for your essay

Your essay needs to relate IS/IT Project Management to ONLY ONE of the themes below.

A list of potential themes include (but are not limited to):

 The impact of organisational culture on IT project success

 The importance of stakeholder engagement for IT project success
 The extent of top management engagement in IT project success
 The role of emotional intelligence in project teams/project management
 The value of technology tools for the project manager/project management
 The strategies for managing virtual IT project teams
 The balancing game between managing the project triple constraints (scope, cost, time) and the
quality of the end product
 The approaches available to mitigate IT project failure
 The characteristics of a successful IT project manager
 The importance and techniques for managing project scope of IT projects
 The importance and techniques for managing project scheduling of IT projects
 The strategies to motivate project team members on IT projects

Should none of the themes above be of interest to you, then you can select another ONE theme that
might be related to IT Project Management, which you want to write about.

Happy research and writing!

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