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 What is population growth?

 The annual increase in the population size is defined as a sum of differences: the
difference between births less deaths and the difference between immigrants less
emigrants, in a given country, territory or geographic area at a given year.
 Population growth is the increase in the number of humans on earth.
 Who is the person affected in population growth?
 Some people here in the Philippines Due to the growth of the population in a
country, there may be a shortage of the necessities of life such as food, water,
land, and others, and sometimes even become the main reason why people living
here 'migrate'.
 The continued growth of the population here in the Philippines is affecting the
way it gives people a reason to move to a country where they will have a better
standard of living.
 What is the possible solution?
 Implementing One child policy in the Philippines- This policy has been beneficial
in curbing population growth, helping economic growth and improving the health
and welfare of women and children.
 One of the possible solutions for this problem is family planning which is not only
about limiting the number of children but also about when the next pregnancy will
be, if possible three to five years apart, and other aspects of family planning such
as the use of natural and artificial family planning methods.
 Educate ourselves to prevent teenage pregnancy
 Advocate using contraceptive pills and condom

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