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Curriculum of my profesión

Profession: Architect

How do I know that I want to know that I want to be an architect?

I like to draw. As an Architect I have to capture on paper and in digital programs the
vision of what I am going to create.

I am creative.

I care about society.

I pay attention to the details.

I am interested in caring for the environment.

Where do I want to study my profession?

I am going to study at the National University of Chimborazo (UNACH) but to enter this
university I need to have a minimum GPA of 8.5.

How long is the study time of my profession?

This career has 9 semesters.

How many subjects son?

Quantitative Research Methodology. Qualitative Research Methodology. Commercial,

Labor and Tax Law. Fundamentals of Administration and Business. Community Design.
Commercial Design. Heritage architecture. Leadership and Competitiveness.

How many years?

Four and a half years


When I graduate, that will be in 8 months, I hope to graduate with good grades.

How much will I earn?

I investigated that the salary of an architect in Ecuador varies according to their

academic training: a graduate can earn from $500, a qualified architect from $800 and an
architect who has a fourth level degree from $1,200 per month.

The qualities that must have to be an architect are:

• Ability for manual work.

• Facility for freehand drawing.

• Capacity for analysis, synthesis and observation.

• Interest in the humanities (art, culture or sociology).

• Ability to build three-dimensional objects with various materials such as cardboard or


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